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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11418649 No.11418649 [Reply] [Original]

are we being raided? /ck/ has been usually stupid for a while but now we are just being spammed.

>> No.11418656

Yeah these idiots thought spamming a 4chan board with porn would actually bother anyone

>> No.11418658

I think someone got mad at the janitor for doing his job, and threw a fit because of it. It happens from time to time. Thank God there's a janitor here or else this board would be dead.

>> No.11418668

Yep. Some millennial got her feelings hurt, so she's lashing out.

>> No.11418671

I'm getting a little hot and bothered if you know what I mean.

>> No.11418675

I know you guys like Jack threads but this is really pushing it

>> No.11418677

Go to the catalog, click the little blue arrow hovering the thread and hide thread. If you're on a phone I don't think you can hide trheads.

>> No.11418691


Honestly though, how immature. No wonder no one likes her/him.

>> No.11418719

Raiding /ck/ is like raiding /po/

>> No.11418724

Come clean /ck/ what did you guys do

>> No.11418740

We really can tell the difference between butter and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

>> No.11418743

Refused to accept Hitler.

>> No.11418747

He really dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.11418754

I have this strange feeling that /pol/ is raiding this board. I've noticed their recent influence here has been growing strong in the past couple of days.

>> No.11418769

Looks more like /tv/. The mods did recently start deleting the bon appetit threads.

>> No.11418773

I just don't understand what kind of dumb immature nigger would try to raid /ck/.
It's not even a fun board lmao. It's my home board but we're not very fun, I can admit it. So what's the point? There's nothing that can be gained except bans.

>> No.11418780

>muh /pol/

/pol/ doesnt care about /ck/ at fucking all, I never see anything related to raiding other boards, let alone /ck/

>> No.11418782

I don't know, /pol/ has been spilling in this board, especially with that recent ben and jerrys flavor and all of that, it really triggered them. They start a thread asking what their favorite ben and jerrys flavor is, knowing full well that the discussion will be that of politics and society, rather than actual ben and jerrys ice cream.

They love to argue (to extremes), I don't know why but I find it odd.

>> No.11418804

>board is being raided
>lol just hide the threads you don't like!

>> No.11418809

Shit, I felt like George Costanza not having to leave comfy cooking behind while I fapped.

>> No.11418813

I know this may come as a massive shock to you, but people who browse /pol/ also browse other boards. I'm not raiding you leftist retard, I'm just here to talk about food.

>> No.11418814


/tg/ used to have a troll that namefagged as "Jim Profit." Prior to his arrival, fa/tg/uys would take the premise of any given troll thread and turn it into a discussion because that's just how they rolled. After his arrival, mentioning anything related to Jim Profit would be enough to destroy a thread. You could post a picture of a Naruto character and it would have the same effect. You could reference Ayn Rand and everything would suddenly grind to a halt as people screeched about how they fucking hated Jim Profit.

The Profit troll does not assail weak points in a board's culture when he strikes. He creates them, and then lets his victims destroy themselves.

>> No.11418842


>> No.11418879


Tell Hiro to suddenly add flags to the board. Guaranfuckingtee you there will be nothing but Russian flags on the majority of these "shitpost" threads.

>> No.11418899

please no, every flag board descends into faggy generals and ad homs over nationality. if you want the flag experience go to int

>> No.11418909

I don't suppose you're the guy you're talking about, trying to talk yourself up?

>> No.11418933

>/pol/ is raiding us
>None of the porn is interracial
Oof, try again

>> No.11418934

>Tell Hiro to suddenly add flags to the board.
no no no. the boards with flags are all awful. as in, even more awful than this place.

>> No.11418935

Is this a serious post or the king of all shitposts? It's hard to tell.....

>> No.11418951

/pol/ is like watching a trainwreck, I can't stop checking in from time to time to see if everyone's ok

>> No.11418952

sounds like you boys come from a faggot country
sorry not sorry you can't handle the banter

>> No.11418973

>says "can't handle the banter"
>accuses anyone else of being from a faggy country

>> No.11418975

Don't get me wrong I love all of them, but their intolerance can get a bit tiring. Some really have heart and try to do good but most are just filled with unneeded hate and rage, looking to pick fights and arguments at any given opportunity.

>> No.11418976

well i come from the us which is the world headquarters for faggotry so yes

>> No.11418980

>Spamming porn
I thought the OP was talking about the vegotard raid that has been going on for a while now.

>> No.11418988

>oh ho hum let me just explain how I'm not ashamed of my --
leaf detected

>> No.11419000

I prefer the porn tbqh. At least they aren't trying virtue signal.

>> No.11419001

>btw I'm gay, not sure if that matters or not
>sl.op of shit
>do americans REALLY do this?

Just pointing out the phrases that some dipshit loser loves to spam on here. Add them on your filter list to make this place tolerable

>> No.11419002

Most of 2018 /pol/ is just T_D transplants...

>> No.11419028

>T_D transplants...
What's that?

>> No.11419035


>> No.11419037

Reddit's Trump fan boy page.

>> No.11419038

Do they really do that though? It's completely incomprehensible that a single person outside of third world countries would even have the thought to do something like that? Isn't it just proof that their living standards are on par with the worst of them?

>> No.11419043

You filtered it and still can't stop bitching.

>> No.11419048

is slop o shit filtered?

>> No.11419050

I thought about doing this but every board has their own things like this. It kind of adds to the whole experience I guess.

Knowing this really puts things into greater perspective.

Another thing I find interesting is that 2 people could be having a peaceful discussion on one board and by small chance be tearing eachothers heads apart in another boards discussion.

>> No.11419056

Sounds like vegans. Especially the ones that argue like /v/.

>> No.11419059

>being so asshurt that you have to use filters
At that point, why not just go straight to redddit

>> No.11419062


This was forever ago. Even if I was the guy I'm talking about, it wouldn't even be worth bragging about.

>> No.11419071

I'm a vegan but most of the time keep it to myself, unless there is discussion about recipes and such or if it's just for light humor.

>> No.11419096

/Pol/ here, I don't think I've ever mentioned politics on this board. I also think Ben & Jerry's is damned good ice cream.

>> No.11419108

This is my point, and with my own personal beliefs I know how it feels when there are those who give said beliefs a bad rep because they can't really defend it themselves. It's good that they believe in God but sometimes they don't realize that the way they represent themselves may be pushing more people away than bringing them close to understanding.

Basically good intentions executed wrongly.

>> No.11419224

Rent free

>> No.11419234

shift + lmb on the image will hide them too, you can get through it in like 5 minutes and vastly improve your experience

>> No.11419240

Thanks, I didn't know this.

>> No.11419244

The only spamming I've seen are the stupid McChicken threads

>> No.11419251

I know, based shitposters living rent free

>> No.11419298

Newfag fuck off dumbass put a bullet in your head

>> No.11419317

Not just /ck/, but all boards. Why? Midterms.

>> No.11419322

It's simply getting more popular dumbass. Of course that will invite more shit posting.

>> No.11419379


I believe the issue has a lot to do with imagesharing sites like imgur. Apparently, every mouthbreather on the Internet thinks all of 4chan is a board for lelsofunnay content because they have these massive screencap dumps that show basically nothing but that.

Organic growth isn't a problem. Massive influxes are a major problem, because they don't know what it's normally like on an imageboard. They're just swinging through to join in on what they think is a nonstop orgy of shitposting. The worst kind of tourist is the kind that ruins the ground he treads upon, like a drunkard that shows up in Ireland, expecting every day to be St. Patrick's Day.

>> No.11419381
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>> No.11419389

I cooked a Chef John recipe while omitting the cayenne powder.

>> No.11419394
File: 48 KB, 657x527, CuaRKzuW8AAZ4nG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeeee you're destroying the hugbox where I pretend to be a highschool dropout working at Fazoli's.

>> No.11419396



I think everyone in possession of a soul has, at some point, realized that the vast majority of people around them are empty and worthless husks.

>> No.11419409
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Mock it all you like, I guess. You wouldn't be here if your own home site had any merit.

>> No.11419431

Really most of the people on /ck/ know most vegans are like you, but seeing three threads in an hour of some PETA propaganda getting annoying

>> No.11419432
File: 168 KB, 423x423, 1539664838796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your home site
You mean this site?

>> No.11419454


It can't be, else you would have a problem with foreign invaders wrecking your home site. Begone, tea-wench.

>> No.11419463

95% of /ck/ consists of bored housewives.

>> No.11419471
File: 576 KB, 1024x575, e17___9_by_brokenking12-daqyrww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, but only cuz I'm gonna go make a bunch of Claire threads

>> No.11419478

how many butthole threads were up? i left when it first started and there were three
did it get worse?
nothing is worse than the literal shit threads on /v/

>> No.11419683

Yep. It happened to mu which us why I stopped browsing there. Pol is the new entry board and I just think it's newfags thinking "xD drumpf legion". Hopefully they just get banned enough to learn how to operate themselves.

>> No.11419690

Guess you weren't here this morning when ten different porn threads were up

>> No.11419702

I did it a few days ago for >>11418668
that reason. I'm sensitive

>> No.11419733

Nothing wrong with some Claire now and then, but don't overdo it. It would also be a better idea to post them on /wsg/ so we can get the sound as well.

>> No.11420692
File: 408 KB, 1080x1440, one_true_busey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He kind of reminds me of Gary Busey.

>> No.11420789

>None of the porn is interracial
/pol/ only post that on their own board to troll themselves. It's the only reason I ever go there.

>> No.11420793
File: 419 KB, 200x200, buseymouth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11420803

>most are just filled with unneeded hate and rage
The hate and rage aren't as irritating to me as the delusions that literally everything is either a Democract/Soros funded actual attack on the right, or a Democract/Soros funded false-flag attack on the left. Literally everything.
A plane crashed in Indonesia and it had some Indonesian treasury officials and they insisted that Soros did it to something, something, bitcoin. There's basically no big event anywhere that they don't think is somehow part of the USA-left wing master plan.

>> No.11420807

>but seeing three threads on the hour of some PETA propaganda
The vegan threads in /ck/ are only ever bait threads, never posted by actual vegans.

>> No.11421598


>> No.11421616

I remember him he would shitpost on old /n/ (the news board before it was deleted) back in 2007.

>> No.11421671

>bored housewives.
>thinking anyone on this board is enough of a functional human to sustain, let alone begin an intimate relationship

>> No.11421914

It really is ridiculous that 'someone/a group of people' have fallen this far in life... to where being on here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week making ridiculous threads and replies has now become their life. Some people in life sincerely do not deserve the privileges or resources they have.