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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11449153 No.11449153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is cooking a male or female thing?

>> No.11449159

first post

>> No.11449161


>> No.11449162
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Boy thing. Girls stink

>> No.11449165

Doesn’t matter. I’ll sound like a sexist but all the men I know cook better than females with the exception of my grandmothers. Old women are absolutely top tier

>> No.11449166

Everybody gotta eat.

>> No.11449167

Cooking is a human thing, retard

>> No.11449174

do soyboys count as women or men?
female if so

>> No.11449188

Cooking is a useful skill for everyone to have.
If you really want to make it a gender thing, more girls cook at home for their family and more boys cook as professionals and to attract girls.

>> No.11449196
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What's soy boy?

>> No.11449205

He meant soi boi

>> No.11449213

Around the world, more women can cook. Except in developed countries... most white women can't cook worth shit.

>> No.11449251

Cooking is gender neutral
But cooking for someone is submissive, you should always have your woman cook food for you

>> No.11449257

White women are by far the most privileged class in the world.

>> No.11449278

>t. Never lived alone

>> No.11449281

It's a human thing. Anyone who can't prepare a basic meal for themselves is not a fully functioning adult regardless of what chromosomes they're packing.

>> No.11449294
File: 64 KB, 599x595, White Women Logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most white women can't cook worth shit

Most modern white women can't do math, can't cook or clean, but they do complain alot though.

>> No.11449390

i agree with this. roasties in current year are useless though.

>> No.11449467

Don't call yourself a man if you can't even cook for yourself you goddamn degenerate soyboy.

>> No.11449470

>cooking for someone is submissive
What kind of retarded shit are you smoking, lad? It's neither dominating nor submissive, it just shows you love them.

>> No.11449478

People are 4chan are really fucking stupid and have some fucked up notions of what a man should and shouldn't do.

>> No.11449486

Men outside of 4chan don't care about anything other than a warm hole. So women have no incentive to learn how to cook or any other domestic skills.

>> No.11449491

Cooking is fun

>> No.11449496

>cooking for someone is submissive

This is what living in California teaches you? Talk about a warped culture.

>> No.11449498

Pretty much, yeah. Not even close to a feminist but our male ancestors would weep for this current generation who doesn't know how to do anything but slam something in the microwave.

>> No.11449514

I mean either or... But as with pretty much anything the best of the best will always be mostly men... I think alot of young women can't cook to save their lives.... I think it's almost a rejection of traditional gender norms, so women childishly view it as an opressive skill rather than a useful one.

>> No.11449518

It's a human thing.

>> No.11449520

If people from 4chan lived in the time we were still hunting, they would be asking if it's submissive to hunt for someone else. I don't want to become a gay faggot anon! My wife is not even hunting for me anymore, she's such a lazy fat bitch!

>> No.11449528

Name one famous female chef

>> No.11449536

julia child

>> No.11449537

Paula Deen and that girl with the titties and big head

>> No.11449538

my wife can’t really cook.
she can make 1 - 2 things that only she will eat, but she can’t make a complete family meal for everyone.
not saying i’m a great cook either though, but i make just about all of the meals

>> No.11449550

I'm a male that has worked in a handful of professional kitchens, currently rents a booth at a spa/salon- which rakes in the bank btw, and I'm starting classes next semester to earn a welding certificate.

Quit gendering activities and just pursue the ones that interest you.

>> No.11449555

that girl with the titties and big head is the first one that came to mind for me

>> No.11449608


>> No.11449611

gender is a social construct
so either way, cooking is also a social construct

>> No.11449624

Its a girls thing, but like usual men just do it better. Even fags are better than girls at being girls, if a man enjoys cooking then he's gonna be objective and methodical so he'll actually learn to do it right

>> No.11449831


>> No.11450665

Society is a social construct

>> No.11450673

t. Single

>> No.11450680


>> No.11450685

Social constructs are good.

>> No.11450696

>thinking this is true

>> No.11450712

What part do you believe to be untrue?

>> No.11450733

Do people actually give a fuck about inane matters such as this?

>> No.11450739

>ywn suck this roasties titties

>> No.11450776

it’s a generalization of all women being inferior to men so it’s fake and gay

>> No.11450856
File: 450 KB, 485x829, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.51_[2018.09.22_20.56.00].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you mean by that. Both me and my bf cook.

>> No.11450870

4chan is the place to give a fuck about minor, specific things

>> No.11450872


Depends to which degree it's refined. As an artform and profession it's a mans world. Always has been, always will be. As a hobby or duty to ones spouse for being a productive member of society, it's womens work. If a man winds up in the position of homemaker (some how) he is to play the female role and tend to the domestic duties.

>> No.11451433

cooking is both
baking, though, is very much a female thing

>> No.11451437

Men create women copy

>> No.11451442

As with everything except those which they are physically limited from partaking (childbirth), men are better at everything.

>> No.11451480

They're neutral. They're shaped by society.

>> No.11451983

Men do the cooking, women do the cleaning

>> No.11451998


>> No.11452010

Different kinds of cooking. Men would hunt and women would gather. Men would come back with an animal and cook it, women might cook potatoes or process grains and bake. They'd also have to feed kids

>> No.11452105

Women are inferior though....

>> No.11452118

>is cooking a male or female thing?

It's a non-gendered activity, ideally anybody should know how to or be able to cook.

Though, like literally any craft or trade: men are typically better at cooking than women.

>> No.11452139


>> No.11452173

It's a female thing but males do it better

>> No.11452385

why does that battle toad have writing on him?

>> No.11452408

Men are better at everything. However cooking is mostly a woman's job because men are doing important work. The worst thing that can happen if she fucks it up is the food won't be very good. Way more harmless compared to what could happen if you let her do something important

>> No.11452432

Neither. Cooking is a wonderful thing and everyone should be able to experience it.

>> No.11452434

>implying there's only two genders
Get with the times, grandpa.

>> No.11452437

>Not grandxir
Decolonize your language shitlord

>> No.11452449

Two genders.
Two terms.
Two scoops.
Deal with it.

>> No.11452451


This. All famous and revolutionary chefs have been men.

>> No.11452464

>men are the best at eveything in a patriarchy where the men are judge and jury
Surprise, surprise!

>> No.11452531

So no women got it

>> No.11452546

>cooking well

>> No.11452606

Cant argue with this

>> No.11452608

Doing something well is a male thing. Chores are a women thing.

>> No.11452611


>using the word patriarchy unironically

>> No.11452623

Nah, men do it better. Baking is a female thing though

-coming from a female

>> No.11452628

men who actually try to bake are better than women. there's literally nothing women are actually good at except making babies, sort of

>> No.11452650

If you see a Jewess behind the counter at a restaurant. Run your red blooded American ass out of there.

>> No.11452654

Hope you get banned for being a faggot.