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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 702x818, 1538958054947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11406019 No.11406019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this is fucking awesome

>> No.11406025

>funding terrorist groups
Wow, subversive much?

>> No.11406026

I have no words

>> No.11406028

Absolutely cringe

>> No.11406058
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>> No.11406059

good thing I'm not a faggot that likes shit like ben&jerrys

>> No.11406069 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 800x600, 1540823876038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's another /pol/ thread outside of /pol/
Daily reminder that /pol/ is reddit for righties.

>> No.11406098

Companies are made up of individuals and can endorse whatever politics they wish. Why does this make people assmad?

>> No.11406108

(((Benjamin))) and (((Jeremiah)))'s

>> No.11406117

Because using virtue-signaling to make a profit is a dirty, dirty tactic.

>> No.11406120

because i as a consumer want ice cream not preaching

>> No.11406191

If you want ice cream then why the fuck are you trying to buy Ben and Jerry shit?

>> No.11406200
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I needs it brehs

>> No.11406201
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>> No.11406208


>> No.11406211

My wife's icecream

>> No.11406216

Anyone who can't see that trump isn't a good person is lying to themselves. I don't adhere to any political branch but please don't lie to yourself.

>> No.11406219

Amen to that. This tactic goes well beyond the food industry and basically any market or business that seeks to profit from the rest of the world.

>> No.11406227

Is it really virtue signalling if they actually donate the money? I would think virtue signalling only applies when they simply pocket the cash and rub their hands together.

>> No.11406231

Aren't all their flavors like plays on words? What even if the one here, We-can resist? That shit is lazy, this whole marketing ploy is lazy

>> No.11406232

This product is produced by Unilever, a trans-national company based in the UK. They are directly impacted by brexit. Then for some reason this isn't foreign lobbying.

>> No.11406242


>> No.11406248

My wife's bull bought some, it's tasty

>> No.11406258
File: 49 KB, 420x370, 2b8p1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always imagined the Ben and Jerry's founders to basically be this guy.

>> No.11406260

The cost of donating profits for a single flavour is nothing compared to the (free) marketing it gets them, including on here. The most egregious part of this is I have no fucking clue what flavour it is at all. The whole point of eating ice cream is to enjoy the taste and not show everyone you're progressive, but there's no indication on the package what it actually tastes like.

>> No.11406261

Then you shouldn't support chik-fil-a since they virtue signal their homophobia to knuckledragging mouthbreatgers, ok?

>> No.11406272

More like ice cREEEEEEEEEEEEEam, amiareright?

>> No.11406273

This just seems like a really fucking terrible move to make as a business

>> No.11406309

Hardly. There are far more people against trump than support him. Plus most of his supporters can't afford real ice cream, they eat chemically enhanced ice milk.

>> No.11406325

All ice cream is chemically enhanced ice milk.

>> No.11406330

This. Most, if not all companies use donations and charity as a marketing/promotion tactic itself.

>> No.11406332

But people against trump drink soi milk

>> No.11406337

>implying Ben and Jerry's is real ice cream
Haagen Dazs is the only widely available brand of "real" ice cream
even if they didn't use stabilizers, B&J is also just too sickly sweet

>> No.11406339

Salted caramel > *

>> No.11406346
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>> No.11406353

since when are leftys southerners?

>> No.11406357

Good thing there is good ol American Blue Bell available

>> No.11406360
File: 1.21 MB, 480x287, 1504763488126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are far more people against trump than support him.

>> No.11406361

What does this picture imply? Please use actual words to respond.

>> No.11406362
File: 189 KB, 800x560, ben and jerry's ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we've crossed the parody horizon again.

Is everyone enjoying Clown World?

>> No.11406367

It's just so fucking cheesy, as well as inconsistent. Where was the anti-Bush ice cream? A literal war criminal was president for 8 years and all they did was make an effigy of him that one time.

>> No.11406371
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i leave /pol/ to escape this shit so i can just live life without having to stress about shit. i cant even fucking enjoy food without this bullshit. i guess its time to stop running away from it

>> No.11406373

apparently you american leftists use southern terms ironically? don't know. i dont follow your cucked culture
as your ilk would say, i'm not here to educate you.

>> No.11406375

Resist what?
Give me a quick rundown. What happened?

>> No.11406380

resit the whyt man that be opessin us

>> No.11406384

Better just blow yourself up instead Aladdin.

>> No.11406385

Blow it out your creampied ass, snowflake!

>> No.11406389

lmao, cope more, bitch

>> No.11406390
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>> No.11406395

niggers say it a lot because they're southerners

>> No.11406397

>i dont adhere to political branch
>but let me tell u orange man bad >:<
>me hate orange man
>not politic

>> No.11406406
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>> No.11406407

>Please don't vote for Trump and by extension the Republican Party fellow swing voter bzzzt

>> No.11406411

I forgot you guys don't trust polling data

>> No.11406416


Im not interested in him being a good person. Non of our elected leaders are good people. Im interested in what hes doing for my country, and in that regard i could hardly be happier with his performance.

Also, ben n jerrys is shit. Overpriced sub par icecream

>> No.11406421
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Chunky surrender monkey

>> No.11406422

I know there are people who pretend to be on a side on here and make comments like this to give the illusion that this is what a person who believes in such a thing is like, so I will take your post with a grain of salt.

I never said that. Everyone is free to vote for who and what they want. That's the whole point in voting. Trump is a bad person, he is a personality, has a huge ego and treats presidency as if it's just a form of fame, rather than being a leader for the country. And no, I wasn't for Hillary either, or anyone running for that matter. Nobody running for president is honest, those who can afford large campaigns are most likely funded by criminals with the mentality of "we scratch your back, you scratch ours."

>> No.11406423


Except they never virtue signalled shit asswipe. Show me the giant marketing campaign or huge tv conference they had championing these views. Ill wait.

>> No.11406424

They're doing it ironically. They use "folks" a lot too.

>> No.11406433
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>French vanilla

>> No.11406463

>hating the French so much you mention it twice
>With the French Statue crying
Good shit. I know it's ironic.

>> No.11406472

Fuck off to /pol/ where this post belongs

>> No.11406496

Don't forget to tell that to Ben&Jerry though.

>> No.11406506
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>> No.11406511

how is his agenda regressive?

>> No.11406512

4/10: made me chuckle.
Trump's still a retard though.

>> No.11406513

>Why does this make people assmad?
Because it's bad business and watching unforced errors is difficult to stomach for people with high intelligence.
It's like watching a chess game and watching someone hang their queen. It's just fucking painful to watch.

>> No.11406515

being against gays is not homophobia you absolute joke of a person.

>> No.11406519


>> No.11406523

Wants to abolish civil rights for minorities.
Isolationist foreign policy.
Cold War rhetoric with China and Russia.
Anti immigration.
Pro military.
Pro Globalisation (regardless of what he says).
Enables religious extremism.
Anti environment.
Petty regressive by anyone's standards.

>> No.11406524

>Trump's still a retard though.


>> No.11406526

>people of high intelligence SUCH AS MYSELF

>> No.11406528

How is it possible to post on 4chan and be this blue pilled?

>> No.11406530

>homophobia isn't homophobia says homophobe

good /ck/ thread everyone!

>> No.11406534

yes goy, everything you dont like is fear now

>> No.11406535

I'm sorry that intelligence triggers you.

>> No.11406537

Are you saying trump supports the opposite?
I've got news for you.
You're a faggot.

>> No.11406542

Nothing. They just don't like Drumpf. Literally just virtue signaling.

>> No.11406551

I'm saying your characterization of his political agenda is cartoonish.
The only reason bluepilled triggers you is because you know it's true.

>> No.11406552

I don't think any politician is a good person. I don't expect my leaders to be good people, i expect them to lead my country right, and as far as that goes he's doing what I've expected.

>> No.11406554
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 826B472E-4BC7-40DD-8E82-9D93156915B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrr I don’t know what the root phobia means
Here’s a hint: too bad your mom has trypanophobia, because that abortion would have done us all a favor.
That’s a fear of needles by the way.

>> No.11406556

It would have been funnier if he hadn't bothered to underline it.

>> No.11406562

Are people really this retarded?

>> No.11406564

Salt flavored ice cream doesn't sound very appetizing.

>> No.11406567

Are hydrophobic materials afraid of water?

>> No.11406568

>he's doing what I've expected.
Your morals must be out of line. Violence begets violence, hate begets hate. To each their own though. Have a good day.

>> No.11406572

If you're interested in constructive criticism, I would have considered turning the Ben & Jerry's logo grey as well, so as to denote that they are NPCs as well

>> No.11406573


>> No.11406578

Are water molecules able to feel and demonstrate emotion?

>> No.11406586

>the mind of an SJW
Please keep going. I’m in utter disbelief how dumb you are lmao

>> No.11406587

Wait a second. Are you saying that the root phobia can be used to express multiple ideas and meanings, and doesn't have to explicitly denote fear?

>> No.11406588

Everything has a soul, Anon

>> No.11406590

I already refuse to eat there. Not that they’re missing my business but I’m not gonna eat at some place run by weird Christian zealots who denounce homosexuality in 2018. Anyone who actually gives a shit about someone else’s sexuality and wishes to deny them their rights as humans is an idiot

>> No.11406595


>> No.11406596


>> No.11406597

>bending the definition so it suits my needs

>> No.11406599


>> No.11406600

You can have an aversion to something without being afraid of something, anon.

>> No.11406603
File: 27 KB, 396x382, 178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are on the wrong site buddy.

>> No.11406604

Yaassss sister you tell them #clap

>> No.11406606

in 2018 everything you dont like is irrational fear
>why are you so afraid of the gays
proof me wrong on this

>> No.11406607

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11406612


>> No.11406616

I honestly enjoy seeing shill and fast food threads more than this political garbage.

>> No.11406623


>> No.11406624


>> No.11406628

>jumping through this many mental gymnastics
You aren’t able to twist the definition of a word just because I’m hurting your feeling. you could just use the root -anti because that would actually suit your made up word definition better, or better yet just jump off a cliff because it’s blatantly obvious you are a leech to society.

>> No.11406630


>> No.11406631

And you're on the wrong board, faggot.
And so are you, you gook loving prick.

>> No.11406634 [DELETED] 

Pecan Resist. We can Resist.
You're a bit slow, Anon. That's ok though

>> No.11406637

buy our icecream and other major corp things or you are racist!

>> No.11406640

then homoaversion makes more sense than homophobia since the two of them don’t even mean the samething. Do you see now why were all laughing at you?

>> No.11406649


>> No.11406650

This isn't plebbit you faggot. All of 4chan knows 2d>3d

>> No.11406651


>> No.11406653


>> No.11406669


>> No.11406670

Fear ≠ disgust

>> No.11406673
File: 19 KB, 676x217, homophobia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not twisting the definition of anything, friend.
And hydrorepellent makes more sense than hydrophobic. I wasn't arguing for or against any gay agenda, I was just pointing out that >>11406554
is a retard and doesn't understand how language works.

>> No.11406687
File: 175 KB, 490x368, Black Superemacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that a commercial ice cream seller is pandering to hate groups like Antifa and BLM.

And yes, they are hate groups, no different from the hate groups of yesteryear, just with a new mask.

>> No.11406696
File: 80 KB, 1200x630, 1532533814382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up fag

>> No.11406700

>And yes, they are hate groups, no different from the hate groups of yesteryear, just with a new mask.

> Black Lives Matter co-founder labels white people ‘genetic defects’

A co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are “recessive genetic defects” and purportedly mused about how the race could be “wiped out,” according to a post on her Facebook page.

Only last week during a protest in front of the US consulate Khogali shouted into a microphone that “Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist” and urged the crowd to “rise up and fight back.”

“Look at us, we have the numbers,” she said.

She also faced controversy in the news for a tweet posted a year ago stating: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”

While these remarks alarmed many Canadians, they pale in comparison to a statement numerous sources forwarded to the Sun that Khogali appears to have posted on Facebook in late 2015.

>> No.11406704

>antifascists are the same as fascists
The absolute state of the triggered right wing.

>> No.11406708
File: 38 KB, 128x123, whoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11406710

>get off of my cooking board so I can discuss politics

>> No.11406713

>Funny that a commercial ice cream seller is pandering to hate groups like Antifa and BLM.


Black Lives Matter Toronto Co-Founder Needs To Resign

Now, normally my white skin would admittedly preclude me from even suggesting that a black activist should hang up the megaphone, but Khogali has made a habit of directing violent, hateful language towards people with white skin, so much so that I feel comfortable calling her out. She once mused that just by having white skin, white people are sub-human. She tried to qualify that statement by saying white people did not have a high amount of melanin, which prevents them from absorbing light, and with it a sense of moral clarity.

Now, maybe if this was her only controversial statement all could be forgiven, but this is a pattern of hate that can't be ignored any longer. In April 2016 Khogali tweeted "Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz Plz Plz."

>> No.11406717

seething righty

>> No.11406718

>words only mean what I want them to mean
>no, the dictionary is wrong, you guys changed it, words cannot change because I grew up during this period of time
okay boomer, stay iffy

>> No.11406724

>antifa: opposes rightwing, neo-nazi, hate groups
>blm: opposes blacks being indiscriminately shot down by a fascist, neo nazi police force
>hate groups
Umm, sweaty, you're confused again, ok?

>> No.11406726

>>antifascists are the same as fascists

Meet the new racists, same as the old racists.


This. Kogali is the equivalent of a black David Duke, except much worse.

>> No.11406728


How the fuck is this person leading the BLM? What a disgusting human being.

>> No.11406729

>you can't be a hate group if you're not white

>> No.11406737

>A co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto argued that white people are “recessive genetic defects” and purportedly mused about how the race could be “wiped out,” according to a post on her Facebook page.

White liberals actually defend this shit, and people like Khogali.

>> No.11406741

I think she looks pretty in that picture

>> No.11406744

>“Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”

The BML battle cry. Just zero self awareness of how racist they are.

>> No.11406756

>I feel comfortable calling her out. She once mused that just by having white skin, white people are sub-human. She tried to qualify that statement by saying white people did not have a high amount of melanin, which prevents them from absorbing light, and with it a sense of moral clarity.

This is ok, because "only white people can be racist."

>> No.11406764

>white people did not have a high amount of melanin, which prevents them from absorbing light, and with it a sense of moral clarity.

This eugenics belief coming from a black BLM founder is just pure irony.

>> No.11406777
File: 81 KB, 560x337, Antifa Klan Members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If Antifa is so proud of their voilence & the acts they commit, then why do they cover their faces? They literally look like modern day klansmen except with black & red colors.

>> No.11406780

In a sense you're right, since most homophobics are closeted gays. Think about it for 1 second. A virile, heterosexual male supports there being more gays so that it reduces the competition for splittail. More available wenches for ploughing. Rationally, the only male who would be homophobic must be a closeted fag. Homophobes BTFO!

>> No.11406782

imagine how much better the world would be if there were no non-whites

>> No.11406786


This is just way too Woke for /ck/ NPCs

>> No.11406794

I had a good chuckle at the title.

>> No.11406800


Huffington post is an ultra-right wing news outlet. I wouldn't trust a thing they say.

>> No.11406843
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There's no such thing as a "good" person. Or, for that matter, an "evil" person. Both qualities are imaginary.

>> No.11406847


Apparently, she tried to delete her facebook account after it went public, but she still seems to be one of the leaders of BLM.

>> No.11406857

Vermont is fucking weird, man.

>> No.11406859
File: 141 KB, 500x949, asanagi-doesnt-believe-in-this-thing-called-gravity-sauce-https-twitter-com-victim-girls-status-778513294134915072-photo-1-3941641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are both "honest" (or "costly") and "dishonest" signals. Note that honesty in this context isn't defined in quite the same way as it usually is.

>> No.11406861


well put commentary by HuffPo

> And to be honest, I really don't care if this comes off as "whitesplaining." That's a word designed to get white people to shut up about important issues. It's part of the lexicon among some activists that doesn't serve the greater good, which is supposed to be justice and equality for everyone.

> But if you continuously isolate and vilify white folks -- without crafting your language in a way that separates actual racists from white allies -- how can you ever expect to grow the movement to a size where the system would have no choice but to change for the better? Moreover, how do you reconcile using divisive, prejudicial language to describe an entire race of people when part of your fight is to stop white people from doing the exact same thing?

Being just as racist & hateful doesn't mean justice nor equality. It just means you're yet another racist without any self awareness.

>> No.11406865

>ben and jerry's is owned by liberals
stop the presses

>> No.11406873
File: 6 KB, 270x186, 1515678355210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people against Trump

>> No.11406878

haha look at this guy

>> No.11406892


what a pos.

>> No.11406902

the art stinks

>> No.11406905

that's a photograph anon...

>> No.11406911

It's a better joke than most of their flavors.

>> No.11406919

Got an example? I don't remember any "pray away the gay combo meal."

>> No.11406926
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>> No.11406932

Resist the system and corporate fucko's messing with our gubment!
>buys 5 dollar ben and jerries
I can't pay my student debt
>posts on brand new iphone
It was her turn!
>takes big gulp of starbucks drink
We need change for our country!
>tweets about it

>> No.11406931

They're really scrooge mcducks rolling around in money laughing at the useful idiots. They sold out to Unilever, the company known for their love of destroying the environment and fucking over poor third worlders.

>> No.11406934

Oh no, not wooden dowels, what will I do?
[chambering intensifies]

>> No.11406941

They literally got charged under laws passed to thrawt the KKK. It's hilarious.

>> No.11406944
File: 95 KB, 313x267, Hile Ice Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11406946

and i must scream

>> No.11406949

Is a little over 8 points the metric for far more people against Trump?

I mean, the opinion poll is at 44.

And if Mueller does release the outcome of the Russian Investigation, it's just going to go up.

Because that's what is going to happen, by the way.

Even Politico said you shouldn't get to hyped for the probe's findings.

Manafort, for money laundering and tax evasion in 2 years before the campaign.

And Popadaupolos, who got 14 days for lying to the FBI.


It's fucking nothing!

>> No.11406950

I pray for the day they are charged as a hate group alongside BLM and SPLC

>> No.11406957

>B-but all politicians are bad nevermind that I only call out Drumpf

And Trump is tame compared to some of these scumbags living off taxpayers for decades.

>> No.11406989

Remember when 4chan wasn't full of people shilling for the administration and the establishment? They even do it for free. Sad days.

>> No.11406993


>> No.11407001

>>B-but all politicians are bad nevermind that I only call out Drumpf
>And Trump is tame compared to some of these scumbags living off taxpayers for decades.

Trump is pretty much just running the neocon agenda. Every now and then he get a wild hair up his ass and does something off script but at the end of the day he's doing things that any other Republican in office would have done anyway. Difference is he's a shitposter IRL so he relates with the edgy people here and elsewhere.

>> No.11407004

Ice cream companies are the establishment. Get woke.

>> No.11407020

I don't want to be forced to bake them a cake, I don't want to be forced rent a house to them, I don't want to be forced to allow them into an organization which deals with my children.

Freedom of association is right, the civil rights act is tyranny. When a lefty uses the term rights they disgust me far more than a fudgepacker.

They can have the right to equal protection before the law, anything more is not a right ... it's a privilege.