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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11381308 No.11381308 [Reply] [Original]

>local bar started serving mad dog 20/20 today
Based. Who /bumwines/ here?

>> No.11381316

I'm drinking Cali wine and I'm sure MD tastes better.

>> No.11381319

Fuck that shit. It's literally no stronger than regular, unfortified wine with like 60 grams of sugar in one pint. I can easily find a 14% abv zin or merlot that's like 6 bucks for 750 ml, which is maybe a buck or two more than that shit.

>> No.11381323

based and hoodpilled

>> No.11381779

That's what our kids drink in Scotland

>> No.11381803

but that's no' buckie

>> No.11381939

Different Scot poster. Started drinking mad dug about 13, advanced to bucky about 15. On occasion I'll still get a bottle of the orange for nostalgia.

>> No.11381969

That's what I drank as a kid, and I lived in Bristol.

>> No.11381973

Good for the price. I drink mine with ice water. I like the blue kind.

>> No.11382036

christ where do you live where that is sold in bars? I live in scotland and that is what children and chavs drink. Utter shite

>> No.11382584

Sell it in bars in Scotland too, ya uppity wank

>> No.11382659
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wild irish rose. comes in red or white flavor. however the bling bling blue mad dog is alright. make a devil dog. mix it with vodka

>> No.11382664

This is giving me uncomfortable nostalgia from being a little hick piece of shit in high school... we used to drink this dogshit all the time.

>> No.11383227

Yuck, hangover in a bottle. The amount of added sugar in those things are obscene

>> No.11383234

I just buy a variety of the $2-$3 bottles of wine from Trader Joe's. Cheap, tasty, and gets you drunk.

>> No.11383239

And here I thought my local bar was trashy for serving olde english on tap

>> No.11383252

I can't see a bar serving this. What's even the point with the upcharge that happens at bars?

>> No.11383289

That's pretty damn cool. My local bar has old style on tap

>> No.11383323

Wild I tastes ashy, never before have i had a drink that just tastes like someone but a cig out in it right out if the bottle.

>> No.11384024

I like the Strawberry Banana kind the best.. I drink mad dog and colt 45s when I'm playing games or whatever with my friends all night

>> No.11384047

bagged white wine blends are far superior in taste and cost

>> No.11384056

That shit is dangerous. Stop drinking so much.

>> No.11384064 [DELETED] 

I remember laying on the grass outside someone's house near the liquor store staring at the sky and laughing. I haven't made good choices on this shit.

>> No.11384130

It's appeals to the hipster desire for irony.

>> No.11384264

whatever happened to al/ck/? did everyone die?

>> No.11384268

There are zero wines that don't taste like shit

>> No.11384327

it got banned from /ck/ and relegated to/r9k/ for being a pathetic cesspit of self-pity

>> No.11384365

Gulping down real wine just makes you sick
MD drinks like a soft drink, you can gulp a fair bit down before you even taste the alcohol.

>> No.11384435

THat's disappointing. i'm just getting into drinking and i wanted to talk to other drinkers but at the same time i avoid r9k

>> No.11384514

Really? That's fucked, out of all the shitty threads regularly posted here al/ck/ was the only one that never shitted up the board.

>> No.11384770

for me, its the McChicken
the best fastfood hamburger

>> No.11384841

had the orange flavor of these and had the worst throw up session of my life

>> No.11384862

how could you throw up over 13%. even if it was just too sweet and gross the worst juices in the world never made me barf.

>> No.11385155

did you ever stop to consider maybe abv wasn't the problem, but quantity

>> No.11385188

www.bumwine.com is a fantastic resource for deciding which gutter wine to drink. videos of the Cisco challenge are also great.

>> No.11385245

Does this wine have a name?

>> No.11385266

There are occasionally beer, wine, whiskey, etc. threads on /ck/, but be glad al/ck/ is gone. Before it got banned, it became Alcoholics General, not Alcohol General. Every post was along the lines of:
>just downed a fifth of vodka and spent 5 hours shitting and throwing up blood, lads
>anyone else know this feel?
Couldn't tell what were shitposts or not.

>> No.11385345

So? They kept it in their own general. There was and are still plenty of non-al/ck/ alcohol threads.

>> No.11385359

>>just downed a fifth of vodka and spent 5 hours shitting and throwing up blood, lads
bunch of fucking pussies

>> No.11385513
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>> No.11385672

Old Style is a regional beer, so that's not surprising.

>> No.11385980

I bought a bottle of this grape flavored shit on my 21st birthday, took one sip and discarded it because it tasted like that vile """"grape"""" cough syrup we were all force fed as kids. You know, the one with the gag inducing after taste.

>> No.11385992

>You know, the one with the gag inducing after taste
oh you mean my dad's dick? yeah I get you

>> No.11386009

There was still a sense of comradery between drinkers even though it was a lot of loathing, and shit posts.

>> No.11386015

orange jubilee is probably the best they have to offer

>> No.11386016
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>going to a bar and ordering MD20/20 at bar price markup

>> No.11386043

Well both give me a headache. I can tell alcohol is bad when I feel depressed before I even get a buzz, and MD 20/20 does that to me. I read a tongue in cheek article about "bum wine", and how no bums actually drink that shit. It's always 18 year old high school seniors and college frat boys. Real bums drink cheap blended whiskey or vodka, and sometimes a nice cold Milwaukee's Best or the equivalent.

>> No.11386055

Half of the people shitposting never even bothered to look up symptoms of late stage alcoholism. You could tell some of it was LARP. But some of it wasn't, and most of it was just regular drunks feeling sorry for themselves, despite still having the chance to turn it around.

It's pathetic how guys on here said "it was a source of support". Yeah fucking right. Most people just posted their anecdote and didn't even reply.

>> No.11386071

Yeah it was mostly just a circle jerk of self loathing early twenty somethings struggling with their identity

>> No.11386208

Mad dog is for homeless trash. Boonnesfarm if you have to.

>> No.11386224

Get fucked, those were self-contained threads with a lot of interesting stories and discussion.
Good thing the based mods made room for more "do Americans really" and fast food threads though

>> No.11387840
File: 430 KB, 1200x1600, brown bag vino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to drink brown bag vino but i switched to joose and 4loko. night train express was my favorite before the switch

>> No.11387878

>serve very cold
only way to drink it without gagging

>> No.11387879

For me it's Rosie in a Skirt, ice cold of course.

>> No.11388226

when i was 14 i would pay homeless men to buy these for me

>> No.11388600

is md20/20 really worth sucking unwashed hobo dicks?

>> No.11388608

no but you gotta give a tip

>> No.11388626
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Night Train, my African-American frater. I also appreciated a nice, ice cold T-bird — but those two are different flavors for different nights.

>> No.11388816

What's the word?

>> No.11388823

If the bars by me started serving that shit on the regular, I think it would be time to up and move since the neighborhood has obviously gone to shit.

>> No.11388843

Colt 45 is a comfy drink
40oz is perfect for a regular buzz, easily supplemented with liquor if you're trying to get somewhere, and it's mild enough to sip on over an evening.

>> No.11388857

oof ouch owie
What does Thunderbird taste like? I've never been able to find any of the bum wines other than MD in my area

>> No.11388879

nice, i drink this garbage when im too lazy to mix drinks

>> No.11388887


>> No.11388954

Thunderbird! What's the price?

>> No.11388962

When it's cold, it tastes something like diluted grain alcohol mixed with the must from green grapes. It's unironically refreshing, though sweet.

>> No.11388972

>TVZ, in my /ck/?
Good taste, my man. There were pretty good rhymes in that song.

>> No.11388973

Based and orangepilled

>> No.11388990

It surprisingly tastes like REALLY cheap Riesling. Not as sweet as I expected, and more wine-like than other "bum wines".

>> No.11390428

forty twice

>> No.11390448

Dont dink that shit or you will regret it...... end up half naked on top of some hill rolling around on your back.

>> No.11390449

>what's the price
>thirty twice
What does this mean? Surely cheap rotgut bumwine can't cost 60 bucks.

>> No.11390461

>I can tell alcohol is bad when I feel depressed before I even get a buzz
You so perfectly described my experience trying to get drunk on Franzia. Out of the 18 hours I drank it I enjoyed maybe the first two hours. The rest was just headaches, feeling bloated, and perpetual sugar crash.

>> No.11390466

Inflation officially got out of control at that point. Fuck the government for taking us off the gold standard.