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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11432131 No.11432131 [Reply] [Original]

Your grandparents drank soda and ate a lot of junk food and processed foods and got fat as fuck.

Your parents....er, parent since most of you are being raised by some dumb single mother whore who has pretty much ruined you for life already, anyway, your parents generation ate processed foods, fast foods, drank soda and got fat as fuck too.

So why do you morons STILL pretend that candy, fast food, soda, and processed garbage like frozen pizza is anything other than a direct attempt to kill you over time by encouraging the consumption of a faulty and poisonous diet?

Younger generations are supposed to rebel against the establishment, and here you faggots are ordering a supersize of establishment cancer. Pathetic.

You should be mocking anyone that even suggests supporting the (((processed foods))) industry the same way you would a Haitian eating dirt.

>> No.11432148
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>processed foods make you fat
>fast food makes you fat
These are just memes. The only that makes you fat is carbs (so you are right about the soda thing)

>> No.11432151

We're all like 30 dude.
Not so young anymore.

>> No.11432175

>These are just memes.
Nope. High calorie, fat, sugar, salts, and low nutritional value.

Liquor and tobacco were banned from advertising because they are considered "unhealthy", and yet the western world is slowly moving towards a 50% obesity rate and they're still showing fast food, soda, and energy drink commercials 24/7.

Then help teach the zoomers the errors of your ways, and the ways of your diabetic and obese, if not dead, parents.

>> No.11432181

Oof, yikes, sweetie. Are you okay? Who hurt you?

>> No.11432191

Holy friggin' projection batman! lmao @ yer blog post

>> No.11432198
File: 98 KB, 620x625, .you....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11432202

>High calorie, fat, sugar, salts
The only thing bad there is sugar, and also soy which you forgot to mention
>low nutritional value
Just a meme, count your macros faggot

>> No.11432244
File: 3 KB, 452x523, Who could it be.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, pal, and Heroin isn't harmful either....it's just "abused".

>> No.11432249

What is your end game? You have been posting this for ages, and are particularly aggressive today. Do you think if people stopped eating fast food and processed junk the world would magically become a better place? We are living in the machine and it is bleeding to death, our diets will make no difference, death comes for us all.

>> No.11432265

>What is your end game?

I want you to be healthy. I want my fellow citizens to be healthy. I want our fellow citizens to reject and scorn those that intentionally push unhealthy shit on the public and hold them accountable for the damage they do to our society.

I want this generation to bankrupt the pieces of shit that have been poisoning our nation for decades.

>> No.11432266

A world without fat people would be a wonderful happy place, I don't know if I could even hate the Jews in such a world
Fat was never a bad thing, that was a lie invented by the (((sugar lobby)))
Nothing wrong with salt either, the problem is people don't drink enough water

>> No.11432276

>Fat was never a bad thing
Served in the quantities pushed by the processed foods industry it is, as is their salt and sugar contents.

Especially for the unhealthy people that don't have the discipline to eat right, anon.

>> No.11432304

2/3 of "muh processed foods" are marketed as low fat, which is a scam by Jews to sell more livestock feed like corn and soy as if it's people food
Americans would be less fat if they ate more fat and less carbs

>> No.11432364

>Americans would be less fat if they
Absolutely rejected the trash processed food / drink culture that the (((shills))) create and push through (((broadcasters))).

As it stands now, all the commercialization has normalized the consumption of unhealthy processed foods, so people don't even think about drinking that "soda", or eating that "value meal" because "everybody does it" and it's "normal", despite record levels of obesity.

There needs to be a social change so that disgusting, unhealthy processed foods are no longer a viable product to sell to the public because nobody buys the shit anymore. That starts with us.