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File: 96 KB, 192x500, deer_hangind_cooler_askthemeatman_500high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11406746 No.11406746 [Reply] [Original]

I went hunting for the first time a couple days ago. A friend and I managed to shoot a buck, but we couldn't find it in the brush at night, so we left it there in the cold and rain and went back at about 10 o clock the next morning to find it and dress it. In the process, my friend popped the piss bag. We finished up and drug it to the back of his car. We cleaned out the blood at a nearby cabin and took it home to skin. Well, my friend decided to let the deer sit in the back of the car while he bullshitted for a couple of hours. Eventually we get it skinned and ready by about 4 that afternoon. we hang it in a nearby laundry room. Its cold at night, but the outside temperature during the day is about 60 degrees. Hopefully it is cooler in that room.

Honestly, what can I expect in terms of meat quality? Its my first deer, and my friend is kind of fucking it up.

>> No.11406754

I dont know
I hunt a lot and never heard of anyone fucking up so much
Keep us updated you might be entering unexplored culinary territory

>> No.11406761

ditch the alcoholic hunting friend next time

>> No.11406771

You can expect hepatitis, possibly even aids.

>> No.11406772

For sure. Im prepared to eat it regardless. I worked my ass off for that buck. I suggested just quartering it and keeping in the fridge a couple of days, But he said that hanging it is better. I agree, but not like this. Hes had experience, but only a couple of deer before this. He butchered the shoulder while skinning and just tossed the whole quarter. He cut the tendon that kept the deer on the gambrel. Im scared, but I really want that meat.

>> No.11406774

It's fucked. Take it down and throw it in a ditch somewhere

>> No.11406781

You dont know how right you are.

Im hoping my herpes offers a natural resistance to these

>> No.11406785

Define "fucked"

>> No.11406803

Usually you hang BEFORE skinning.

>> No.11406810

jerkify it and post results

>> No.11406826

I know that's the norm, but given the circumstances, is this beneficial? We have the deer hanging while inside a cotton-like deer carcass bag, with a pot underneath to catch any remain in blood/water.

If this were me doing this by myself, I would have just butchered it as quick as possible and refrigerated the meat. I don't have the necessary storage to hang it in a safe, cool manner.

>> No.11406840

fucking idiot how could you let it ruin like that, have some fucking care with what you do jesus christ

>> No.11406846

Well, no. I've been wanting this deer for a long time. I purchased a rifle from a shady private source because I could barely afford it new, and I don't have much time to get another buck. Im going to eat the backstrap and tenderloin as a steak or roast, along with the other cuts in whatever recipe seems best. Im mainly looking for any indication on when the meat is completely unacceptable. I mean, I've seen posts about people who eat moldy beef. I've bought cuts of beef and lamb that were in the discount rack at the grocery store, and were very discolored. Im hoping to the best, but would like a little guidance.

>> No.11406849

>is this beneficial?
well not for you since you dont understand gravity you dumb motherfucker

>> No.11406853

I wouldn't have let it get to this point if it was just me. I've watched countless youtube videos up to this point, and witnessed him do everything the videos said not to. however, I am still a newb, and he had actual experience, so I defer to him.

>> No.11406854

You wont die from it but it probably will taste like ass

Try some cuts and if they dont taste any good you can just make overseasoned sausage or jerky from it

>> No.11406864

The fuck does the skin have to do with gravity? We put it in a cotton carcass back meant specifically for hanging

>> No.11406875

Fair enough. Should I still stick with cooking them medium rare, or would it be better to cook the cuts closer to medium well?

>> No.11406889

Next time field dress it (remove the guts) immediately because leaving them in like you guys really makes the meat taste off and gives venison a bad name. Only hang it overnight if the temp will be in the 40F's or lower. Otherwise, skin it and quarter it immediately. Your idea of quartering and letting them sit in the fridge is unnecessary but better than what you fucks have done. Don't be lazy and process your kill promptly next time you lazyass fuck. Just make sure to cook the meat well done and you'll probably be ok, but it will probably have a taint flavor. The backstraps which are inside the gut cavity will probably taste like ass, what a pity as that is tender and should normally be cooked to medium.

>> No.11406895
File: 93 KB, 1055x574, 1540619405476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inside gut cavity
Kys yourself

>> No.11406900

If you want to look/be like him. Eat the deer.

Honestly if you aren't poor. Eat a safe clean deer

>> No.11406913

I know we fucked up. I hate it. I was on his time though, so I was kind of forced to deal with it.

And like the above anon said, im pretty sure youre thinking of the tenderloins. The backstrap is literally on the back of the deer, above the rib cage

>> No.11406923

You really fucked that whole thing up didn't you? It's not your fault really, if it's your first time, but take better shots and bring someone who knows what they're doing. I started typing this out but it's long and looks like a blog post. You might have better help with /out/ or /k/ for more useful advice considering this is a fast food board.

>> No.11406927

Im not necessarily poor, but not rich enough to be okay with wasting this much meat. The place we are hanging it at is owned by a man who really knows his shit. Had he been there when we skinned it, he would have let us know if there were any warning signs. Hopefully when it comes time to butcher it that guy will be there to overlook it.

>> No.11406930
File: 198 KB, 640x678, 1521077931623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean ppl here are all trying to tell you not to eat. But you insist on going to eat it anyways, so why even bother asking? At this point I think there is some wishful thinking going on inside your head and you just want to hear the reply that match your expectation.

Like the other anon said. If you aren't poor. Wait a bit and go hunt when you are ready

And if you really are just gonna eat it anyways. At least eat a small portion first and wait 6 hours. You can do that at least right ?

>> No.11406935

That's the thing. I missed the shot, but it was supposed to be my buck. He finished it off, and proceeded to make the mistakes mentioned. I watched a ton of videos these last few months, and felt I would have done better if I had done it myself. I skinned half of the deer, and my half came out perfect. Ill try /out/ next. Maybe /k/ too.

>> No.11406943

How much does a shady private rifle cost? And can you let us know the model or take a picture if you don't mind ? Just curious about this whole hunting culture in America

Stay safe

>> No.11406948

It definitely is wishful thinking, but im only hearing what not to do, not why, or at what point it become inedible. I just want to make sure before I waste a Deer off of some overly cautious bullshit

>> No.11406958

What is a "shady private rifle"? Here in Ameriland, a decent quality working man's rifle should cost around $600 Ameridollars

>> No.11406961

Listen, in my state, private sales are allowed because the state police are not enforcing state laws. I did a background check on this rifle before I purchased it, but there is a good chance the rifle just wasn't reported stolen because people up here dont keep track of their model numbers. So I don't want to post more information than necessary. But it was a 308 bolt action.

>> No.11406962

Keeping your meat in good condition if you can't bring it with you man you have to bleed and gut it as soon as you can. Obviously being cold out helps but if it's raining, that's obviously not what you want. I'd rather not pull the trigger if I'm not confident about crushing the chest or neck. Congrats on a successful hunt though. My elk tag starts this Thursday

>> No.11406969

Are there any local butcher that could help you examine ? Letting ppl who works in this field look and smell etc. the meat sounds safer then us using worlds here

>> No.11406970

My rifle cost about 600 new, but I paid 150 for it. If the person who sold it to me didnt steal it, im almost positive someone at some point did. Its a small town and I hear a lot of rumors.

>> No.11406984

You know 4chan can see your IP address, right? RIGHT! You're so fucked.

>> No.11406986

Yes. We left the deer hanging at a guys house who knows his shit. If he notices anything off, im sure he'll say something.

>> No.11406991

Thx. Its a cool looking rifle

>> No.11406994

Yeah, no. I called and had the model number checked by the state police. They took me it wasn't hot. Even the pawn shops around here are licensed to buy and sell guns, and they told me that any gun bought privately is legally mine. My state is not enforcing the laws. Its eel known. I've covered my bases, I just don't want any trouble.

>> No.11407017

B& and V&
Enjoy prison

>> No.11407022

>shoot a buck, but we couldn't find it in the brush at night
So you shot a deer outside of the legal hunting hours? No jurisdiction permits hunting more than 1/2 hour after sunset and no, it's not too dark to track a bloodtrail at that time. You're a scumbag poacher and I hope you get food poisoning from your rotten meat. You're literally a nog.

>> No.11407025


>> No.11407036

Maybe it's in a cave? I play Tomb raider and sometimes you can find deer in a cave

>> No.11407038

>absolutely no clue what they're doing
Was there an automobile, spotlight, and golf course involved in this kind of "hunting"?

>> No.11407039

Fuck that, how could I shoot a Deer at night? I had trouble seeing it in the scope as it was, let alone trying to see at nightthere was still daylight outside, but just barely. Everything looked dark gray in the rain, and we shot the deer on a mountain slope with a lot of timber slash and trenches in the ground. We walked that whole slope, but couldnt find it. Come Morning time we realized we were looking too low. The deer was about 20 yards above where we thought it was.

>> No.11407048

No. It was private property we had permission to hunt on. I have no qualms with poaching, but I want my deer to be gotten legally. Especially my first. I filled out my tag and everything. That being said, I personally don't have a problem with people who walk a moral or legal line.

>> No.11407049

Horrible. You let blood pool in the body overnight. Good luck with that.

>> No.11408097

>I-I wanted it so bad for so long
>I-I worked so hard
Man, should have not left it out then, huh? It would have been hard work to drag it back that very night, not shrug your shoulders and leave it out.

>> No.11408130


>> No.11408435

Post a picture of the deer/meat right now. I've been hunting for 35 years and also butcher my own game. I'll let you know of it ia fucked..

btw if someone in my gang shot a buck and left it in the woods over night for any reason less than the birth of their first son I would kick them out.

>> No.11410066

Yo OP update?

>> No.11411334

Bois, I think we have lost op

>> No.11411346


He ate it and died prolly

>> No.11411687

Its hanging at friends house still. Ill definitely post when I do eat it. Im going to get a hold of friend today today we if its ready. I don't agree with it still hanging for the three days. Especially since the weather isn't cold enough.

>> No.11411761

I recommend charcoal in this case.

>> No.11412554
File: 68 KB, 280x373, 1540948733746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, let me get this straight.
You left a carcass stewing overnight in the forest, in the rain.
You popped the bladder contents onto the meat.
You let it sit in the back of a car for several hours.
You then butchered and hung it in a room that isn't refrigerated.
The meat isn't safe for human consumption. Probably not even safe for anything short of carrion eaters. Keep the skull as a trophy to remind you of how badly you fucked up. Get the pelt tanned and made into something to wear, so you at least won't have COMPLETELY wasted that deer's life for nothing.

>> No.11412576

it was a deer, its entire life was a waste in the first place

>> No.11412672

Dont rely on him being so forthcoming. ASK him if he thinks anything is off.

>> No.11412694

kinda like yours.

>> No.11412698

do you not have butchers in your country that handle this? here we take the game we kill to the butcher and fthey cut it up as we ask for a small fee, or if friend for a piece of the kill.

they know better from experience. take the meat to a butcher anon

>> No.11412722

also from reading this thread i now support gun regulation in america. i had no opinion before but you are a retard and should not own a gun.

>> No.11412755

i've never hunted before, but i get the feeling that this will not be very good, op

>> No.11412791

I would leave it for the vultures desu. Luckily it was just a deer and not anything of real value, but go with someone else next time.

>> No.11413303

Ok, the piss bladder wasn't that bad nor leaving it unskinned for a couple of hours. Leaving it out overnight was way worse. Not necessarily ruining the meat though, but i'd not dare to let it hang more than 24 hours after such a mess. Now listen to papa bear, I'm going to tell you a real pro tip: white vinegar. If meat is fouled by guts, dirt and piss you rinse it off thoroughly with cold water. After most of the water pours off you spray all of it down with a high% white vinegar. Kills bacteria, off smells and some of the bad taste. Then just let it hang for maturing. I've saved even horribly gut shot moose and deer like this.

>> No.11413431

Op can you post some meat pics ?

>> No.11413435

You can get a beat to shit sportered mosin from a pawn shop for 150 bucks.

>> No.11413437

You fucked it, OP. You have to take the guts out right away. Doesn't your state make you take a hunter ed class before you can buy a deer tag?

>> No.11413445

dangerous amounts of bacteria can form within just four hours with almost any type of food and especially meat. i would be very careful my guy. im not a hunter so i dont know how these are usually done. but if your going to eat it i would freeze it then cook it well done

>> No.11413492

Is OP dead?

>> No.11413651

I'm sure you mean to say it was a dark, cloudy day, and the deer was on private property. You also have the written permission of the land owner, a hunting license, and a registered rifle anyway.