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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 279 KB, 500x300, spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11397840 No.11397840 [Reply] [Original]

whats the proper direction to slice spam in?

>> No.11397845

just save the lid and slice your wrists so you don't have to eat spam

>> No.11397850

Depends on what you're putting it on, for sandwiches you definitely want the bigger slices, but for eating with rice/not in a bun i prefer the thinner cuts

>> No.11397863
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Only cucks will disagree.

>> No.11397882
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what is spam? mystery meat like cat food?

>> No.11397889
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Image unclear, please accept this improved version

>> No.11397893

>Open can
>Turn upside-down
>Drop "meat" in garbage can
>Get something better to eat.

>> No.11397895

Unsolicited emails.

>> No.11397899

Based autist

>> No.11397902

Depends what you want to do with it. You can slice it vertically for about 6 slices if you want little steaks, or dice it into cubes, some slice horizontally for larger steaks,

>> No.11397906

Just slice it with a knife full enough to send it straight to fucking orbit so you keep the aliens away cause even they stay far away from that shit

>> No.11397907

Eat it out of the can with a spoon and stop pretending you're too fancy.

>> No.11397912

you're just supposed to grab that hunk with your hand and bite chunks out of it

SPiced hAM

>> No.11397913

slice spam into the trash

>> No.11397922


The more you know: spam is considered one of the national food of the philippines, involved in a lot of their recipes.

>> No.11397935
File: 15 KB, 584x389, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanically separated pork.

Holiday is the real mystery meat, and the only mystery is exactly which ratio of pork, chicken, and beef it is. (hint: it's mostly chicken.)

>> No.11397944

Spam is popular everywhere the US had a military base in the Pacific.
In Worst Korea it is even considered a luxury item often sold in fancy gift sets.

>> No.11397954

What does spam taste like?

>> No.11397975


>> No.11397980

Meat product and salt

>> No.11397982

Spam isn't MSM unless you're buying the shitty flavored varieties you mouth breather

>> No.11397983


>> No.11398037


>> No.11398051

>not liking fried spam
Shit taste broski

>> No.11398052

YZ plane if it's for musubi or with eggs, XY plane if it's for a sandwich.

>> No.11398055

>Spam isn't MSM
ofcoutse it isnt
Spam is food not mains stream media lol

>> No.11398058

so epic i peed myself xD

>> No.11398076
File: 47 KB, 615x409, 1526787667633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks rank, do all Americans eat this stuff? it's not common in bongland (not to say our cuisine is great either)

>> No.11398093

you were the ones who invented it as a way to package high caloric food and ship it to far corners of your empire during the industrial revolution
thanks again dad

>> No.11398099


>> No.11398111

Specially Processed Army Meat.

>> No.11398132


I ate even worse shit in the army when I was drafted. Our term for it was "lizard meat". We had a little betting pool who gets the oldest one and our corporal won by finding a can older than himself. A fucking retarded gypsy ate his by mixing it with cream cheese and cocoa.

t. hungarian.

>> No.11398148

>not cutting slices parallel to the x - y + 2z = 0 plane

>> No.11398170

>not cutting hyperbolic slices

>> No.11398184

I think that SPAM is the state food of Hawaii, back from WW II days.

>> No.11398188

I feel like you are exaggerating a little bit. No one would cut hyperbolic slices

>> No.11398190

lol more like SPAMtic xDDD

>> No.11398201

That's just SPAMtasicalious

>> No.11398209

** SPAMtasicalicious

>> No.11398249

diagonally across the z axis

>> No.11398468
File: 990 KB, 2000x1200, spam-food-121806761[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that looks rank
It doesn't look anymore "rank" than liverwurst. And don't try to pretend like bongoloids don't eat liverwurst.

>> No.11398493

>it's not common in bongland

yes it is. leave your house once in a while.

>> No.11398505

Spam is delicious. Fuck the haters.

>> No.11398508

I've never tried or even noticed this luncheon meat stuff in a US grocery store.

Spam, of course, is a different story.

>> No.11398541


absolute unit

>> No.11398557

always slice in the direction normal to x, it's how it comes out of the can

>> No.11398741

SPAM= Shoulder Pork and Ham

>> No.11398748

It's overpriced overly processed """meat""".

>> No.11398778

Spam is so good

>> No.11398782
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> spam

>> No.11398791

It says right there on the label it's ham, pork, salt, water, and other additives to make it bind.

>> No.11398795

Salted ham

>> No.11398801

Why do you list ham and pork like they're two separate things

>> No.11398806



Also, it's just a forcemeat. I don't understand why people find it so mysterious and weird.

Spam musubi is heavenly.

>> No.11398834


>> No.11398881

In spam they use mechanically separated pork but they use ham as filler

>> No.11398923

Ham is a particular cut of pork. It's the same animal.

>> No.11398948

Don't judge spam until you cut it thin and cook it and eat it like bacon
It is fucking sick raw
You guys are fucking stupid

>> No.11398975

Because that's how ingredient labelling regulations work.

>> No.11398980

it's all pork shoulder. spam uses relatively high quality pork for what it is.

spam doesn't stand for that, the company has disavowed it

the postman delivers fresh spam every day along with our fresh processed american cheese food, 3-liters of soda for the day, and our fresh gun. we trade in our gun from yesterday but they don't really keep track so sometimes you can just pile up guns

>> No.11398989

>be me, mid '90s, after 11 days of eating dehydrated food on a backpacking trip
>Friendo and I set up camp, get ready to eat.
>He says 'I have a surprise.'
>Figured he'd just pre-rolled a couple jays for the night.
>Pulls out a big can of spam he'd been carrying the whole time.
>Opens it up, gives me half.
>Cooked it in a little pan over our alcohol burning pop can stoves.
>Nothing better in the world

Back in the real world, Spam is OK for an occasional thing. Nothing will ever repeat that taste.

Also, who gives a fuck which way you slice it.

>> No.11399130

Never seen this in stores, is it better than Spam?

>> No.11399145


I always slice along one of the Z planes, I'll try XY next time to mix it up

>> No.11399150

Treet sucks ass. Its like spams retarded cousin. Doesnt even crisp up right

>> No.11399187

Scrapple and goetta took Spam out behind the Rite Aid, raped it, and dumped it in a ditch.

>> No.11399202


>not just punching a hole in it and throwing it in the fire
>not drying it, grinding it into dust than cooking a spam soup in your canteen with the cream cheese you have been issued, some green onions stolen from a garden and some wild rosemary
>not rolling thin strips of it around a stick and roasting it crunchy
>not mashing it together with stale bread and milk cream, put cream cheese in the middle and bury it in the hot ashes overnight to make a decent meat pie

Fucking amateurs.

>> No.11399219

Spam and Treet from pre-1995 was good, the stuff in the stores now fucking sucks shit through a straw.

>> No.11399243

Looks like they used bedsheets to make his suit big enough.

>> No.11399251

hawaiians eat it a lot afa

>> No.11399257
File: 24 KB, 524x436, 3299-004-DED90403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this assblasted about tinned meat

>> No.11399264
File: 415 KB, 477x362, 1540150150886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks like two guys standing on top of each other why are his arms so disproportionate?

>> No.11399267


You would be too if you had to eat it every day for almost a year

>> No.11399272

Didn't have any of that. Was a BP trip, not the Marines.

>Not picking up any semblance of humor.

>> No.11399284

I would have said Hawaii but yeah that works too.

>> No.11399565

It'd want to, a can of spam is like twice the price of a 4 pack of pork chops.

>> No.11399577

Good luck carrying four pork chops on a hiking trip.

>> No.11399578

he's a big guy

>> No.11399581

Are you alright? Do you require medical assistance?

>> No.11399593

If this is a medical emergency, please hang up and call 911.

>> No.11399623

for you

>> No.11399651
File: 67 KB, 600x600, Spam-Musubi-11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The direction where it fits in the musubi mold, obviously.

>> No.11399658


>> No.11399668

>500g Pork Chop, $9.40 (~$18/kg) + labor and cooking fuel && -water weight cooked off
>340g SPAM, $5 (~$16/kg) ready to eat


>> No.11399971

y e

>> No.11399997
File: 78 KB, 1000x800, 1538698228856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fresh gun

>> No.11400015

I see you don't understand America

>> No.11400021

Pork chops cost less than 2 dollars/lb in America
A can of spam costs 2 dollars for 7 oz

>> No.11400024


>> No.11400033

Slice it any way you want man, Spam just wants to please it isn't going to judge you.

I was wondering what to have for breakfast the other day and cut the leftover spam into two thick slices and fried them along with an egg and put between a sliced pita with ketchup and it was good. Now I need to go buy more.

>> No.11400086

Ww2 rations that boomers and SEA monkeys consider a delicacy

>> No.11400088

Who the fuck is eating spam in 2018?
I'll fucking give you money.

>> No.11400093

either, cut slices for mutsubi or frying or burgers for grilling.

>> No.11400095

Am I on Facebook?

>> No.11400097

it's tasty and nostalgic. like craft singles or swiss miss cocoa.

>> No.11400100

Any warm meat tastes like heaven's nectar when you're backpacking

>> No.11400112

>it's not common in bongland

Bullshit, lad. Spam is a cultural icon in the UK. It's what people lived on during WW2. It became ubiquitous enough for Monty Python to base one of their most famous sketches off of it.


>> No.11400294

Shove the knife in the top while its open, still in the can and go to town

>> No.11400393
File: 153 KB, 292x411, 1520935827363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, honestly that's the only situation I'd probably buy some.

Where I live
>1 pound of pork chops (usually 3-4 chops) ~$3
>1 can of SPAM ~$6-7

>> No.11400417

Its unironically more expensive then alot of deli meat

>> No.11400422

uncooked spam is rank though

>> No.11400425

the hell you pay 6 dollars for spam

>> No.11400436

I use it to make breakfast sandwiches. can't think of another application where bacon or sausage wouldn't work better
nowadays it's a niche product though so it's overpriced

>> No.11400534
File: 22 KB, 600x600, 1517339006979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>$7 for Cram

Fucking where?

>> No.11400537


>> No.11400567

>No one
wow nice hyperbole

>> No.11400687

>$7 for mystery meat that's been sitting around in some bunker for decades

>> No.11400699

>europoors put head meat and ground up organs into a pasta inside of an intestine
>Americans do the same thing except in a can because its the modern means of preserving food
Europoors are so far up their own asses that they don't realize how far gone they really are.

>> No.11400722

not just europoors.
american hipster fags will eat out of 3rd world dumpsters and turn their noses up at fast food.
it's best just to point and laugh.

>> No.11400756

>Spam isn't common in the UK

Stop LARPing you useless cunt.

>> No.11400798

This. Its in every shop, we just don't eat it as often as we should.

>> No.11400818
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maybe with boomers anon, nobody under 50 eats that stuff

>> No.11400957
File: 491 KB, 640x427, you be the judge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat it faggot.

>> No.11400996

Lol fag its good

>> No.11401022


>> No.11401034

Me now pay up

>> No.11401090


>> No.11401093

I take slices off as it comes out of the can, so I can slide back in what I don't need.

>> No.11401166

like a cross between bacon and hotdogs

>> No.11401186

i eat it occasionally for breakfast. i fry it up with eggs and toast.

>> No.11401284

I've never understood the culinary appeal of spam.

What do people even do with it?
I had it once on a sandwich... Could have been worse I suppose?
Had it in soup in Asia, generally an unwelcome edition

I look at it all the time but I'm just staggered how much salt it has.

I guess it's only for poor people... But it really isn't that cheap, considering how much filler your probably getting

In Russia they have a good one though, it's a combination of beef fat, aspic jelly from beef /pork, and processed meat.
It's good because it provides both cooking fat and thickener for a soup

>> No.11401294

i have it for breakfast sometimes with eggs and rice or toast and i enjoy it, its cheaper than bacon

>> No.11401324

With eggs and rice sounds OK, like fried rice with bacon pieces

As a bacon substitute huh, might work in Boston chilli beans

Could you turn it into a paste and like... Mix it with potatoes, boiled eggs and cumin? Like a potato salad?

>> No.11401338

>Could you turn it into a paste and like... Mix it
That's what corned beef hash is for
Or those weird little cans of potted meat

>> No.11401343

ive never tried, sounds pretty good with potatoes in general though

>> No.11401360
File: 19 KB, 449x336, nb0pw5n8yk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not cutting logarithmically so you get infinite meat as you approach 0
no wonder you guys are poor

>> No.11401372

I do. Their bacon one is pretty good in the morning with some eggs.

>> No.11401545

These processed meats are alien to me
We only have plastic sausages you only eat in buns with mustard at football games, chicken loaf- actually super usable, and the Russian cow tin

>> No.11401555

>These processed meats are alien to me
If you're Russian, they're less alien than you think.