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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 290x500, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11424468 No.11424468 [Reply] [Original]

So...very often I just open a can of canned beans like this, slop it on a burrito wrap, throw on some pre shredded cheese and nuke it, cool it slightly, then eat it. This is all I'll eat, I'll just finish one can and start on another.

And you?

>> No.11424476

generally I'll eat like a fat fuck which means lots of fries and/or a milkshake and that will be my only meal for the whole day

>> No.11424554

Try canned refried black beans too if you haven't.

>> No.11424590

big bowl of pinto beans slow cooked with onion, garlic, salt, pepper, vinegar, worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke
covered with valentina hot sauce, sour cream, and cheddar cheese
i could and probably will eat that until i'm five hundred pounds

>> No.11424615

When I'm depressed I get really high and drink jim beam shots with lager backs. While I watch television and think about how fucked up everything is. Ill keep going and put music on when I'm happy enough ill find the motivation to whip something up in the kitchen. Probably just a plain skillet fried pork chop and maybe mixed vegetables on the side.

>> No.11424634


Half of a hamburger patty
A few scraps of tri tip
Pint of beer
6oz mug root beer
Pint of whiskey

>> No.11424662

I buy the dry beans, boil them for like 2 hours while I roll out some tortillas (flour, water, lard, salt) and I eat similar to you, but I spend about 10% of what you do. Granted, I do lose some gaming hours in the end.

>> No.11424673

I usually just mix a can of black beans with some hot sauce, sprinkle in cheese and then microwave it. Tasty as fuck.

>> No.11424676
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I dont use as much as you, but i consistently eat this, except i grate my cheese. Its the best poor quick easy depression food there is

>> No.11424704

12 pack of Miller High Life and a whole pizza

>> No.11424747
File: 292 KB, 1024x831, istockphoto-136583624-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just take a bite out of the block of cheese and shove some crackers in my mouth. I repeat this until the entire 8oz block is gone. Generally, this is followed by worse depression and stomach pain.

>> No.11424801

sounds great to me, minus the alcohol

>> No.11424821
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>> No.11424935

shame on you

>> No.11424937
File: 68 KB, 936x622, 751919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


had to check and make sure i didn't post this myself

>> No.11425036
File: 149 KB, 1115x1025, lingayen-shrimp-paste-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related mixed in a bowl of hot rice. When I feel like shit I don't want to fuck with actual cooking.

>> No.11425046

I stop eating, so it's a few crackers and a strip of beef jerky for me.

>> No.11425073

Yeah i don't like eating out when I feel down. Mostly makes me feel like a wasteful fat fuck.

>> No.11425081

>eating canned refried beans


Only sound going over your head.

>> No.11425377

tough times?

>> No.11425379

i'm sure it wasn't me, but only because it wasn't an 18-pack

>> No.11425412

Those were good times, but I have to pay the piper now by crash dieting

>> No.11425783

It's definitely canned beans or chili for me with some tortilla chips, with a shitton of pickled jalapenos. The spice of the peppers actually sort of helps with my depression as a kind of stimulant, plus I hear it releases endorphins but idk.

>> No.11425790

I've been eating Taco Bell's $5 Double Chalupa Box every day for almost a month now, and can honestly say that your life is pretty pathetic.

>> No.11425620

When I'm depressed I won't eat much at all. Once I can't ignore the hunger I'll eat crispbread with chunky peanut butter and gin with some microwaved frozen veggies if I start worrying about getting nutrients. When I locked myself in my room after thinking my roommates wanted to kill me I ate a granola bar and a can of adzuki paste for three days but that was a little beyond depression.

>> No.11425800

I love you anon, i hope you win the xbox

>> No.11425629

fuck you got against rosey and her refrieds you fucking dumb nigger?

>> No.11425810

I love you too, anon. They fucked up my order again tonight, so I'm a bit ireful. Still not sure what time I'll be submitting my code tonight.

>> No.11425701


>slop it on a burrito wrap
>on a burrito wrap
>burrito wrap

Either you are too retarded to know what a tortilla is or you are eating some bullshit

>> No.11425754

I work at whole foods and today we had some lady come in and ask for quesadilla bread

I really wish I was making this up. I REALLY wish I was

>> No.11425886

Same thing but with jalapeno flavored

>> No.11425944
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Just eat it straight out the can

>> No.11425951
File: 123 KB, 533x800, 800px_COLOURBOX2616353 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally binge eat salami and beer, with intermittent cheap vodka shots, then wake up in the night choking on my vomit and almost dying while gasping for air and throwing up the contents of my stomach, stuffing down a couple of slices of white bread to absorb the acid, and drinking a glass of vodka with mio water chaser and a cig before passing out for 3 hours and going to work

>> No.11425952

BLTs can be my depression food as it's not exactly a thrilling meal but if it's late and I am hungry and I can't go out to grab a bite and there's not enough to make anything I'll make that.

Ay they fucked up mine too today.

>> No.11425965

Tortillas and a catch-all term. Burrito, taco, fajita, etc. clarify the subject. Sorry for using the native English term "wrap" instead of some trendy third-world loan-word you think is superior

>> No.11425968
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>> No.11425970

Tuna pasta with a jar of arabiatta sauce stretched out with diced tomatoes.
Doesn't require any real perishables except onions if I have them.
I make enough for 3 big meals.
Sometimes I use canned salmon but tuna is always on special.
Other is whatever cheap meat I can score at work for 75% off with frozen vege mix and that microwavable brown rice.
I used to really like cooking actually.

>> No.11425973

I don't even bother warming it up most of the time because I don't care enough to put in the effort

>> No.11426005

I don't get depression because I'm not a weakling mental midget with zero willpower.

>> No.11426055

Eat the ravioli cold every day

>> No.11426486

This is how you can tell someone's never been depressed

>> No.11426506

Peanut butter out of the jar.

>> No.11426515

Beans (whatever dry ones were on sale) eaten plain, whatever veg (probably eaten raw), and booze (whatever comes my way).