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File: 111 KB, 500x375, yerba_mate_herbal_tea[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11433815 No.11433815 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here drink this stuff? What is it like and how does it compare to standard tea and coffee?

>> No.11433816


>> No.11433819

I prefer my drink to be liquid

>> No.11433824

I've only seen people from strange subcultures drink this shit, like my old guitar teacher from high school.

He was a dude who smoked a shit ton of weed and spent all of his money on fancy teas and raw denim.

>> No.11433831

>Bland and bitter
>Scaldingly hot
>Super high caffeine
>requires a weird cup to drink authentically

All in all I remain unimpressed. It's best added to a tisane to combine flavor and caffeine.

>> No.11433838

>fancy tea
>raw denim
>at work
>that gives full benefits
Sounds so fucking comfy.

>> No.11433851

and someone who I hope to one day emulate.

>> No.11433852

it's like tea
tastes like grass imo
it's not weed
it's mate, it's a traditional herbal drink from south america
it used to be that way but now it's popular with the health food crowd
they sell it in pretty much every grocery store now, it's in the tea or the health food section, and the guayaki bottled stuff is with the chilled drinks
>to drink authentically
you don't even have to do that anymore
I know a coworker that's into this stuff and he has an actual gourd and straw, but there's silicone gourds you can get, and desu a lot of people are just brewing it with a french press

>> No.11433868

It still has zero actual taste, just bitter.

>> No.11433875

There are a couple that I have seen that are flavored though I doubt it takes the bitter edge off. I have also seen people adding honey agave nectar or whatnot to it to help cut down on the bitterness.

>> No.11433876

>bitterness is not a taste
t. american sugar water drinker

>> No.11433887

>>bitterness is not a taste
>t. american sugar water drinker

Bitterness is not a good taste

>> No.11433906

Allow me to correct myself.

It has no FLAVOR, it just tastes bitter.

And I don't drink soda.

>> No.11433917

Argie in japan, have my own yerba. AMA

>> No.11433926

what is it like? How does it make you feel in comparison to coffee or other teas? How is it prepared?

>> No.11433934

Argie here.

Is like a bitter tea with a lot of benefits but the main reason for it to exist is social: If you're on a group you all geto together with the excuse of sharing one, if you're alone, the mate and thermos will keep you company and keep you entertained

>> No.11433966

Argie, Does drinking it from one of the wooden cups or bowl things have any benefit than using a french press?

>> No.11433975

it taste like bitter tea, but if you add sugar its sweet. you have to pour some hot water into the leave while their in the cup, the straw has a filter so you can only drink the water and not suck in leaves. you can keep refiling the water, which makes it great for an afternoon or lazy morning.
In short, taste like tea but caffeine as strong as coffee.

>> No.11433995

>silicone gourds
>brewing it with a french press
This is absolutely disgusting

>> No.11433998

.How to Cure a Yerba Mate Gourd

How to Prepare Yerba Mate Like An Argentine

I season my gourds with vegetable oil over night and dry it with a towel

>> No.11434003

Is that a pipe? You smoke this shit then? Why not just smoke weed, or hash, or crack? Prolly a better buzz and all, right?

>> No.11434008

Bombiila = straw

>> No.11434048

I enjoy sobriety, OP. Tea and coffee have caffeine, which is more of a stimulant. Cannabis is more of a psychoactive hallucinogen.

>> No.11434064

I don't blame you, he was a true homie. He had perfect pitch and was amazing at guitar and all sorts of old string instruments I don't care to remember. I was a loser so I ate lunch with him in high school.

>> No.11434101
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>> No.11434111

If you're consuming it at a high enough dose it can be considered a hallucinogen.

>> No.11434117

This guys right, it is a hallucinogen (and addictive) with the high amounts of thc in weed nowadays.

>> No.11434159

Are you guys getting your information from Jeff Sessions or what?

>> No.11434187
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>> No.11434193

I think you are confusing the word hallucinogen to a psychedelic in your mind.

>> No.11434199

"Psychedelics, also known as psychedelic drugs, hallucinogens, or hallucinogenic drugs are chemical substances which induce hallucinations and other sensory disturbances. "

So, yeah. You guys are getting your info from the Sessions School of pharmacology.

>> No.11434205

A hallucinogen is a psychoactive agent which can cause hallucinations, perceptual anomalies, and other substantial subjective changes in thoughts, emotion, and consciousness. The common types of hallucinogens are psychedelics, dissociatives and deliriants.

>> No.11434207

brazilian here.

Are you talking about chimarrão (hot yerba mate) or terere (cold yerba mate)?

I fucking hate hot mate, it tastes like shit and burns your mouth/throath but I love cold mate.

During summer I drink at least 2L of mate everyday. You can put lemon, mint or eucaliptus to the water but I prefer only the mate.

>> No.11434216


Are there any particular brands that are considered the above the average stuff on the market? I would like to try it but do not want to end up with something shit tier.

>> No.11434221

Weed is about as hallucinogenic as alcohol

>> No.11434240
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>> No.11434260

The first time I had a brownie I saw Satan.

>> No.11434276

Sounds like you were already crazy.

>> No.11434295

If you brew a really concentrated batch of this stuff you can get nice buzz

>> No.11434328

I'll say straight up that mate fucking destroys all my bad allergies. Let me tell the story because it is funny. I took an herbal supplement, that had mate in it. It was supposed to energize me like coffee, it didnt. It made me taste and smell better. I look at ingredients. Mate tea was right up there in upper amounts. That is all.

>> No.11435068
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>> No.11435094
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This guy looks pretty white for an Argentinian. Do you think he really knows the traditional m8 preparation method?

>> No.11435102

what is yerba mate
is it like coffee mate?

>> No.11435126
File: 1.21 MB, 466x251, dopeassshitnigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf u drinkin ganaria for?

>> No.11435173
File: 732 KB, 2304x1728, Ruinas-saomiguel13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end yerba mate was slain with the reductions in the 1760s. It could have been a viable colonial product competing with tea and was making inroads on the European markets at the time, but it was destroyed alongside the Jesuit order by the Portuguese (backed by the English, who had just started to dominate the tea trade) and Spanish (whose hand was forced but they got a consolation prize in getting to steal from the church, something any secular monarch will agree on).

>> No.11435188

not that shit, but I drink my own tea made from legal herbs and herbal teas that get you kinda high. not as good as the real thing but better than nothing.

>> No.11435261

Speak for yourself, faggot

>> No.11435268

No. I speak for you. Sit down, and shut up.

>> No.11435753

>>Bland and bitter
It is bitter if you dont add any sugar. Bland? How the fuck is it bland?
>>Scaldingly hot
It's not the drink's fault that you are serving it at 100 degrees instead of 75. That could explain why you say it is so bitter, you are scalding the yerba.
>>Super high caffeine
Wrong unless you drink a fuckton, like any other infussion.
>>requires a weird cup to drink authentically
You dont need a gourd, a small cup is fine. Or mate cocido, which is a thing.
>All in all I remain unimpressed. It's best added to a tisane to combine flavor and caffeine.
Mate is not for everybody, it is an adquired taste. It is best served in the traditional way and share it with friends or mate cocido for yourself. You can even do like the serbian and have an individual small gourd for each person.

>> No.11435765

So in an alternate timeline we could have had third wave yerba by now?

>> No.11435779

Great alternative to tea if you need more caffeine but don't want coffee shits. The fancy cup is a meme though, just brew it like any herbal tea

>> No.11435784

Imagine making this image

>> No.11435787

imagine posting on 4chan

>> No.11435832

flavor is more concentrated on the gourd because the ratio of yerba to water is whack
also you're supposed to change the yerba as you drink in order to keep it fresh and concentrated, which seems impractical on the french press

>> No.11435926

do you pronounce it like an Australian addressing their friend?

>> No.11435953

No, m8, it's like an anime girl asking you to wait.

>> No.11435963
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Sure Amerifat

>> No.11435976

It seems like one of those love it or hate it things, I would suggest trying it at a tea shop before you buy. I like the grassy taste but a lot of people don't. Those canned energy drinks made from it are really tasty, especially the berry one.

>> No.11435983
File: 149 KB, 500x500, yacui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For terere or chimarrão? Mate for terere is coarser than mate for chimarrão. You will be fine using almost any mate for terere, mate for chimarrão is a bit dusty so you need to suck the bombilla really hard.

Probably you won't be able to find it but Yacui is my favorite brand. This week run out of yacui and had to buy a brand called Laranjeiras. Not bad but not good.

>> No.11435992
File: 38 KB, 600x600, leao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in brazil we have a big tea company called Leão. They have a very nice toasted mate. You can go to the market and try picking any of the 10 brands of toasted mate we have but none can compare with Leão. They also have good herbal teas/tisanes (mint, melissa, chamomilla, boldus).

Recently coca cola company bought them and they started expanding but...

>> No.11435999


>> No.11436002
File: 51 KB, 500x500, do not buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it turned shit.

For example they have a mate for chimarrão (Pampas) and since it is from coca cola I believe it will be easier to find Pampas in USA market than Yacuy. Never waste your money in this shit.

This mate Pampas costs twice as much as Yacuy here in my city. Since it is expensive and from Leão I expected a good mate but it is one of the worse I ever tried.

>> No.11436008
File: 14 KB, 348x400, cafe leao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also they had this stupid idea to try to get into the coffee market. They selling this overpriced shitty coffee now. I can't even look this picture without felling scammed from the time I bought a package.

>> No.11436014

I'm from Argentina and my family drinks this pretty regularly. I like the taste but I don't like sharing and the correct way to drink it is to pass it around as you drink it. It's alright.

>> No.11436016

Brazilian here, It's honestly pretty fucking disgusting, be it with cold or hot water

>> No.11436018

>there's silicone gourds you can get, and desu a lot of people are just brewing it with a french press
If you're going to weeb, at least use the word correctly. Also, I've literally never seen someone make it that way or use a plastic gourd.
>bottled stuff is with the chilled drinks
It tastes nothing like the real thing. It's gross, actually.

>> No.11436020

>has no FLAVOR

Probably you got old or/and cheap yerba or used wrong yerba:water proportion or water
was too hot.

I would say it is similar in taste to the smell of fresh cattle fodder or grass after a light rain in a summer day. In my opnion mate is less bitter than green tea.

>> No.11436029

>Drinking it with cold water

What the fuck?

>> No.11436032
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>if you're going to weeb, at least use the wird correctly
>he doesnt know about the global word filters

>> No.11436037

Honestly, why is this a thing?
If it were contained in the anime boards or some shit I wouldn't mind but it's just disruptive everywhere else

>> No.11436040

baka desu senpai

>> No.11436055

For fun? It is an old custom from mods/admins to change commonly used abreviations to mess up with anons. Also it is harmless, no need to get upset about it.

>> No.11436067

Yeah, that's dumb. People do call poor uneducated people "negros", but it has nothing to do with their skin color.

>> No.11436105

looks like a vaccuum head to me ya faggots. looks like shit.

>> No.11436114
File: 221 KB, 2560x1920, pajarito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking this stuff for a few years now
it's kinda bitter, but it also has a nice grassy, woody and smokey flavour depending on the brand (if it's too bitter for you, just use it less and slowly increase the dosage as you get used to it)
all you really need is a bombilla and a teacup, but palo santo or gourd cups are also fun accessories and they impact impact the flavour a bit IMO (however ceramic gourds are just for show)

I personally prefer Paraguayan yerba mate, which is more smokey and intense, unless I'm doing terere (coldbrew), in which case I like less smokey varieties

>> No.11436149

ah and also the effects are a bit like coffee, but more relaxing and longer

>> No.11436481

It's called tereré. Paraguayans are all over it

>> No.11436583

Fuck, I forgot about maté.
Its pretty good, you can drink it cold or hot, add honey and other stuff and the taste is really nice, but it smells like fish to me.
I loved to sip on tip when I was working on something. I need to buy it desu