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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 612x406, 182498080-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11375243 No.11375243 [Reply] [Original]

>just gonna snag a fry real quick bro, how much do I owe?

>> No.11375246

you can have the rest, bud

>> No.11375249
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you sure you want that man?

>> No.11375252
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your hand bro, you are the love of my life after all

>> No.11375253

I bought a straw from a gas station the other day. I just went in and took it and slapped 5 cents down on the counter and said "I'm buying this straw" and then walked out.

>> No.11375255
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>just gon-

>> No.11375261
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>> No.11375308


>> No.11375522


>> No.11375534


>> No.11376207
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Nothing man, have as many as you want. Fries are a sharing food!

>> No.11376212
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>> No.11376222

>It's cool, man. I'll just have to take some from you the next time ;)

>> No.11376224

>just gonna make the same thread every day bro, how autistic am i?
extremely. do you think you'll get different answers instead of shitposting? are you the same autist who makes the dr pepper threads and asparagus threads and 'omg I was cutting peppers and didn't wash my hands then touched my dick and it hurts!" threads? get help faggot.

>> No.11376243

Let me guess, only child?

>> No.11376258
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I will fucking STAB you. If you want some fries, you ASK. You steal my food and I will extract a pound of flesh, literally.

>> No.11376282
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>> No.11376411

Who even has five cents? I instantly assume anyone who doesn't throw away their coins is poor.

>> No.11376416

I need me a thicc latina bruhs ;_;

>> No.11376432


>> No.11376943

>"just a kiss on the cheek bro"
>he leans in for the kiss
>turn my head and kiss him on the mouth
>"lol you faggot, can't believe that you fell for it again"
>proceed to suck his little dick while he wipes his own cum off his lips

>> No.11376988

Fine I'll say it: I don't allow my friends to grab fries from me when I'm eating. It just leads to more and more bullshit. For reference all my friends and I were born and raised in one of the most affluent suburbs in my area, we've all got disposable income and are doing rather well financially, so money isn't the issue. I've noticed most people will give you shit test to see what you put up with and what their able to get away with. It's simple, I told all my friends at one point or another that I would not be providing them free samples of my food, that's not how the world works. Some would get angry, some would even vocalize their displeasure, like it was my fault. "dude it's just a single fry why are you so greedy, it's like 1 cent for a single fry, I'd give you some fries if I had some". My response? "well you'll notice if you have fries and I don't it's simply because I didn't order fries, I must have ordered something else like onion rings. There's no plausible scenario for me in which you have something that I want. If you're eating and I'm not now that simply means I didn't get a chance to get food before we hung out, and I can rectify that at any point: we all fucking have cars I can go to any fast food place and get food, I don't need to take what's on your plate when I can be at McDonald's and back within 15 minutes. Finally, if you really want fries I am very willing to either lend you the $1.50 or even just give you the money for you to buy your own fries, the money isn't important. What is important is that you realize you'll never accept the money because you're just too fucking lazy to go out and buy your own food. This isn't about cost, it's about you lack of willpower and the fact that you'd rather get something for free from a supposed "friend" rather than spend 15 minutes going to Wendy's and back because you're lazy."

You start finding out who your real friends are sooner or later.

>> No.11377069

Ok this is epic

>> No.11377077
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>Just gonna fry a snag real quick bro

>> No.11377082
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tfw don't have to deal with this because I have no friends. lmao all the fries are mine haha get rekt

>> No.11377104

Ngl, and this isn't an insult, have you ever thought you might be autistic?

>> No.11377225
File: 32 KB, 485x407, 1526238459968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you'd be fun to hang out with

>> No.11377276

what's anon's favourite fast food?


>> No.11377320

I'd save this but I don't know if we have enough Fry threads here any more

>> No.11377760

>pull out scales
>weigh fries before and after friend eats fry
>weigh container when finished eating
>calculate price per g of fries
>calculate price of fries friend took
>add surcharge for inconvenience (scale usage and unexpected reduction in meal size), scale wear & tear, scale battery depletion


>> No.11377870
File: 57 KB, 635x344, wendys-fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it bro, it's only $1 any size at wendys. Here have a buck go get ya some.

>> No.11379209 [DELETED] 

What’s 100% or nothing? Can’t have one to post here

>> No.11379344


>> No.11379354

I think Wendy's has the worst shills of any company

>> No.11379634

This. Hell I'll even buy you some fries, I'm not gonna leave you sitting there watching me eat, but do not touch my plate ever. It's symbolically on the same level as fucking someone's wife right in front of them

>> No.11380121

>sorry bro I'm not cool with others touching my food

>> No.11380133

>forgetting the friendship tax
fuck you dave I've only known you for a couple of months you free loading fry eating fuck

>> No.11380790

holy shit dude nevermind, Jesus Christ keep your fries, I don't want whatever disease makes you think like this

>> No.11380806

>"hey bro can I try a fry."
>"yeah, sure."

The end. no complications, just a normal human interaction. Now was that really so hard?

>> No.11380999

>"hey bro can I try a fry."
>"no fuck off and get your own, fag."

The end. no complications, just a normal human interaction. Now was that really so hard?

>> No.11381017

sure thing, take as many as you want

they're vegan fries

>> No.11381590
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I know you're mocking my post, but you're too based for me to care.
cool triples

>> No.11382169

>"hey bro can I try a fry."
>Pull out my .38 and shoot him clean through the head

The end. no complications, just a normal human interaction. Now was that really so hard?

>> No.11382177

spoilers only work on boards with something you can be spoiled for

only spoiling in cooking is your food going off

>> No.11382632

tekashi looking real good lately

>> No.11382725

Stand your ground bro

>> No.11382895

thats not tekashi you dumb bitch, theres no kids in the picture

>> No.11382900

no kids but i see 2 puppies

>> No.11382950

This but unironically

>> No.11382970

your soul

>> No.11383014

based and redpilled
cucked and french fry pilled

>> No.11383024

>Can't ask politely before taking
>Must do it during the act so you have no time to decide and any reply other than "you can have it" will be considered severely offensive by everyone in the party because who pays for one fry lmao just give me your food I'll touch with my filthy hands don't be stingy bro

>> No.11384748

Your life

>> No.11384759

perfect aside from the eyebrows

>> No.11385210


>> No.11385236


>> No.11385272

Based and redpilled

>> No.11385291

Fpbp. Only obese lard asses don't share their food

>> No.11385308

Lol the change I save adds up to a few hundred bucks a year. I don't need the money to get by but the thought of letting it slip between my fingers because of apathetic laziness makes my stomach wretch.

>> No.11385317
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>> No.11385341
File: 350 KB, 468x620, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.30_[2018.06.16_22.21.15].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A peck on the cheek babe

>> No.11385394

Had a girl sit down at my table in a pizza parlor and steal two slices off my pie because she's friends with my girlfriend and she said it's okay. FUCK OFF. I never wanted to eat alone in restaurants but I'm going to start doing it I swear to god.

>> No.11385400

Its concerning how much this hurt you. do you have terminal cancer? is this your last pie?

>> No.11385418

It's called fucking decency and respect. You weren't invited to eat with us, you aren't paying for it and I didn't give you the go ahead to take it. It's fucking rude and I should not have to spare my tongue in fear of looking like the bad guy because you are a fat, cheap cunt who knows she can get away with grubbing off your friend and her boyfriend. Shit is fucked. I seriously just want to be alone sometimes fuck people.

>> No.11385425

But your gf said its ok... Take a deep breath there is more pie I promise.

>> No.11385447

Just so you know pie means pizza pie on the east coast. I'm talking about pizza. My dinner. Not some dessert I felt like having as a treat. Literally taking my dinner away from me that I paid for. If you don't think that's fucked up then I don't know what to tell you. And just because my girlfriend said okay, WHO THE FUCK eats more than a sample from someone else's dinner? "Can I have >a< slice" sure go ahead. *Goes on to eat two slices* literally cancer. Kill yourself if you do this you parasite.

>> No.11385452
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>> No.11385461

You planned on eating a whole pie in one sitting? Anon, I...

>> No.11385490

2 slices now 2 later. That's how I always do it.

How's about respect other people's property. How's about asking me since I'm paying and she's cutting into my food. How's about not bumming off other people. Fuck off with your communist shit.

>> No.11385953
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just one (you)
and make it snappy

>> No.11386037

Here I thought you guys were having a double entendre conversation about fur pie but well here we are instead

>> No.11386652
File: 1.20 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20181025_183351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some mustard and mayo with that