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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 400x381, 1474076437499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11379816 No.11379816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay why does /CK/ hate Americans? I've been seeing this all the time lately. People will call us amerifats and ask if we "really do this". I can't post something without being judged for my nationality

>> No.11379831

Extreme food is part of American culture, and fast food originated here, so a lot of the mass-produced garbage that people eat has originated from us.

>> No.11379832


>> No.11379837

That's not unique to /ck/. Everyone hates Amerilards and has for some time

>> No.11379840
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because american food culture is rooted purely in bastardization. i.e. bacon glorification, combination foods (pic related) and other general gimmickery. not to mention complete lack of authenticity.

>> No.11379850

who cares? everyone hates us no matter what. thicken your skin newfag.

>> No.11379857

all food is gimmicky.
I'm sure faggots like you were bitching when the decided to put tomatoes on pasta or potatoes in clam chowder in the 17th century.

>> No.11379865

>basing your opinions on niche products no one outside of the internet cares about
Hello brainlet American

>> No.11379873

sorry i don't wrack my brain over what gimmicks i should whip up in my kitchen like you do anon. do what you want but i'll steer clear of dyed ketchup and strawberry hummus.

>> No.11379874

because you're exposed, no one knows what the fuck danish or white germans do with their lives

>> No.11379916

I assume most of it comes from Americans themselves who have a distaste for certain aspects of American food culture.

>> No.11379923

who cares

>> No.11379931
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>> No.11379936


>> No.11380292

I do

>> No.11380301
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>> No.11380308

Because Americans stole everything they have from the native peoples of the world.

>> No.11380313

What are americans anyways? It's such a diverse country with different cultures. To hate america is similar to hating the world.

>> No.11380316
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Americans have more food than anyone in the world and much of the world would starve if it wasn't for American food exports. It's a luxury problem that most countries desperately wish they could have.

Add to that America has every cuisine from around the world in greater quantities at higher quality, with rare exception. Then America has innovated more fusion than any region in the world.

That's just the way it is. It's easy to take a swipe at fatasses eating cheese wiz on hot dogs because you are angry for some stupid reason. Who cares, we have Cajun.

>> No.11380358
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>much of the world would starve
I am certain "the world" could find other sources to make up for the less than 20 billion dollars worth of produce that you have on the plus side in your agricultural trade balance.

> America has every cuisine from around the world
So has a lot of other places. Travel moar.

>inb4 reeee don't disagree and present your your communist facts on this here american knitting board

>why does /CK/ hate American

Because you do not act like adults and the shit you say is vague and wrong. Case in point: >>11380316

>> No.11380370

It's called tsundere. They secretly wanna fuck us.

>> No.11380384

Was an American mean to you once when you were a lad?

>> No.11380392

>oh but america is so diverse, its like many countries in one! look how different california and new york are!
only american fuckwits who have never travelled think this

>> No.11380395

I thought we were still doing the ironic I’m from Belgium/equador/straya thing.

>> No.11380398

I'm gay btw, not sure if it matters.

>> No.11380400

They're jealous they're not legally allowed to cut their steaks with machine guns.

>> No.11380406

Nah, it's just a solidarity act with the people of Cambodia, you murderous cunt.
>average American goes "huh?"

>> No.11380427


I have traveled there is great food everywhere. We make more food than anyone and we export more food than anyone. Nations have relied on American wheat for national stability. Without US food exports Russia would have had famine after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Without American wheat Egypt would starve today. There are more examples of where American agriculture is helping nations but you're clearly not interested in an honest discussion.

Anti-Americanism could be well deserved in a lot of cases. But most of it here comes from fragile ignorant individuals who's only life experience with Americans is biased by this board, memes, or some irrelevant social interaction with a small segment.

Americans are fun and friendly people. They cook fantastic food from every nation in the world. Also the have "wal mart people", which is easy to pick on.

>> No.11380436

But I see in my day to day life, people of various races, ethnicities and religions. I see stores and markets that are catered to a specific culture. Even certain cities hold predominately "insert foreign race here" and due to this the large chain grocery stores cater to this. I don't see your need to be so hostile either, but I just wanted to say that I love you anon.

>> No.11380446

Yup, the Khmer Rouge sure were cool guys.

>> No.11380450

>Nations have relied on American wheat for national stability.
>Without US food exports Russia would have had famine
Thank you for these titbits of history. And in that same vein of reasoning: without Europe you would still be living in tipis and you'd be riding llamas to work.

>But most of it here comes from fragile ignorant individuals who's only life experience with Americans is biased by this board,

Nonsense. The anti-americanism here is propagated by the pillars of society. Using me as an example: I am actually CFO of a major e-penis conglomerate.

>fun and friendly people
I'll be the judge of that.

>> No.11380455

I bet your travels have been SoOoO fuckin' amazing, God I wish I could be you.

>> No.11380458

>dude tries equivocation, he fails to make a point

>> No.11380466

its only a handful, at most that make these threads. They are always the same, posted in similar hourly fashion, as if on shift. Some days there wont be any, and then it churns up again. You can recognize these simple patterns, and draw your own conclusions on the various motivations for these actions. Sometimes you need to go to other boards to really see the bigger picture and the same trends. Ebb and flow.

>> No.11380473

This is the NPC I keep hearing about!

>> No.11380477

>I see in my day to day life, people of various races, ethnicities and religions. I see stores and markets that are catered to a specific culture. Even certain cities hold predominately "insert foreign race here" and due to this the large chain grocery stores cater to this.
you mean like every other first world country? i'm hostile because you're saying ignorant shit and it bothers me. do you even have a passport? how the fuck can you know what makes your country special if you've never been anywhere else?

protip though: what makes america special isn't its diversity, if anything is special about the us its that you are universally considered the least educated of western countries.

>> No.11380478

>Our carpet bombings, quarter mile wide and 1 mile long over a densely populated country, only hit goddamned communists
>We never laid the groundwork for those same Khmer Rouge to take power
>we did not in fact stand behind the Khmer Rouge and supported them in the UN just because being butthurt about those pesky vietnamese kicking them out of the cities
>I would have gotten an educachun but there waz no gibz cause army did not want me

Stop being such a stereotype. Open a book for once.

>> No.11380484

>Implying I'd understand points made

>> No.11380496

Stop repeating what Chomsky has said.

>> No.11380498

>protip though: what makes america special isn't its diversity, if anything is special about the us its that you are universally considered the least educated of western countries.
That's okay, I don't have pride for where I am from or who I even am. I had no choice in any of it haha. I also never once implied that America is the only diverse country. I have been to mexico and canada though.

>> No.11380504

so what you are asking is to be the only expert in the room here.

>> No.11380509
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>Ignoring these facts

There are more sources for your murderous actions in Cambodia than the american linguist Chomsky, you nazi apologist you.

>> No.11380515
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You're welcome. Thanks for the false information that can easily be refuted by anyone reading with cursory searches.

Using you as an example, you're an insufferable unpleasant prick. For some reason you still think your opinion is relevant! But it's not, and no one actually cares what (you) specifically think on this topic.

>I'll be the judge of that

For yourself. Everyone else is welcome to come to the US and meet some of us themselves.

>> No.11380518
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so where is the best place in the world?

>> No.11380524

>. Thanks for the false information
>America was not founded by Europeans
>The horse was not brought over by Europeans

Complete alternate reality. You're a lost cause. Hurry off to bible-studies on your llama now.

>> No.11380537

>being a Pol Pot apologist
Your hero Chomsky had to publicly apologize for being a Khmer Rouge apologist.

>> No.11380541


Pretty sure we can all read quickly that American food exports are the largest by a pretty fucking wide margin my friend. Then after that you actually do come off as an "insufferable prick". So it's good that you do not represent your origin.

>> No.11380544
File: 553 KB, 920x500, danish_beard[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trick question? Denmark? Luxembourg? I am partial to Switzerland myself. All pretty comfy. It sure as hell isn't Arkansas or one of the other shit states.

>> No.11380547

I can guarantee wherever you live is a globalist village also. No one in this thread is a free man. Case in point:>>11380544

>> No.11380559

>your hero
>my cope to deal with the fact that my state are pretty close to nazi-germany in blood-lust
not my hero. Haven't read a single thing he has written. Go build a strawman somewhere else. You can even build it in rural Cambodia. They are a very forgiving people. Or maybe the fact that the people you laid the groundwork for killed all the teachers, means that the Cambodians don't actually understand that they should cut your fat throats.

>> No.11380561

Protip your experiences means jack shit to strangers. And you act like a fucking crybaby bitch.

>> No.11380568

>arguing moot points

>> No.11380578

its all the same game, my man. and you are just playing right into the delusion. free yourself.

>> No.11380586

Luxembourg did not bomb Cambodia. Also. You are talking to at least 2 different anon.

>> No.11380599

Why do you assume anyone who disagrees with you is American? Are you that dense? Or are you that crazy self-hating American leftist who gets drunk and posts nonsense?

>> No.11380603

>pretty fucking wide margin my friend.
>muh 20 billion of government socialism funded soybeans surely feeds the world

Irrelevant. Much like you.

>> No.11380611

Maybe because you actually believe that american carpet bombings were directed towards the Khmer Rouge? It takes a certain kind of "over thur" idiocy to be that ignorant. But yeah, I get it, you're really Belgian. Sure. All the signs are there.

>> No.11380612

but that non-nation is the center of the satanic cabal that rules the globe. the same banks, same handful of people, leaders of industry, etc. america must be broken to fit into a new order of nations.
should we go into your particular nations domestic subsidies, or is that a private matter?

>> No.11380616
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>> No.11380621

Aww poor baby. Somebody bombed your pet Charlie?

Who gives a fuck? Chinks are like dogs, infinitely renewable.

>> No.11380633

>satanic cabal
Alex Jones is not your friend

>private matter?

At the end of the day. Your 20 billion worth of soybeans are irrelevant and are not "feeding the world" at all. They might be feeding a bunch of pigs that get processed and get fed back into your fat gobs.

>> No.11380635

What are you trying to say? That you idolize Pol Pot?

>> No.11380649

That pic means nothing to me. What are you trying to achieve.

1/10 retort. I'd take a 45 kilo Srey Saat over a 150 kilo bible thumper any day. So would anybody sane. This means that the Khmer has you beat, hands down, in any competition that does not involve B52s

>> No.11380654

You genius.

>> No.11380666

It's called an investment, you invest money in the economy, it pays dividends. For example, the EU pays over 500 billion a year. Go look it up. But that goes back into the economy, and they get a return much larger than the investment. Are you now following how this all works on the surface?
Its the same reason an assault on US citizens by the government wouldnt work like the leftist masturbate daily over.

>> No.11380672

i see that you won't deny it.

>> No.11380677

>lefists ruin another thread

>> No.11380684


I already won. Nothing more than troll fodder with you samefagging up the place. Too many good people on this board to really care after this. You are not one of those people so, good luck with being (you).

>> No.11380687

I think the problem is how irrelevant of a point it is that you've brought up

>> No.11380688
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>> No.11380704

>making up fantasies just so you can virtue signal

The reason why you'd rather adopt an outsider is because you're hated by your own people.

>> No.11380705

>muh eu explanation
I am writing this down. Completely irrelevant to me but maybe I will find use for it one day

>an assault on US citizens by the government wouldnt work like the leftist masturbate daily over.

I can not eat word-salad

You haven't denied that you are a pedo yet. So quid pro quo, why haven't you?

AFAIK not a single leftist here.

At the end of the day, related to what the OP queried: "why do they hate us". Answer: they hate you because you are a bunch of ignorant nazis. You do not even spend a second in remorse about the innocents you've killed and the mess(es) you have made. Goodnight fools.

>> No.11380712
File: 124 KB, 600x886, 2D2B88FA-647E-46E1-926F-8DD88BC795FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you shit cunts are shitposting the cunt off this cunting board. I come here for cunting discussions about food and cunting cooking but at least 50% of the cunting posts are cunts shitposting.
Moot had it wrong. It’s not Australians shitposting here, it’s Americans and this board proves it.

>> No.11380714

Yay Brazil. I wonder if they are as sensitive about this as you are. All that yummy soy-sauce one could make.

>> No.11380718

It's always bizarre when lefties defend Pol Pot because they know they're wrong but not defending the Khmer Rouge would be ceding ideological ground to "fascists" which isn't possible for lefties to do.

>> No.11380722

>more word-salad
I love it when usfats get drunk. You are even more confused/confusing

>> No.11380724

>his shit posting nationality is the same as his real one


>> No.11380731

the us military, and really any modern military, is not set up for that style of fighting.
Yeah, its totally the americans making these shitty political threads. If your food is so great, wheres all the threads? Hmmm?

>> No.11380735

>implying you're not high out of your mind on your own farts.

>> No.11380737

I'm sure medical professionals have tried to explain it to you but I don't think you quite understand what that term means.

>> No.11380740

>people in this thread are defending Pol Pot

This is another example why people piss on amerifats. The alternate reality aspect. What you say happened here, did not happen. This does not matter one iota to jesusfags.

>> No.11380742

>everyone who is not a commie is a nazi
suck the g*rman ideologic tit longer faggot

>> No.11380749

t. Not American

>> No.11380750

1/10 and decreasing


Another example: Amerifats can't handle bants and generally can't navigate their way through a very basic argument.

>> No.11380752

>defends a genocidal maniac
>metions christians
literally everytime

>> No.11380754

Why can't you condemn Pol Pot? You've had ample opportunity.

>> No.11380756

history doesn't matter to anyone anymore you fool, go look up some polls on stalin or mao's modern approval rating. Somehow this is a unique trait? fartsniffer

>> No.11380757
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Grandma is baking TWO apple pies for Thanksgiving this year. So long as I bring "that whisky" (bourbon) I brought last year.

No reason to be angry friends.

>> No.11380758

everyone that defends mass murder of any race on racial grounds is indeed a nazi. And you did murder so many cambodians.

>> No.11380763

I'm not bantering. I don't think you understand what word salad is, and are using the term to dismiss things you're too lazy or uninterested in addressing.
hold on... better get the dressing

>> No.11380765

im not responsible for him, the same way you arent responsible for Kandahar

>> No.11380766

Fuck your baby jesus because he is an affront to logic. Not because of any political angle
>mind blown

I condemn Pol Pot
>mind blown. What can I say now?

>I embrace alternative facts
Enjoy your brave new world, lard-arse

>> No.11380775

>word salad is an academical expression and is complicated to understand
Meeh 0/10 and wrong

>> No.11380779

so your little thread is slipping away now. you need fresh material to keep it going.

>> No.11380780

>bring up jesus first


>> No.11380785

>word salad and wrong
Not at all. What you gonna say now?

>thread about americans
>"why you bring up BABY JESUS?"
Why indeed...

>> No.11380787

I didn't say it was complicated just that you don't understand it

>> No.11380788
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I'm praying for you tonight, anon and theres nothing you can do about it.

>> No.11380793

Now condemn gomminusm

>> No.11380794

This thread confirms that idiots are a common occurrence in many parts of the world.

>> No.11380795

>I can not express myself and that is your fault

Anyway. This has all been fun. I am going to bed. You are still a bunch of murderous cunts and you should be ashamed of yourselves. Your historical guilt is equal to that of the third reich, but your guilt is more recent. Good night. Sweet dreams.

>> No.11380796

>What can I say now?

Just keep going, reading your posts have been a riot.

>> No.11380798

i seriously can't wrap my head around how retarded this dude is

>> No.11380810

this is either great bait or a pathetic person

>> No.11380821

Drunk self hating boomer lefist gets assblasted again.

>> No.11380824
File: 890 KB, 2419x3226, NOW MELTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone hates Americans, and for good reason.

>> No.11380826

>seething this hard about jesus and america
based jesus and america

>> No.11380828

Dude is at least partially correct tho

>> No.11380836

We finally figured out how to make it melt.
What more do you want from us?


>> No.11380837

so is that right wing fascist going to get in power in brazil? AFD in DE? Is Italy going to royally fuck the EU? Who started this trend to the right?
Absolutely not. Not one of he is addressing is responsible for any of this nonsense. I wont be shamed into something I didnt do, my lad.

>> No.11380840

>everyone hates the the country they're obsessed with

>> No.11380862
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>american and non-american leftists seething

>> No.11380878
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we dindu nuffink

>> No.11380879

Your ancestors hunted Mammoths to death!
For this, you shall never be forgiven.

You're basically ice age Hitler and to say otherwise is complete and utter lunacy.

Christianity? bah! what a ridiculous concept! Anyone who believes such a thing is a braindead idiot.

>> No.11380885
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>28 ips were stupid enough to respond to a frogposter

>> No.11380894

Pol Pot won't come back to life and fuck your boipussi no matter how many posts you make for him, just wanted to let you know

>> No.11380895

you sound like you have a good attitude, and at least canada and mexico are a start.

nah, not an expert. i can just spot an american who has travelled outside the continent vs one that hasn't, because they don't have weird ideas like "some states are as different as european countries"

>> No.11380898

The frog is a symbol of hate.

>> No.11380899

frog posting is 4chan you newfag

>> No.11380906

It was fun. Get creative and participate sometime.

>> No.11380917

its a pretty big stretch, ill agree. But have you seen for example, the difference between the populations of Alabama and Colorado? Its startling. Just look at the stats, you wont even have to visit.

>> No.11380918

He can't. He's too busy dressing up his Cambodian child-husband as Pol Pot.

>> No.11380919

>There are things still walking around.
Clearly we didn't do enough.

>> No.11380929

>people still dont understand what the kaisercucks did
you commies are fucking dilerious.
keep following the ideology that lead to the rise of hitler like the good goy you are.

follow more german ideology like the kike you are.

>> No.11380952

>implying goobers isnt delicious and convenient

>> No.11380968

>bacon glorification
Don't dine on the swine, Mo?

>> No.11380979

>if you don't think BACON!!! :^) you must not eat pig

>> No.11381001

Not big on the pig, Abdul?

>> No.11381050
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>> No.11381063

they hate us they anus

>> No.11381076

Based beetroot burger poster

>> No.11381086

Why do we even call them Americans
Technically people living in South America are also americans

>> No.11381087

whoa. brown people are cool and i am silly.

>> No.11381095

>""people"" living in South America