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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11391770 No.11391770 [Reply] [Original]

why arent munchy boxes as popular in the US?

>> No.11391774
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>> No.11391775

Our palates are too refined and we won't desecrate ourselves with such swill

>> No.11391779

what am I looking at?

>> No.11391784
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this whole box is literally just £10


>> No.11391789

the brown slices are doner kebab

>> No.11391873

Hispanic and asian shops dominated the cheap greasy food market before middle easterners could

>> No.11391892

I’m honestly surprised they didn’t even fry the box

>> No.11391898

everything looks undercooked

>> No.11391901
File: 150 KB, 1000x1000, o (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinese takeaway have it too

in fact the most popular takeout in uk is chinese

>> No.11391954

Why are bongs so subhuman?

>> No.11391975
File: 493 KB, 870x1160, eddies-dynasty-variety-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound fookin jealous there m8

>> No.11391985

This is all for one person??

>> No.11391997

Yes, Americans usually get shit for being fat fucks but the UK isn't all that much better.

>> No.11392013
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this one has veggies

>> No.11392096

My gf watches documentaries about obese people in bongistan. You guys are just as bad I agree. We aren't so different after all

>> No.11392119

>Half the box is fries
>Just £10

The absolute state of Bongland

>> No.11392124

they are popular and common in the US, they call them 'average sized plates'.

>> No.11392129

Looks good to me, I could see it taking off in the US since there's a bit of a effort lately to reduce the use of single use plastics and these look like they just come in a cardboard box like the $5 boxes taco bell sells. I see food we eat in the US in your munchy boxes, we just have it packaged separately here. Also we have stuff like burrito bowls from fast casual Mexican places, that also seems like a similar concept.

Being your idea to the US, you could become rich

>> No.11392132

We have them but they're just different meals altogether, food companies will throw out tons of extra food or just let the people working there take it home before they give it to people for a discount price.

>> No.11392150

looks like gnarly dried sick, why do scottish people have a compulsion to deep fry literally everything?

>> No.11392165
File: 612 KB, 1000x562, pizza-hut-big-dinner-box-play-of-the-week-large-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if pizza butt still has these, they're mostly carbs though

>> No.11392187

because americans don't get as inhumanely wasted and stumble home every friday after hours of dancing at downmarket nightclubs

>> No.11392189
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>"so what would you like?"

>> No.11392202

It's not permitted to sell or eat British school girls in the usa. Sad!

>> No.11392225

Can you imagine the oily, greasy shits that you'd get after eating that box?

>> No.11392232

>no salad

>> No.11392246

is that the secret to healthy british teeth?

>> No.11392247

>deep fried coleslaw

>> No.11392256

Why do they ALL have fries? Even the fucking chinese box has fries. Fucking why?

>> No.11392258

This is he only decent one.

Everything else is a ducking greasy mess with no consistency. Like Jesus, that Chinese take out one isn’t even chainsaw. Why he fuck does it have fries? Looks like they had sympathy for you and gave you the scraps in a box

Say what you will about American food, at least you know what you’re getting when you buy a greasy burger.

>> No.11392264

* fucking

Damn autocorrect makes me sound illiterate

>> No.11392265

You must be bad with money bro potatoes only cost about five cents a pound

>> No.11392266

you being illiterate makes you sound illiterate, phone poster

>> No.11392268


uhmmm sweaty those are called CHIPS

>> No.11392314
File: 32 KB, 348x348, fritanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why arent munchy boxes as popular in the US?
The US isn't 50% arabic like much of europe. This stuff is immigrant business food, combing fry shops with whatever else is popular in takeout, run by Paki types.

In the US, our immigrants are/were specifically a majority speaking hispanic, if not mexican, then they all tend to like each other's cuisine. Though mostly Nica, there is a type of cafeteria takeout store called a "fritanga" which is basically a fry shop, Spanish style that is, whether it be Nica, Dominican, cuban, or whatever else the owners hail from, they'll all have the staple fillers of nationally preferred incarnation of rice with beans, vinegar based slaw, and deep fried plantains, maduros sweet or chip-like verde, combined with little Bacalao fritters, tamales filled with whatever spiced meat, papas rellenos, fried queso, fried fish, simmered meat mains like beef stew, or quick fried steaks, all smothered in delicious hot sauce or some other house secret recipe condiment of choice. Fresh juices, fresh soups of the day, a couple mains of the day on weekly rotation so you know which will be your favorites on what night. Whatever is seasonal, like avocado will be also available, marinated with some onions and lime juice. Almost all caribbean food has some chinese item on the menu too, tons of immigrants from China in their history (most popular last name in Jamaica is Chin). Most takeout containers are packed to the brim and contain enough for 3-4 meals at a single person's price of like $6

>> No.11392315

because we hate arabs and brown people

>> No.11392329

I dont know dude it pisses me off. All we have are shitty overpriced pizza boxes with shitty wings. There was a place near me that had a garbage plate style thing but they fucking closed and now all that's left are new overpriced burger bars.

>> No.11392335


they're called spudsy fingers in the uk.

>> No.11392354

how much would this be in freedom dollars. Seems cheap for such a huge amount of food.

>> No.11392355

"I can't lose weight because of my genetics"

>> No.11392361

You ever been to palacio de los jugos?

>> No.11392370

not many fast food joints offer them. jack in the box is the only one i know of that offers a munchy box type of meal

>> No.11392399

They still have them, I sometimes order one to eat throughout the weekend.

>> No.11392404

As much as people already make fun of us for being fatasses, could you imagine if we had something like this?

There would be no end to the bitter faggots claiming a "munchy box" was a single serving in the US.

That being said, it looks like it'd be worth it...

>> No.11392408

I would try one

>> No.11392413

We just buy the individual greasy foods separately and eat them at the same time
i think having it in one cardboard box would be a great improvement and save packaging costs
i don't understand why you fucks put cold salads in with hot fried shit though, thats just idiotic.

>> No.11392417

I'm all for gorging on junk when I'm wasted but munchy boxes are excessive.

>> No.11392493

I'd try it.

>> No.11392536

How do i learn how to make a munchy box? I want to be the first to open one in my city

>> No.11392542

germoney sandpeople with shitty doener palace places can learn from this. germans love those boxes


>> No.11392544

literally just fry some shit and have a few dips like curry or ranch or whatever

>> No.11392557

its just an assortment of fried foods, sometimes pizza (deepfried or not)
probably the best way to present it to potential customers would be to provide a list of possible items available to go in the box,they can choose however many they want, scaling up in price the more items added to it
if you don't have a large brit/scot expat community in your locale, chicken tikka and paki shit like that won't sell. cater to regional/general american tastes but with some variety

>> No.11392576
File: 79 KB, 940x550, hspas-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went on holiday back to visit 'straya after living in schwarznegger yurop for years.

Cried with happiness when I tried a hsp (halal snack pack)
So many fucking kebab stands in my usual living aralea, you'd have thought one of them might have had the balls to try bringing a hsp to market, but nooooo.

>> No.11392766

So restaurants just shovel random food into cardboard boxes?

>> No.11392772

They are
It's called
>Chinese buffet to go

>> No.11392786

and they call americans fat

>> No.11392794

Forget the Americans and bring them to Switzerland and France plz

>> No.11392799

>deepfried pizza

>> No.11392806
File: 222 KB, 640x360, the finest invention of the scots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no idea

>> No.11393598

Because our brown people speak spanish instead of farsi

>> No.11393654

>culinary jihad

>> No.11393706

American here, I'd eat everything in this thread.

>> No.11393803

How many people are these for 3? 4?

>> No.11393829

one drunken bongistani per box

>> No.11393853

never understood the pizza with a side of bread meme

>> No.11393889

Too many vegetables.

>> No.11393899

What's that skeet on the meat? Is it tzatziki?

>> No.11393912
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Bongs officially worse than amerilards

>> No.11393920

How do they make them so cheap

>> No.11393926

Because literally every meal we eat is a munchy box. We don't need to give it a baby name, we just call it "food".

>> No.11393974

they give you more pizza sauce so you can have more (almost)pizza if you eat all your actual pizza already like a big fat piece of shit

>> No.11393980
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everyone has know this since 1815

>> No.11394001

I wish they were.

>> No.11394013

That fried rice looks awful

>> No.11394022

Pretty much any takeout/casual seafood place has some form of combo platter which will usually get you at least four different items including sides.

You already have the ingredients to make it, why not convince people to buy what is essentially pizza crusts at a significant markup?

>> No.11394086

Obama is a qt

>> No.11394093

I wish we had this shit, would be fantastic for a night in with the lads, especially as a companion to a pizza.

>> No.11394103

They tried it but the dressing kept destroying the fryer.

>> No.11394122

i'd let Barry order a drone strike in my ass and kill millions of (potential) children

>> No.11394124

trump is qter
and not a nigger

>> No.11394186

You know what they say, a munchybox a day keeps the hunger away

>> No.11394232

Middle easterners getting away with serving absolute shit to britbongs.

If you've ever heard of Chinese kids that weren't allowed to eat the food from their parents restaurant this is the same thing. They wont serve this dogfood to their families

>> No.11394242

>fries and nuggets

I can't believe they're getting away with this

>> No.11394246

>pot, kettle, americant (black)

>> No.11394248

Love how the Chinese have gotten away with serving fries to bongs

>> No.11394284

sand niggers are comparitively uncommon in the states.

>> No.11394319

People just dumpster dive here

>> No.11394339

i mean shit, a happy meal is like $9 and has less food than in that munchy box.

>> No.11394358
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>> No.11394411

More fresh vibrant flavors

>> No.11394424

the taco bell, carls jr, jack in the box, and dairy queen $5 boxes are close

>> No.11394440

Chinese don't eat fries m8?

>> No.11395682
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>> No.11395710

isn`t that just a döner teller to go? meat and fries? can get it everywhere in germany.

>> No.11395926
File: 2.68 MB, 224x290, Behind the Takeaway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

munchyboxes are utterly disgusting
literally the cheapest frozen food items chucked into a fryer and hurled into the maw of the next drunk, gullible idiot.
these pakistani run food outlets are well known for their awful food hygiene

>> No.11396345

>"fritanga" which is basically a fry shop

I love these places so much. There are few places that are standout to me in my 'hood, but bacalao fritters are my absolute favorite. You can get them in other Carribean such as Jamaican, spots, too.

>Most takeout containers are packed to the brim and contain enough for 3-4 meals at a single person's price of like $6

Well, more like $8-11 here, but they do give you a LOT of food.

>> No.11396363

Nah in America we have too many options this would get drowned out by better established late night drunk foods like tacos or chinese I can see Jack in the box offering it sometime soon or white Castle doing something similar but it won't take off like in the UK

>> No.11396380

10€ is about $12 give or take some coinage

>> No.11396386

That's super popular is North Italy it's pretty much a calzone cooked in oil

>> No.11396402

>tfw live in the south and we don't get munchy boxes
Feels bad man.

>> No.11396446

You make me sick

>> No.11396559

this presentation looks awful. just throw everything together in a cardboard box, wtf. disgusting

>> No.11396749
File: 12 KB, 521x386, bchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love images like this where a puny little plastic fork is sticking into a heaping mound of delicious intimidation, kind of like a tiny little blonde about to get railed by shaq

>> No.11396856

Do you have a loicense for that m8?

>> No.11397738

Too much sauce and even cheese

>> No.11398087

looks food in dust box

>> No.11398098

This thread is making me hungry for garbage. I might have to get wing stop

>> No.11398289
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>> No.11398304
