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11388709 No.11388709 [Reply] [Original]

Lobster rolls makes me angry.

How can Americans do this? Let's ruin feeling the delicate texture of one of the most expensive ingredients by putting it in soft BREAD. Rather than tasting the pure perfect of lobster on its own, they make you bite into squishy bread so the texture is lost, and the flavour is covered by mayo/floury bread.


>> No.11388712


>> No.11388713

imagine the smell

>> No.11388716

Shellfish and mayo in a roll is divine. Even the japs do it in sushi form.

>> No.11388720

They used to feed lobster to criminals because it was a cheap bug that eats shit.

>> No.11388724

It’s funny that it’s only popular because it was overfished to the point of a high price. Crab is the superior sea bug.

>> No.11388725

You clearly want bread for filling or holding the lobster. Try some homemade bread. As for the mayo, what degenerate would do that? You want real butter and garlic and egg yolk steamed in a metal bowl. Not mayo. I dare you to do this and report back because im too poor for lobster

>> No.11388726

the japanese dont put mayo in sushi, Josh

>> No.11388730

That's a myth

>> No.11388734

>getting angry over someone else's preferences
Spotted the manchild.

>> No.11388749
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>> No.11388755

They sure do, sweetie. My extensive YouTube research has proven this.

>> No.11388835

The Japanese put mayo on everything.

>> No.11388863

Lobeter's not some precious delicacy, it's only expensive because it's hard to ship them live
If you live in N*w *ngland you can get them for a couple bucks.

>> No.11388881

you are wrong

>> No.11388909


>> No.11388914

This reminds me of when I read that (my fellow) Americans used to use high quality lobsters as bait for American Eels. Lobster can be whatever we want. "Fancy lobster dish" is a cliché.

>> No.11388918


>> No.11388922


>> No.11388924

Lobster used to be garbage eaten by prisoners. It's bug meat. Get over yourself.

>> No.11388928


>> No.11388930

cucumber and lobster seems like a terrible combination

>> No.11388951

There is no actual proof that lobster was ever given to prisoners or that they complained about it.

>> No.11388952

fuck off, retard

>> No.11389011

It was cheap shit they used to feed poor people with. Who gives a shit what they do with it?

It still tastes like shit no matter the price. I'd much rather have real crab.

>> No.11389031

>I'd much rather have real crab
This x1000

>> No.11389034

What about eels?

>> No.11389038 [DELETED] 

Are americans really that bad at making lobster rolls? Canadian maritime lobster rolls are amazing. Must be doing something wrong.

>> No.11389041

Either prove her wrong or stop talking.

>> No.11389049

Never tried

>> No.11389071

t. retard samefag

>> No.11389077

lobster was poor people food when the country started, stop caring so much

>> No.11389087

Lobster isn't expensive, it's regional.
Lobster in the regions that sell Lobster Rolls can be bought for next to nothing.

>> No.11389098

Why the fuck would you assume a random 4chan poster is a girl?

>> No.11389102

In MA we pay $6/lb for freshly steamed lobsters from the supermarket (Market Basket)

>> No.11389103

Girls don't exist on the internet, anon

>> No.11389172

Mainefag here

I used to be a purist but after trying a lot of the lobster rolls in town I’ve gained an appreciation for the good ones. Cracking shells and butter dunks are nice tho. I do think people piss their pants too hard over them, they’re good but I wouldn’t die over them

Also Maine lobsters come from the Canadian coast fuck you Maine

>> No.11389196
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>> No.11389207

Anon doesn't get it :(

>> No.11389209


>> No.11389223

Sadly, this place is nothing but newfriends now.

>Unique visitors per month: 27,700,000
Habeeb it.

>> No.11389245

It was given to prisoners
But they complained about it because instead of receiving nice juicy lobsters on a plate, they received mashed up lobster patties with bits of shell and guts mixed in

There's plenty of proof, you're just ignoring it

>> No.11389246

we dont put gravy and cheese curds in ours.

>> No.11389250

>getting baited this easily

>> No.11389259

u stupid

>> No.11389267

because it's obviously a dumb roastie

>> No.11389346
File: 37 KB, 685x652, 277585-4d6dcbe6b1db42e401730e10d61c82b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zips don't into mayonnaise

>> No.11389351

this, literally colonial poverty food

>> No.11389360

Imagine being this seething as to triple-post

>> No.11389361

Poutine is from Q**bec, not the Maritimes

>> No.11389435

Stingy smel of warmed mayonnaise covering the delicate fragrance of cooked white tender lobster meat.

>> No.11391031

If you can't find New England-style hot dog buns in your local grocery store, you're not allowed to have an opinion on lobster rolls.

>> No.11391414

This. Louisianafag here. Lobster is expensive down here, but we have cheap shrimp, crabs, and crawfish, so we don't care.

>> No.11391417

those are a style of bun? man am i a brainlet. i thought that was europe being...europe...and cutting the bun on top instesd of the side haha. thats cool ill have to try them. thanks new england

>> No.11391428

Another Mainefag here. I've never cared for lobster much but obviously it's pretty cheap here. How much more expensive is it in normal places?

>> No.11391454

I lived in Providence for 5 years and NE style hot dog buns are easily the most retarded thing about that entire region. Lobster rolls would be good if they were a third of the price, but I'd much rather just get a whole steamed lobster with clarified butter and have a much better experience without paying for the exorbitant labor cost that goes into a sandwich you eat in 3 bites like a fucking New York hot dog.

>> No.11391765

I live in Rhode Island and a few times a year lobsters are as cheap as $4/lb at the supermarket. When I make lobster rolls I just use butter instead of mayo and eat the meat cold. Fucking delicious

>> No.11391795

Also keep in mind, we eat young lobsters. They ate old HUGE ones. The bigger they are, the older they are, the more like rubber they taste.

>> No.11391816

They're traditionally served cold.

>> No.11391868

>Lobster rolls makes me angry.
Maybe you have been dining on the McLobster? Bad rendition?

>How can Americans do this? Let's ruin feeling the delicate texture of one of the most expensive ingredients by putting it in soft BREAD.
The bread is very fresh and soft, but it's butter toasted, and being top split, it gets a nice griddled toasting on both sides, it adds butter and toasty goodness, plus gives a bit of stability.
>Rather than tasting the pure perfect of lobster on its own,.... and the flavour is covered by mayo/floury bread.
If it's mayo-sauced, it is precooked lobster, meaning it was cooked and then cooled down and shelled after the fact, ie a salad prep This is going to be refreshing against the softer bread, and it's barely dressed, and usually a homemade mayo with fresh lemon.
Some people like it even more basic and want it just dressed in melted butter, but this requires someone to shell the lobster steaming hot, and only the busiest of restaurants will have dedicated assembly line of staff doing that to order like that. More often, it'll be reheated precooked and shell lobster only warmed by the butter. Those are what the purists order.

Your outrage is ridiculous, and likely based upon a thrifty lifestyle where lobster is beyond your means. A good restaurant will probably start a lobster roll at the lowest of about $18-40 and up for market value of what they place inside the bread. A big ol' claw of flawless meat on top is ideal. One of the best rolls I've had is at Red 36, in Mystic CT where the aioli has a bit of scallion with the lemon, and I've vacationed all over New England and the Maritimes in my life. Best lobster thermidor kind of lobster dipped in butter, ie fresh off the boat and steamed to order, is probably at Stanley's Lobster Pound in Yarmouth NS, which isn't even restaurant hardly, just a packing center for shipping it out. When I was there about oh, 4 years go last, 100% of all lobster bought by Korean buyers.

>> No.11391973

>tfw too poor to ever afford lobster

>> No.11391984

I wouldn't worry about it; unless you're wealthy enough to fly to New England just to enjoy soft-shell lobster you're actually too poor to afford lobster.
Just enjoy the silver lining that you're not one of the people that are both too poor to afford lobster AND stupid enough to pay for the nasty-ass hardshelled lobster that can be transported cross-country.

>> No.11393071

So I shouldn't buy the ones in the big tank at the grocery store?

>> No.11393078
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>his lobster costs more than $4 per entire lobster
Imagine being landlocked.

>> No.11393101

>eating bugs that they used to feed to poor people and prisoners

>> No.11393138

Thanks, OP, now I want a lobster roll.

>> No.11393165

lmao what fucking sad place do you live in where lobster is expensive

>> No.11393181
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>> No.11393606

lobster is overrated

>> No.11393664

had a lobster roll when I was in NYC. top 5 worst things I have ever eaten

>> No.11394121

The bread is simple to not take away from the lobster.

>> No.11394129

Enjoy your bug meat.

>> No.11394916

I once bought a lobster roll from a food truck for $18.
Shit was small but tasted p good.

>> No.11394927

Why so, they are both essentially flavorless

>> No.11395104

It's less the overfishing and more that they got almost wiped out by disease

>> No.11395112

>the delicate texture of one of the most expensive ingredients
It's an aquatic cockroach. Get over yourself.

>> No.11395137

Yeah Lobster was considered prison garbage for a long ass time, OP. It's bug meat and it's firm enough to be tossed in a sandwich.

Get over it fruitcake.

>> No.11395149

>Lobster rolls makes me angry.

I'm going to eat them more often. Fuck you. I hate you.

>> No.11395175

no it was considered prison food because they didnt know how to cook it, they literally boiled it and ground it into a paste including the shell

>> No.11395182

Gotta get that calcium though

>> No.11395216

Is there calcium in chitin?

>> No.11395227
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Lobster rolls are the shit my dude

>> No.11395284

>eating water insects

fucking chink-tier food

>> No.11395304

I'm so sorry anon

>> No.11395349

>squishy bread

There's your problem right there. You want bread with a flake to it, and butteriness. Squishy is for hot dogs.

>> No.11395364

Eel, or at least the kind I've eaten, are more like a flaky white fish, like tilapia.

>> No.11395438

Found the Jew who cant eat prawns either.

>> No.11395569

cause its a retard and a samefag you retard

>> No.11395607

let me explain something for those who don't eat lobster. there are bad lobsters. they're not very soft, they dont have that nice mild lobster flavor. those are the lobsters that you save for lobster salad and lobster rolls.
t. eascoast new england fag

>> No.11395622

>Habeeb it.
Twinkie house!

I don't even consider myself an oldfag, only having been coming here since 2007 or 8, but man...I remember how I was first introduced to 4chan by a classmate in college:
>check this out, anon
>memorize this first thread
>count to 10
>go to page 10
>thread is there

I was so amazed shit could move that fast back then.

>> No.11395651

>Delicate and expensive
>Ocean Roach Slave Food

Nah m8

>> No.11395654

Pretty much this, if there's a food item, chances are a Jap is slathering it in mayonnaise. Ordered a Tonkatsu Donburi a little while back, move the pork out of the way to stir the onions and rice together with the egg; Fucking mayo, just heaped into my bowl. They added bonito flake too.

It wasn't bad.

>> No.11396064

Regional chain called captain Ds in the south.
>2 lobster rolls with actual lobster meat not imitation
>a choice of a side: fries, okra, macaroni, baked potato whatever
>medium drink
Only costs 7$ um what?

>> No.11396094

At one time in New England lobsters were food for servants. They had to strike to get real food.

>> No.11396109

i live in a landlocked country and have never eaten lobster in my life. ama

>> No.11396114

Why is this "fun fact" brought up every single goddamn time lobster is mentioned?

>> No.11396448

Theres no way someone can think Captain Ds is good.

>> No.11396731

>no way someone can think Captain Ds is good
You're correct since he mentioned he was from the south and "someone" implies a human, not a subhuman ;)

>> No.11396762

They think it makes them look smarter to know "obscure" information.

>> No.11396991

Lobsters used to be a poorfag's food up 'til WW2.

>> No.11397400

It's actually a myth that bigger lobsters have tougher meat. The meat is exactly the same, you just have to cook them longer because of the size, which makes the meat rubbery.

>> No.11397700

Why don't you travel to an area where you can get lobster?

>> No.11398074

Because Maine is a shithole

>> No.11398347

...no they are not?

>> No.11398372

you have never been to japan...

>> No.11398391

the idea of traveling somewhere specifically to try lobster is absurd