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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.01 MB, 1719x1024, 1541102991365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11418157 No.11418157 [Reply] [Original]

Is cake decorating just something you have to practice on your own, or can I go into the local bakery and ask for lessons?

>> No.11418163

no wonder so many people are mad at that show netflix cooking show

>> No.11418168

fuck you

>> No.11418179


God reddit fucking sucks.

>I feel a personal sense of dread looking at your picture so therefor patriarchy

>> No.11418182

I think it's hilarious that she's triggering roasties, and only because she's too good for them. Stupid bitches, did you really think YOU were the best? Obviously someone could be a woman better than you, considering the fact that you're a dirty, angry piece of shit that hardly even looks female anymore.

>> No.11418196

>I'm very upset that you're this attractive and I'm not
The mindset of 95% of SJWs

>> No.11418235

it's a guy

>> No.11418248

Huh? No it's not you mouthbreathing retard

>> No.11418259
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>Huh? No it's not you mouthbreathing retard

>> No.11418264

This person has a fair point. These people who are on t.v or influence social media intentionally portray a perfect life, as if nothing bad ever happens to them. They intentionally block out or hide any bad things that might bring negativity in their name. They actually hire PR to do this, pay good money to news and blog sources to either not talk about something in that persons life or to make a story about it. What you see on social media and pop culture news/blogs are extremely fabricated and do not represent a persons real life and experiences.

So it's easy for a person to become disheartened when these people only show their good side, making everyone else think they're perfect and in doing so, tend to magnetize their own negative experiences/feelings.

>> No.11418277

What a terrible worldview.

>> No.11418301

From whos perspective? You do realize all those pop stars lives are extremely fabricated to give the illusion that their lives are perfect right? They pay large sums of money to keep this image up. It is what allows them to continue making large sums of money.

You won't realize the bad in this till you yourself have a daughter and they grow up thinking they're worthless because they compare themselves to some pop star who's lives are a lie.

>> No.11418304

It's up to the individual to take things they see with a grain of salt, to know what is achievable for themselves and when to settle for "good enough", because there's always someone else with something better when you're (not you, anon) a jealous little shit.

>> No.11418309

>So it's easy for a person to become disheartened when these people only show their good side, making everyone else think they're perfect and in doing so, tend to magnetize their own negative experiences/feelings.
It's a fucking instagram page. How can you actually think this way?

>> No.11418318

>It's up to the individual to take things they see with a grain of salt
Yea but the way our society is at the current moment, everyone feels like they need to be famous (youtube celebrity/social media celebrity/influencer) to have a normal life. Even colleges are more inclined to accept a person if they have any sort of influence on social media. This is the direction our society is headed in. This new generation is given the idea that the amount of likes and subscribers/followers they have on youtube/social media give them self worth.

>> No.11418320

>Being this detached from social media

Look grandpa, people post the height of their lives on there, or a very narrow view of their lives. All of her pictures are posed and photographed by professional crews, every single one of them is a photo shoot with make-up artists, lighting, etc. There's nothing wrong with it, she just posts niche shit and people are angry that their niche shit and life highlights don't look nearly as good.

>> No.11418326

I'm talking about celebrities/t.v show hosts in general. There's alot that these people do to fabricate a false image and illusion of their life. If everyone saw just how normal their lives where it wouldn't be "magical" and they wouldn't really bother to seek entertainment from them.

>> No.11418329

What a weak minded worldview.

>> No.11418333

No, just what I've seen from myself trying to be an entertainer as well.

I don't doubt that. But there's more to a t.v host/celebrities life and image that they invest in that most people don't realize.

>> No.11418337

You're such a faggot dude.
>waahhhh it's other people's fault!
Fuck you.

>> No.11418345

I'm not saying I think this way. I've actually gotten over the whole celebrity thing on this earth and realize its all just acting. I'm happy with my life and with what I have. What I'm saying, this kind of stuff really happens, and both young men and women who don't see this side of it can become insecure and feel like their lives aren't good enough.

>> No.11418402

This thread is trash, kill yourselves

>> No.11418497

if you daughter feels worthless because of pop stars and social media, you failed as a parent

>> No.11418516

>if my "heroes" who are normal boring people arnt constantly livestreaming themselves having the hottest wettest diarrhea to prove they're normal human beings who live in a society they're terrible role models and deserve to die
>t. blogposter

>> No.11418527


>> No.11418535

it depends on what you mean. cake decorating in the picture is literally something you can go to school for years for to get good at. Fondant sculpting and some baking like ace of cakes is more sculpting and practice than baking. a bakery isnt going to waste its time teaching someone not working for them, and practice without external training (even youtube videos and buying shit online) only goes so far

>> No.11418565

fondant fucking sucks and is not palatable

>> No.11418567

Well technically you can, but depends on what you are looking for, if it is a simple Happy Birthday then there is no need for paying fancy classes.

Im pretty sure there are a lot of courses that teaches the basics of it and a lot of different styles and techniques

look at your local trade school or any place that specializes in cooking, because the bakery is probably busy working

>> No.11418592

the craft store michaels has offered cake decorating classes in the past, i think sponsored by wilton. personally, i think you can just practice on your own. maybe watch some youtube vids.

>> No.11418601

I meant more like situations in ones life that are corrupt, drug scandals, sex scandals, stuff that leaves a negative imprint on said persons false identity that they represent themselves as to the whole world. It could really destroy that perfect image they invested so much money and time in. It is this image that they've built that continue to allow them to gain large amount of money and fame.

So you refuse to acknowledge that the influence of these people don't impact society as a whole? You are blind to believe this.

For the sake of keeping this thread relevant I'll just leave now.

>> No.11418620

>sponsored by wilton
now that you mention it, wilton makes and sells a ton of shit so a basic bitch can make pinworthy foods 24/7 if she wanted. i think joann's does the same thing, but only their bigger stores have many various classes

>> No.11418700
File: 1.91 MB, 1562x2048, Screenshot_20181101-102918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called marketing yourself, dumbass.

>> No.11418729

well yeah but you don't have to be such a fucking pussy about it

>> No.11418730

30 posts in and the thread is already soggy diarrhea. No way this way planned
OP you should go to the local bakery and ask them for free lessons, I'm sure they'll oblige

>> No.11418763

Good. Get the fuck out.

>> No.11418764

I didn't realize speaking the truth would offend so many people.

If more people where aware of this stuff things would be better.

>> No.11418787

Check out her other photos. Some look super deformed

>> No.11418793


I'm reminded of that old copypasta about the difference between how men and women handle seeing the ideal man/woman.

Men are driven to be better than the best. Women say the best doesn't exist, that where they are is the true peak of femininity, and so on.

>> No.11418798

Post more EmmyKek, these are stale

>> No.11418807

>guy sees ideal guy
>'man, i wish i could work out and get fucking ripped like this guy'

>girl sees ideal girl
>'fucking plastic surgery thot'

>> No.11418817

I agree with you. Actually same thing happened to FB, everyone just posting how awesome their life is and it's hard not to compare,eventually I don't use it anymore and only use IG to follow cute chicks/hamster/science stuff/foods. At least there isn't much to compare

I'm a little surprise how many ppl made fun of your point tho. I always thought CK has a more mature audience and can see things differently

>> No.11418818
File: 1.94 MB, 1527x2048, Screenshot_20181101-102833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my freshest Emmy.

>> No.11418822
File: 157 KB, 978x1447, Roll discovers why she's so popular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right, something like that. Haven't thought about it in ages, but this thread really reminded me of it.

Have a Roll.

>> No.11418826

No she doesn't. She would if the unattainability was just the result of angles, lighting, photoshop etc. But considering it's a redditor who complains about feminity in photos, there's about 99% chance dressing nicely, coooking any kind of cake for hubby and keeping the house clean are the parts where she sees "unattainability" (hence stepford wives comparison). Bet you a hundred bucks she wouldn't complain for an equally photoshopped, angled, posed, proffesionally lit, full makeup photo if it portrayed a strong independent whamyn.

>> No.11418833

If you boil it down to basic it's
>I wish I was like this guy
>I wish this girl was like me

>> No.11418845

8.5/10 saved

>> No.11418847
File: 137 KB, 1200x800, CCOCM101b__1_.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y is she so good at making cakes bros?

>> No.11418853

She actually look Lot better without showing nose and glasses on, screw you for making me starting to like Emmy

>> No.11418859

Wtf ? No way she can lift that whole cake by herself like that

>> No.11418860

>Liking someone with a snapchat filter

How pathetic and ignorant can you be. It's worse than falling in love with a clown face. The filters literally change the shape of her face.

>> No.11418861
File: 605 KB, 1920x1080, 1538841812313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11418878


>> No.11418886

she's abnormally strong for a lady

>> No.11418889

It's funny because the photographer does horror photoshoots on purpose and roasties still didn't get it

>> No.11418891

It's up to you whether you buy into that or not. It's called free will dumbass.

>> No.11418905

The only who get upset about seeing other people succeed are people that are seriously unhappy with their life. I suggest you sort your fucking life out and the problem will solve itself you faggot.

>> No.11418907

It absolutely is male. Don't be SJW on me and say "well he transitioned so he's a girl now!"
he's got a more masculine face than you.

>> No.11418923

She has her own Netflix show, you can see this on your own. Do you really think trannies look like that? You really are a mouth-breathing retard.

>> No.11418924


The post drips with cognitive dissonance. The redditor is obviously a female feminists and is having a hard time overwriting her innate desire to be a women due to seeing a women being the embodiment of femininity.

This just further proves how fucked up our society has become. Women are told that they should be empowered and do everything men can, that femininity is toxic and patriarchy blah blah blah. More and more are denying their natural instincts based on blind rhetoric but the moment they see a perfect picture of femininity they feel inadequacy and doubt.

Western women are so fucked in the head.

>> No.11418926

No I have a fine life, we all compare by nature and it's toxic because it's just layers of lies on top of other people's lies. Hope you realize that when you became mature.

And don't use so much swear word, you are the unhappy one and need your school life sorted

>> No.11418936

she didn’t say anything about patriarchy

>> No.11418943

It’s a picture of a dude

>> No.11418970

What in the fuck

>> No.11418992


Even more fucked up, still being the embodiment of femininity.

>> No.11418996

Thanks for pulling me out, I was a little hypnotized there

>> No.11419003
File: 1.92 MB, 1499x2048, Screenshot_20181101-102808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11419063

having tools, skills and practice let you combine easy things in ways that look good. same with prop making/recreating, or most craft related hobbies
that cake looks great because in no way would i spend the time doing the techniques needed even if i knew them all, definitely dont have all the equipment, and 100% dont have the patience

>> No.11419077


it was implied reddit fag.

>> No.11419142

I wish her videos uses this kind of filter

>> No.11419175

>Western women are so fucked in the head
That's because progressives and SJWs and what-have-you led the charge against "gender roles" in society.

Now, there's nothing wrong with a woman trying to make something of herself and not following the traditional role of a caregiver/housewife/etc., but the big thing nobody ever brings up is that there's nothing inherently wrong with that either. But nobody ever wants to say that.

>> No.11419177

>picture-perfect cake house is actually a demonic entity. Dead, soulless-eyed female-creature plastically poses next to it.

Ok, this really is a Stepford Wives parody of some kind. That's creepy shit. If the comment on the OP pic is real, I think the woman totally missed the joke. Scary that someone takes something like this seriously.

>> No.11419199

Satan give her strength.
I like the "aesthetic, maybe is not your stuff, there are blue and red flowers in the world.

>> No.11419207


I believe they don't say that because a great deal of people were raised to believe that it's important, above all other things, to be different or special or unique. Somehow, this became the guiding belief, and now we have people that are all struggling to achieve that instead of trying to become happy or healthy.

I feel bad for them.

>> No.11419214

Nice Reddit spacing

>> No.11419220

Do you not see the cake stand you absolute mongs

>> No.11419226

>people were raised to believe that it's important to be different or special or unique
Which also leads to a huge problem of assholes who think the world is entitled to them, because they're "special". I mean, I get that nobody wants to tell their kid that the only thing they can aspire to be is a janitor or some other dead-end, minimum wage job, but what's wrong with telling them that sometimes other people will just be better at things they want to do, and instead make the most out of what talents they have instead?

Western society as a whole is fucked but it's not an inoperable cancer.

>> No.11419546


>instead make the most out of what talents they have instead?

The cruelest kindness is sparing someone's feelings from a hard truth.

>> No.11419818

Hence why you're allowed to continue living.

>> No.11419820

Fuck off phone poster.

>> No.11419846

Dont forget to kill yourself

>> No.11419853

Mate, I'm a fucking tranny myself, you'd be really fucking surprised man, mostly what makes it look like she's a tranny is the way her jaw hangs, the length of her midface and her mouth, specifically her philtrum and how deep it is and stuff, her nose and also her brow, the size of her head in the image doesnt help either but that could just be her hair

>> No.11420197


>He thinks he passes

I realize what year it is, but the worst lie you and the transsexuals have ever been told is that you are indistinguishable from real women when you become adults. Young teens and children can get away with it because puberty hasn't done a number on them yet.

>> No.11420235
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefaultfffffffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, she looks nothing like a tranny

>> No.11420285

It's not a western thing. It's an american thing. The whole exceptionalism thing is born out of having an inferiority complex. Everyone is a special person/snowflake. You did this to yourselves

>> No.11420628


>The generation before yours did this.
>It's all your fault.
>The sins of the father are, in fact, the sins of the son.

I don't like Americans any more than you, but I feel compelled to point out how retarded this sounds.

>> No.11421353

Man I never fucking said I pass, I feel like a hideous fucking beast each day, I was simply explaining why that woman looks like a fucking tranny you stupid mongoloid, fucking kill yourself you stupid yankee monkey cunt

>> No.11421383

Yeah and there are unintentional externalities to that. What a concept.

>> No.11421391

Stop baking cakes.

>> No.11421521

Jesus Christ

>> No.11421593

I mean she's right: there's something slightly off about the picture. I think it's her facial expression and general pose

>> No.11421998
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>I feel like a hideous fucking beast each day

>> No.11422005

Doesn't everyone? I'm supposedly good looking but look at my body in the mirror and it's shit. Bones and hair in all the wrong places.

>> No.11422032
File: 281 KB, 517x657, ProfessionalCakeDecorating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To address OP's question, you can definitely learn on your own but it would be easier taking a class. I doubt that a bakery is just going to teach you but there are cooking schools/classes that will.

I learnt a lot from a Christmas pdf collection posted by a namefag here years ago (HeartsOnFire). She included a cake decorating book which was excellent, I learnt some techniques and then practised a bunch and got some basic skills down, I haven't used them in ages though so they've atrophied.

>> No.11422040

And here's a mega for it: #!LttmFQYK!fqkr2KdTzbh1p1jZwb4NphUI2l47Y8Q062FPoe9zFAE

>> No.11422318

So what's the Instagram account name? This whole thread has somehow managed to go 90+ replies without mentioning it, and my curiosity has been piqued.

>> No.11422332


>I never fucking said I pass,

Here's why I said what I said, straight from the post (>>11419853) I replied to:
>Mate, I'm a fucking tranny myself,
Establishing credentials, a foolish move on an anonymous imageboard.
>you'd be really fucking surprised man
Implying that the poster you replied to cannot tell the difference between a tranny and a woman.
>mostly what makes it look like she's a tranny is
Her strong French bloodline, played up by choice of makeup and some camera angles you don't approve of.

Don't get mad when people post things you, by your own admission, agree with.

>> No.11422344
File: 2.15 MB, 422x428, 1517252849296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, letting self-propelled incubators vote and participate in society was a fatal mistake.

>> No.11422627

Christine self-taught all that shit from youtube and America's Test Kitchen. Practice makes perfect. And no I don't she's a male.

>> No.11422707

because she doesn't use fondant for one

>> No.11422725

Dude what the hell are you talking about she looks normal her face looks normal and she is just posing for a picture

>> No.11422727

Take a pastry class at the Cordon Bleu school near you.

>> No.11422740

Meaningless buzzwords

>> No.11422828

no man ever feels this way. women are so fucking stupid

>> No.11422859

>it's up to the individual

Yeah, that's why advertising and propaganda are such weak and unimportant things

>> No.11423718
File: 112 KB, 633x568, 1517300982122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggers and sage.

>> No.11424619

>How dare people strive towards ideals

>> No.11424749
File: 1.73 MB, 3840x2160, IMG_0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a mirror cake a couple of months ago. The color didn't turn out very nice but the taste and texture was really good. I was trying to make it half purple and half black but the colors mixed completely to this.

>> No.11424776

>dudes look so feminine redditwhores feel inadequate in comparison
i hate the modern world

>> No.11424816

You sound like a fucking cock gobbling faggot.

>> No.11424850

Drink bleach you mistake of nature.

>> No.11424863

Celebrities were never supposed to be a realistic portrayal of life. If they were then who would they be entertaining? That's the job, spend some of that time analyzing, judging, and lecturing people you don't know on your insecure daughter.

>> No.11424963

Fuck off back to fucking R.eddit retard

>> No.11424991

t. amheekin

>> No.11425028

SAGE this thread

>> No.11425199

almost every black person in america feels inferior
thats why they are so mad all the time