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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11432034 No.11432034 [Reply] [Original]

how do i stop the binge purge cycle

>> No.11432048


>> No.11432052


>> No.11432059

See a psychiatrist. Not even joking. Probably there are a lot of underlying issues you need to deal with first

>> No.11432074

Do something to make you feel really sad and then relapse into anorexia

>> No.11432094

Why the fuck did you rip the box up, just use the damn flaps you autist

>> No.11432117

Lift weights, train your brain and body to associate food as fuel rather than pleasure

>> No.11432122

not sure if you are just shitposting, but Im a defatting eating disordered guy. I used to be a junkie, then moved on to food when I quit drugs.

it's like any addiction, you have to find coping mechanisms to deal with the root causes of binge eating (in my case, anxiety and boredom). I successfully fight my nonsense with deliberate/routinized meal planning and prohibiting myself from eating sugar. and of course, don't keep garbage food around. I have no snacks in the house.

if I feel like i have a binge coming on, I'll try to distract myself from it by going on a walk, drinking green tea, brushing my teeth, going to bed if it is late enough.

lastly, don't be a dick to yourself. reward yourself with really good fruit and food. enjoy food, without trying to annihilate yourself with it. if you fuck up and binge, be gentle with yourself after, let it go and try to make the next right decision.

good luck

>> No.11432194

>opening the box by cutting the tree clean in half, not by the side flaps
>opening the M&Ms by decapitating the M&M guy
You need help in more ways than one...

>> No.11432358

i used to be morbidly obese as a kid (400 pounds) and used fitness drugs to lose it all. my brother lost weight naturally and has the same issues. i’m 6 ft 160 and still see myself as someone that’s obese. if i see fat fucks in videos or pictures, i notice features and think “that’s me”
i’d say it is psychological, but i don’t know what normal dietary life looks or feels like to appreciate it

>> No.11432363

unironically this.

>> No.11432374
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>> No.11432387
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idk why you retards find it so hard to just eat a balanced diet. wake up, make an omelette. down some chocolate whey protein afterwards if you have a sweet tooth. then for dinner, cook up some oily meat with veggies. if you’re feeling freaky, do oatmeal with some fruits or raisins. if you’re mentally ill or retarded and can’t bring yourself to do something as simple as feeding yourself, then just do the noble thing and cycle various drugs to keep your weight down and appetite in check

>> No.11432396

Dang, you were excited for those tree cakes and m&ms, huh?

>> No.11432537

You are describing body dysmorphia, and the best way to deal with it is talking to a professional.

>> No.11432578

I'm right there with you OP, been in the cycle for almost 6 months now. I'll do okay for about 3 or 4 days but I always give in to a full day of eating and vomiting. Living with my mom doesn't help because she always stocks the fucking fridge and pantry with the shittiest most binge inducing foods ever so I'm laying awake every night whiteknuckling myself to sleep.

Also used to be an obese kid, never really had a healthy relationship with food. I feel like if you're fat as a kid you're more likely fucked for life in a lot of ways.

>> No.11432609


>> No.11432641

binge on some mayapple root then you might purge but it will be over soon enough

>> No.11432782

While I'm not 6" 160, I lost 40 kilos last year and my doctor told me to stall before losing a bit more. I'm still overweight, so I'm looking to lose about another 40.

After a few days of stalling, I felt like I was fucking ballooning in size; I bought a new expensive scale because I figured my old one was broken.

Nope, just my brain being fucking stupid. I've stayed the same exact weight, and my doctor's appointment is next week. Hopefully I can get the goahead to continue.

>> No.11432788

When you recognize yourself starting to binge, tell yourself out loud that you are bingeing. Be loud, clear, and flat-toned.

This helps me like... pop out of a binge/purge, since it helps me stop, recognize what I'm doing, and then realize that in the long run, I don't want to do this.

>> No.11433194

>imagine his insulin spikes

>> No.11433210

I grew out of it desu

>> No.11433226


>> No.11433229

Just binge and fast.

>> No.11433303

Can we just nuke America already

>> No.11433399

never done b/p, but not buying bingeable foods ever and having a lot of very low calorie foods around helped a lot. Also cook your own food always. Helps to change your feeding habits from "buy food, eat food" to "buy ingredients, make food, eat food." That helps the urge to buy bingeable garbage go way down.
Foods that take time to prep and eat while being low cal allows you plenty of time to snap out of it. Hard to binge on lettuce, carrots, and uncooked food. And if you do binge on lettuce and carrots, you wont make it past 500 calories.

>> No.11433459


>> No.11433474

give a bj to a .357 magnum

>> No.11433572

I also lost a lot of weight although mostly naturally, and when I see an old picture of myself I still feel like that's how I look, like my cheeks are still that puffy etc

>> No.11434631

this guy is living his best life

>> No.11436170

What drugs should I cycle for this?

>> No.11436224

>After a few days of stalling, I felt like I was fucking ballooning in size; I bought a new expensive scale because I figured my old one was broken.

Literally me
I am 6 2 and decided I should stop after hitting 160, after that I felt like I was just going straight back to my old skinnyfat self while staying the same weight on the scale

>> No.11436231

For whatever reason, I found I stopped eating junk food as soon as I learned how to cook it myself.
I love Reese's. One day I looked into the recipe and found out that it's literally just 3 parts sugar to 1 part peanut butter, a dash of fat, and a chocolate coating.
I didn't crave a Reese for 6 months, and nowadays I might buy one bag around holidays when they come in the fun shapes.

Maybe there's something about the cooking process that lets you familiarize yourself with the ingredients and portions you really like. When you buy pre-made food, it's never going to be the perfect size or have the perfect proportions of things you like, forcing you to consume calories you didn't really want.

>> No.11436735

Post hand, so we can laugh at how fat you are