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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11413796 No.11413796 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best hangover remedy you know of?

>> No.11413798

hairy dogs

>> No.11413800 [DELETED] 

Not drinking in the first place you degenerate nigger

>> No.11413803


>> No.11413804

Oof... there’s a lot to unpackage here

>> No.11413805

2 bottles of water, and wakey wakey eggs and bakey

>> No.11413806

If he has a hangover, it is too late for your judgmental bullshit, you retarded faggot.

Pickle juice.

>> No.11413807

Day drinking to the level of buzzed. Then eating a bunch of food and napping. Sucks when you have a job though, then you're fairly fucked.

>> No.11413808

a thread died for this

>> No.11413812

G'night, sleepy pepe

>> No.11413821


>> No.11413824
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>This entire post

>> No.11413825

Grab a glass that'll hold roughly half a litter of water, or as close as you can get.
Add heaped teaspoon of salt
Squeeze a whole lemon's juice into cup
Top off with cold water
Mix well and drink the whole thing.
It tastes like a savoury lemonade.
Best fucking headache/hangover cure I know.

>> No.11413827

Not drinking

>> No.11413828

Not getting drunk

>> No.11413834

He already has a hangover. In trying to be clever, you show off how fucking dumb you are. Pickle juice is the right answer.

>> No.11413847

>white knighting this hard
fuck off faggot cuck, you are not welcome here. The best way for him to not have a hangover is to not drink in the first place and partake in degenerate acts. He must now pay the price for his superficial inspired actions because in life, the price must always be paid.
I’d suggest for you to log out, take a break from the internet and fuck off

>> No.11413848

Crystal meth

>> No.11413849

>Superficial inspired actions
Do you know this anon personally?
Then shut the fuck up like you know anything.

>> No.11413851

I am the white knight, you teetotaling straight edge fuckwit? He asked how to cure a hangover, not how to be the faggot version of a pussy.

>> No.11413853

Nah, pickle juice doesn't work, I should know, I drink it before, during, and after drinking. Still hungover.
there is no remedy besides ibuprofen or similar and water. give your brain back some think juice

>> No.11413856

>mixing uppers and downers
please do NOT do this

>> No.11413899

Powerade, vitamin water, Sprite or gingerale.
Bagel with butter.
I swear by this, it's always cured me.

>> No.11413910

greasy fast food breakfast sandwich and pedialyte

>> No.11413913

Drinking is the biggest npc thing you can do, it's bad for you both mentally and physically and it makes you complacent. Avoid the boozejew.

>> No.11413924

Preaching judgmental bullshit is the biggest npc thing you can do, you fucking walking health tip.

>> No.11413925

t. NPC
yes, let us all be complicit to the substance that literally makes you retarded the more you ingest and causes you to feel like shit the day after.

>> No.11413929

not drinking alcohol like a serf.

>> No.11413930

I do not drink, cunt. I do know how to cure a hangover though, so how about you shut your mouth. No one here has the dry cock you are so clearly starving for.

>> No.11413935

>This thread
Wow, the alkies have been on edge since al/ck/ got banned, hm?

>> No.11413937

Diazepam or any generic valium 10mg one pill + aspirin.

I only drink few times a year. I don´t understand people who willingly suffer those awful mental and physical side effects. Just take so much benzos you can possibly digest for 24 hour period and you just sleep/nod the whole ordeal off.

>> No.11413938

Literally everyone knows that drinking is bad for you, NPCs do it as instructed in small amounts and only socially. Drinking alone to the point that it actually causes you physical/mental/social harm is pretty decidedly anti-NPC behavior.

>> No.11413943


>> No.11413995

Imagine polluting your liver with booze in the current year when marijuana is legal.
You al/ck/ faggots are pathetic

>> No.11414008
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I'm dying bros


>> No.11414020
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jealous of killing my liver and feeling like shit? If that helps you get over your hang over, believe what you want.

>> No.11414048

a warm mug of thinned cocoa

>> No.11414049

So... you are just committed to dying of just being a buzzkill prick instead? To each his own. Cheers.

>> No.11414055

Water and a banana or two before bed. In the morning a heavy breakfast helps settle my stomach.

>> No.11414065

enjoy your ulcers

>> No.11414068

That's really only an issue if you eat it all the time.
If you have hangovers that often you'll probably get ulcers from the boose anyway.

>> No.11414138


>> No.11414154

If you can, sleep it out.
If you can't, water is number one, and try to get into the habit of downing loads of water before going to sleep if you can remember.
Have a shit.
Shower if you aren't absolutely nauseaus to the point of the shower being vomit inducing.
Then after all that, have a nice hearty breakfast, a cup of coffee and for the head, some ibuprofen or even better weed if you smoke.

If you're fucking horrifically hungover, don't chug on water like a maniac or you'll vomit.
Also don't eat cereals.

>> No.11414164

>thinking that not drinking makes you a buzzkill
Sucks that your idea of a good time is contingent on a drug

>> No.11414167

A blunt a beer and cold pizza.

>> No.11414170

I do not drink, nigger. Not a drop. I also do not toss around judgment as if my uninformed opinion adds answers to questions fucking no one asked. OP asked for hangover remedies, not your faggot sermon.

>> No.11414213

Jesus bro, calm down have a drink or something

>> No.11414230

A little pickle juice is good for minor relief. Honestly workout it is awful feeling for the first ten minutes and sucks but once you actually start sweating you feel better from there forward, and of course it encourages you to hydrate yourself. If I'm hungover I usually have ramen or another comfy food for dinner even though by then I'm usually not feeling it anymore

>> No.11414232

Not binge drinking like an idiot.

>> No.11414239


>> No.11414240

oh, so time travel?

Any more practical advice from those that never got invited to a party in highschool?

>> No.11414254

If you got hangovers before the age of 25 you're a genetic failure.

>> No.11414274

I only ever had a hangover the first time I got shitfaced, and I was around 11 you fucking know nothing know-it-all. How about you fuck off and stop shitting in your smarty pants in public?

>> No.11414289
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>got drunk at 11 fucking years old
>thinks he gets to talk shit about anybody

>> No.11414302

when was the first time you got drunk you ignorant little squirt of your failed father's cum?

>> No.11414312

>drinking at age 11
I can only imagine how much of a degenerate you are now

>> No.11414319

>I'm not a genetic failure, I'm just trailer trash

>> No.11414323

I do not drink at all and smoke a bit of weed a couple of times a week.

Do not imagine me in yur gay head.

>> No.11414329


>> No.11414339

>thinking there is anything wrong with being a virgin
Is everyone a degenerate these days?

>> No.11414625

>Have a shit.
if your tummy feels funny, taking a nice long shit. its the best
grab your phone, browse /ck/ and shit your guts out

>> No.11414645


All of the water you can possibly stand and at least 1 teaspoon of lite salt. Do not eat unless you plan on taking a nap. If you do, eat something fatty.

The meme is that you get deficient in B vitamins and magnesium but the truth is that only happens with alcoholics who drink a couple days in a row. Potassium and Sodium are the #1 thing your body loses when flushing out poison.

Last time I had a headache and ended up pounding a gallon of water and 2 teaspoons of lite salt in 2 hours(lite salt intake not recommended unless you are a fatty fatso like me.)

My hangover was completely cured.

>> No.11414656


Sleeping it out doesn't work or works pretty shit. 9.9/10 You feel terrible because your body is depleted of resources. It needs water, it needs salt, it needs potassium and it needs sleep in that order.

>> No.11414666
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>> No.11414673


Imagine fucking up your brain permanently because you wanted to be cool at 11.

>> No.11414693

Shithead... I was not trying to be cool. I was trying to see what booze was all about. Mission accomplished on my part. Nice projection of your own insecurities and motives though.

>> No.11414703

Coconut water (not milk)

>> No.11414711

Bottle of Pedialyte, a rockstar hydrate, and a big greasy breakfast.

>> No.11414715


You’re that guy that never got laid in college, aren’t you?

>> No.11415045

>Needing to be inebriated to have the tiniest bit of fun
Big yikes!

>> No.11415296


>> No.11415303
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>> No.11415320

Eat and drink before you go to sleep. If it's really bad the day after make drink some heated chicken stock with a splash of cream or milk when you are able to get up, maybe add something easily digested to make a soup if you think there's a chance you won't just throw up immediately.

>> No.11415368
File: 46 KB, 300x251, 732FC406-0C25-4F82-9AA3-C1F6CE0AF76A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Rookies

Steps to drinking hard as an adult:

Pre-game: Sip a bottle of Pedialyte advanced care+. The strawberry lemonade flavor over ice is the most drinkable. You now have a good hydration base to lessen the hangover.

Mid game: As others have said, drink water and eat something (whataburger) after your last drink and before you pass out.

Post game: Another bottle of Pedialyte Advanced Care + and a packet of BC Powder (pour the powder in your mouth and chase it with pedialyte). Take a shower. Follow up with Topo Chico water on the couch until you can function as a human again.

>> No.11415656


>> No.11415659
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>duuude weed is so much better for you!

>> No.11415809

Wake, glass of water, line of coke, chug beer. Then, eat potatoes / eggs / bacon (or fried meat of choice), two glasses of water throughout meal, another beer, another line. Guaranteed fix.

>> No.11415814

Bacon, eggs, toast, hash browns and lots of Gatorade

>> No.11415815

So, water, bowl, blow, beer, breakfast with coffee, bowl, blow, beer. It's mostly the liquid flushing you out.

>> No.11415827
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Frozen Pedialyte pops

Pedialyte is designed to help with dehydration, the pops are easier on a queasy stomach because you're consuming it more slowly. The pop format means you can lay down in bed gnawing at the pop ends. Nothing beats the pops.

>> No.11415846

LSD, you'll forget about your hangover soon enough.

>> No.11416305

Weed sucks, it's literally the worst drug you can do. Stoners live in depressed denial

>> No.11416322

Raw egg, Worcester sauce, and red pepper. The Worcester sauce that gives it its colour. The raw egg makes it nutritious. The red pepper gives it its bite.

>> No.11416360

this, anyone who says otherwise has kidney stones.

>> No.11416471

A litre of water before bed.
Eggs and fried stuff is great but if I was really feeling dicey, I'd probably go for congee with kimchi or something similar.

Fermented vegetables are very good for recovering the nutrients pissed away when drinking.

>> No.11416521

One become a drunk lush two smoke pot and three eat meats.
Fucking plebs.

>> No.11416532

>causes you to feel like shit the day after.
Dont be a pussy.

>> No.11416533

potassium/magnesium broth and copious amounts of lemon water

hangovers are just extreme dehydration, rehydrate and be mirthful

>> No.11416538

Booze isnt a drug but weed is.
Go to bed you have school in the morning

>> No.11416541

fried eggs on toast along with a glass of water with some beet powder mixed in, hangover just fades away

>> No.11416544

This triggers the American who thinks everything is dangerous.

>> No.11417224

Drinking isn’t degenerate, unless you combine it with cocaine, and then flip out at a stopped motorist, then flip out and attack a bike food delivery guy, who stabs you to death when you attack him and flip him on the ground.

>> No.11417227

People who drink live longer than those who don’t. Even people who drink excessively live longer than those who don’t.

>> No.11417228

>is afraid of violence

>> No.11417264

Eggs served ork saucage, chili peppers and onions fried in oil and parboiled potatoes and a big glass of OJ.

>> No.11417441
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So you lay these in a row:
- 2 Glasses of water
-1 cup of coffee
-half a lime
-Orange Gatorade (Gotta be orange otherwise it doesn't work)
-Bowl of corn flakes and milk with a pinch of salt

You go down the row:
-Chug water
-Chug water
-Chug coffee
-Squirt lime into your left eye then your right eye (In that order)
-Chug Gatorade
-Chug cereal
10 push-ups
10 situps


>> No.11417449

plus more water
plus ibuprofen & tums/rolaids/stomach stuff
plus sleep - take a sick day if you can

>> No.11417496


>> No.11417528

It's worked without fail in my past 20 years of existence. I wouldn't say it's a remedy, it's more of a preventive measure. But 6 beers and 15 shots in the other night still had me walking the next day

The number one rule to killing the hangover is to STAY AWAKE until your headache subsides. (The headache that you get when you're already really drunk) It's kind of the period of calming down. This is probably the hardest part because lying down on a bed or anything relatively soft (which is most likely everything) can knock you out.

When the headache subsides, drink a whole pitcher/jug of water. Pop an advil, go to sleep.

The next day you'll be good as new.

I don't think advil is safe mixed with alcohol though, but I drink so sparingly that I don't think it'll kill you or anything.

>> No.11417598

Not getting drunk in the first place.

Drinking is fucking retarded.

>> No.11417618

*Tips fedora*

>> No.11417884

To be quite honest I do usually wake up, drink water and go back to sleeping but sleeping it out always absolutely worked for me if I could do it.
Getting hammered and waking up at 1pm feeling groggy as fuck is way better than waking up at 9am and feeling like you'll die

>> No.11417958
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>pedialyte or Gatorade
>eat a nice greasy egg sandwich on a bagel. The carbs and grease help soak the alcohol
>take zofram or smoke some DUDE WEED for nausea
>sleep for about an hour

>> No.11417964
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swallowing tidepods

>> No.11417969

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.11417972

those just prolong it and keep the alcohol absorbed into your brain

>> No.11418054

lit'rally wat.

>carbs and grease help soak
>fried eggs on toast
>eat meats
>Eggs and fried stuff is great
>Bacon, eggs, toast, hash browns
>eat potatoes / eggs / bacon (or fried meat of choice)
>big greasy breakfast
This is pseudoscience. Neither carbs nor fatty fried food are inherent "hangover cures" and they don't "absorb alcohol." Fried garbage is just notoriously high in salt, and sodium is an electrolyte, which you need to replenish after drinking.
All hangover symptoms are from dehydration.

>> No.11418066

Seriously this if you workout and break a sweat your body metabolises the alcohol faster and you rehydrate quicker most people hate exercise but it really gets rid of a hangover fast and for good, everything else is a bandaid relief to let time do it's thing

>> No.11418086

Instant ramen, with a splash of sesame oil, green onions, and a couple of eggs cooked in the broth. There was one year of my life where I drank very heavily every weekend, and this without fail makes me feel better. I usually take a bath after for added bonus.
Of course drink water and take advil too

>> No.11418103

I remember my first beer

>> No.11418241

You dumb nigger nothing was said about food soaking up alcohol. Neck yourself nigger

>> No.11418783

water and some chicken or beef broth with spicy condiment

>> No.11418800
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Pho is a miracle anti-hangover potion

>> No.11418805

Lemonade and peas.

>> No.11418872
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>wat do when dehydrated?

>> No.11418880
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never again

>> No.11419147

Benzos and opiates

>> No.11419254

Been there done that

>> No.11419266

>He already has a hangover
Where does the OP say that?

>> No.11419280

>don't judge me hmphf
this is some facebook tier SJWing

>> No.11419359

>-Squirt lime into your left eye then your right eye (In that order)

>> No.11419656
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>The carbs and grease help soak the alcohol

>> No.11419665

This is the only good answer.