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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 183 KB, 1000x684, microwave-amazon-basics-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11402010 No.11402010 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do with one?

>> No.11402013


>> No.11402016

wonder why I bought a wire-tapped microwave

>> No.11402103

It just seems so pointless. You're already right there reaching for it, since you have to put the food in it. How is a wiretapped microwave even going to save you any time?

>> No.11402131

>buying something to spy on you

>> No.11402148

Who would buy a wifi connected salt shaker?

>> No.11402298

>Alexa, do one of your preprogrammed settings that never works correctly
Does anybody ever use another button besides the time cook button, the numbers, and start?

>> No.11402306

microwave, can I get a hat wobble?

>> No.11402311
File: 45 KB, 1384x640, 1536326452559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give gf interlinked

>> No.11402362
File: 82 KB, 600x402, exploded-egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexa, make me a softboiled egg.
-yes, anon. It will be ready in ... zztt gmrrd

>> No.11403409

Not a lot.
I almost never use my microwave.
I bought a Rustlers burger the other day because I was stoned and that's the first time I'd used it in months.

>> No.11403416

"Voice controlled" not voice-activated, so you have to press a button while standing next to it to even use the voice functions

>> No.11403418

I used to use the popcorn button, but now I just get kernels and pop them in a pot. So much better, less sodium and can customize it any way you like.

>> No.11403503

>Hello and welcome to Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?, I'm your host, Jory Caron.

>> No.11403506

>Alexa, microwave this taco and play La Cucaracha while I smoke my Turkish cigarettes. Please also turn off the air filter.

>> No.11403514

this is some deep state/ shadow government shit

>> No.11403518

>putting a botnet in your house
I don't understand it either

>> No.11403521

Um try again sweatie, only /pol/ incels think the government is spying on them.

>> No.11403556

Based Huh? poster

>> No.11403566

It occurs to me just how retarded this is. You still need to put the food in yourself. Might as well hit the buttons while you're there. Same with one of those voice controlled ovens, but those are good for when preheating.

>> No.11403587

More like its the private companies who bug you, trying to suggest ads, products etc based the recorded audio. I know for a fact facebook does this greasy shit on their apps, and amazon doing this seems very plausible.

>> No.11403860

Smoke PCP and cook a baby full blast.

>> No.11404329

Sell it and and get a normal one.
Remote control is retarded when you still need to open the door.
Also microwaved already have Ardmore control. It's called a timer.

>> No.11404333

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.11404342

oh yeah, just what i need, another amazon device with a 24/7 open mic. what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.11404344

make sure it's disconnected from the internet before using it

>> No.11404818

If the microwave can listen for popcorn kernels to stop or slow down popping, then this might be worthwhile.
It might be b possible to put some kind of popping temperature sensor in frozen foods, that could work with this as well, but just talking to it instead of pressing buttons seems annoying.
Will it understand autistic grunting and moaning?

>> No.11404875

>not building a rube goldberg machine around it to load food and turn it on

>> No.11404906

>muh pol boogey man
>incel MSM meme
feel free to fuck off back to facebook anytime.

>> No.11404916

Heh. Make me, punk.

>> No.11404932

Amazon isn't the government, however it is very interested in data collection

>> No.11404956

>brings up /pol/

plz go and stay go

>> No.11404966

Amazon has something like a $600 million contract with the CIA for a “computing cloud”, or that’s what the contract is allegedly for. So at this point, Amazon partially is the government.

>> No.11404971

>17.3” x 14.1” x 10.1” (439 mm x 358 mm x 256 mm)
Is this good?

>> No.11404976

I barely use a microwave anyway. The only times I really use mine is to melt butter, but then I forget it always explodes out of the bowl and covers my entire microwave with butter. And I keep forgetting and repeating that mistake every time.

>> No.11404985

my NPC flatmate has 2 google home speakers. we've spoken at length about how it listens to what you say, suggests appropriate advertising and he even agrees that it's a shady practice, yet he still has them switched on whilst seldom using them. most people really don't care about the orwellian nightmare amazon and google are developing

did you really fall for that?

>> No.11405060

Like all microwaves throw it in the trash

>> No.11405070

Can't wait for my mom to buy this just like those annoying touch sinks that turn off whenever you move the head while trying to give yourself an enena.

>> No.11405245

charge my iphone

>> No.11405287
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1534209813431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enemas aside, those sinks fucking suck. My parents have one and it literally drives me nuts. It NEVER does what you want it to do.

>> No.11406142
File: 16 KB, 444x362, 1524530247903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon isn't the government
Since when does Jeff Bezos browse /ck/?

>> No.11406148

And the government can ask for and receive data from them whenever they want, without Amazon ever informing you.

>> No.11406173

Alexa, how long do I microwave a baby?

>> No.11406614

Sell it.

>> No.11408530

holy shit that takes me back to middle school lmao

>> No.11408552

really though, what could?

>> No.11410113

best post, to be fair

>> No.11410138


My aunt gave me an Echo Dot that she won at work. I tried using it for a few days before deciding that it's basically worthless AND it listens to everything you do. I don't understand what the major audience is for this trash or what people use these things for. I've tried giving it away to multiple friends and none of them want it.

>> No.11410252

Use coconut oil, it just does something fantastic to the popcorn, plus it's loads healthier

>> No.11410417

Normies know the government is spying on them, but they think it's the only one. Every major internet company got to that point by collecting and selling your data, but normies don't know or care.

>> No.11410967

Explain this "rustlers burger"

>> No.11410976
File: 90 KB, 613x1024, 1504975918444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot Pockets again?

>> No.11410990

>coupons for toilet paper and antidiarrheal pills start arriving in mail

>> No.11410996


the only button is the 30second button. I just mash it a few times and walk away

>> No.11411027
File: 29 KB, 561x522, series_winner_sad_m2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emails start to suggest pregnancy items