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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11388262 No.11388262 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good diet that will help me become more healthy and slim while developing more feminine features?

>> No.11388270

my semen

>> No.11388284

healthy and slim eat better and exercise. as for feminine features i think you need medicines and supplements for that.

>> No.11388303

Going vegetarian can help you become healthy and slim. For feminine features eat lots of tofu and take Garcinia Cambogia. Eat lots of pine nuts as well.

>> No.11388312


>> No.11388325

>For feminine features eat lots of tofu
Not true. I actually lost my man boobs when I began my vegan diet which revolves around tofu being the staple protein of choice.

>> No.11388343
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Okay but the pine nuts and Garcinia Cambogia suggestion still stands. I tricked someone into taking GC for headaches and their nipples got sensitive, penis got more sensitive, and breast tissue grew slightly. Unfortunately they caught on before I attained a trap gf.

Vegan/Vegetarian diet a best though.

>> No.11388352

Just because your DD cups went to B cups doesn't mean you lost your man tits. At this point you might as well just shave your legs and let a degenerate take your boipussy

>> No.11388373

Always cook your own food
Try to always use basic ingredients instead of processed food

I've always been a feminine boy myself I just firmed up my butt and hips through training, unless you start on hormones I doubt you'll see any great differences from food sources

>> No.11388381

how tight is your boipussi

>> No.11388387

actually went to B cups to practically flat with my chest. Though I can't say it was all diet, exercise played a huuuuuuuuuge role on it too. I used to be able to cup my hands and have my man boob rest gently on it, now there's nothing sagging.

>> No.11388415

that's hot

>> No.11388474

less red meat, it aides production of testosterone. Lots of fish, lots of vegis, unironically soy and other things to help aid in estrogen production, even regular milk does this. also lots of cardio and squats, those really help tone, slim and firm the butt and thighs.

>> No.11388503

>unironically soy
Unironically not

>> No.11388537

This. Recycling my semen gave my a girly ass.

>> No.11388821

post your daily food.
metabolism will be worse evry year
So its difficult to become slim without any sports

>> No.11389157

Boipussy pls

>> No.11389262

Daily reminder that traps are gay.

>> No.11389279

Then how come a straight man like me are attracted to them?

>> No.11389313

as much soy and as little onions as possible

>> No.11389316

just go on /r/transdiy and get estrogen dumbass
did you really ever want to pass on your shitty genes anyway? all your children would get is to experience global warming, having children is morally reprehensible

>> No.11389391

because you're not straight

>> No.11389556

lots of cardio, lean protein and vegetables and an antiandrogen. squats as well

soy doesnt actually do anything its a meme, estrogen itself does nothing without an antiandrogen first, youll just get mood swings and maybe look a little grosser

>> No.11389754
File: 192 KB, 681x960, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.11390075

because you're not straight

>> No.11390094


>> No.11390210


>> No.11390227
File: 294 KB, 1600x1200, S88PjPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try these

>> No.11390853

because you're not straight

>> No.11390856

>having children is morally reprehensible
Importing them by the caravan is okay though.

>> No.11391086

t. retard NPC
they're literally already alive, of course taking care of them is okay
honestly fucking kys yourself

>> No.11391104
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>calls me a retard flavor-of-the-month insult
>agrees with me

>> No.11391130

>taking care of them
Hahaha that's what we'd be doing too!

>> No.11392082
File: 2.79 MB, 3920x2208, DSC_0472[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a good diet that will help me become more healthy and slim
Basic keto but with only 80 % intensity

while developing more feminine features?
there you cant exercice much , eat soy, no exercice (so you'v to loose all weight trough diet)
at this point just take oestrogene, (assuming your male)
also no-one here is a doctor so take any advice (mine included) with a grain of salt.

Pic unrelated to your trans shananigans, its a pie i made.

>> No.11392204
File: 126 KB, 796x936, being alt right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being alt-right

>> No.11392221

based trans warrior fighting against the racist cis-hetero western patriarchy

>> No.11392403

Losing weight on a vegan diet doesn't mean soy doesn't cause gynecomastia.

>> No.11392627

eat lots of beef for healthy collagen fats.

If you need to lose weight just eat 1 meal a day. If you need to gain weight try to do it with meats not muffins but I always do it with muffins so whatever

>> No.11392658

The jap tit cookie. it's a cookie that japs made and sell in japan, it'll give you tits, it's got a loot of estrogen in it. girls eat it to grow bigger boobs

>> No.11392710

For all I know in certain cases it does. But in my personal experience, it didn't for me.

>> No.11393292

I remember when that was posted.
>When in doubt, become a Trap

>> No.11393332

I want to fuck your boipussy

>> No.11393579

because you're not straight

>> No.11394350

Oh shit its real.

>> No.11394354

Seriously? Not even /ck/ is immune from trap threads these days? I mean, we have enough of them over on /k/...

>> No.11394369
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Oh shit, what's up /k/omrade? I thought I was the only one here.

>> No.11394431

It is like a plague, because crossdressers want to do that because the older ones kept doing these threads and posting passable CDs and then do these new threads and it keeps going forever.
At this rate we will definitely have a trap board for both porn and discussion, the latter only when /lgbt/ gets mad of CDs.

>> No.11394996

I thought /lgbt/ hated crossdressers because they're not mentally ill enough for them.

>> No.11395094


>> No.11395116

>soy contains phytoestrogens that are weaker than estrogen your body naturally makes
>phytoestrogens knock natural estrogen off receptors
>literally reduces estrogen effects in your body
>/pol/ddit still believes this meme

Dairy contains mammalian estrogen compound and will help you become more feminine. It has been shown to increase breast size in men and stunt puberty in boys.

>> No.11395123

What the fuck is with traps and guns /k/ ?

>> No.11395146

>it's my first week on 4chan from based r/The_Donald and wtf this entire site isn't about discussing based guns and maga praise kek?

>> No.11395153

I want to fuck your boypussy

>> No.11395585
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At this point the infestation has passed critical mass, but if there was ever any pants on head conspiracy theory I'd believe its that the whole thing started as some psy-ops shit. My only "proof" is that you used to see the same recycled pics/gifs on OPs in other boards. I'm talking 2016 or earlier.

But desu i think its probably just the flavor of the month.

>> No.11395612

kek don't be so obviously offended redditor

>> No.11396176


Because you're not straight

>> No.11396190

become vegan

>> No.11396659

dumb fag i hope your happy with all the thirsty replies u got, im sure they will motivate u not to kill yourself for another week until you get depressed again and make another shitty thread like this or take pictures of your legs in cheap thigh highs and post them on websites to repeat the vicious cycle of thirsty replies and suicidal thoughts

>> No.11396980

give boipussi now

>> No.11397851

damn this an*n is mad

>> No.11398355

t. projecting crybaby /pol/ cuck shitting her pants outside of the safe space

>> No.11399945


>> No.11400214

Eat a generic healthy diet, and go get a prescription for HRT already.

>> No.11400416

Loads of soybeans. But seriously, why not just drink beer and become feminine AND fat ?

>> No.11400638
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Why is projection the only thing leftists *don't* fail abysmally at?

>> No.11400810
File: 77 KB, 800x600, 1191125584320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its probably just the flavor of the month
the eternal newfag needs to be stopped