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File: 135 KB, 1024x768, leo april 20 2005 025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11353293 No.11353293 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking today?

This is a thread for general discussion about tea, tisanes, and yerba mate.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/4ZEuMwBJ

Pictured: Longjingcha (龍井茶,) brewed Gongfu style (left) and grandpa style (right)

>> No.11353697
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I've never seen tea brewed in stemware before. To each his own, really.

I'm not having anything at the moment, but I'm thinking of ordering some lapsang souchong. It's what I consider the perfect autumn tea, with its lovely smoked fragrance and taste. Anyone know where I can get some good-quality lapsang without paying a ton?

>> No.11353726

My Chinese roommate did when there wasn't anything else around: definitely worked, though not like regular glasses for grandpa brewing. I guess the point of grandpa brewing is not to give a shit though: I've seen people brew in unspeakable situations in Nanjing.

Define a ton? The obvious answer is Hu-Kwa but if that's out of your price range I guess the next step is just yr local Chinese market. I've never had really *bad* Lapsang Souchong though I've had a ton of mediocre and disappointing.

>> No.11353736
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Can ypipo drink tea or is that cultural appropriation?

>> No.11353745

Yes but only lipton tea bags and those weird old white lady calming teas from office kitchens
t. Jap

>> No.11353747

only in giant teapots and inoffensive non spicy flavours like chamomile

>> No.11353787
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>> No.11353821
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it's okay we're culturally appropriating it from China too and according to them all we have permission to do is die

>> No.11353825

trans. banner in photo: why fear that all china be covered in graves: we still must kill all japanese
even lipton is better than cyanide (on most days)

>> No.11353892

I don't have a local Chinese market ;_;

>> No.11353901

then just get a small box of Hu-Kwa: it really does blow away other Lapsang Souchongs out there
Wegman's is supposed to be alright if they're around where you live

>> No.11353934

I didn't realize the chinese were pro-trans

>> No.11354002

never seen their livestreamers? :^)

>> No.11354316
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Gonna buy myself some cheap Ceylon tea and evaporated milk and make myself some Hong Kong style milk tea. Other than that I’m gonna enjoy what’s left of my Genmai Matcha.

>> No.11355038
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Oolong order arrived yesterday!
Starting my day with the Da Hong Pao. Dry leaf smells like roasted nuts with a subtle floral background. Liquor is a beautiful bright yellow/green. Very little bitterness or astringency, but dry in the back of the throat. The body is growing with each steep. Very classic oolong floral flavor, definite minerality, and an almost buttery flavor and texture.

>> No.11355042
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>> No.11355052
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Rooibos earl grey for me. None of that caffeine shit

>> No.11355055

Still trying to polish off the last of my gunpowder so I have room to store a new tea for winter. Probably going to go with earl grey or genmaicha, but I've got at least a couple weeks unless I manage a third pot a day.

>> No.11355060
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How to prevent yellow ass teeth from tea

>> No.11355061

Good toothpaste

>> No.11355066

We have really similar recent orders! Still waiting on mine: shouldn't be long now

>> No.11355073

Spend all your time with meth addicts so your teeth look better by comparison.

>> No.11355084


>> No.11355113

How do I make a habit to having traditional afternoon tea without it essentially becoming the "sugar and carbs" meal of the day?

>> No.11355138

What do you use

>> No.11355139
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(Pic is basically my understanding of afternoon tea)

>> No.11355143

But I'm in Europe

>> No.11355148

...I suppose another factor is the type of tea chosen. What food would go well with earl grey, for example? The bergamot is pretty prominent.

>> No.11355159

Regular Colgate whitening coz I brush well and my teeth aren't too yellow

>> No.11355408

Brush your teeth Cleetus

>> No.11355935

Stop appropriating English.

>> No.11356152

>grandpa style (right)
Is that "official" name of the brewing style, or is it local meme?

>> No.11356174

Mormons not welcome

>> No.11356195


>> No.11356211

It's been said on the internet a whole bunch but I've never heard it said in Chinese: they just call it "making tea" like anything else lol

>> No.11356259

Then what are you worrying about?

>> No.11356879
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Can someone recommend me a good tea/tisane/whatever with hibiscus in it? I bought this a while back and I've been drinking a lot of it recently, but I think the company went out of business or something, plus it was really expensive not dramatically marked down for clearance. It's a flavored tea but I really like it.

On a related note, I've seen that people just drink tea brewed with pure hibiscus. The taste of the Zhena's tea is very strong and tangy; is plain hibiscus like that as well or is this mostly due to the flavorings and other ingredients in it? Should I just go with plain hibiscus instead? The tea seems to be basically 90% of it anyway but like I said I'm not sure if the flavoring's adding a lot to it.

>> No.11356893

The term was coined by a blog a few years ago

>> No.11356898

Hibiscus is in fact tangy and strong with no additives, im not a fan but i heard some people say its good coldbrewed

>> No.11356912

I don't really drink tea but I collect tea packets wherever I go. I have about four very large jars full of unique types in my kitchen

>> No.11356925
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>> No.11356969
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Just got my first gaiwan lads, looking to do some hood gong fu cha.

I've got some white pekoe from T2, is my shit fucked, and if so, how do I unfuck my shit?

>> No.11357038

what's T2

>> No.11357291

have tea in the afternoon without sugar and carbs.

>> No.11357329

By far the largest tea franchise in Australia. I think their focus is on being trendy and marketable to a mainstream audience, as opposed to quality leaves with gook names.

>> No.11357334


>> No.11357534
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Holy shit why hadn't I heard of this before, thank you. Any recommendations to make this honk kong style tea?

>> No.11357536 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11357557

It's a mexican staple at lunch, the largest meal of the day. They way they make it I'm not sure I'd call it tea but it's still good.


>> No.11357872

I think meileaf has a video on it.

>> No.11358067

"Mormon tea" is actually straight Ephedra.

>> No.11358074

>Duck shit aroma
nani the fuck

>> No.11358480

Yeah, gonna follow the meileaf instructions. I’m only gonna use cheap Ceylon tho. I’ve had it as iced tea in HK but I’ve never tried it warm, so that’s gonna be a first.

>> No.11359216

Add coffee and make yuen yeung.

>> No.11359337

It's called "duck shit aroma" because in the Ping Keng Tou village area the soil has a somewhat yellow brown look to it and is unique to that area. With all teas the soil type is a key element in the tea's taste. Villagers wanting to guard the uniqueness of their tea bushes told outsiders that the color and uniqueness of the soil in their village was due to copious amounts of duck shit and began to call the their Dan Cong "duck shit aroma". True or not it's an entertaining story which reveals why the tea has such a gross name.

>> No.11359449

Any recommended hojicha?

>> No.11359670

Gonna try that crazy shit when I have access to espresso. My regular milk tea turned out OK, will try again tomorrow morning and see if I can get a better result.

>> No.11359717

GREEN TEA. Perfect beverage. Tastes good, gives me brain boost, and is used in many workout supplements.

>> No.11360200

based and green pilled

>> No.11360245
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How did I do lads?

>> No.11360250

i drank some mate today, the taste of PTC wasn't as bad as sen cha had but it was still there.

>> No.11360290

Pretty good, not a huge fan of w2t but those seem like nice choices, not too expensive either

>> No.11360330

Tbh I only use W2T for pu'er: Eco-Cha and Taiwan Sourcing are where it's at for Oolongs. Can't go wrong w those pu'ers tho.

>> No.11360593

Mao Feng club

>> No.11360663

Rooibos earl grey is GOAT

>> No.11361400
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For me, it's sencha.

>> No.11361466

Nambaries. With milk. Why would I waste time on inferior tea

>> No.11361514

I got news for you about tea bags

>> No.11362720

go on...

>> No.11363044

My HK milk tea comes out really harsh. The flavour is ok but it really dries out the mouth. This time I even threw in an egg shell. Any tips?

>> No.11363064

I can't seem to get a straight answer - are green teas more delicate than white teas?

I always assumed it was the other way around.

>> No.11363129

Any herbal tea recipes? I've got one: Oswego Tea. Get three young leaves of Monarda didyma, before it flowers. Wait for it to flower and collect all, or every other (if you want the plant to look nice), petals on one flower head. Let them dry out. Boil some water, wait two minutes for it to cool, put the dried and crushed petals and leaves in a teapot then the hot water.

>> No.11363142

I've read up on oswego tea and it says to use a full flower head and boiling water. There's a few different recipes out there.

>> No.11363291

Depends on the tea, delicate is a bit of a loaded term too, in my experience white can take higher temps, greens seem to start getting a bit of a rough edge with higher temps while whites dont as much, but you know the tea you have, experiment, youll find out soon enough that the within each 'genre' theres so much variety that you have to treat each tea almost like its own thing

>> No.11363317
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I love longjing. Switched to jasmine tea, because it is available easier and cheaper here and still tastes alright, but I may order another batch of longjing again.

P.S. anyone else ever try kuding tea? Supposedly the bitterness gets easier to deal with over time, but I'm still pulling faces when drinking it.

>> No.11363332
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Just got some yerba mate in for the first time, been waiting on this for a while. Anyone have experience with its health effects? I was hoping it would help make losing weight easier.

>> No.11363570

>health effects

>> No.11363947

Tea bags are made from all the parts that are too low quality to sell even as the lowest grade tea. You're settling already.

>> No.11363951

Over a long period of time it's a carcinogen.

>> No.11364402

Well said.

>> No.11364691

is this true
jesus christ

>> No.11365193

What are people's experiences with mugwort, if any?

>> No.11366258

Oversimplified research but I don't think we have a way of knowing if they're related or not.

Uruguay and Chile have much lower rates of cancer cases than Paraguay or Bolivia, all the biggest mate consumers. The report that associated mate and cancer specifically said they can't tell if it's the drink itself or the temperature it's consumed at that is the cause of the correlation they found between cancer and mate drinking habits.

>> No.11366443

Tea noob here and not even sure if this question makes sense but here goes. Could anyone here who's familiar with craft beer recommend a tea for somebody who's a big fan of IPA's, particularly NEIPAs? I'm looking for that same sort of balance of fruitiness and bitterness. Obviously they're going to taste very different but I'm just looking for similar notes

>> No.11366623

very generally speaking Id say oolong. try a tie guan yin and a dan cong

>> No.11366628

i can't believe that this isn't a troll comment but
is generally correct i'd say.

tea isn't really "hoppy" like ipas tho.

>> No.11366631

not necessarily fruity, but I think you could make a comparison between the bitter floral flavor of oolong and the bitter hoppy flavor of an IPA.

>> No.11366733

Can anyone recommend a good sampler pack for me to go with? Current options are Ahmad, Bigelow, Twinings, or Taylors of Harrogate. My only other experience with tea is the southern style (Luzianne) and some earl grey I had when visiting a friend's house. Just want to get a feel for other teas so I can decide which direction I want to go with it in the future.

>> No.11366810

Genuinely not a troll comment so thanks for the suggestions, your recommendations sound spot on. Much appreciated

>> No.11366825

Why do I want near boiling water but not actual boiling water when brewing?

>> No.11366934

It depends on the tea. For lighter teas (greens especially), cooler water (anywhere from 60-80 degrees Celsius depending on what varieties you get) is required, as straight boiling water or slightly below boiling will make the tea taste very acerbic and/or bitter. For black teas, anywhere from 85-95 ought to be used, since straight boiling will, again, make the tea taste bitter than it ought to taste. For oolongs and puerhs I use straight boiling, since they're meant to be brewed at that temperature and it won't embitter the taste.

>> No.11367046

bought some loose leaf green tea from a vendor at a conference today. apparently it's grown in Yamanashi prefecture at a high elevation. I was really surprised how mellow and smooth it was. I can't find it anywhere online for the life of me sadly. I'll take a pic tomorrow.

>> No.11367135
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only the finest instant dissolving tea for me thank you please

>> No.11367150

There are not many differences in Japanese teas so you can probably find a similar quite easy.

>> No.11367252
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>usually enjoy some oolong or green tea without sugar
>catch a cold
>start drinking lots of Lipton black tea packets with tons of lemon and honey.
It may not be the best option, but it`s damn satisfying. The only thing missing is some raspberry jam.

>> No.11367312

Try green tea for health effects. There are scientific studies that show some correlation to fat loss and improved athletic performance but I don't remember the exact details. Also has anticancer effects.

>> No.11367449

Thank you, appreciate it. I suppose, like most things, I need to check my preconceived notions and heuristics, and let my experiences speak for themselves

>> No.11367454

Any recommended kinds of tea for those of us who need the caffeine? I've been drinking English breakfast but want to try other things.
And no I'm not going back to coffee, even if that's the objectively best answer. That stuff fucks you up, from what I've researched.

>> No.11367492

Coffee is healthy on a physical level but on a mental level it brings me to an unpleasant state of mind. I heard black tea has the highest caffeine content with about half the caffeine of coffee. Green tea has low caffeine content but works well for me but makes me sleepy, which is good for me because my mind naturally works really fast without caffeine.

>> No.11367710

I bought a 35 tea sampler from healt tea house or something like that on ebay. Waiting for it to arrive, I payed around 13$.

>> No.11367968

Green teas are more delicate in the sense that water above 9oC will make them undrinkable, many times even above 80 (depending on tea). White teas don't get that bitter and astringent with hot water. However, their taste profile changes depending on water temperature. Don has a video on it. Additionally, bud heavy teas can take more heat than leaf only teas. My guess is when people say greens are more delicate than whites they are probably thinking of a green like sencha or bi luo chun or lu shan wun yu versus silver needles.

Never tried kuding, but I've dealt with fussy greens before. What are your brewing parameters.

Young raw (sheng) pu erh.

Because different compounds for flavor extract at different temperatures at a different rate. In addition to that, different teas have varying concentrations of these compounds.

First let me say, there's more to it than caffeine to help you reach an alert state. Tea is better for that than coffee, because it gives you a relaxed alertness, instead of a jittery alertness. With that being said, let's start:
Matcha --> Young raw (sheng) pu erh (memes like gushu are acceptable if you don't pay an arm and a leg) --> Japanese greens --> Chinese greens --> Aged white tea --> Oolongs --> Black

>> No.11368150

Coincidentally, I tried this this morning...
...and it definitely reminds me of beer. Not so much IPA as like an Amber Ale, but its very good. Malty, and honestly a hoppy sort of freshness. Not bitter. Quite good.

>> No.11368235
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>forget to clear out my gaiwan
>come back to this 5 days later


>> No.11368257

Its aged now, enjoy

>> No.11368282

What's your every day drinker?
For me it's Tieguanyin in the early morning and sometimes Yunnan Mao Feng from the later morning to the early afternoon

>> No.11368411
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a cup of decent tea in the morning with some oatmeal

>> No.11368444
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Just ordered this from Verdant to use up my 5 dollar coupon
R8 my haul

>> No.11368455

anybody use mugs with diffusers? i'm in the market for one. need good suggestions for ones that don't look either gay as shit.

>> No.11368470

Just get a metal diffuser on a chain or string, then you can use anything

>> No.11368472

I have a japanese green and chinese green right now. the japanese has a light flavor, and the chinese is very bold. i like the chinese one (marketed as gunpowder) better, but am a bit worried about drinking tons of it, because chinese tea has high lead content.

>> No.11368490

They're too small. I want the leaves to unfurl more for more efficient/less bitter steeping.

>> No.11368493
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>anon, why are you taking the tea out? Just leave it in there. I don't mind it strong haha

>> No.11368501

Just get a mesh lid or something?

>> No.11368502

Gaiwans is stupid doe. They spill tea all over the place, which is why tea houses that use gaiwans prepare the tea on a tray or platter.
Teapots with spouts are a more recent technology, and it shows.

>> No.11368510

I use this one. Works well with average mugs, less ideal for larger ones but still decent.

>> No.11368512

>Go to dentist.
>To his everlasting surprise, immediately take off your pants and present anus.
>Filled with yellow ass teeth.
>Dentist faints.
Why are my ass teeth so yellow? I want to whiten them so people stop fainting when I show them.

>> No.11368522

Stop eating butthole that's

>> No.11368523

Sweet. Looks effective. I'll have to take some measurements.

>> No.11368541

Just learn to use them.
I bought one and the only time it ever spilled out was the first occasion I used it.

>> No.11368584

>all china be covered in graves

>> No.11368717
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How do you make sure the tea you purchase is free of illegal pesticides?
Obviously Lipton has had its issues with illegal pesticides in tea coming from big Chinese plantations.
Is there any oversight from foreign countries in the marketplace? For example, does USDA certified organic really know what's happening on the Chinese tea plantation? If so, how?

>> No.11369228

Green tea is my pick. It’s a myth that it doesn’t contain caffeine. I used to be a heavy coffee drinker and now I drink both Chinese and Japanese greens with breakfast as my morning brew. If that’s not enough for you then check out Matcha.

>> No.11369238

You test random samples of the finished product for residuals, pesticides, metals and what not. it all comes down to whether you trust the governing body. FDA or EU regulators are fairly strict. I wouldn't trust chink certification. With that said, I drink chink tea and give 0 fucks.
t. molecular biologist

>> No.11369246

>be me
>relative goes to china
>comes back with those super tasty hand picked high quality green tea leaves
>and some mysterious orange powder stuff
>they say it's tea
>drink green tea all morning, can feel the caffeine but it's no biggie
>chew on leaves after drinking, so yummy
>few hours later, brew a cup of the orange powder to try
>stomach rumbles
>run to the bathroom
>shit my brains out
>hands are shaking
>can feel the caffeine coursing through my veins
>spend about 6 hours in the bathroom, one of the worst nights of my life
When I asked my relative about the orange powder, she was just like "oh yea, that happens to some people. it's why it's banned in the U.S."

>> No.11369249

It varies. Sencha was my daily drinker recently, now it’s Genmai Matcha. Before that Long Jing and Anji Bai Cha, but my tea bills were getting ridiculous...

>> No.11369257

>random orange powder straight from the hell of china
>it's tea

>> No.11369273

I don’t remember the details now but greens have the least amount of lead. Chinese Pu erhs and Oolongs are worse. Google and you’ll find.

>> No.11369276

The vomiting and shitting wasn't even too bad. That would have been manageable. But I also had enough caffeine in me to fight 15 men, so I was just there, vibrating on the toilet.

>> No.11369284

What was it then?

>> No.11369291

This poster. Has anybody had the Laoshan Gan Zao Ye?

Looking for good herbals

>> No.11369293

I really don't remember. I have the packaging back at home but it's all Chinese characters.

>> No.11369300
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complete newfag to this whole tea thing, got one of those sampler sets. the fuck do I try first?

>> No.11369301 [DELETED] 

ah, I think it might've been Yan Hu Suo

>> No.11369310
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Not bad, what-cha is a great starting point.
>Malawi 2018 Leafy Ripe Dark Tea
you'll have to tell us how that one goes. I've had pretty solid Malawi whites, but this is the first I'm hearing of an African attempt at something like that.

>> No.11369314
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Jin xuan --> Dew drops --> Sencha --> rest of oolongs --.blacks --> ripe
Well your story reminded me of pic related

>> No.11369322

Pretty similar except I was flushing often in between shit-waves. Luckily my room mate was out of town. That night, the only relief I would get was when I got to lay on the cool bathroom floor, but even then I was writhing around because so much energy. I would try and drink water but would just vomit it soon after.

>> No.11369350
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>> No.11369353

I kept it on hand as my daily herbal for drinking at night. Loved it. Haven't had it this year because I opted to try the Goji leaf instead, which I like much less.

>> No.11369458
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drinking a free sample of this. damn its good

>> No.11369499
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Milk, two sugar ta.

>> No.11369511

how modest.
Its not like "its the best tea"
its like, "ya know, its decent tea"

yeah, fuck these things.

Could it be Guarana extract?

>> No.11369531

I don't think so. One of the things it was supposed to do was relieve emotional pms symptoms among a lot of other things. That one stuck out to me so it's all I can remember.

>> No.11369544

strong black tea with lots of whole milk and brown sugar

>> No.11369740

I've had similar shit happen to me too. Really makes you think how many fucking mold spores you're drinking

>> No.11369759

I can tell from your post that the issue here is that you are a limp wristed faggot. I, someone with adequate wrist strength, have never spilled tea with a Gaiwan. It is also worth noting that my penis is considerably larger than average.

>> No.11369784
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got this at the asian market because of the low sugar content.

>> No.11369791

looks good / 10
never tried any of those tho

>> No.11369806

I'm a limp wristed tranny, thank you very much.

>> No.11369811
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Unironically, this is better than than 90% of the garbage tea posted on /ck/. Also, learn to control your extraction, you tards. At least the coffee cu/ck/s try.

>> No.11369823


>> No.11369830


>> No.11369887

Dang that's impressive for only 5 days.
How warm is your house? Do you live in one of those perpetually warm and humid areas?

>> No.11369915
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I'm not one for teas that have additives or have been scented.
But that Jin Xuan sticky rice oolong is fucking DANK
I'm gonna go have some right now

>> No.11369941

anyone know a good place to get a large quantity of tea cheaply
doesn't have to be medium quality or anything, just has to be loose leaf

>> No.11370214
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>> No.11370225

Your local asian market

>> No.11370231
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Probably not even tea.

>> No.11370270

It never occurred to you to Google "sinisan" and find out what it is?

>> No.11370287

You tell me what you think of "Chinese frigid extremities powder"

>> No.11370614

i don't got no hands

>> No.11370934

>Possible abdominal pain with diarrhea.
>Wiry pulse, possibly rapid

>> No.11372328


>> No.11372801
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constant 27-30C (80-86F)
yes, in the tropics--Singapore

>drinking mold
reminds me of the 'Golden Flowers' black tea (hunan , 金花菌) that I ordered from yunnan source--which is meant to have mold. (pic related)

it was really smooth and mild tasting pur-eh with a weird but pleasant undertone, should have bought more

>> No.11372806

Singapore is one of the best places in the world for puerh/heicha, enjoy

>> No.11372807

kek this is like one of those magical elixirs they have in wuxia movies

>> No.11373133

What are you doing in Singapore? Where are you from?

>> No.11373967

What malawi whites exactly? Those are, in theory, some of the highest caffeinated teas out there, I think.

>> No.11374130

I enjoyed the What-Cha Zomba Pearls white, and there was some silver needle as well.
>Those are, in theory, some of the highest caffeinated teas out there, I think.
Interesting. Care to elaborate? I'm completely unaffected by caffeine so I can't speak from experience.

>> No.11374812

w2c decent affordable teaware particularly gaiwan?

>> No.11374907

Just pick a plain white one from ali for 10$, in general its better than buying from tea sellers unless you intend to buy some tea too, if so just tack one on to your order

>> No.11374954
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Black lime tea with a little honey is my favorite.

>> No.11375039

how do you drink a lime

>> No.11375608

Last thread there were some links about it, I only have this one on hand right now but the gist of it is tea from original Chinese trees has less caffeine than clones planted more recently like African ones.


>> No.11376191
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damn, fermented my batch of kombucha a few days longer than I usually do and it's way too vinegary now. Still not bad since I added a bunch of lingonberry and rhubarb syrup to it, but i think 7-8 days is definitely the magic number.

Love this drink though, it's so refreshing

>> No.11376536

sounds dank

>> No.11376690

How do you make it?

>> No.11377201

I would also recommend young sheng puer. most are strong which results in bitter tastes when not brewed carefully. and while not every puer is fruity there definitely exist fruity puers. just look at the tasting notes. before buying.

>> No.11377218
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How much tea are you supposed to drink at once? I'm interested in trying gong fu style brewing once I find some teas I really like, but it just makes so little at a time. I have a 700ml teapot that makes the perfect amount for me to drink, but I think that only works for western style. 150ml would be gone before I returned to my computer, but it seems like combining different steeps in one cup would miss out on the complex changing of taste.

Is trying to brew a 24 oz mug of tea with gong fu missing the point entirely, or is there a reasonable way I could achieve good results?

>> No.11377234

One session gives me anywhere from 500ml to like 1.2L, honnestly stacking steeps is a good way to go, I do it all the time with less complex teas like shu, trying to use absurd amounts of leaf in a huge pot seems like a bit of a waste

>> No.11377298

It looks like a bunch of crushed tarantulas.

>> No.11377491

I'm also just getting into it. Got 4 oz of two different kinds of green tea for $25. Two weeks in, going through a serving (5-10 cups) per day, and also sharing with my housemate.
Don't have any materials; boiling water in a pot, pouring it over leaves in a mug and drinking grandpa style.
Definitely gonna get some hardware, but I'm enjoying this too. Don't be afraid to grab an oz of some tea. The difference in flavor is very noticeable.

>> No.11377555
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Heat 1L of water to your desired temperature, put it in a thermos and bring it along with your pot/gaiwan and cup to your computer. Just add more water to your leaves as you're about to be done with what's currently in your cup and the thermos will be empty before you even notice. Get one of these very small trays if you're worried about spilling water near electronics.

>> No.11377701

I drink a lot of shou puer at my computer so I actually have my electric kettle set up in my room nearby.
I tend to do two 100ml steeps generally 10-20 seconds which I can chill with for a bit before I do two more.

>> No.11377882

My gaiwan arrived today. How can I use it achieving none of the following?

-burning my fingers
-getting the leaves in the cup
-pouring out just a small trail of water, taking too long to empty it
-splashing water everywhere because it travels down to the side, again burning my fingers on the bottom

I feel like a retard.

>> No.11378338

>burning my fingers
Don’t squeeze it too tight, try to hold it as relaxed as you can and try to grip it on the upper walls of the gaiwan which are cooler.
>getting the leaves in the cup
You have the lid on when pouring. Just make a narrow opening so the fluid can leave the gaiwan.
>splashing water evertwhere because it travels down to the side, again burning my fingers on the bottom
First of all, your fingers shouldn’t be on the bottom. Secondly, pour with vigor so it doesn’t drip.

Are you a retard?

>> No.11378372

Just get a 100ml gaiwan. Costs nothing if you buy it from China.

>> No.11378442

Practice with cold water until you're confident with it. On that note, always pour with confidence.

>> No.11378494

T-thanks! What is the best way to hold it? I used the thumb on the top of the lid and the fingers on the botton, the part which is usually sitting on the table.

>> No.11378517
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not him but this is how i hold it

thumb and middle finger pinching the lip (not under--you will burn yourself). Index finger to hold the lid in place (adjust it before you lift it up, not during). If you try to adjust the lid during the pour you'll likely overshoot and leaves will come out. Worse still you dont want to have an accident.

the index finger is much more dexterous than the thumb, you can try this. It was easy for me to get used to.

>> No.11378532

Thank you, I will try this tomorrow.

As an added note, the first steep of pu ehr I brewed today tasted very strong, almost like an espresso. Not that I am complaining, just didn't expect it to be so strong after just ~30 seconds. Gong fu is no meme.

>> No.11378550

What >>11378338 said, one extra bit of insight is dont fill it too much or the rim/lid will get too hot

>> No.11378586
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i have a small setup under my table with a thermos. I used to have it on my desk but I got paranoid about accidentally spilling stuff over electronics. And yea 1 gaiwan is merely a few sips, its not enough.

>drinking the 1st steep of a pu-erh
thats kinda hardcore lol

most people discard the 1st steep, because the "dui-wei" (funky straw taste from prolonged storage) is too strong (some people dont mind it, I do it for some pu-erhs but not most)

it could be the leaf grade (size of leaves) is smaller, so it comes out fast. Also I have observed that some pu-erhs brew really strong and fast and others annoyingly not so. The viscosity and mouthfeel differs too.

>> No.11378603

their goofy book says they can't have "hot drinks" and it was just extrapolated that that means no caffeine.

though there are some that won't drink any hot beverage, and others that that think caffeine is fine so long as you don't get it from a hot source (lots of them slam back 5 or 6 coca-colas for breakfast in Utah).

anyways, I need to try mormon tea at some point. those shrubs are all over the place.

>> No.11378677

Republic of Tea sells Hibiscus Vanilla Apple and Hibiscus Blueberry. Never tried them hot but they’re great as iced tea.

>> No.11378858

Any kind of green tea? Is there a difference between Chinese and Japanese green?

>> No.11378966
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>What are you drinking today?

Mountain Mint for Morning.
Spearmint for Mid-Morning Snack.
Lemon Mint for Noon.
Peppermint for Mid-Evening Snack.
Wild Bergamot Mint for Evening.
Catnip for Night.

Sometimes I pair a green tea with these.

>> No.11378969


Mormon tea and ephedra are often confused. Mormon tea or American ephedra comes from Ephedra nevadensis, and ephedra or ma huang comes primarily from Ephedra sinica. Mormon tea lacks the chemicals (notably ephedrine) that give ephedra its effects and potentially serious side effects.

>> No.11378997

Wow good shit anon

>> No.11379004

I tried making my own hojicha today and I think I actually managed to do it right. I'd bought a cheap dusty Japanese green for everyday drinking, but it turned out to be stale when I opened it. So I looked up some directions and roasted it to a nice even brown in a cast iron skillet. The roasting process smells amazing and it brews up nice and toasty. I've never had a packaged hojicha to compare it to though.

>> No.11379077

eh its probably very similar if not the same. Most houjicha is made form bancha too.

>> No.11379158

This was actually konacha, so it's even a step below bancha. I might have roasted it a little deep, but it isn't burnt and tastes nice. Better than stale tea, anyway.

>> No.11379191

What's a good tea with no caffeine in it?
I'm worried i might be over-sensitive to that shit.

>> No.11379395

>tea with no caffeine

No such thing unless there's some hybrid of tea or GM tea I don't know of. Even decaf still has some caffeine in it (don't drink decaf.) What you may be looking for are, "tisanes."

>> No.11379405
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>> No.11380181

>all these faggots itt that whine about the minimal amount of caffeine in tea

maybe soy drinks are more your speed?

>> No.11380187

No, soy contains dangerous hormones. That's why asian men are so effeminate.

>> No.11380573
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This is normal >>11378517
But l like to mix it up with pic related 1/2
(first knuckle on lid, thumb and middle on rim, tilt toward oneself)

>> No.11380583


>> No.11380588
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and this 2/2
(first finger across lid, pinky supporting bottom, release thumb and middle finger)

>inb4 toe thumbs

>> No.11380591

just missed the inb4 lol

>> No.11381097

Just get a teapot anon. Gaiwans are unnecessary and inefficient.

>> No.11381516

>everyday drinking
But why?

>> No.11381522

Rooibos is a nice tisane. Buckwheat tea is pretty comfy as well.

>> No.11381525

That thumb is disgusting. Please cut your nails.

>> No.11381631

Easy and quick to make at work with unfiltered city water from a hot water dispenser. Marginally better than bags and tastes about as good as any tea will in those circumstances.
I switched back to cheap black tea anyway.

>> No.11381870

Houjicha is very low in caffeine, it is even drunk by the children/elderly in japan. Its nice and roasty and very very cheap. Genmaicha doesnt have much caffeine either.

>> No.11382797

>Genmaicha doesnt have much caffeine either
U wot m8? Sencha/bancha has a lot of caffeine.

>> No.11382806
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no it doesnt
japanese green tea already has less caffeine than chinese greens. And half of genmaicha is the roasted rice. Compared to black tea its basically nothing

>> No.11382844

buckwheat is hella underrated. Thanks for reminding me to pick some up

>> No.11382851

Has anyone drank blue lotus tea?

>> No.11383360
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Got my first legit package from Verdant. Had a hand written note inside it. Trying the Pu'Er first and it's super woody and earthy. Feels super comfy with the fall weather
I don't know if I just fucked up the rinse, but my first steep was super light. The next couple have been dark as hell.

>> No.11383394

Once I've started brewing, do I have to toss the tea the instant I've finished, or can I leave it in the teapot and make more later?
I'm on my 4th steep of a tea rn and I've run out of containers to put it into

>> No.11383413

>Once I've started brewing, do I have to toss the tea the instant I've finished, or can I leave it in the teapot and make more later?
>I'm on my 4th steep of a tea rn and I've run out of containers to put it into

you can steep as many times as you like......
its not uncommon for gongfu brewing to go to 6, 7, 8 steeps

increase temp and/or brewing time for each subsequent steep until you dont like it anymore

>> No.11383419

No I mean can I brew 3 batches, leave the tea pot out for a day, and brew more tomorrow

>> No.11383423

yes i do that all the time

1 day is fine
more than 1 day the risk of a stomachache grows

>> No.11383431

Only violent lesbians who break their partner's jaw drink poo-air. Please don't beat her tonight, she loves you and won't leave even though her body is a map of yellow and blue.

>> No.11383442
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>Having a stereotype for a specific type of tea drinker
Any woman that knows enough about tea to prefer Pu'Er is gonna be a purple haired fish-lip, not a violent bull-dyke.

>> No.11383456

>not liking pu-erh

pleb, puerh is a tea for intellectuals with high IQ

>> No.11383457

Neat, thanks

This general has had me going from dumping my tea after my first steep to filling up my entire house for a weekend off one batch. And spending enough on tea to warrant it

>> No.11383463
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>Bitter, earthy flavor that most people find repellant but is appreciated as the top tier by pretentious drinkers that know their shit
Puehr is the IPA of teas

>> No.11383489

>And spending enough on tea to warrant it
i know that feeling too...
also one small thing, i forgot to mention to leave the lid on your pot or gaiwan if you are doing it (of course)

pu erhs arent bitter wut, they are very mild tasting with nice hui-gan and cha-qi

bitter would be chinese greens because they are fucking finicky AF

>> No.11383501

Oh sweaty, it's not only big bulls who beat the shit out of thier partners, that's a very sexist and gendered thing to assume. There isn't a type a lesbian that doesn't engage in poo-air and battery.

>> No.11383550

I mostly just added the bitter part to make my analogy work

>> No.11383579

IPAs aren't earthy and pu-erhs aren't bitter
also only entry-level hipsters are crazy about IPAs, real beer connoisseurs tend to prefer stronger, more complex beers like barrel-aged imperial stouts

>> No.11383587

glad this bait finally got some attention
its like we all ignoring that guy kept repeating it autistically for several months now

>> No.11383790

it is a very specific and funny bait

>> No.11383824

Japanese greens have generally more caffeine and l-theanine than Chinese greens. You’re talking out of your ass. Also nice blogsource.

>> No.11383840

...its literally from the Ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology of Japan.


>> No.11383843

As a chinese ex-pat, I have learned not to drink Chinese teas. China is one of the only countries left on earth that still uses DDT, especially on teas. Unregulated toxic foods & polluted air is why China has the highest cancer rates in the world right now.

>> No.11383855

>giving up on wuyi teas
no can do
thats why you discard the 1st steep

>> No.11383856

It doesn’t even mention Chinese greens.

>> No.11383876


Buy taiwanese tea then. They actually have regulations on foods & enforce them.

>> No.11383888

what it does mention is that genmaicha has very low caffeine.

>> No.11383913

I don't know about the puerh fixation but the employees of every non asian tea shop I've ever been in have actually been like 70-80% 20 something, white, hipster lesbians.

>> No.11383963


>> No.11384081

>$30 per gram
no thanks

>> No.11384117

That's more per gram than the best cannabis!

>> No.11384126

I hope you're not drinking Indian teas

>> No.11384258

I'm reluctant to buy Indian teas because I've heard they mistreat their plantation workers in a big way.

>> No.11384283

Why cant I find fresh Asian ginseng tea anywhere like I used to. Is it extinct or just illegal?

>> No.11384297

sounds like a korean thing

>> No.11384340

Buy organic yo

>> No.11384346

How do I get A TON OF TEA LEAVES as cheap as possible
I speak good but halting Mandarin

>> No.11384357

You're gonna end up with your throat slit. Tea gangs don't play.

>> No.11384362

just go to an asian supermarket

if you want rock bottom you can buy tea dust

>> No.11384436

Seriously dude. That's gross. Cut those cheese-crusted talons.

>> No.11384710
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Just letting you guys all know that this shit tastes fucking awful. I could have probably saved money and boiled spinach

>> No.11384878

i too am about to drink some hot leaf water right now

>> No.11384962

Chamomile is amazing so I assumed there would be other good herbal teas

This shit was not it

>> No.11384964

Sounds like shut the fuck up nigger I used to find it in every tea isle and health centric store and it's perfect for hangovers.

>> No.11385036

It is quite amazing how many people are making their tea/tisane incorrectly. Most general teas are the same, but tisanes are a whole other world of different depending on the ingredients. Those can range from pouring boiled water over them to directly boiling them for 15 minutes. If you use the wrong method for your tea/tisane, it is going to greatly affect the flavor. You can actually make yourself puking sick if you brew them incorrect and drink them on an empty stomach.

Just keep that in mind if there's one you don't like. Do some research on how to properly brew it to make sure you are doing it exactly correct. Timing can be crucial. For those who grow their own tea or herbals, there are many more ways it can be brewed depending on being fresh, treated, dried, toasted, storage age, etc. Of course you can then mix your own blends, but you need to know the properties of each and how to brew them so they compliment each other with a single brewing process. It can be quite fun experimenting with the herbs you grow for yourself.

>> No.11385054


>> No.11385553

What's a good scale to use for tea? Tired of my dinky old AWS rig.

>> No.11385571

eyeball it

>> No.11385646

Anyone know where get kradom?

>> No.11385653

An abacus is the traditional method.

>> No.11386086

That's literally all you need, what kinda quantities are you trying to weigh?

>> No.11386563

We should make a /tea/-approved tisane list. Rooibos, buckwheat tea, chamomille tea. Fill in.

>> No.11386589
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>> No.11386606

Nice, how do I get one without journeying to a remote mountain village?

>> No.11386626

Fresh mint tea is up there definitely.
You can remove any tisane that's a combination of herbs and fruits. They're usually garbage.

>> No.11386653

Barley. Ginger.

Also this. Just like with actual tea, if it's more than maybe three ingredients it's usually shit.

>> No.11386694


>> No.11386710
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dunno if anyone else drinks this, but I've tried it once after ordering it on a whim from YS and now i get it regularly. It tastes and smells funky but sweet, and theres a nice buzz similar to cha qi after drinking it


>> No.11386719


>> No.11386824

unironically this, for the level of precision you need for tea you can get a cheap chink one and be fine

>> No.11386827

regular black tea atm... btw anyone here try matcha powder mixed with regular vanilla ice cream? That shit is gooooood.

>> No.11386830

thanks for the heads up anon

>> No.11387293

My dude, I brush with an electric toothbrush two times every day, for two minutes each session.
I also use mouth rinse in the morning and floss in the evening. I chew sugar-free gum after every meal. I refuse desserts and all manners of sugary things, and avoid foods that might discolor(except tea) or damage my teeth.
Guess what? They’re still deep cream-colored. Not bright yellow, but still noticeably not white. I love tea. Teeth are a sacrifice I make for it.
They’re healthy, so I don’t give a shit what normalfaggots think. Neither should you.

>> No.11387318

enjoy your heavy metals desu

>> No.11387460

Unironically try a toothpaste with baking soda, assuming everything else is in order (floss 1xday, brush for 2-3 min with a soft brush gently 2x day).

>> No.11387495

Dear /tea/, I have a problem. I can’t stand lapsang souchong anymore. One day I drank an insane amount of it, and woke up next morning in a puddle of vomit. In fact, I couldn’t finish my rather expensive bag. Merely opening the can made me gag. I had no choice but to throw it away, since nobody I know drinks tea anyways.

>> No.11387535

I can't speak for this harvest, but normally it's very good. Near identical in taste to Laoshan green.

>> No.11387687

>throwing away lapsang


you can keep it for a while anyway

>> No.11388420

P-please forgive me! It was quite old, too. Not sure how quickly it would’ve gone stale tho.

>> No.11388631

jesus christ
are you ok?

>> No.11388787

Yeah, don’t worry, I was sick for that morning but I got better quickly. I wonder if it could have been the buttercream birthday cake I paired it with. Thing is, I tasted the lapsang while I barfed. Liquid smoke coming out of my mouth and nose, paired with the burning stomach acid. Before that, I loved lapsang. Now I drink every type of tea other than it. I miss it but I know I can’t handle it irl anymore.

>> No.11389844

I bought a ripe pu'er with some of that in it
haven't tried it yet tho

>> No.11390855

anyone have that link from the last thread, for the airtight containers that were super cheap? tired of paying 20 for 4 tiny ones on amazon

also, anyone order from mountain stream teas? heard a few good things about them and the dude looks like a huge nerd that really cares. but i've got too many samples still gotta finish these before i order from there

cut your fucking nails

always gets a little stress going

your house must be made of fucking mold, how did it get that bad that quick? i've left puerh in a gaiwan for a week before and it got nowhere near this bad

>> No.11390932
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This one? https://www.specialtybottle.com/

>> No.11391176
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>dat abused gaiwan

>> No.11391460

Well, that sounds kinda rough for the teeth, and tea would color it back soon anyways.

>> No.11391469

Is it alright to do grandpa style in a teapot? You see, I don’t have big enough cups to pour it all into at once, and needing extra cups for one person feels gay.

>> No.11391493

sure if you like it
i use an electric kettle and two mugs, one for gong and the other for fu, works good for me

>> No.11391500

Thanks for the answer. Also, interesting, how does that work exactly? I’ve heard of gongfu ceremony, but haven’t taken part in it, since proper equipment is difficult to come by around here. How does two cups work, gong and fu?

>> No.11391517

I don't do all that fancy chinese shit. The main thing is to just use high leaf to water ratio and short steep time
I also have a strainer to catch the leaves as I pour the brew from the steeping cup to the drinking cup. Also smell the leaves before drinking. It can be a little high maintenance for some people tho

>> No.11391565

for gongfu brewing at its most basic you only need a smallish countainer and a lid to cover it (saucer and teacup works). Like the other anon said, a much higher leaf to container ratio and much much shorter steeps.

a gaiwan can be bought for ~$5 off ebay/aliexpress, its convenient because the lid serves as a strainer by itself. For most people this is enough for everyday drinking. The ceremony stuff which has

cha hai (pitcher)
bamboo tray

are all kinda optional and depends on your needs. If i were ever to upgrade I would get myself a small clay teapot for personal use just for pu-erh. In fact the most useful item besides my gaiwan is a tea pick for prying apart tea bricks.

>> No.11392694

thank you anon, going to order a few of these

>> No.11393733

Thank you anons, both posts got me thinking. Lots of leaves, quick steep, doesn’t sound too complicated. I’ll practice with cup and saucer before buying gaiwans.

>> No.11394680

I keep all my tea in whatever it comes in, so it is basically all stored inside the silver colored resealable bags that Yunnan Sourcing delivers in. Is this damaging the quality of my tea? Do I need to buy jars? I do not live in a humid area.

>> No.11394737

rectum dentata is no joke anon

>> No.11394980

tie strings on a stick.

>> No.11394988

i think it'd be rectum dentatum

>> No.11395034

>Is this damaging the quality of my tea?
Not really. Those bags are probably better than most cheap tins. The biggest things are keeping it away from too much oxygen, humidity, and light. As long as the bags don't have any holes it's fine.

>> No.11395548

Not pretentious enough to drink bitter overseas tea, usually buy whatever sounds nice from David's Tea and go from there. Not too expensive, lots of good flavors. Good shit, highly recommend

>> No.11395557

If you bought a big bag of leaves you can use tins/jars to hold a few days worth of tea to minimize exposing the whole bag of leaves to open air. Also for aesthetic purposes

>> No.11395565

agree, tea tins are cute as fuck

>> No.11395614

lmao kys

>> No.11396149

Upboated. I love it when me and my pals on reddit celebrate each others mediocrity, if I ever had to take an honest look at myself I would feel bad. I suppose it would be even worse to put in any effort to learn anything, for that is truly elitist.

>> No.11396167

no, those bags are good.

But if you are drinking pu erh i wold recommend at least opening the bag once every few weeks to let it breathe to prevent mold.

>> No.11396489

>Overseas as a negative
>Thinks his Davids is produced locally
Enjoy cheap Chinese leaves with chemical flavors, I guess

>> No.11396502
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Just ordered a digital scale for like 8 bucks. Is 2g of tea per cup pretty universal for all tea types?

>> No.11396503

I've had a second flush darjeeling from them before that was good, but it's all flavored tea and a pretty poor way to enjoy it.

>> No.11396519

grams per cup isn't a good measurement, grams per 100ml is what you should find (or whatever ml for the brewing device you use). that's on the lower end for chinese style teas, but average with japanese style teas. there really is no universality with tea in general, there is still lots of variance based on type of tea, method of brewing, and whatever your preferences are

>> No.11396528

what kind of brewing?

2g sounds very little. I use ~5-7g for for my 100ml gaiwan...

but for very sensitive greens that would be ok

>> No.11396536
File: 6 KB, 208x242, 879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flavoured tea

>> No.11396724

Well i have a few brewing vessels, i generally flop back and forth between Western style and Eastern styles. Generally always went with a teaspoon and a half per cup at 3-5 for a good chunk of mine, but do minute infusion in my kyusu.

Well I'm also fine with that, i can adjust it pretty well, i just always found good luck with a cup measurement

>> No.11397062

Can somebody give me a quick rundown on Yerba Mate? Bought some roasted yerba at a local tea shop. Looking for steep time/temp and tips if I cold brew it

>> No.11397063

My ex used to always try to get me to drink chocolate, cotton candy, marshmallow and other flavoured teas and she refused to try anything else

>> No.11397078

Why does /tea/ hate flavored and fruit-mixed teas?

>> No.11397126

Because they're almost always low quality with the flavors added to cover it up.

>> No.11397212

how long do you guys wait for your tea to cool before you drink it?

whenever im drinking anything above 170F I always have to wait or I'll burn my tongue, and I tend to sometimes forget about it, when I come back to it it's lukewarm

>> No.11397334

Don't really have a set time because it's so dependant on the container it's in but I throw a couple ice cubes in it if I'm in a rush.

>> No.11397448

i wait and drink it exactly 156.2F, it's just pure perfection

>> No.11397526

this is probably sarcasm but measuring my favorite temperature to drink at with a thermometer is a fun idea

>> No.11397568

This anon again. Yerba tastes great. Coffee levels of caffeine but a comfy uplift like you get with tea. Did 170F° for five minutes

>> No.11397580

how is this sarcasm? i measure my drinking temperature as well as my brewing temperature just like every one does

>> No.11397590

Oh, I thought you were making fun because 156.2 is such a specific temperature, I guess not. I measure my brewing temperature but I've never heard of measuring drinking temperature, I will definitely try it now though.

>> No.11397701

just blow on the surface and take a sip lmfao

>> No.11397753

thats usually what I do, but I don't enjoy burning my tongue

>> No.11397928

This is only a problem for me with western brewing of black and dark tea. With gong fu brewing I can drink right away.

>> No.11397992

I haven't tried roasted, but in my experience the water should be 70-80 degrees celsius. I use the traditional method, so leaves up to 1/2 of the cup, drank almost immediately through a bombilla and steeped many times.