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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11423461 No.11423461 [Reply] [Original]

You have a church potluck and 24 hours to make something.

>for me, it's two gallons of milk

>> No.11423470

Chocolate Chip cookies or fig bars.

>> No.11423494

For me it's lutefisk. Tastes great and gives you smelly poops.

>> No.11423495


>> No.11423500

how do you get two gallons of milk from your dog in 24 hours?

Fuck religious folk and their superstitions. Your silly rules are not going to save you from the grave. Acting like you have it all figured out is prickish and silly.

>> No.11423505


>> No.11423506

God bless you anon, may you come to understanding one day, I pray for your own sake.

>> No.11423515

>thinking church is about magic and imaginary friends and not community building, family values and strengthening bonds

>> No.11423523
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>family values
>on my 4chan

>> No.11423525

>tenant of christanity is that they literally can not understand the design of god
>they act like they have it all figured out
Why is not being afraid of death because of your beliefs something to be hated? The worst thing to see is a person begging for their life as they die because they are dying in fear. Leaving life at least somewhat with dignity for any reason is better then leaving kicking and screaming begging mercy from nothingness.

>> No.11423533

Catholic Churches have the best functions involving food.

>> No.11423534

you mean strength in numbers and shared delusion? yeah... that is dangerous and retarded too.

>> No.11423539

i'd just fry like 8 pounds of chicken

>> No.11423548

hotdish you absolute atheist

>> No.11423557

I hate "faith" because it is disgusting idiot talk. You fools congregate in attempt to somehow drown out and override reality. I am beyond sick of it. People like me invent rockets to get the fuck away from you retards.

>> No.11423577

This is an 18+ board lil buddy

>> No.11423584

that pride emanating from you is toxic to the soul. I hope you see this one day.

>> No.11423591

I am 43 and likely have carnal knowledge of your mother and several aunts, son.

>> No.11423595

I'll say a prayer for you anon.

>> No.11423599

you talking to me or projecting something of your own virtue, church boy?

Your church is a concentration camp for the like-simple-minded.

>> No.11423605

For me, it's paper plates and napkins. No potluck is complete without proper utensils

>> No.11423609

Just trying to help you out. I don't attend church, but it definitely serves it's purpose in the faith. I wish you could read your own posts from a different perspective and really pick up on how hostile you are. There's absolutely no reason to live like this and you only hurt yourself by doing so. I love you.

>> No.11423616

>People like me invent rockets to get the fuck away from you retards.
Be more subtle next time

>> No.11423632

Ok, I love you too, but I still want to see other people.

I am very hostile towards religion. That shit kills people. It also is a tremendous waste... people wasting life living by a code of conduct because of post-death promises. My morals are dictated by logic and my character. They are MINE and my honor and responsibility. Religion steals this from you. Check your own perspective bro.

>> No.11423665

>That shit kills people
People kill people. Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say kill people in my name if they don't agree with me. Jesus is very against killing or any hostility. If someone so ignorantly misunderstands their faith and harms people thinking they are doing it in Christs name or Gods name they are acting on their own ignorance, and do not answer for the religion or faith as a whole.
You speak from a limited understanding of what Christianity is all about, and I don't blame you because I was just like you when I was younger. You shouldn't be so quick to judge a whole Religion because you had bad experiences with a few.

As for love, I meant it in an unconditional way, the way a brother loves his brother.

>> No.11423669
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>My morals are dictated by logic and my character. They are MINE and my honor and responsibility

>> No.11423670

Nice. How long does it take to cure?

>> No.11423679

Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn

‘A man against his father,

a daughter against her mother,

a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.

Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?”

“Nothing,” they answered.
He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

>> No.11423695
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I'll make devil's food cake and satanic fudge brownies. I'll also see if I can pick up some candy apples.

>> No.11423700


>> No.11423713

I feel like I've already had this conversation with you on another board but I'll be more than happy to explain this again.

Jesus came to free the Jewish people from the corruption of the Pharisees and Saducees, the religious and political group of the Jews who had since grown power hungry and greedy. They forced extreme laws and rules over the people in the name of God whom they themselves didn't follow. So Jesus said this because he came to free the people from this corruption and from the chains of these people who did not practice what they preached. So by Jesus coming to earth and preaching the Gospel and good word, many of his teachings corrected the Law and the ways that the Jewish people held so tight. So by Jesus coming, going against the powers of the time, preaching with authority, this could be seen as the sword he talks about. Those who chose to hold tight to the teachings of Moses and refuse to accept Jesus as Christ, held tight to tradition. If any of the Jewish people accepted Jesus, and say the rest of their family refused him, this would've caused separation, and thus split man against father, daughter against mother, etc.

>> No.11423723

Devil's food cupcakes

>> No.11423768

that whole plot is stolen from the film boys in the hood.

>> No.11423778

>came to thread for nice potluck recipes because my extended family does them all the time.
>hostile fedora tipper ruined thread
I'm an atheist too, but I can put it away for a bit when it's not relevant. Fuck you crusading dipshits for ruining things for the rest of us.

I like to make meat pastries of various kinds. Something people can take with their fingers. My favourite is basically a self contained pulled pork sandwich

>> No.11423790

I know you're just joking but I'm 100% sure it's the other way around.

>> No.11423792

Minnesotan detected

>> No.11423795

flan. I literally always have the ingredients for flan

>> No.11423802

Red and green tamales

>> No.11423809

I am an agnostic you dirty communist and your "favorite" sounds like buttfucking. Gay buttfucking.

>> No.11423831
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Wait, why am I going to a church potluck? Why would I WANT to go to a church potluck? I'm not stupid enough to believe in and pay for something that I don't get rewarded for until AFTER i'm dead.

Oh well. I'll bring a whole roasted lamb to symbolize my feelings for the sheeple that do. Symbolic cannibalism is delicious. If they don't like it, they can suck on my Shepard's stick.

>> No.11423837

>christians aren't scared when they die
LMAO, false! They know deep down it's just a fairytale, but when face to face with it on their death bed quake at their realization of the abyss of nothingness that awaits, whereas the atheist has long prepared and internalized that truth and thus slips peacefully away.

Take a look at the GOP leaders who wear their hypocrisy on their sleeve and pretend belief in a personal savior while entirely rejecting his moral and ethical teachings. That's you! What a fucking joke.

>> No.11423849

Anything with heavy sleeping pills.

Then impregnate some young nuns.

>> No.11423850

Who let /r/atheism in?

>> No.11423851

Mac and cheese

>> No.11423858

Once again judging the whole for the acts of a few. A healthy fruit tree is bound to flower a rotten fruit. That doesn't mean the tree itself is rotten. People have been using religion as a form of publicity to try and garner more favor and money from the masses for the longest time. This doesn't mean the religion is false or invalid, it just means that corrupt people are trying to take advantage of the innocent, which looking back towards our history is nothing new.

>> No.11423866

Evolution let us in, you fucking delusional throwback. Fuck you, your mom, the horse that rode in on your mom, and your desert witchcraft nonsense.

>> No.11423870

and for the sake of pointing out your fallacy, there have been many atheists that, at their death bed mercifully beg God and cry to him in their last moments of life. Your anger and hate is misdirected anon. I really hope one day you realize this.

>> No.11423992

Everyone jumping on the anti-religious shit and nobody questioning the apparent fact that this nigga milks his dog

>> No.11424000

you just have to have faith

>> No.11424003

Probably some macaroni and cheese.

>> No.11424083
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>> No.11424107
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>They both missed the reference.....

>> No.11424152

the man with the terrible smell

>> No.11424187

24 hour brined pickles

>> No.11424317

Until it comes to legislation you don't like then its all about magic and imaginary friends saying you can't because muh sin

Nobody buys this muh community shit faggot now go clean your room.

>> No.11424345

not going for two gallons of water?

>> No.11424447

Cringe and Borgiapilled

>> No.11424469

Banana bread, it's cheap as shit and has mass appeal.

If I was trying, I'd do smoked sausages in a brown sugar butter sauce. It's a classic goop in a crockpot meal that people tear into with no regard to the future consequences of eating 1k calories in weenies and caramel with garlic.

>> No.11424472

Cringing, delusional thinking and other ticks are clear signs of several mental disorders. Are you currently getting benefits? You may have a case.

>> No.11424575

You are either a weak beta male, or are part of the devil's plan to go against everything that is Godly.

>> No.11424588

Lasagna, or maybe eggplant parmesan. Essentially a casserole, but Italian. Perfect for all the Irish Mcs at my church who don't usually have "flavor".

>> No.11424617

People like you are the reason I hesitate for a moment before saying I've no particular religious beliefs when it comes up.

>> No.11424625

no bitch, I am a student of my actual real surroundings and common sense. I am not your weak insult or your ideologically dictated supernatural enemy. "Devil's plan!" Muhhahahaha. Yeah faggot, Skeletor is in on it too! We are going to steal Christmas.


>> No.11424661

Creamed corn with jalapeno

Despite religion being stupid, large inter-family social gatherings are a healthy part of human life which is lacking everywhere right now.

>> No.11424672

>thinks they missed the reference
>referenced key plot points about the minister who made the lutefisk

Soooooo what's your deal? Just slow with a misguided love of pedantry?

>> No.11424706

Twice baked potatoes, though it would probably suck to mix everything together for so many

>> No.11424924

I'm going to donate to the Clinton foundation, pro-choice, black lives matter, and LGBT movement. Thanks anon, I am truly redpilled now.

>> No.11425127

The focus of this thread was supposed to be potlucks anon. :(

>> No.11425131


>> No.11425220
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I know. Isn't it wonderful?

>> No.11425304

Lutefisk is a dish of salted dried fish cured in lye and then steamed.

>> No.11425394

>how do you get two gallons of milk from your dog in 24 hours?
Why do you milk a dog?