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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11383200 No.11383200 [Reply] [Original]

Just shot one of these, what's the best way to cook them?

>> No.11383212

An air fryer heh.

>> No.11383217
File: 1.07 MB, 192x144, hunting minigame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11383218

Jackalopes are extinct, dum dum.

>> No.11383799

no they aren't

>> No.11383815

wait, is that the insides, or some rabbit babies, or both?

>> No.11383818

jackalope stew is tasty and the best method I've tried

>> No.11383830

it's the intestines, quick method of cleaning the animal out

>> No.11383831


>> No.11383834

They are now

>> No.11383836

sous vide

>> No.11383841

Do you make stock with the antlers?

>> No.11383854
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Wat do these actually exist?

>> No.11384175

>he's never had jackalope stew

fucking europoors

>> No.11384232

Nah, they're coming back in small populations in the midwest. Seen a few around Eerie, Indiana. You shouldn't hunt them though, obviously.

Those dumbasses in Wyoming will still let you take one per season.

>> No.11384235

Bullshit. Nobody actually lives in Wyoming.

>> No.11384243

D'aww it looks like a baby skinwalker.

>> No.11384247

Be sure to boil off the feathers and then use it's candied asshole as a spice to make delicious jackalope hot wings.the horns are best powdered and used as an aphrodisiac.

>> No.11384262
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I always love the majestic wildlife in North America most people don't know exists.

Axis are crazy looking sometimes. Their horns often look more like swords. Tiny population groups.

>> No.11384265

Wew lad

>> No.11384412

Not really. Remember only stuff from inside the jackalope is good for stock.

>> No.11384434

Not anymore, Wyoming made them protected a few years back.

>> No.11384627

Thats good. Something I wish they would do is domesticate jackalopes. they're pretty docile, so their horns shouldn't be too dangerous. Besides that, they are low maintenance.
It would solve their endangerment crisis pretty quickly If you about it.

>> No.11384635

they were thought to be, but some were discovered a few years ago

>> No.11384728

i didn't know wingless wolpertingers existed

>> No.11384742

why does that bunny rabbit have antlers?

>> No.11384763

To dissuade predators, display virility, and help determine dominance.

>> No.11384768

Just like regular rabbit, but you get to make cool jewelry or knife handles out of the antlers. Good huntin

>> No.11384788

Why'd you shoot it if you didn't know how to cook it you fucking retarded, LARing cunt.

>> No.11384887

Don't let their demeanor fool you. People have died turning their back on a pissed off jackalope. It's like they know exactly where down your legs the arteries run. A good pair of snake boots are recommended if you want to handle them during the rut

>> No.11384937

So are they pets or food?

>> No.11385175

wolpetingers bust be cooked in beer

>> No.11385183
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are you retarded or what

>> No.11385192

I literally thought Jackalopes were real until I was a 17 year old senior in high school. I blame this fucking short from pixar I saw as a kid.

>> No.11385205

Hate to break it to you Sparky, but animals don't talk either.

>> No.11385330

What the fuck are you talking about I just saw one at a wildlife sanctuary last weekend.

>> No.11385816

fuck, I haven't had roasted jackalope since I was a kid. thought they were hunted to extinction.

/comfy/ fall dish.

>> No.11385821

True, stay away.

>> No.11385846

>It's like they know exactly where down your legs the arteries run.
All your major veins loop above the knees jackass. Those are just hunter bullshit stories. I still don't want one of those fuckers goring me so it's a good excuse to wear any calf-high boot. They don't weigh enough to get enough impetus to magically bleed your thighs out lol.

>> No.11385882
File: 16 KB, 220x248, Wolpertinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite pet.

>> No.11386077

I wonder what it tastes like.

>> No.11386095

>jackalope stew is tasty
Typical skinwalker.

>> No.11386130

stuff a snipe into it

>> No.11386144

snipe are native to europe and asia and there is no snipe meat industry.

>> No.11386153


>> No.11386159

can confirm there are small snipe populations on the west cost good eats too

>> No.11386162

t. chink

>> No.11386170

rabbits are well known in America and other countries as food and as pets its one of the few animals that are agreeably for both uses

>> No.11386175

drop bears are good food too

>> No.11386178

I prefer supdog

>> No.11386179

I have never heard of a domesticated jackalope, they are very aggressive and useless as pets.

>> No.11386183

What's supdog?

>> No.11386190

i was talking about rabbits but in hind site i should of said that distinction but you right jackalope are dangerous

>> No.11386195

Not much. Sup with you

>> No.11386198
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Chinese billionaires pay western people to torture and eat their pet.

>> No.11386209
File: 254 KB, 834x574, Skvader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone try Skvader i heard thee popular with the Sweden

>> No.11386219

weird that some people have never gutted an animal.

>> No.11386225

>eating bats

doesn't surprise me retards in sweden eat that shit

>> No.11386235
File: 137 KB, 548x355, 3104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we allowed to eat these? i can only image how much delicious meat there is

>> No.11386244

evolution, natural selection, god created them

>> No.11386284

This is a very satisfying (you).

>> No.11386491


>> No.11386846

braise it

>> No.11386973

>fucking europoors
You fucking retard, Wolpertinger stew is a common fall dish here in germany together with roasted Elwetritschen.
I wouldn't worry about it. Could we meet in the forest, Anon?

>> No.11386977

>squeezing babies out of a dead animal with your hands
that would be fucking metal

>> No.11387046

>coastalcucks cant into jackalopes

>> No.11387070
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I tried them last year when I was in Swedistan. Tastes like chicken, just more bitter and shittier. Didn't like it at all, leagues below wolpertingers, jackalopes, or even rabbits.

>> No.11387137

Soak parts in buttermilk and pan fry

>> No.11387172

That'd honestly be "most people"

>> No.11387175

That's exactly how you extract caviar\roe.

>> No.11387873

roast with onion potato and carrots

>> No.11389290

wolpertinger stew is pretty common though

>> No.11389298

>rupturing the sack from bass
You idiot. You can bread and fry those suckers and run no risk puncturing them if you're filleting them correctly.

>> No.11389779

>They don't weigh enough to get enough impetus to magically bleed your thighs out lol.
t. man who will be found dead in the woods with no blood and magic burns/punctures on his thighs.

>> No.11389818

When I was little, my family went to a wooden furniture store outside of town. It had a big porch with rocking chairs and swinging benches all over it. There was a stuffed jackalope sitting there and we just thought it must be a kitschy place, but as soon as we had walked past it, it darted off into the brush. We couldn't even tell it was a real one. I can see where the fud lore gets started.

>> No.11390122

Went out bird hunting with my dad and nearly ran over one around dawn. Never seen one since.

>> No.11390152


>> No.11390182

>Let you get that close.
Damn thing must have been sick or rabid.
Or cursed.

>> No.11390232

Everyone knows rabbits lay eggs stupid faggot. Haven't you ever seen a Cadbury commercial?

>> No.11390242

They dont spook easy, you have to nearly step on them before they move, and they only move enough to get out of the way unless they lose concealment

>> No.11390247
File: 33 KB, 230x249, comfy_peep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wolpertinger > jackalope > rabbit >>>>>>> piss >>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skvader

>> No.11390248

Wouldn't know. You can only see them when you're drunk so why would you remember?

Also pink elephants.

>> No.11390422

Dont eat wild rabbits unless your on a survival mission.They are full of parasites ,disease and fleas,

>> No.11390444

you can cook them anon. they seem to have cancer a lot though, i assumed that was because of lawncare pesticides.

>> No.11391554

usually wait until winter

>> No.11391564

Is that a baby reindeer?

>> No.11392548

it's a snipe

>> No.11392550
File: 71 KB, 743x1066, 1481657056506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's never skinned and cleaned an animal
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11392559

i've never skinned or cleaned an animal and i don't think i know anyone who has

i wouldn't mind learning how to hunt but i really don't know how i would start

>> No.11392572

>Get gun
>Go into woods
>Shoot animal
>Clean and cook
Was it really that hard to work out? Maybe get a license if you don't live in a super rural area.

>> No.11392590

Jackalope. It's a rare species of rabbit people are usually convinced is fictional. They're near extinct.

It was an old widwestern prank that was widely practiced to attach horns to stuffed rabbits and claim it was a jackalope they had managed to find despite their rarity.

>> No.11392596

don't be a fucking asshole, i wouldn't know what gun to get, i wouldn't know where i can legally hunt, i wouldn't know where to shoot the animal, i wouldn't know how to clean the animal

>> No.11392607

Unfortunately that's the sort of mentality that has led to some retarded hunting regulations.

What sort of animal do you want to hunt? What state do you live in because in IL you can't use a rifle at all. Where do you shoot it? Depends on the animal, what sort of gun you're using, and what ammo.

>> No.11392704

i would really like to duck hunt, because duck is expensive and i like it. i'm in new jersey i would think i would need to go to another state

>> No.11392706

>he's never stepped foot out of his faggot liberal city sanctuary.

you pussies are so fucked if the extreme left and right spark a civil war.