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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11383425 No.11383425 [Reply] [Original]


Looks really good. Making this tonight.

>> No.11383429

Make yourself a bowl of cyanide instead, faggot

Stop spamming this trash

>> No.11383506

Her personality is insufferable

>> No.11383525


fuck off

>> No.11383534

Oh look, it's the daily BA shill thread. I'm sure there will be lots of food and cooking related discussion.

Fuck off already.

>> No.11383540

That magazine keeps pushing the pro immigrant cuisine/anti-white male chef agenda that almost all food related writing in the US has been doing for about 3 years.

>> No.11383682

Nice of them to include Resident Twink Faggot Tommy Werner in the video

>> No.11383701


FUCK you and this garbage you're shilling.

>> No.11383707

>almost all urban related writing/broadcasting in the US has been doing for about 20 years

Our cities need to burn to the ground.

>> No.11383723
File: 96 KB, 601x597, ted kaczynski urbanite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and bluepilled

Based and redpilled

>> No.11383728

Weird how almost the entire BA staff is Jewish, huh?
Just like in almost all media.

>> No.11383734

Without Claire around anymore, I'm refusing to watch any of their shows.

>> No.11383742

also forgot to mention that I am gay

>> No.11383748

Sweetie there are plenty of other greying fat jews in the sea

>> No.11383782

>Unfortunately it measures in oz instead of tablespoons so I'm going to pour it out and measure it again.
Jesus fucking christ are you kidding me. How is someone working in a kitchen, and getting videos put on youtube making buttered noodles with lemon mixed in and doesnt even fucking know her measurements.
1oz is 2 tablespoons ya dumb blotchy faced cow.
Christ this video shows every reason why Molly is the fucking worst person in the kitchen and raises it 10 fold. Even the burnt yogurt sandwich Indian girl was better than her.

>> No.11383788

Women are not as good at math, give them a break u shovanist

>> No.11383851

>Even the burnt yogurt sandwich Indian girl was better than her.

I want to marry Priya

>> No.11383874

Also I am gay btw

>> No.11383904

Look at this snowflake.

>> No.11383922

It sucks man. All culinary media has been subverted it seems like. Chef's Table recently got pozzed too. They had one major episode about how some illegal in philadelphia should be able to stay because she makes good burritos. Ugly delicious was garbage filled with the same anti-white shit.

Even normie shows like Masterchef are pozzed. They try as hard as they possibly can to make every single contestant some form of caricature of their nationality. Fuck, I like different culture and new cuisines but it's so tactless and full on it ruins everything.

>> No.11383940

Yup, I just want to read about delicious food without being screeched at about how whites stole everything and immigrant chefs need a voice and whose food belongs to whom and who has the right to cook certain cuisines. And fuck Bourdain for saying "There's nothing more political than food".

>> No.11383964

what personality

>> No.11383972

Ironically Fat Acid Salt Heat on Netflix was really good. Host is some iranian chick that actually does a good job of just getting into food without making it some leftist circle jerk. I really enjoyed it.

It was a nice palate cleanser after everything else these days.

Bourdain was strange. His earlier stuff wasn't bad and he was a much better writer than he was a TV host. Sort of a silver-spoon leftist type mentality but he told good stories in his books. The last episode of No reservations was sort of unsettling. It shows him starting to smoke again after years of having quit while he hangs out with Asia Argento who is insufferable the whole time. The entire episode has this kind of darkness about it and knowing that he killed him self shortly after really makes you wonder what was going on in his head. His antiwhite shit was retarded though. Typical boomer lib.

>> No.11383980

>lady has lived in the US for years
>still knows 0 english
this alone is grounds for calling her an asshole. Fucking yankees thinking barbacoa is some next level chefs table worthy shit smdh

>> No.11383996

I made in 10 mins into that episode. I couldn't finish it. Makes me fume just thinking of the fact that you come to a country illegally, don't learn the langauge at all, and then want free shit.

>> No.11384020

>season 1
>amazing cinematography, visuals, coherent narrative, pretentious but otherwise neat chefs with new ideas
>Season 2
>repeat of season 2, less groundbreaking, less cohesion, some much lamer stories, social commentary and celebrities chefs on
>season 3
>literal garbage besides the cinematography is still good

>> No.11384169

Hmm, it's almost like immigrant cuisine is more flavorful and interesting than the same ol' flavorless, sterile, LCD, typical corporate shit that's available at the same pricepoint or lower for the middle class.
>oh no, people like other cuisines than whypippo nuggets and hamburgers - it's wh*te genocide I tell ya!

>Restaurant cook busting her ass wants free shit
>i'm a neet btw, living off of mom's bf's largess, but at least i'm sorta wh*te, ok?

>> No.11384187


No I'm not, you're not me! I'm not gay and Priya is the best girl.

>> No.11384189

That's not the problem reasonable people have with the food justice movement. The problem is that people want to consume food related media without having a blatant political agenda forced down on them.

>> No.11384238

What >>11384189 said

I don't have a problem with other food cultures or even necessarily food cultures being absorbed by other native cultures. It's been happening forever.

The problem is that the political narrative cheapens the whole thing. I'm a white guy living in Central florida and I shop at the hispanic markets frequently because they have really good produce. I'll make tostones and use a lot of the stuff they sell because it's local to florida and cheap. I don't think that's forced or trying to be different out of some sort of white guilt complex. It's just good food and people around here eat it. Gradually I did too. These shows take some ridiculous exception and try and make it some grand political hill to die on.

Also I'm employed and have been out of my house since I was 18. Nice job projecting.

>> No.11384625
File: 709 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181026-002904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks cute but that gnawing voice sounds like a dolphin got stuck in a ship propellor

>> No.11384657

Make your own videos then

>> No.11384840

she also has the personality of a bucket of gruel

>> No.11384848

Can she do anything besides sauces for boxed pasta?

>> No.11384860

her only "personality" is on her chest

>> No.11384876

Why do libtards think you can just turn insults around?

>> No.11384976
File: 94 KB, 680x521, 1530991338510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Molly Baz
>senior associate food editor
>senior associate

>> No.11384977

What is the black mark on the left side of her nose? Was it an old nose ring hole that closed up? Does anyone else notice this in molly videos?

>> No.11384984

she looks stupid enough to have a nose piercing, so probably

>> No.11385079

mmmm her little lisp.id eat her for dinner

>> No.11385123

They can, because use of the term 'snowflake' is self-censorship. If you call someone something objectively bad, but specific, like 'nigger' or 'sodomite', then it can't be flipped unless it's also applicable to you