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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11397523 No.11397523 [Reply] [Original]

Yo, real talk.

What kind of lazy ass buys this shit? It's fucking vile. You can't be bothered opening two jars, you worthless bag of shit?

>> No.11397540

'Scuse you!

>> No.11397544
File: 124 KB, 383x207, uncrustables-group-new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know..

>> No.11397554

Based perv, All those goober should be gased

>> No.11398879

I lived off this shit for months. I didn't put it on anything, just spooned it out and ate it as is. Easier to store and always felt like it tasted better for some reason.

>> No.11400118

don't be a two-jar slave

>> No.11400252

these are actually legit, perfect ratio

>> No.11401512

It's not about being too lazy to open two jars you retard it's about spending less resources making more jars further damaging the environment. Let me guess, you think global warming is a ploy by the Chinese just like Trump said huh? Fucking retard hang yourself no seriously you're literally killing our planet with your stupidity if you can't fucking get this. I want you gone. Fuck off. Nigger.

>> No.11401517

It's not real peanut butter. It's more of a peanut butter flavored dessert.

>> No.11401541

So riddle me this. What happens when you get to the bottom of the first jar? You buy another. Two 8 oz. Jars of goober is no different than one 8oz jar of peanut butter and one jar of jelly. Anon, (You)'re dumb.

>> No.11401544

Making your own nut butter and jam is even more eco-friendly anon.

>> No.11401557

your waifu can have my nut butter.

>> No.11401558


>> No.11401562

Me and my waifu have long since called it quits anon. Whatever she decides to do is of no concern to me.

>> No.11402229

Bought this shit one time on impulse.

Never again.

The “peanut butter” was dry and pig disgusting.

>> No.11402233

They sell these outside of schools?

>> No.11402243
File: 2 KB, 33x35, 7B9671DF-C4AD-418C-B1F3-3222CD1F955C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Brian Reagan

>> No.11402262

It's for fucking children
Why do you think it has cartoon characters on it?

>> No.11402281

But anime is a cartoon and it’s for discerning adults.

>> No.11403787

goober is the shit faggot kys

>> No.11403808

This. Goober created ine 70s to appeal to kids.

t. Oldfag- begged my parents to buy this circa 1978.

>> No.11403818

It's that shit. While you're sitting there crying into your jars of loneliness, I can quickly make me a sandwich while raw dogging some sexy bitch

>> No.11404153

>tfw sometimes it'd still be a little frozen in the center but you'd still eat it anyways because it was just that good

>> No.11404222

Why would kids care about a convenience product if they're not the ones making the sandwiches?

>> No.11404273

>not having two bitches so you can rest one jar on each of their backs
>not having third bitch on hand to give you room to assemble your sandwich

>> No.11404360

>So what the fahk

>> No.11404370

You completely misunderstood his point

>> No.11404379

Swap the jelly with this and nobody who eats that vile shit will notice.

>> No.11404381
File: 77 KB, 459x700, Literal goober grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.

>> No.11404397

>Grape Jelly
Make mine Blackberry

>> No.11404426

It's honestly really fucking good when it's cold from being in the fridge.

>> No.11404543

kids love sugary novelty food

>> No.11404596

>See ya goober

>> No.11404935

It's made for kids so they don't make a big mess when they make a sandwich.

>> No.11405187

I find 35 seconds in 1100w microwave does a pretty good job instead of waiting the 30 minutes to an hour they want you to for it to thaw.

>> No.11405207

Fuck man. We got some of that in at work last Christmas, we only just sold the last jar a week ago.
Re,I’d s me of selling a the imy is my day and to off my.

>> No.11405223

I did but that doesnt matter
The idea is that kids see Goober when at the grocery store with mom and want it based on the cartoon characters

>> No.11405227

At least the packaging appropriately insults whoever’s buying it

>> No.11405242

They make products appealing to kids so they ask their parents to get it.

>> No.11405293

>Blaming global warming on people using glass jars.

>> No.11405310

Peanut butter typically comes in plastic jars.