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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11425409 No.11425409 [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever be a plate more perfect than fish and chips?

>> No.11425416

yes, you can throw some fried scallops in there and make it objectively better
hell, a fried seafood platter gets better and better the more variety it has

>> No.11425422

You could dice up the fish and potatoes and make a chowder

>> No.11425423

but the basis of the plate is still fish and chips

>> No.11425427


>> No.11425432

Agreed, and if that's the classification you're using then I agree with you.
But ordering "fish and chips" is very different from ordering a "fried seafood combination platter."

>> No.11425436

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.11425441

A ribeye steak with hash browns and creamed spinach? (The Jew York City steakhouse experience) Among 1,000 other things.

>> No.11425449

garbage opinion, seafood is infinitely better than landshit

>> No.11425451

this guy gets it

>> No.11425455

creamed spinach is like somebody thought it would be a good idea to eat vomited up baby food.

i cant think of many foods more disgusting

>> No.11425460

I don't know. I just don't like dry, cooked white fish. Even if it is battered and greasy. Deep fried catfish is ok, because it's fatty and oily on the inside where it really matters, not just greasy on the outside. Even then, the best cooked fish is (well) cooked salmon, so that it is not dry. Really, salmon is the best fish, and stands in a category of its own compared to all other fish. Fresh smoked salmon (smoked, not cured like lox, although that's pretty good too) is probably the best way to eat it. And of course raw on sushi. Fish and chips? The perfect dish, never mind the perfect way to eat fish? Hardly.

>> No.11425466

I like creamed spinach, but it's often to salty. It would be great if people didn't try to put too much salt in it all the time.

>> No.11425468

Salmon is absolutely disgusting
When people say a woman's diseased vagina smells like a dead fish, it smells like a salmon

>> No.11425469

Based Seafood connoisseur

>> No.11425479

>Salmon is absolutely disgusting
I don't think I have ever heard anyone say this and truly mean it.

>> No.11425483
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yeah i agree catfish is God tier. Really doesnt get enough credit.

>> No.11425484

>i like baby vomit as long as theres no salt in it

>> No.11425488

You're right... Wall Street high rollers have shit taste.

It's the FUCKING classic Jew York City steakhouse meal, you absolute plebeian.

>> No.11425490

>I don't think I have ever heard anyone say this and truly mean it.
you haven't met many people with impeccable taste buds, but let me tell you, i have them, and salmon is rancid as fuck

>> No.11425494

you base your food choices entirely on what wall street jews eat???

>> No.11425497

There is this Southern-style place near me that makes it very very well. I get it with their tartar sauce, which is probably the best tartar sauce I have ever had. And this may be a bit unorthodox, but I also buy a bottle of mumbo sauce while I'm there. To me, mumbo sauce is way better than most other varieties of barbecue sauce.

>> No.11425498

Im inclined to agree that salmon is not very good. I could never eat salmon without some kind of condiment, and its the only type of fish that I can think of which that would apply to. Yes, properly prepared and seasoned salmon is good, but it needs a lot of help. That being said, i always eat any fish with any number of sauces and seasonings, so it really doesnt matter, ill eat salmon anytime

>> No.11425503

Huh, never thiught to do that, but i guess if you can eat chicken nuggies with it then you can catfish too. Ill give it a whirl next time.

>> No.11425509

Most aren't jews, faggot

>> No.11425512
File: 11 KB, 333x151, delmonicos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cut of steak (NY strip) is literally named after this place (sometimes called Delmonico steak).

>> No.11425517

red meat literally kills you

>> No.11425534

>A cut of steak (NY strip) is literally named after this place

Yeah, the restaurant is called "Delmonico's"
Notice it's not called "Creamed Spinach's"

If I'm getting a steak, I'll go with broccoli, asparagus, or a wedge salad. All classic choices as well, and they don't have the taste and texture of baby vomit.

>> No.11425543

The foodies I know all love salmon. Had some amazing salmon tartare with them recently. Your opinion isn't universal, even if you do have "impeccable taste buds".

>> No.11425546
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>> No.11425548
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>red meat literally kills you
I don't care. Do you hear me?! I DON'T CAAAARE!

>> No.11425561

i eat massive, delicious ribeyes with restaurant-style macaroni and cheese. the only meal from which i can still feel orgasmic waves of pleasure washing over me almost fifteen minutes after i've finished eating it

>> No.11425568
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>> No.11425579


You should see a therapist for your autism/down's syndrome

>> No.11425771

I love catfish, but it's super hit or miss. Either it's flakey, white flesh that is super good, or it's gamey, earthy, and full of bones. There's no "decent" catfish imo.

>> No.11425582

>autism/down's syndrome
You misspelled "good taste", plebian

>> No.11425584

meat eaters are wierd and mean

>> No.11425588

I agree with you on the ribeye, probably the best cut of steak

kind of weird that I'm not a big fan of prime rib though, since it's the same cut

>> No.11425589

Kinda boring desu
>wedge salad
Wouldn't argue with a wedge salad

>> No.11425600

A pathetic plebeian like you, with no future, should save his shekels, fly to Jew York City, and eat at Peter Luger or one of the other many famous steakhouses. You may be surrounded by millionaires or billionaires. Watch them, listen to them if you can. It could change your life.

>> No.11425601

> Flyover detected

>> No.11425603

Fucking retarded faggot with down's syndrome and AIDS

>> No.11425607

> Posts "fish and chips" on a plate.
> Not in paper.

Try harder America

>> No.11425608

>being so poor that you need to eat your food on a rolled up newspaper

>> No.11425610

This is how real men talk, Mary

>> No.11425615

You misspelled "plebeian". Mostly likely due to your down syndrome

>> No.11425618

Why is my thread being ruined by subhuman charred cow flesh chewers?

>> No.11425626
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>> No.11425633

You posed a question that was absurd on its face. That's why. Now kys to help the gene pool.

>> No.11425639

>he geniunely believes they know it's the best rather than simply being told it's the best by other Jews and being the retarded fucks they are in an attempt to seem cultured and high class

>> No.11425640

Red Meat eaters are OBSESSED with based seafood eaters. It's the only obsession that rival's Europeans obsession with the USA.

>> No.11425644

It's probably cause that's just the best part of it.

>> No.11425649

theyre like little kids who never outgrow eating sugared cereal and then feel the need to make fun of people eating actual food

>> No.11425651

Creamed spinach and hash browns are THE classic NYC steakhouse sides you illiterate nigger

>> No.11425660

Stewed red meat is the best preparation of red meat. Prove me wrong etc
Also, who likes lamb?

>> No.11425661

No, retard. You go for the experience. And then try to absorb the atmosphere around you--literally millionaires and billionaires talking with each other, possibly. How much more clear can I fucking make it? JFC

>> No.11425669

disgusting angry materialist burnt cow skin swallowers are not welcome in this thread

>> No.11425670

In my opinion the has browns should be getting more hate then the creamed spinach. I never cared for hash browns. I can't really explain why, but I just don't like it.

>> No.11425671

>if I eat what these guys eat, maybe i'll get rich too!
this is some of the most retarded logic i have seen in my life

>> No.11425674

fish with half chips and half hush puppies

>> No.11425685

I guess you can lead a socialist to a NYC steakhouse, but you can't make him learn anything about how to be successful in life...

>> No.11425688

Don't tell anyone, but once I even mixed the tartar sauce and the mumbo sauce together. Sounds strange, but it wasn't half bad actually.

>> No.11425696

Burger n fries
Lol wtf dude? Nice try hard meal.

>> No.11425698
File: 120 KB, 1024x577, 08772374-52E1-4DD0-AD8A-61E10F930F36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hush puppies truly are wonderful

>> No.11425699

You are a literal retard

>> No.11425700

it's not more strange than this

>> No.11425707

1 of 1,000 you down syndrome cock gobbler

>> No.11425712

says the guy whose life is so pathetic that he tells himself he has to eat what bankers eat to feel like one of them

>> No.11425713
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, 74225170-F4F9-4C46-8CAD-FDA9E730A205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s still angerposting because his arteries are so clogged from charred saturated cow fat

>> No.11425726

You still don't get it. Probably because of your 50-ish IQ. Enjoy your life of mediocrity or poverty, wherever you are.

>> No.11425732

>can think of only 1,000 meals better than fish n chips
>goes straight for a meme expensive dinner
Lol retard. Fuck you're autistic

>> No.11425735


>> No.11425734

keep eating that creamed spinach in the steak house

im sure those millionaires will come up and talk to you any day now..

>> No.11425836

this boy, this goy

>> No.11425737

I said watch and listen you autist

>> No.11425739

How in the world did a fish and chips thread turn into a thread about creamed spinach?

>> No.11425744


>> No.11425748

>Absolute down syndrome retard thinks a $300 NYC dinner is a meme

No, I named 1 of 1,000. Literally everything at McDonald's is better than brit fish & chips. So is everything at Arby's and Wendy's and so on...

JFC the pathetic low IQ's of people outside the U.S.... No wonder we have dominated the world for a 100 years.

>> No.11425749

Welcome to /ck/ friend I hope you enjoy your stay. Remember, you're here forever.

>> No.11425750
File: 9 KB, 169x240, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews. Its become a pseudo argument about Jewish culture and their influence on finance in the west. Same way a thread about roasting a chicken becomes about the validity of black people to exist.

>> No.11425751

Do the honorable thing and drown yourself

>> No.11425755
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Never mind! eat your spinach

>> No.11425756

$300 in NYC is for chumps. I've eaten pork worth more than that ribeye yah bish.

>> No.11425758

what the hell man? why does a little ditty about creamed spinach trigger you this badly?

>> No.11425849

I had a seafood pasta at a fancy restaurant the other week that I totally fell in love with.
Too bad I could get 10x fish n chips for the price.
I got laid shortly thereafter so that kinda brings the fancy meal back close to le epic fish and chips.

>> No.11425763
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Put an end to this shitposting. Post based spinaches

>> No.11425764

Jew York City steak guy here. While it's been fun, will have to head off to bed now. But let me leave by extending an olive branch of peace: anyone who disagrees with me is a fucking down syndrome retard who should hang himself.

Sweet dreams.

>> No.11425769

Looks like cud. Ironic to serve it with rib eye. Jews really do have a sense of humor tho

>> No.11425859

Yeah ive never been a big pasta fan but ill take a shrimp pasta anytime

>> No.11425938

fruit salad

>> No.11425976

Me and the missus went down to the beach today and sat on the sand eating some fish and chips with a chiko roll.

Can't beat a good piece of whiting. Shame the fish shop didn't have any creamed spinach though.

>> No.11425987

Let's all take a brief break from shit and creamed spinach flinging to watch an otter play air hockey

>> No.11425993

I want one

>> No.11426007
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>> No.11426115

It's missing potato cakes.

>> No.11426130

Why is nobody talking about storm clowns or watching trains at the Water Orton station?