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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 650x499, bananamayonnaisesandwich1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11446610 No.11446610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: things white people eat

ill start with banana and mayo sandwiches

>> No.11446644
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>> No.11446669
File: 17 KB, 246x138, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard white people don't wash their meat.. is it true? because if it is im not eating at any white persons house again - period.

>> No.11446672

they dont and then they wonder why they keep getting cancer

>> No.11446693

we get cancer when we really want to get away from niggers.

>> No.11446703

>washing meat prevents fucking cancer
jesus christ the nigger logic.

heres a hint, savages. If its not mashed up and served on a banana leaf, it was probably invented by white people. If you eat it with utensils instead of your hands, cook it with natural gas instead of on coals of dung, or eat it off of actual plates instead of the bottom of a monkey skull, thats "white people food lol". youre welcome, niggers.

>> No.11446709

I tried the elvis sandwich twice. the first time i made it wrong, it apparently doesn't have jelly/jam on it.
second time it was bacon, peanut butter, banana, bread. liked the first one more, the sweetness layer of jelly kept the peanut butter from sticking to the roof of my mouth

>> No.11446714


Throw peanut butter bacon and pickles on there and either fry it or at least toast the bread. You’re welcome.

>> No.11446719


Fuckin based. I’m black and that’s actually pretty good shit talk. For a white boi.

>> No.11446736

Uhhh..... what? You realize heat kills bacteria, right? Also that washing the meat would literally wash out a lot of flavor from the juices inside the meat.

Please tell me this is a troll.

>> No.11446737
File: 477 KB, 511x516, 1540091001834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this triggered from a b8 thread

>> No.11446777

you season the meat after you wash it
heat doesnt kill all bacteria for certain and if you dont wash it you get a foul aftertaste but you might not notice if you just been eating it that way forever

>> No.11446802

Stupid fucking wogs. Do you really think washing meat deters cancer? Meanwhile you GODDAMN NIGGER CUNTS probably don't clean your fucking sinks after """"""washing"""""" the chicken for your MMM MMMYESSIR 2+2=FRIED CHIKKKEN and end up with goddamn salmonella because you are TOO FUCKING IGNORANT TO COME INSIDE OUT OF THE FUCKING RAIN

>> No.11446869
File: 122 KB, 735x850, 1523093629534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might be mentally handicapped, or possibly autistic. No type of seasoning is going to give the flavor back of the meat's juice. Maybe you've just ruined your palate and tongue by washing your meat and then adding a shit ton of seasoning to it to make it taste like a good piece of meat.

I guess I can't blame niggers for being so stupid and poor that they think they need to wash the chicken meat to keep themselves from diseases, yet you idiots didn't realize its something else causing your disgusting diseases.

>> No.11447102

Of course we wash our sinks. And Ive never had salmonella or any illness from black people's houses... white people houses on the other hand...

>> No.11447121

Damn son you have a lot of anger inside.

>> No.11447132

some people get very angry at the thought of a black person using the internet.

>> No.11447154

all blacks absolutely btfo

>> No.11447159

oh yeah well at least we can read

>> No.11447201
File: 72 KB, 833x640, 1523865809981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. You niggers are actually serious. You really wash your meat. I think I'm gonna die laughing.



>> No.11447220

>banana and mayo sandwiches
You should know that southerners aren't really people.

>> No.11447224
File: 6 KB, 253x199, goncern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another wh*t* boy that doesn't wash his meat
literally lmaoing so hard rn

>> No.11447230

Oh yeah? Well, I had sex with your wife last night!

>> No.11447241

how did I miss this thread
oh yeah that fucking mod captchaing me
you'll be raped by the spreading darkness soon enough

>> No.11447246
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 1523726939985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you such a scared faggot that you feel the need to wash your meat? I mean, for being niggers its pretty uncanny that you're all so scared of germs, you realize you're niggers right? You are germs yourself. Or are you so stupid you think the "slime" stays on after you cook it. Are you so retarded you also think that it doesn't cook out all the bacteria, yet somehow water is going to magically wash that away?

>> No.11447251

the hottest peppers in the world unironically

>> No.11447270
File: 17 KB, 443x332, 1539748551944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads. Only murican whites get triggered and shitskins think all whites are muricans with shit taste and no culture.
>Laughs in slav

>> No.11447271

Oof look at this mayo mfer, he didn't wash his meat and how he's sick and rage has taken over him
My white gf and I will pray for you brother.

>> No.11447274

>he thinks this shit is real
The one guy thats super mad is real but eveyone else is shitposting

>> No.11447275

This nigga washing his steak before eating it and still trying to talk shit

>> No.11447278

>eating steak
The only thing I eat is pussy fag

>> No.11447289

THIS RAcism is killing me
I almost choked laughing

>> No.11447302
File: 17 KB, 333x284, 1534971942578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao, didn't realize I was talking to an infant. Fun fact, you don't get sick eating cooked food, dipshit. You're so cute, my fuck buddies (the asain one tonight) are praying for you. We're laughing at how stupid niggers are. I mean, even my fb is laughing because her parents love eating balut. Imagine being so scared of getting sick because your immune system is so weak that wouldn't even eat a piece of cooked meat. Let alone something like sushi.

>> No.11447303

>choking on laughter
lmao only thing I choke on is cock

>> No.11447307

Damn bro looks like I won this round. Try running your shit through a spell checker next time.

>> No.11447337
File: 143 KB, 625x773, 1523703512648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, I actually saw it and didn't bother changing it because why bother trying for a nigger?

>you've made a spelling mistake I've won the debate and all logic or reason means nothing now

Would expect as much from a nigger xDDD

>> No.11447342

lmao you got me :DDD I really am just a nigger after all

>> No.11447373
File: 48 KB, 680x593, IdontCareIllSayIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, if you're imply your sarcastically trying to imply your skin in not black, that still doesn't, not, make you a nigger.

>> No.11447391
File: 151 KB, 480x423, 4216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going Master, call me subhuman scum make me learn my place

>> No.11447424

I'm white and I wash all my meats before cooking except those that are ground.

>> No.11447436

>Whites fucking gooks.

I'm white and i'm disgusted.

>> No.11447539

Enjoy cancer my man, betchu your white ass uses non stick pans too.

>> No.11447562
File: 1.28 MB, 3256x1053, white ppl food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]