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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.24 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20181104_100029552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11426774 No.11426774 [Reply] [Original]

How do you start your day off /ck/?

>> No.11426778

Creme fraiche on a brötchen with a bit of powdered garlic and onion

>> No.11426782

Egg over toast with a side of tums.

My stomach has been hurting lately. Can't eat anything heavier.

>> No.11426807
File: 63 KB, 772x579, pic related.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, coffee + milk and a handful of supplements.

>> No.11426818

my god that man must smell like shit

>> No.11426841

I went to a bonfire last night and haven't showered today so I'm certainly not smelling my best

>> No.11426843

half a can of sardines and a pineapple ring

>> No.11426854

meh I feel the smell of a bonfire covers pretty much everything

at the end of a camping trip I threw a leftover sausage into the fire and when I got home I realized I smelled as if I'd bathed in cooked sausages

>> No.11426877

Vodka from the freezer because I can't keep down red wine so early in the day.
I'm doing OMAD so I only eat dinner.

>> No.11426897

op here my vodka was out of frame

>> No.11426913


>> No.11426926

2 cigarettes and a black coffee with a sit outside in the camping chair.

>> No.11426967

I'm having a hard time guessing white or black trash based on the contents of your image

>> No.11426981

I like those Rockstar recovery lemonade drinks with a shot of gin. Gets my motor running.

>> No.11427007

>Sodium Citrate
>Artificial Flavors
>L-Carnitine L-Tartrate
>Acesulfame Potassium
>Gayest cigs ever
No thanks

>> No.11427012

Usually some coffee, but today I ate a handful of mixed nuts.

>> No.11427015

I don't usually eat or drink anything but water until 12:00, then I'll have a sparkling water and a salad or something, not even doing a diet or OMAD, just the way I have always ate.

>> No.11427121

I'll give you 2 guesses

>> No.11427165

yogurt granola fruit

is the aluminum foil for freebasing coke?

>> No.11427171

What do you plan on smoking off of that foil?

>> No.11427194

Drink apple cider vinegar everyday

>> No.11427208

Leftovers from dinner the night before

>> No.11427260
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>> No.11427276

Tea or coffee with cookies and whatever fruit I have at home (lately tangerines) .

>> No.11427309
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>the tripfig uses "off of"
No surprises there.

>> No.11427366

What is the foil for? Shaping it into an ashtray?

>> No.11427876

Extra from the chicken i was baking last night but i thought it would add some spice to my picture

>> No.11427967
File: 1.08 MB, 2560x1920, Real breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11428135

what a shitty keyboard anon

>> No.11428186

Can ur PC run doom?

>> No.11428206

>what a shitty keyboard anon
Why? It still works great, and is an IBM KB-9930. Why is it shitty?

>Can ur PC run doom?
Up until my Titan GPU died 2 days ago, it could. My Current backup is a Gtx260, so I think I am covered.

>> No.11428353

rip anons GPU, how old was it?

>> No.11428375

>how old was it?
God knows lol. I bought it 3 months ago from a medical re-seller. One of the ram modules shit the bed. My brother is an electronics engineer, so he has it now, and will be doing what he can at work. If its just a ram chip, great. I will buy a donor card and he can replace it. In the meantime I am trying to get something better. I need DVI-I for my crt monitor however....and don't trust external DAC to offer me refresh rates of 100hz+ that I generally use for gaming....it all depends on the game. 1920x1200 @ 90 hz is my default resolution.

>> No.11428499

I bought a 1060 ti at launch which seemed retarded at the time but then prices skyrocketed from the crypto boom and idk how much they've dropped

>> No.11428505

>I bought a 1060 ti at launch which seemed retarded at the time but then prices skyrocketed from the crypto boom and idk how much they've dropped
I just picked up a New in box GTX 980ti for $230. Hopefully it lasts longer than the used titan.

>> No.11428559

Based, but for me, it's
>250g smoked thin cut American bacon (so belly rather than back afaik)
>2 bagels toasted with a generous spread of cream cheese
>A big mug of cold brewed dark roast, hot with a drop of cream if it's cold out, cold with ice and black or low fat milk if it's hot out
>a fat line of amphetamine
>self rolled tobacco with a menthol filter

This is the most kino breakfast

>> No.11428565

Looks based to me

>> No.11428572

Double shot of espresso, add water to cool then serve over ice. Makes a tall iced coffee so I can shit out last night's mistakes lol

>> No.11428592

>can of monster and pack of cigs on foil for no fucking reason

how much autism do you have?

>> No.11428599

Coffee makes you poop out semen?

>> No.11428627

Is there some inherent property of semen than makes it difficult to shit out? Whatever's in my ass is coming out, there's two pounds of mostly digested beans and rice that have to go somewhere, and the espresso opens the flood gate

>> No.11428630

what the fuck

>> No.11428635
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lol,oh my.

>> No.11428644
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>> No.11428647
File: 1.46 MB, 1400x1436, A3KTQGU3YVF7BIHRXXYNSP6JVA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to get a boomer monster with my ciggies too. Don't have either anymore but that combo brings back good times. The fake sweet taste with a smoke goes together suprisingly well.

>> No.11428655
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>> No.11428689
File: 129 KB, 634x766, A8DA3F53-A07F-42E5-B2BD-CC13575DA42C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11428741
File: 393 KB, 1280x720, L'appel qui sauve l'Europe_65:43:21_Screengrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black coffee, bananas, freshly baked bread, milk chocolate bars

>> No.11428781

You got worked into a shoot and outed yourself as redditboomer, lad.

>> No.11428813

I have no routine, but more often than not: heavy cream in espresso

>> No.11428818

Based and bogpilled.

>> No.11428867

>heavy cream in espresso
There's a sexjoke in there somewhere.

>> No.11428989

>Based and bogpilled.
I am going to need a quick breakfast rundown.

>> No.11429083

they skip breakfast