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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 277 KB, 1000x1000, 2018-10-22 18.20.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11370894 No.11370894 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I drink whole milk to spite /ck/ and because it's delicious
What are some must-cook milk based recipes?

>> No.11370898

What's wrong with whole milk?

>> No.11370899


>> No.11370902

Oats with milk instead of water

>> No.11370904

Is this some new /pol/ shit or something?

>> No.11370905

Real hot chocolate.

>> No.11370913

Vegan nuts denouncing milk as devil puss juice.

>> No.11370918

It's a mix trying to trigger vegans and normalfags because like 10 people on twitter bought into the whole milk is for white supremacist meme. Embarrassing tbqh

>> No.11370926

I know we're getting flooded with vegan shitposting, but I could have sworn I saw something recently about /pol/fags praising milk because lactose intolerance or something stupid that makes them feel superior.

I don't go on twitter and honestly don't think I saw it here. Must have been some little news boop on my phone.

>> No.11370928

nothing really, it's divisionist tactics meant to persuade you that if you do x, you are less worthy of whatever, let's call it y.

>> No.11370938

Arroz con leche, milk jelly and figs, Kashmiri Paneer, and Chicken and Milk Stew.

>> No.11370942

that doesnt make any sense. lefties get baited to easily.

>> No.11370943

>some guy posts about milk
>on the /ck/ board
Fucking Christ anon, I don't even know what to say to you lol

>> No.11370947

Milk + cereal

>> No.11370950

It does you're just gay and a faggot

>> No.11370952

stop using nigger acronyms, please

>> No.11370956

everything you can cook using whole milk is better with heavy cream

>> No.11370959


>> No.11370964

Nobody is getting baited. /pol/ is just literally that retarded.

>> No.11370965
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whatever nigga

>> No.11370987
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>a post about milk on a cooking board
I think you need to take a break from politics for a little bit anon. Probably the internet as a whole.

>> No.11370990

I mean, fuck /pol/, but PETA fell for the bait hard.

>> No.11370992
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>> No.11370999

What doesn't peta fall for? They're a laughing stock to basically everyone except radical vegans which are a minority of the minority

>> No.11371001

Why would that spite me? I drink it too.

>> No.11371034

I prefer buttermilk (since I don't drink it plain) and it's great in biscuits, mashed potatoes, pan gravy for things like porkchops. I use 50/50 whole and heavy cream for cream based soups like chowders though

>> No.11371055

heh nice try kiddo, nothign personnel but the only thing that spites me is people drinking pure vegetable oil

>> No.11371063

hook, line and sinker

>> No.11371071


>> No.11371072
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>> No.11371079


>> No.11371080

If you get baited on /pol/ you were asking for it, they don't even make an attempt to hide it anymore. That's how we all know you're newfag

>> No.11371088

>I spend time out of my day to purposely do something that I believe people on the internet will get mad about and then I make a post about it and wait for their reaction.

Who has time for this shit?

>> No.11371089
File: 796 KB, 320x286, 1538622013039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not getting baited if I'm saying exactly what the bait is, faggot.

Your memes just suck and I can't wait until the day we round up all you politically obsessed fags and execute you and throw you into mass graves.

>> No.11371094

Yes it is, that's meta.

>> No.11371099

democommie detected

>> No.11371100
File: 42 KB, 334x506, IMG_0298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post literally anything
>"its a /pol/ conspiracy"

>> No.11371107

Whatever brings you comfort in your final days.

>> No.11371111

rentfree in their heads

>> No.11371119
