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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11388607 No.11388607 [Reply] [Original]

>coffee? i love coffee! i drink it every morning!
whats the obsession that some people have with coffee? pic related by example, i just cant understand why people needs to drink it every morning, it looks weird.

>> No.11388642

You know the answer. It's 50/50 caffeine dependency and acquired taste

>> No.11388651

The people that are obsessed with it saw more successful people drinking it and wanted to emulate them, plus, everyone loves having an addiction even if they don’t think it is or will admit to it. So you get cunty stay at home moms who, when their kids are finally all attending school, go to a trendy coffee place (even if that just means Starbucks, because that’s all they have in their area) and get a massive drink with a shot of Americano and 150g of sugar, plus cream and milk, and then make it a “thing” they do, as a strange way of virtue signaling. It is because of these people that the mug pic you posted exists. “OMG I just CANT do anything with my “coffee” in the morning! Teehee!”

>> No.11388664

Making coffee is a hobby of mine. Not that shit you stick with a paper filter, But a real espresso machine and foamed milk and all that. I mostly like coffee only for the slight caffine boost I get which is rare and for that good bean or grounds smell

>> No.11388666

+ when im on a diet it has some dietary fiber and shit that makes you have to shit and piss stuff out

>> No.11388675

How could anyone tell which line the coffee lines up with when the cup is opaque?

It'd be clever it if was one of those things that changes color when hot, tho.

>> No.11388678

Ah-ah-ah! Don’t question me, sweetie! (holds muh with both hands) *sip*

>> No.11388685

Glass cups for white people scum cold coffee with the labels

>> No.11388705

Did you want to have another go at putting that sentence together?

>> No.11388714

Leave this board with that shit please.

>> No.11388717

I was trying to be polite about it, anon.
Your previous post was incomprehensible.

>> No.11388727
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It's mostly thinking that being absolutely negatively hooked on something a fair amount of people dislike makes them cool. Kinda like smokers when they're still young. Goes well together with trying really hard to be overly sarcastic, which they view as a sign of intelligence rather than just being an asshole.
TL;DR everyone tries to be that archetype of a sarcastic cartoon character and addictions to mild drugs go well with it.

>> No.11388751

Thats pretty accurate
Whats ur opinion of people who just brew their own coffee at home every morning and dont brag about it?

>> No.11389629

This, essentially. They associate the coffee as the cause of success, instead of a symptom of pulling 60-70 hour weeks. So you get large children crying and stomping going "Waaaah I need my coffeeeeeee" in an attempt to emulate the man who is barely awake and just trying to function. Frankly I find the idolization of dependency on fucking coffee of all things ridiculous. No matter how far into caffeine addiction you are, going without coffee isn't that bad, maybe headaches but not really a big deal. To sit there and suggest that you literally cannot even have a civil conversation until you've had your bean juice is pathetic.

>Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.

>> No.11390083

>quoting the bible
holy fucking cringe

>> No.11390089

Caffeine buzz
Gets to the point where people have multiple coffees a day, otherwise they crash

>> No.11390093

How would you know unless you've redd it?

>> No.11390095

>quoting reddit
Holy fucking faggot

>> No.11390103


whats the obsession that some people have with people drinking coffee? post related by example, i just cant understand why people needs to make threads about people that drink it every morning, it looks weird.

>> No.11390110

For some people, it’s a part of their lifestyle. Like how for others, it’s drinking soimilk.

>> No.11390114

Can confirm
T. Coffee dependant loser

>> No.11390126

Less vapid versions of what anon described

>> No.11390134

>thinking that being absolutely negatively hooked on something a fair amount of people dislike
Yeah coffee is not that niche

>> No.11391539

>the bible
I'm probably getting baited, but it's St. Augustine, you illiterate niggers

>> No.11391658
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How long does it take to ride out caffeine addiction?

What about nullifying tolerance? I want to experience that first cuppa all over again.

>> No.11391686


It's generally best to go a week without in order to reset tolerance, in my experience. Depending on your metabolism, it might be more or less for you.

>> No.11391716

You are worst than op and >>11388651
Because at least the people bragging about it on social media are unapologetically enjoying the trend they hop in while you in your hipster attitude think that you are better for not showing up and doing it the old fashioned way

>> No.11391780
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Dominican Republic beans
14 on the LIDO 3
4 minutes in the press

>> No.11392198

>Decide to quit coffee because it wrecks my UC
>on day two start thinking about getting coffee
>start getting intrusive thoughts about going to the store and buying coffee or energy drinks
>those evolve into images of me drinking the stuff and enjoying it
Is that how drug addicts feel? At least I don't have any physiological withdrawal symptoms

>> No.11392203

Only NPCs drink coffee.

>> No.11392251

>whats the obsession that some people have with coffee
addiction. the only difference between a coffee break and disappearing into the bathroom to rail a tasty line of snowy columbian marching powder is how socially acceptable it is

>> No.11392257

pretty much
t. cocaine addict

>> No.11392296


That's more or less how I feel as a functional alcoholic. As it stands, a shot in the morning stops my hands from shaking. When I try to quit drinking, I keep cycling through thoughts until I settle on making a cocktail after work, maybe picking up a bottle of Tito's or E&J's XO.

After a week, the shaking stops, but the recurring thoughts never seem to really leave forever.

>> No.11392804

Riding out only takes like 1day if you go cold turkey. Youll probably have a decent headache by noon, but if you get good sleep you'll be fine in the morning

>> No.11392967
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Coffee = NPC
Amphetamine = PC

>> No.11393179

Personally I only drink it maybe twice a week before my night class. It's less to do with the caffeine and more to do with the fact that I just like the taste. The people that think they genuinely need the shit to get by just need to eat a bit better and exercise more and they'll have all the energy they need.

>> No.11393245

>it's not the bible, it's just another christ chodesucker who dedicated his life to brownnosing a sky daddy

>> No.11393698

Yes you passed highschool psychology, good job anon

>> No.11394037
File: 1.10 MB, 2820x2736, _20181028_081945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an iced coffee once a week, on the weekend.
Should I drink it black or add something?

>> No.11394044
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Imagine not drinking coffee every day

>> No.11395090

They have an actual addiction. Caffeine is a controlled substance with withdrawal symptoms and everything. Also, kids view drinking coffee as a "grown-up" thing and they never matured past that. They psychologically need to keep drinking otherwise they won't think of themselves as mature.

>> No.11395121

I still don't understand why coffee makes so many people so angry on this board. It's very funny

>> No.11395145

>controlled substance
I don't think that means what you think it means. Caffeine isn't a controlled substance under the US definition of the term.

>> No.11395184

Right, narcotic would be a better word.

>> No.11395200


Not the guy you're replying to, and I realize this is probably bait, but narcotics actually have a defined pharmaceutical mechanism in the human body, notably the soporific and analgesic effects originating from opiates. Long story short, they make you stop hurting and then put you to sleep. Narcotic and narcolepsy have the same base word for a reason.

>> No.11395210

Stimulant is the word you want

>> No.11395226

Did you not get your “coffee” drink today, Stacy?

>> No.11395773

Addiction. If I don't drink a mug of cofee with milk in the morning, I'll have a horrible migraine for the whole next day. Coffee is a narcotic.

>> No.11395787

imagine being this buttblasted over a literal nobody quoting another literal nobody

>> No.11396042


It's almost like a fetish, these people who come into work and verbally masturbate over how much they need their coffee. Fucking drug addicts.

>> No.11396264

I'll orally masturbate you if you give me coffee, anon

>> No.11396290

People often express their likes for dishes or beverages they like, they also make small talk. They should be more mindful though, lest they trigger autists who think someone saying they enjoy a cup of coffee is apparently akin to a cocaine-addiction and wanting to show off such addiction.

>> No.11396293

Oops, first sentence was kind of redundant.

>> No.11396391

>>Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.
its just coffee dude chill out writing poems and shit

>> No.11396395
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Though this topic is about the majority, there are simple ways of getting beyond dependency and still having coffee – L-DOPA, 5-HTP, and Sangre de Grado. Producing enough dopamine and serotonin and having a proper lifestyle of full nutrition is where health is quite simple right now.

Coffee, especially early experiences, or most any with the aforementioned, produces euphoria, excitement, and other aspects of adrenaline (a dopamine metabolite). It feels really great, and the effects are also some increased overall performance and awareness by 12% (examine.com; scholar.google.com).

It's also great in different amounts for about every entree recipe made here.

Cold-brewed coffee is also really simple and only takes 30 seconds.

>> No.11396397

Is there any group of drug addicts that arent obnoxious
>inb4 caffeine isnt a drug because the government says so

>> No.11396464

The meth heads around me seem pretty reserved and mostly keep to themselves

>> No.11396888


>> No.11396946

I have no idea how adults still clamour for daily caffeine. I'm 21 and have already grown out of the buzz for the most part. I drink something caffeinated maybe three times a week. I can't imagine being some one who drinks coffee literally every day, one cup after another.

>> No.11396972
File: 54 KB, 402x344, pepecoffee7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna brew up a second pot for the day

>> No.11397807

Be careful anon that is not very good for your sweet heart

>> No.11397813

t. autism

>> No.11398130
File: 1.26 MB, 1440x1421, shh coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taps cup
>ah ah ahhh
>not yet

>> No.11398154
File: 129 KB, 1024x488, INCAROM_posterPILOT_F12-1024x488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying I drink coffee.

>Nigger, please!

>> No.11398305

Personally I just really like the taste, of course that later turned into caffeine addiction.

>> No.11398319

>that some people have with coffee
you mean women

>> No.11398542
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I'm not huge on coffee, but I've come to appreciate it more after I stopped drinking soda.

>> No.11398622

Not drinking soda is a huge step towards a happier life congrats you fat fuck

>> No.11398868
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>Don't drink cawf for 6 days
>Heart rate feels normal again
>Miss the cawf though

>> No.11399105

very reddit/boomer post


>> No.11399691

I'm bored and I have eating problems. It's a tradeoff between anxious, boring, nothingness and eating food that will make me fat

>> No.11399724

I prefer klava to coffee

>> No.11399796

ppl who buy these cute cups are faggots

>> No.11399864

>cant afford drugs
>drink heaps of coffee until i can

>> No.11399888

Drug addiction.

>> No.11400195

You cant even form a sentence you retarded third worlder

>> No.11400207

Is this a Zoomer thing? Making coffee about to be an NPC Boomer addiction thing? Are the Zoomers turning into Minor Threat levels of straight-edge?

>> No.11400212

I enjoy coffee for the taste, but only get it several times a week when I'm eating out or with others at a cafe or something. Having one+ per day gets me addicted and then I get a headache if go without for a few days, and also I can't really justify spending $4 a day or so on something like that. Sporadically I greatly enjoy it though.

>> No.11401218


>> No.11402221

why is /ck/ always the same threads over and over?
is this board stuck in some sort of timeloop?

>> No.11402305

Someone once told me,
>time is a flat circle.
Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again, and this little thread and that little thread, they're gonna be on this board again and again and again forever.

>> No.11402600

Coffee is unironically a boomer addiction, millennials/zoomers use shit like nootropics

>> No.11402752

mm cofy

>> No.11403259

This is exactly how it feels to be a kleptomaniac, a murderer, and a rapist.
How does it feel to feel just like a serial killer rapist, anon?

>> No.11403397
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>> No.11403413

Caffeine makes me sick, I'd rather have decaf every now and then. I just like the bitter flavor

>> No.11403699

The zoomer addiction is nicotine in the form of juuls

>> No.11403708

I drink it halfway through my work day because I'm sleepy without the caffeine

>> No.11403715

It's warm, it tastes good, variety of flavors and roasts and it's like a morning ritual to prepare it.

>> No.11405068

Honestly going SxE is the only Rational way to live unless you willingly want to be an addict.

>> No.11405079

helps me poop and gets my body systems going

never more than two cups though. I get cold sweats and jitters if I drink more

>> No.11405109

pipe and cigar smokers.
You almost never see them so they aren't obnoxious

>> No.11405205
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>> No.11405498

Besides old people, Pipefags are pretentious hipsters and cigar smokers are no better than single origin organic locally roasted coffee and craft beer fags

>> No.11406278

Quick question, do you actually have brain damage?

>> No.11407410
File: 26 KB, 600x750, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin love a good single origin and a good cigar

>> No.11407422

I'd argue it's more 80/20.
Only certain people actually care about the taste and don't drown their coffee in milk/cream and sugar.