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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11450340 No.11450340 [Reply] [Original]

Can I count on you guys?
I have had a horrible month and I'm minutes away from ordering alchohol delivery...
Listen to me the shit I'm dealing with is serious

How do I calm down. My place is even a mess. I have some food to cook but I'm honestly so broken right now
I need some positivity right now

I have no pictures that can explain the situation
I am fucking dead on the inside. My soul is done
I have nobody else

Fuck I want to drink so badly right now

>> No.11450350
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I'm listening, fren

>> No.11450380

This will pass, deal with one moment at a time. You can't fix everything right now, and you can't fix anything by stressing about it, you're allowed to wait for tomorrow. I'm sorry, it's horrible, but I believe you'll get through it, I can see you're trying.

>> No.11450382

>it's a frog poster

hahaha whatever

>> No.11450387

wait wait wait wait

alcohol delivery?

>> No.11450389

Grab a notebook and a pen, or open word pad or whatever and just start writing out everything that you feel. Everything, just whatever thoughts and feelings come into your head. Put it all into words. Once you can't think of anything to write/type anymore, go take a walk for as long as you feel like walking (but make sure you can still get home in a timely manner)
Once you're home from your walk, sit down and sorting through what you wrote. Look for what's a valid feeling and what was anxiety crotch-kicking your psyche. This will start to clear your head and release some of the pressure so you can start tackling the real world problems that have accumulated from your headfuckery.
Once you've calmed down a bit, pick a room and start cleaning. Just divvy your mess up into manageable chunks. Clean one spot, move on to the next. If you get tired, finish the room your working on and start the next one tomorrow.
I feel you, I got pretty low a while back. I avoided my friends, my apartment was a pig sty, I could focus on anything long enough to care about it.
You've gotta just open the flood gate in your head and let all that shit pour out.

>> No.11450395

I don't know about OP, but around here we get leaflets through the door occasionally. It's basically just some guy with a mobile phone and a car full of booze, they hardly ever pick up.

>> No.11450401

My house is a mess
I have dishes everywhere
I haven't cleaned the bathroom/shower in weeks
I haven't cleaned the table properly in two months

My life is a mess and I have people in my life who control me and make my life a living nightmare
I am fucking drained of all energy..I am.falling quicker.into.that.dark place in your. Soul where there.is no.way out

My mind state is decreasing and going towards sucide. Two weeks ago I made the decision to end it and something stopped me a few days before but im.sitting here right now and im crying out somewhere anywhere because I have hit the lowest point in my life

My place is such a mess. I have food defrosting and I cant even get off the couch to cook.anything

I have tons and tons of dirty laundry in the basket
I am a fucking mess

>> No.11450403

>never pick up
They're probably drunk from their own trunk all the time

>> No.11450411

It has been this bad for.montha.and its getting.worse

This.must.have been the worst month of.my life
Ordering alchohol delivery
Aince.i.cant even get.up and go.to. the liquor store
I have no energy right now. Worst month I have ever had

If I write everything that has happened it would be dangerous for me and might present legal.issues. I am not able.to explain anything

>> No.11450422

postmates does this in my area

hella expensive and not worth it imo

>> No.11450427

>alcohol delivery?
Yeah, that favor app does it.
>Favor delivers beer and wine from select H-E-Bs and Central Markets in over 50 cities throughout Texas. Head to the Favor app or favordelivery.com and search “H-E-B Beer & Wine” or “Central Market Beer & Wine” to see if you can get alcohol delivered in your area.

>> No.11450428

Don't do it man. Have some pride. Fucking walk to the store and get your booze. Faggot

>> No.11450429
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You need to clean. I always feel like complete shit if my place is dirty. I hate it . It's like I have OCD but am too lazy to act on it so I just become miserable and uncomftorable in my own house. Break down what you have to clean into portions. Say dishes first, throwaway trash and start on the floors. Just do a half hour and see how you feel. I can feel drained of all energy but once I force myself to start I get more energy the more I move. Put on some favorite music. I've learned to do monotonous activities by getting lost in music. Half an album has passed and you've done serious work without realizing it. It's gonna take some hours to clean, but think about how much time your gonna feel like shit by wallowing in dirt? What is an hour of cleaning compared to feeling like shit 24/7?

Good luck

>> No.11450439

You imply I have any energy at all
You.imply.you know what has been happening to me

Cleaning won't solve.this shit

>> No.11450443

Don't write what happened, write what you're feeling. You don't have to show it to anybody just get out into words. If you're worried about it, delete it/burn it after.

>> No.11450449

>hey strangers on 4chan, talk me out of drinking
drink up then dumb fuck

>> No.11450458
File: 90 KB, 1000x564, Yeah+they+do+_d5eea92ea5bcff94a3ffc4145e3b10ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry fren. You kept stressing that your place was in disarray so I thought it would help to clean because you keep mentioning it

What has been happening to you exactly?

>> No.11450475

It's like you're fighting trench warfare with the most stubborn cunt in the world, and you have to be even more stubborn to just hold position. I don't know a winning strategy yet either, but the fact that you're even here tells me you're not going to give up.

>> No.11450481

I just ordered btw so i might be gone for a while
Delivery is one hour from now

Anyway. I have tried talking about this before ,this is some serious shit and, and, you know it is so fucking serious i cant discuss this in open to anyone
This is some horrible shit and i simply cant kkee[p reliving this shit by explaining it all over again
It has hit an incredible low for me right now and im done
my place is so fucked up right now, if you could see this mess...

my life is falling apart and i have never went through this before, im too old to have lost everything in my life
im not sure what i can do to change anything anymore

im losing it all

>> No.11450485
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The future is bright

>> No.11450490
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no, anon
the fact that i have visited /ck/ of all places and i never, post or lurk here says a lot
im fucking done and at the lowest point in my life

i have never been this deep in shit before, this trench is the worst i have been in my entire life
and like i said above, i am too fucking old to be going through this shit
oh, god energy is draining again and i cant speak anbymote
im done guys

>> No.11450499
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>The future is bright

>> No.11450514

Your local emergency number will redirect you to the right help if you call. I believe you can make it through, because you're trying. Have a glass of water anon.

>> No.11450519

cya l8r phone poster *winky face*

>> No.11450520

OP here, I called 911 but they said they don't deliver alcohol. I guess you got me, I was stupid for believing you. Way to kick me when I'm down

>> No.11450525

You may want to speak to some irl people, might as well make some people up in your head because we'll just be a 'temporary high' to your problem.

>> No.11450532 [DELETED] 

Have talked to.my.family about this before
Nobody.can help.me get through this shit and they dont know how bad it.is

I'm worried about explaining though since this is painful to explain

>> No.11450534

op, you could describe the problem in general terms

>> No.11450536

Call the suicide hotline OP. Sound alike you need someone to talk to that's not fucking 4chan. It is confidential. If you're in the US the number is one eight hundred 27three 825five

>> No.11450537 [DELETED] 

What's hilarious is I told.myself today.ill do something else

I'll stop thinking about it
I'll stop... but it's only getting worse
The other people torture me but they probably dont think twice about it nor do they care about what they do to me

>> No.11450542

I went to Little Caesars for a hot n ready pizza and they were out, and then I stepped in gum

>> No.11450544

Dont need to since that's not going to happen anyway
.I'm not going to kms
I'm just going to suffer on my own

>> No.11450551

Literally nothing to explain since nobody will believe me anyway

>> No.11450556

Well you're reaching out to right now so I don't think you really want to be alone. Obviously we aren't going to have any answers for you but if you want to talk about things I'm at least here and it seems like a few other anons are too

>> No.11450563 [DELETED] 
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Anyone willing to discuss on discord

>> No.11450589

Start cleaning something. Clean off a section of counter, a sofa, a part of a room or whatever. Once you get that spot clean keep it that way and slowly work on cleaning other areas. Maybe even designate an area to be your dumping ground where you put shit but don't know what to do with it right away. Start small and take small steps

I tend to let my house get into a huge mess and start a huge quarterly home cleaning, starting with one room at a time. I enjoy cleaning and it feels so rewarding to take a messy room and turn it into a cover page picture for a interior design magazine.

Go put your laundry in the washing machine right now Anon!

>> No.11450594

Fuck off, al/ck/ fags.

>> No.11450596

Post it anyways.

>> No.11450619

And now i.feel.sick

Been drinking

I.feel really sick

>> No.11450624

Drink a lil more, it'll get better

>> No.11450628

Stop drinking

>> No.11450641

Don’t tell us the problem

>> No.11450646

Don't forget to drink water

>> No.11450648

here's ur alcohol award. wow. much alcohol. wow. such braggin to 4chna about drinking alone on a friday night

>> No.11450651

what u drinkin bruh?
I'm drinking Bell's winter white

>> No.11450668

i cant say it, it is serious enough that, lets just say its serious and its driving me mad

i needed to drink but now i feel even worse and i fell like shit, this was a mistake, fuck
i feel so sick now and i just finished it all

>> No.11450671

don't worry, you can call and they'll deliver more

>> No.11450675

Whatever you do, don’t tell us the problem

>> No.11450686

>I need help
>"what's going on"
I hope you die OP.

>> No.11450705

Its serious enough that I demand privacy in this case.

Also. I feel so much better right now..yes it sucks but right now.is.me. and I can do what i want

So I'm going to.sit.on the cough
Pass out. And play video games as best as.i still can

Fuck the haters!!!
It's going to be alright eventually right
I hope.i never, never remember this situation years in the future when everything has changed

Fuck. I feel good now

>> No.11450713
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>> No.11450762


>> No.11450770

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/20230259