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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 1920x1440, 0_DSC_0551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11419310 No.11419310 [Reply] [Original]

I like eggs..

>> No.11419315
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>> No.11419325


>> No.11419334

Who doesn't? They're God's perfect food.

>> No.11419337

i like eggs too but I prefer to cook mine.

>> No.11419344 [DELETED] 
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I've never thought of putting paprika on fried eggs before. Of course I've had deviled eggs and stuff, but man that sounds really yummy. I will have to try this. What else do you like to put on your eggs, anons?
>inb4 ketchup

>> No.11419351
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>> No.11419371
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lol cool cool, but all nigger should hang, ya dig? All race mixers will have a hole in their head and be buried in sewer ditches. You want some eggs? I'll suffocate your mixed race goblin offspring with eggs and paprika you filthy race traitor.

>> No.11419377
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Me too

>> No.11419395

I second this!

OP pic is Cayenne and Lemon Pepper. It's was pretty good..

>> No.11419401

based French omelette

>> No.11419408

My girlfriend doesn't like eggs. She doesn't like breakfast sausage either. It's the one problem we have. FUCK.

>> No.11419412

>doesn't like eggs
>doesn't like breakfast sausage
You can do better than her, anon.

>> No.11419418

She's amazing. It's just a weird thing I have to deal with.

>> No.11419430
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What does she eat for breakfast? Cereal?

>> No.11419434

Mine either. And shes vegetarian and voted bernke. This is why i beat her and am rough during sex

>> No.11419439
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A lot of times yes she eats cereal. But if we cook it's pancakes and bacon.

Don't beat her dude.

>> No.11419440

I wish I could make a fucking omelette

>> No.11419446
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>> No.11419451

not for me, I'm fucking retarded

>> No.11419453

You're not. Get a non stick pan, butter, and just fry it up and flip it halfways when it's hot dummy.

>> No.11419455


>> No.11419456

List of common mistakes
Too high heat
Undermixing eggs
Bad pan
Wrong size spatula
Over filling
Undercooking before folding
Using margarine or oil not butter

>> No.11419465

What do you like on your eggs desu

>> No.11419475

oh lawd is dat sum 4S on dem eggz?

>> No.11419489

Salt, sauteed tomatoes, smoked gouda, chorizo sausage

>> No.11419548

I've never understood the tomato and eggs thing.. Salsa gets a pass, but I'd prefer just chunky peppers.

>> No.11419559

Desu fried green tomatoes are based with eggs

>> No.11419592
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I had to look up what this was.. May pick up some and try it out.

>> No.11419601
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>> No.11419605

Your friend sounds retarded, anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.11419826

>This is why i beat her and am rough during sex
Good for you anon. This is the only way to coexist among women. If she ever steps out of line, just beat her harder.

>> No.11419839

...from my head down to my legs!
Which isn't very far on a normal height (5'6") male, come to think of it.

>> No.11419941

Curry powder!

>> No.11420022
File: 30 KB, 625x350, gaston-625x350[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlet alert. Your parents should have fed you more eggs to help you get large.

>> No.11420028
File: 124 KB, 1600x900, IMG_2018_000812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love eggs too.

>> No.11420063

Eggs are fucking awesome.

>> No.11420105

5'6" is normal. 5'4" and below are manlet

>> No.11420127
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>normal height male

>> No.11420129

Keep telling yourself that, shrimp.

>> No.11420144
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>5'6" is normal
Even north koreans are taller than you

>> No.11420155

Tfw 5 foot
Not even 5'1, I don't even have that extra inch

>> No.11420163

You blind following shitlords are letting 4chin brainwash you. If you ever go outside for once maybe you'll see that most white men are 5'5"-5'8"

>> No.11420171


>> No.11420181

I'm 180cm white male and I'm not tall at all

>> No.11420211

the extra inch gets you fucking nowhere
-5’1” anon

>> No.11420276
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>most white men are 5'5"-5'8"

>> No.11420294

Chipotle powder

>> No.11420315

I'm 5'11" and I'm not even the tallest roommate in my household. You probably get your height beliefs from anime.

>> No.11420404

I used to like eggs until I learned that they contain poisonous levels of cholesterol.

>> No.11420417

Fake and gay, niggers dont put 's on anything.

>> No.11420420

Milk is full of poisonous levels of calcium if you drink enough of it, dipshit.

>> No.11420454

Extreme manlet.

>> No.11420697
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Orange Yolk Bad.

>> No.11420922
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ebin meme

>> No.11421363


>> No.11421374

world average height 5"5
world average cock 5"
world average intercourse 5 min

everybody's head is meme fucked to oblivion

deal with it

>> No.11421377
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Sorry.. Next time I'll boil them for half an hour.

>> No.11421379

Stop liking eggs

>> No.11421550


>> No.11421556

Don't give him attention, he's spamming "Stop eating/liking _____" in every thread because he has no friends on a Friday night. You know what to do.

>> No.11421568
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>ketchup on eggs

>> No.11421581
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Calm down Debbie.

>> No.11421587

Cursed image

>> No.11421592
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(the list goes on btw)

>> No.11421607
File: 117 KB, 780x789, Death+by+snu+snu+_63bfd22cedcdfe416d3ebc75757c3602[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'6" is average!

>> No.11421611

missing my point
both sides were baiting retards
of course 5'6 is by no means average, maybe on a worldwide scale

>> No.11421617

Is there anything anyone on this board ever likes ketchup on? At least half of you don't even find it acceptable on hot dogs or burgers and if anyone tries to do anything else with it fuck them right?
Even though it consists of things that can be easily put into the same dish
Yeah no fuck ketchup because I said so.

>> No.11421624

It's heavily processed tomato sauce with a buttload of high fructose corn syrup. Why would you use that when better and healthier options are available? Fresh salsa has tomatoes in it, put that on your eggs instead.

>> No.11421629

Health issues can be managed with moderation faggot.

>> No.11421636

And no, its not the same thing as tomato sauce. Being heavily processed doesn't automatically mean you can only use it on taco bell food you fucking hipster cunt.

>> No.11421651

I wanna climb big woman.

>> No.11421901

Can't not point out an "ezpz" post featuring a 2x2x2 'rubiks cube' in the background.. I feel like this is bait on some level..

>> No.11421908

>Using margarine or oil not butter
Why can't it be done with margarine or oil

>> No.11422565

Considering ive solved 3x3s for over a decade, i didnt rlly think about it
Butter has a more pleasant taste when heated

>> No.11423253
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>read recipe for home made brownies
>see a postscript that says you can replace the eggs with applesauce if you are vegan

>> No.11423594
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Good morning friends..

Just stopping by to remind you that I like eggs..

>> No.11423627

what a miserable life. At least vegetarians can eat eggs.

>> No.11423657
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Eggs Benny

>> No.11424012


>> No.11424041

With lox and avocado

>> No.11424052
File: 752 KB, 2240x1344, 20170312_145253[802].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like 'em poached on toast...

>> No.11424069

Why do Americans pronounce it ayggs?

>> No.11424121


>> No.11424140

Yeah I do cayenne, cracked pepper and salt. very yummy tbqh.

>> No.11424171

Hello there!

Solid choice, friend.. That's very close to my usual go to..

>> No.11424175

Those look tasty..

>> No.11424201

I'm 6' 200lbs and consider myself average, but anyone smaller than 5'9" or less than 160lbs to be weak and beta. You gotta eat and lift to have testosterone, otherwise you're still a boy

>> No.11424216

Why are they all chopped up

>> No.11424223
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>Eggs fried in leftover bacon fat

>> No.11424235

t. insecure

>> No.11424240

t. actually insecure

>> No.11424242

If you're not comparing yourself to the people around you you're an NPC

>> No.11424254


That's the way my grandmother served them to me when I was a child, so I just do them that way.

>> No.11424259

You must really feel like I burned yer ass, seeing how you just repeated what I said.
>le NPC meme
>literally posts some (if btfo ( );Run.script=projection) shit

>> No.11424263

I see, so you feel like I really burned yer ass... interesting...

>> No.11424269

im laughing so hard right now.

>> No.11424283

Weird you'd go thru the trouble of poaching them then server them like a mishmash.

Are you a chink or just a larper, btw, not that it matters?

>> No.11424455

If your grandmother jumped off of a bridge,would you?
Also try english muffins,slightly over toasted,rather than toast.

>> No.11424497

why is 4chan so height obsessed

is it americans

>> No.11424545

Only tall people with nothing else going on and some weirdly shallow women care about height as long as it's not weirdly short or way too tall.

>> No.11424732

t. manlet

>> No.11424752


I happen to like a mouthful of both yolk and egg white. I don't consider that odd at all.

>> No.11424790

>i'm 5'8" so that's average and my womyn whom I orbit tell me size doesn't matter, guys

>> No.11424808

t.based boy that calls 'em as he sees 'em.

>> No.11424959

Short stature is a sign of physical weakness, usually developmental problems either in the womb or during childhood. Poor nutrition. Single mother only gave them a peanut butter sandwich on wonderbread for lunch. Poor bastards.

>> No.11424965


>> No.11424968
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Observe the best way to eat an egg, manlets.

>> No.11424972

>a-am I cool guys?

>> No.11424983


>> No.11425014

Yeah, I was poor as fuck but I'd literally pick up change everyday to buy bread, milk or soup. I knew I had to eat. My brother just went hungry and as adults he's 50lbs lighter and an inch shorter. He can't gain weight at all, just can't make himself eat enough everyday without throwing up

>> No.11425187

death by snoo snoo

>> No.11425262


>> No.11425274

Good for you

>> No.11425285

I hate eggs. No matter how you spruce them up or what you do with them, they're always a little bit boring. I hate that about eggs. I hate them I hate them.

>> No.11425291

why not just leave the bread intact and put the egg on top?

>> No.11425300

Because you can't pointlessly waste food that way.

>> No.11425317

'ate runny eggs

>> No.11425325
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>tfw the Irish are below niggers and dogs

>> No.11425328

You could just bite out the hole in the bread it doesn't necessarily have to be wasted, but you're right. It's like getting a kid's sub at subway, they just cut off two inches of bread to throw away

>> No.11425333
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>he likes burnt scrambled eggs

>> No.11425342

Pointlessly waste a 2in circle of bread? Do you not eat anything you cut off? Also it's supposed to have another piece of bread underneath to be an egg sammy.

>> No.11425371

I guarantee you almost no one who actually does this eats that circle of bread.

>> No.11425413

I see you don't know what burnt means. I am also a retard. Do you want to join me in watching JOI videos?

>> No.11425425

Well then they'd be the type to be wasteful regardless. Wasting the food isn't an inherent requirement

>> No.11425577


>> No.11425616
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>> No.11425623

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11425634

I deal with the same shit. I love breakfast and make an omelette with bacon every weekend and my girlfriend eats a fucking starbucks bagel. I make an awesome breakfast and she wants a bagel...she says eggs taste like farts to her.

>> No.11425825

I don't like eggs but I eat them every day because they're good for me.

>> No.11425706

>5'6" is normal.

Yeah. For a woman. Or a 13 year old boy.

>> No.11425827

Because it's more fun to eat it out of a hole in the bread. You can put jam on the circle you cut out, which retarded >>11425300 didn't consider.

>> No.11425714
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>> No.11425723

Where's the lie?

>> No.11426716

It was melty cheese, not raw egg

>> No.11427845

>don't beat her

lol shut the fuck up cuck

>> No.11427870

People who eat runny yolks need to be publicly executed

>> No.11427878

I dab on manlets' graves

>> No.11427886


>> No.11427889

It's like I'm on Reddit

>> No.11427969
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Good morning everyone..

>> No.11428836
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>> No.11428850

I really wish cute short straight guys like that went gay if they have bad luck with women. I honestly don't care about height. It's only just the face that matters.