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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11363992 No.11363992 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Keurigs trigger coffeesnobs?

>> No.11364001

Because god forbid you simplify and pckage their shitty autistic amish methods of putting hot water over beans. It’s so corporate

>> No.11364003

>Why do Keurigs trigger coffeesnobs?
They are envious!

>> No.11364004

I'm a coffee snob and I don't mind them in hotel rooms and offices where nobody drinks coffee. The alternative is nothing, or instant, right?

The problem I have with these pod coffees is when I go to a really nice restaurant, great food great wine etc, and for dessert they offer pod coffee. It's the context that triggers, not the thing itself.

>> No.11364009

What's wrong with instant?

>> No.11364019

Because those machines are incredibly unsanitary, create a fuckload of waste that kills the environment and produce a shittier cup of coffee than instant crystals.
And boomers still buy them because that generation is lazy as fuck and goes for convience over anything else

>> No.11364022


>> No.11364027

>offices where nobody drinks coffee.

Kek everybody in offices drinks coffee

>> No.11364028

>produce a shittier cup of coffee than instant crystals
yeah ok you should have stopped before that one for people to take you seriously.

>> No.11364037

Better than nothing. Just don't try to pass it off as anything nice, and we're good.

You'd be surprised, a lot of small early-stage white collar companies run by women do not. Basically you get a woman founder, she hires her friend, her friend hires her friends, in 2 years it's 11 catty women in cubicles, and they just keep a keurig around in the board room for when toxic males like me come around a couple of times a month for consulting stuff.

>> No.11364044


>> No.11364060

What what? I don't speak NEET, can you spell that out for me?

>> No.11364069

Keurig is the best coffee on the market

>> No.11364079

>it's an autistic coworker bring his coffee grinder, beans, pour over kettle and aeropress at work episode
Don't do this

>> No.11364090

No they dont. I had to bring my shitty old coffee maker into my work when I started

>> No.11364095
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>> No.11364100
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>buy Keurig
>try to use a coffee pod not made by Keurig
>mfw my coffee has DRM

>> No.11364105

That dumb joke is almost 4 years past its expiration date. Keurig realized how retarded that idea was within 2 months of implementing it back in 2015.

>> No.11364110

these stupid plastic pods have got to go

>> No.11364122
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>the gender responsible for the ‘shh’ meme doesn’t drink coffee

hmm... spurious

>> No.11364128

Plastics pods, is american, just buy grains.

>> No.11364132

He's right to an extent, women don't drink straight coffee usually. It's some Iced Ultimate Unicorn Deluxe Frappe with 400g of sugar from Starbucks.

>> No.11364136
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Of course there are females who drink coffee, just like there are "women in tech", etc.

But they're just doing it for male attention, not because they really enjoy it.

>> No.11364151

The guy who invented it is on records saying he deeply regrets it. Not so much because of coffee snobbery, but because of the sheer amount of waste it produces.

>> No.11364154

it tastes bad

>> No.11364164

They are shelving it until they can convince the masses it's acceptable

>> No.11364165

>DRM coffee

>> No.11364169

>Inefficient gadget
>Subpar output
>Needless waste

>> No.11364171

wew. and he sold the device for 50k in 1997. big time ragret.

>> No.11364178

Yeah man, the Keurig mafia will come down on us any day now. You know there are like 15 different third party alternatives to their machines right?

>> No.11364200

Ι live in a country with extremely shitty coffee culture,basically everyone drinks instant Nescafe and extremely bad espresso or cappuccino in cafes.I just started drinking filtered coffee a few months ago and holy shit it tastes so good if you do it properly.I just bought freshly ground from a shop a week ago and I've been drinking it everyday.I also have a small espresso machine that makes at most a double espresso and I want to try it with fresh coffee from a shop and not shitty super market stuff.What roast does /ck/ recommend?

>> No.11364206

>buying ground coffee

>> No.11364216
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>Ι live in a country with extremely shitty coffee culture,basically everyone drinks instant Nescafe and extremely bad espresso or cappuccino in cafes.

This has always pissed me off in South American countries. World class coffee growing but a weak coffee culture.

But to answer your question, keep it simple and start with a nice medium roast, and then see what appeals to you from there. Bright flavor and higher caffeine? Go with a light roast. Smoky, rich flavor? Dark roast.

>> No.11364225
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okay /ck/. gimme your verdict.

>> No.11364229


>> No.11364230

coffee is for fags

>> No.11364239

Anybody have a supplier for good quality sub 30 cent k-cups?

>> No.11364242

the other options are buying pre-ground coffee from the super market which tastes like powdered shit or buying a grinder which is borderline autistic levels because I don't feel like grinding coffee at 8 am before I go to school.

Yeah, I'm Greek and the coffee culture is so shitty we have made up some new versions of coffee just because we're so autistic.Basically the most popular forms of coffee are frape,which is instant coffee stirred so much it creates a foam,and fredo espresso and cappucino,which are made the standard way but stirred with ice to instantly ice them so they can be drinked cold at summer.

I'm definitely going to try light roast next time because I've tried good quality dark roast but it still tasted a bit charcoal-y for me.

>> No.11364250

How does Turkey have such a rich coffee culture but Greece doesn’t?

Why did kebab/shawarma overlap with gyros but not coffee?

>> No.11364259

>buying a grinder which is borderline autistic levels because I don't feel like grinding coffee at 8 am before I go to school.
grinding coffee in the morning before school and then work is a normal thing that most first world coffee drinkers do, not something reserved for autists

>> No.11364268

I'm a coffeesnob and I use Keurig.

I did pour-over for years, but Keurig is honestly nearly as controlled while obviously being much easier.

The only down side is that you have to put it on the "small cup" setting to get strong coffee.

>> No.11364274

Bc its better

>> No.11364277

Lol this.
Going full retard actually made me go back and retroactively discard is other points.

>> No.11364281

>the only downside
What about killing the environment and giving you diseases ?

>> No.11364285

Alright this is now /coffee/

What the fuck is the deal with moka pot? I bought specific Italian moka grounds, I boil the water before adding it to the base, I level the grounds to the top, I hear it over a medium low flame. Sometimes it comes out in a slow steady stream. Sometimes it froths wildly. And almost always it's super bitter. Help.

>> No.11364287

You're silly.

>> No.11364293

we also have Turkish coffee but call it "Greek coffee" for some reason.What did you expect,we are pretty much the pajeets of europe.

>> No.11364298

>only autistic people own coffee grinders
You’re fucking retarded. Pay denbts

>> No.11364304

if you've only used a beatup old machine at an office someplace it's a reasonable mistake to make

>> No.11364321
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And they aren't nearly as well known or sell as well. And it's not going to be Keurig that's going to make it acceptable it's going to be Whirlpool or GE with Google making automated wifi refrigerators or Google Home/Amazon Nest making DRM appliances standard then we will see a rerelease of Keurig's DRM version. I seriously think in a few decades people will say it was ahead of it's time

>> No.11364354

Grinding coffee before making it takes 20 seconds and tastes way better, plus the coffee keeps it's flavor better unground. It's seriously so superior and more cost effective its a wonder Folgers is still around if boomers didn't have shit taste and are stuck in their brand loyalty

>> No.11364358

You aren't a coffeesnob

>> No.11364411

>makes 6/10 coffee

I don't really get why people use them. It doesn't take long and isn't difficult to make coffee.

>> No.11364416

because it's garbage coffee, why the fuck else retard?

>> No.11364432

>People in the 1960s feared the very real chance of FBI/CIA intervention in dissident activities or speech

>People in the 2010s use a convenient home device that a private company operates, not fearing any long term risks because Jeff Bezos knowing what kind of mundane shit you talk about is trivial

>> No.11364433

In a workplace setting it assures you're getting a clean cup of coffee that isn't as stale as filtered coffee from a bag of grounds. Drip machines in offices are often disgusting if an outside bev. company isn't maintaining the machines.

>> No.11364440
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Because I just want to do caffeine but taking it in pill form gives me panic attacks

>> No.11364441

Take the espresso pill

>> No.11364452

I'm currently using a 3 cup bialetti to make strong coffee, I've read the caffeine content is similar to espresso it definitely feels like it at least

>> No.11364507

This, I don't think Keurigs are pure evil and no good at all, they're fine for certain contexts. That said, it's not great coffee overall because
>most people use the k-cups that have preground coffee in them, preground coffee is stale, coffee should be ground just before brewing,
> keurigs do not get the water hot enough for an optimal brewing temp (same with your average drip coffee machine too)
>they brew too fast, i know that sounds stupid, but the water simply isn't in contact with the coffee long enough to get the full flavor

>> No.11364510

Maybe if you're fucking gay with many penises in your butt

>> No.11364530

I want to give her attention if you know what I mean (I want to have sex with her)

>> No.11364541

You know literally every post you make online is crawled and analyzed by half a dozen intelligence agencies right

>> No.11364559

>Not realizing the alphabet agencies have backdoors into every single one of those companies and access to all that info
This is known fact, not even done conspiracy shit mainstream news even talks about it sometimes. Also there is the fact of closed door agreements between foriegn governments to spy on each other to avoid violating their own Constitutions as if it's any better

>> No.11364568

Keurig doesn't make coffee

>> No.11364647

What would happen if you jammed a bunch of ground beef in the cup thing and ran water through it? Would you get soup?

>> No.11364648

proprietary trash

>> No.11364666

Good, gives them something to do when I post about horse dicks and shit.

>> No.11364669
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too much noise before my first C U P

>> No.11364673

You would get an error notice that it's not an authorized Keurig K-cup and a cease and desist letter automailed to your address on file

>> No.11364676


>> No.11364680

it taste bad

>> No.11364689


>> No.11364702

I like my coffe black and not disgusting though.

>> No.11364713

The best thing that happened to coffe in our time.

>> No.11364718

I've never used a Moka pot personally, but I'm going to guess that you're getting the water too hot and/or the coffee is too fine a grind.
Boiling water will burn the coffee grounds, so while you do want to heat it to steaming, you don't want to boil the water in the bottom. With a pressurized extraction method like the Moka pot you'll want a fairly course grind, probably on par with what you'd put in a French press.
I wouldn't trust a company that sells pre-ground coffee (a convenience product) to also have very specific or correct grind size for specific methods (a luxury product)

>> No.11364740

Lingering resent over the fact that Keurig tries to put the equivalent of DRM in their machines. It's the most greedy, anti-consumer thing imaginable.

>> No.11364756

Because it’s retarded, wasteful, and fucking lazy. Drip coffee and French presses are where it’s at.

>> No.11364774

because snobby pricks are never in a hurry

>> No.11364776
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I've used them and they're fine, I have no problem with it. I think they're great for offices or hotels or whatever. I won't buy one for myself because
>it's more expensive than other coffee-makers
>it's not better or easier to use than other coffee-makers, because making coffee is not hard
>you don't have much control over the strength of your coffee - 1 "pod" = 1 cup, with the same amount of grounds in each one. sometimes I want to make a really strong cup of coffee, sometimes milder, and it's way easier to do that with loose coffee grounds than pre-packaged pods

I just heat up water in a teakettle and use pic related. it was cheap as fuck, it will last forever unless I drop it and break it or something, and it takes up no space in my kitchen

>> No.11364792

>he didn't buy a reusable keurig pod
>he doesn't fill it with his own coffee
plebs, the lot of you

>> No.11364805

>tfw I grind a full mason jar of coffee beans and throw them in the fridge for the week
Am I ruining my coffee experience because I don't want to wake up my family with a coffee grinder at 6am?

>> No.11364819

>And boomers still buy them because that generation is lazy as fuck and goes for convience over anything else

Fucking this. My father will waste so much money on bullshit like keurigs because "it's just so convenient!!!"

>> No.11364821

Coffee snob here. I own a keurig, it's for days when I don't really care. but there is a distinct difference in taste and quality of cofee. the keurig doesn't get hot enough for full extraction and the pressure on the cup isn't enough to fix that issue. it's tastes kind of watered down and meh, like a standard drip machine.

>> No.11364823

>Women don't drink coffee
Confirmed neet who never goes outside, if anything women drink more coffee than men

>> No.11364856
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I am a coffee snob and I love my Keurig
It brews a great cup of coffee, so much better than a drip and at only a third the price of starbucks.

>> No.11364893
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>mfw I only have to buy coffee once a month now instead of once a week

>> No.11364904


Literally pouring hot water over ground coffee makes a better cup.

>> No.11364917

What's a good reusable? I bought some six pack of some brand and I think it's making the coffee duller in flavor.

>> No.11364922

It's not ideal, but a week's worth is certainly better than using preground coffee from the store that could have been ground months or even years ago. I personally use a cheap manual burr grinder and it doesn't make that much noise though.

>> No.11364929

So you're just using it like a regular drip coffee maker. Except you paid a hell of a lot more for the machine, and you can only make one cup of weak coffee at a time. You've overpaid and overcomplicated something really fucking simple, this is why keurigs are dumb

>> No.11364937


>> No.11364953

What do you mean?

>> No.11364956

You know I'm not sure exactly thinking back on it

>> No.11364967

>expensive per cup
>no idea when it was roasted
>shitty brewing method
i hate them because i don't really drink coffee for the caffeine. I like the flavor mainly, that being said why would anyone give a fuck about someone else using one.

>> No.11364972
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>paid $90
>save $300/year on coffee because it lasts longer now
>also had the added benefit of curbing my caffeine addiction and improving my sleep cycle because I only make 1/2 cups every day instead of downing an entire pot

Is there anything the Keurig can't do?

>> No.11364980

if you had a real job you'd be able to afford some coffee and sleep at night

>> No.11364989

It's not like they aren't still actively trying to force you to use their cups. Their business model depends on selling cups to make any money.

>> No.11364999

Actually, because of the fact that I've improved my sleeping schedule, I got a real job a few years ago. The keurig is truly a blessing from Allah.

>> No.11365005

They make drip machines that only make one or two cups

>> No.11365014

Well, thanks I guess.

>> No.11365029
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Can confirm, I used to have one of these when I was single. Makes 2-4 "cups" (from back in the 50s when a cup of coffee was like 5 oz.) or 1-2 good sized mugs of coffee. Pretty handy. There are even smaller size coffee filters that fit in them, they're usually right next to the regular size ones in the store.

>> No.11365074

thanks for clearing this up, I thought he was lying

>> No.11365086

Now you're realizing that you could have just used less coffee in any of the cheaper devices and had the same effect, only you wouldn't have wasted your money on a keurig

>> No.11365369

So you've never seen one of those little drip machines in a hotel room?

>> No.11365389

Pretty sad desu

every cup is consistently mediocre

Just like working in an office

>> No.11365438


They knew what they were doing. There was too much backlash to the point where it would have hurt business to not remove it. If there wasn't backlash believe me they wouldn't "realize" anything

>> No.11365661

I miss being in the military.
You made sure you got in first at 0330 so you can do one round on the coffee machine fast enough that you could get a second round of coffee by the time the Chief came in.
20 people in neat uniforms sitting at cold metal tables in a tiny room with 20 cups of coffee in front of them. Nobody says a word. The only other sound is that third pot of coffee. Chief takes his seat and I'd get started on the briefing on how we're going raise the temperature 300 degrees to dislodge the midget stuck in the aqueduct, you know, "something."
It was efficient. It was order.

Keurig is synonymous with everything civilian. Needless, wasteful, excessive. Women. Drama, expensive. Useless meetings at 1000 when everyone would otherwise be getting the most done.

>> No.11365672

Literally this

>> No.11365698
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I don't care for the waste they produce but ultimately my gripe with them is that you are limited to weak coffee. I like super dark and borderline burnt ashfault tier coffee. Especially if it's cold. I pretty much like the worst coffee physically possible. Dunno why.

>> No.11365841

cleaning a pain in the ass but the best coffee I made by myself

>> No.11365894

Did you write this ? I like it

>> No.11365903

>great food great wine etc, and for dessert they offer pod coffee
Where the fuck does this?

Any nice place should have coffee, espresso, and tea.

>> No.11365957

Put it on medium high you want that rapid boil to rise fast the steam should be intense enough to pressurize the grounds together into a little 'cake' it will also cut down on the bitterness since the rapid heat will mean less time in contact with the grounds

>> No.11365969

What's the poorfag friendly but decent way of doing coffee?

>> No.11365975


>> No.11366053 [DELETED] 


>> No.11366055
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Dog the people who actually live in turkey are fucked, poor ass motherfuckers. Id hate to live in that anti free speech shithole

>> No.11366061
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>> No.11366073

everything triggers coffee snobs

>> No.11366084

Save good coffee for days off. Use cheap costco coffee for work

>> No.11366087

i'd ravage either of those grey mares, probably the fat ginger too

>> No.11366090

I do this. Since using regular keurig pods seems really merchant-y to me.

>> No.11366130

How did the midget get stuck? Did u ever get him out?

>> No.11366136

They should be up by 6 anyway

>> No.11366146

I was trying to figure out what was going on with her bottom lip until I realized she is using one of those dumb kpop flesh colored headsets.
Why the fuck do people use those.

>> No.11366164

nobody's even replying to this one cause it's true.

>> No.11366196

tried it, tastes like trash, water's not exposed long enough to extract enough of the flavor

just use an aeropress, it costs less anyway

>> No.11366230

Lots of offices run on tea instead, or everyone is a no-caffeine health nut.

>because of the sheer amount of waste it produces
It's mostly burnt. It fuels furnaces well enough.

That about ticks the boxes.

>And almost always it's super bitter
They make very strong coffee, you probably want to dilute it in hot water.
The full amount of coffee that comes out is (probably, there are different size pots) supposed to be 6 shots of espresso. That's going to be super bitter if you're expecting a long black. Just top it up with boiling water.
What I do, is to only put 2 hots of ground coffee in the filter and the regular amount of water, that makes it how I like it.

You definitely don't want to fill the filter with coffee ground for just one cup. That's going to be very, very strong (and bitter). The other thing is to turn the heat off just as it starts to 'gasp', that should help prevent over-extraction which is one source of bitterness.

>> No.11366412

because every office retard pays $5 for starbucks instead of drinking the shitty old office coffee

>> No.11366419

these are essentially the same post
>People in the 1960's feared FBI/CIA/NSA snooping on them and following everything they do
>In the 2010s the FBI/CIA/NSA actually DO snoop on you and now private companies are getting into the act, with shockingly complete and in-depth profiles of individuals available for advertising tailoring
>but it's okay lol because I don't do anything important lol lol

>> No.11366823

you could just grind your coffee the night before

>> No.11366847

Not simplistic enough

>> No.11366854
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>drinking coffee

>> No.11366908

Yeah, it reads like it's the start of a book. I want more.

>> No.11366940
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>> No.11366948


>> No.11366987

Is that Oblivion? I don't remember anything explicit about potion tolerance.

>> No.11367185

How are these called? How much do they cost in Amazon, any brand you'd recommend?

>> No.11367197

I'm thinking it's a mod. I'm sure you could still stack effects in Oblivion to get retarded results. ie. chugging 200 skooma bottles.

>> No.11367225

That's what I was thinking, because figuring out that you could go crazy with certain things could make you OP as fuck in Oblivion is what made it stop being fun. When I figured out that you could get a 20% invisibility boost on any one of your 5 pieces of armor and then went all the way I basically restarted the game from a character I'd spent more time on than anything ever before in a vidya.

>> No.11367345

Coffee is a vice and creates mortal sin, which is absolutely haram effendi
allah yarham ruhk

>> No.11367348

>Only 200

>> No.11367399

I've probably put more hours into Oblivion than any other game but don't remember a single build where there was ever a reason to drink a single skooma. I'm also an al/ck/ irl, not sure if that matters.

>> No.11367448

>create a fuckload of waste
just use the reusables with ground coffee

>> No.11367614
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4 or 5 of these are equivalent to one cup of coffee.

>> No.11367631
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>drinking coffee for anything other than the caffeine
yikes lmao

>> No.11367639

I started doing this but after some time I came to appreciate the taste of boiled beans

>> No.11367644

Nothing wrong with that, but take a look at the shit in this thread.

>> No.11367647

Yeah, some people are really elitist about their bean juice

>> No.11367683

I don't want to hear shit about Keurig on this fucking poser board.
I've posted in 5 (five) consequential (((coffee general) threads asking for recommendations for a french press, a grinder, and decaff beans, and have yet to receive a single response.
None of you have a mote of expertise in anything. You're all hipsters blankly clicking from thread to thread writing the same received opinion ad infinitum to endlessly reinforce your own sense of magical omnipotence, never disproven because never tested.

>> No.11367702

Get a pourover
That $24 stainless steel one on Amazon
Literally fucking any of them

Boom, you're done.
Quality of Water > Time since grinding >>>Time since roasting>>>"""Technique"""
It's fucking coffee.

>> No.11367703

You'll find that that's common on every board on this site. I have friends who claim that "lasers are dumb because if you have one you can reliably point shoot from the distance you're using it". While that's all fine and dandy I know that the lot of them are all just parroting what the one of them did once.

>> No.11367731

Keurigs is basically just pressed coffee isnt it?

>> No.11367755

>french press
Get a v60

Feldgrind or Lido

Fuck off

>> No.11367789

>>Inefficient gadget
How? You put in a pod you get out coffee.
>>Subpar output
Yeah doesn't give much coffee but I have no problem hitting the machine up a few times a day
>>Needless waste
The earth is fucked, completely fucked, who gives a shit about a few pods?

>> No.11367796

If that was true, you would create a worldwide shortage.

>> No.11367873
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If you aren't using a cold brew toddy to make concentrate then you shouldn't be drinking coffee in the first place

>> No.11367940

>buying coffee equipment explicitly for decaf.
What are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11367950

I don't respond well to caffeine but I enjoy the taste and aroma of coffee.
Why are caffeine drinkers so fucking fragile about decaff?

>> No.11367959

>I drink coffee for the image
Oh I get it

>> No.11367970

all the essential oils that contain flavor dry out after hours of grinding the coffee.
>her durr coffee snobs
name one coffee shop that uses your technologically advanced coffee technique. Protip: you cant.

>> No.11367975

I just told you why I drink it in rather plain language.
Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.11367985

>cut off the top rig of the pod containing DRM code
>fasten to your custom pod with an elastic
>stop being a dumb bitch

>> No.11368056

Sorry I don't speak faggot

>> No.11369906


>> No.11370102

you make your own coffee, retard

>> No.11370186

Even ignoring the fact that pod coffee is likely months old before it gets to you and definitely stale by then, most pod manufacturers skimp on coffee. I weighed the k-cups my parents have at their place and they were something like 11-12 grams including the plastic. You basically have to brew 2 pods on the 6 oz setting to get a decently sized cup of coffee at decent strength. Complete rip-off.

>> No.11370200

i work in a building where i cant take my phone in with me

coffee is the only thing that keeps me awake, and at that point i don't care if it's keurig coffee (it's leagues better than the folgers drip coffee crap they make at work, that coffee has to be fucking 1+ years old since being roasted)

>> No.11370271


>> No.11370281
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Because they taste like shit. Besides making coffee is therapeutic for me

>> No.11370283

>go to friends house for party
>after dinner he asks people if they want coffee, I say yes
>he only has a keurig and makes everyone's coffee cup by cup
>weird red specks in everyone's coffee
Turns out he never cleaned it once and it had been sitting with water in it for a few weeks before the party. Only 2 people drank the coffee before everyone else dumped theirs. And that's why I hate keurigs.

>> No.11371726

>I've posted in 5 (five) consequential (((coffee general) threads asking for recommendations for a french press, a grinder, and decaff beans, and have yet to receive a single response.
None of us know anything about decaf beans because we don't drink decaf from beans.
If I wanted decaf (and sometimes I do, just for the taste at night) then I drink instant. A nice instant to be sure but instant.

Decaf involves solvents and shit, I have no idea what it would do to beans though I have heard of them existing so there must be a brand that sells them.
But, because I don't know shit, I haven't told you shit because it would be ignorant shit.
Everyone else is probably the same.

>> No.11372893

I guess I should take up a hobby of looking up and drawing the worst horsecock futa porn just to put the poor bastards through that shit.
I already know that I'm being monitored on everything by everything, maybe I should have some fun with it.

>> No.11373148

(((Licensed))) third part companies. Like how other companies could make games for nintendo, but they had to be approved by nintendo before being allowed to be sold for the system.

>> No.11373189


>> No.11373297

Why not just get a regular drip kind and stop wasting all those pods? Is it really too much work to scoop grinds and pour water?

>> No.11373393
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>Be Starbucks slave
>Favorite customer comes in
>He forgot his card and asks for water but you give him a freebie because why not
>He thanks you, and your brain tries to say "you're welcome" and "no problem" at the same time
>"You're a problem"
How do I rectify this so he doesn't think I hate him

>> No.11373402

Play it off like a joke? Like lol you're such a problem. You're always makin problems for me haha. Like a sarcastic waitress bit.

>> No.11373430

In an office environment, you can sometimes get a lot of lazy people and you cannot rely on them to do simple things to keep the place clean. K cups are kind of a solution to that.

>> No.11373461

So who do I need to talk to about opening some death camps?

>> No.11373907

WHich is why I bring my stagg ekg+, acaia lunar scale, helor 101 hand grinder, and chemex 8 cup with me everywhere I go. Kind of hard to carry on the one-speed bike I take to my crypto startup internship but it is SO worth it:)

>> No.11374225

> weak coffee
> doesn't properly allow grounds to steep
> can only make 1 small cup at a time
> gay pre flavored cups
> terrible for the environment
> cost ineffective
> doesnt allow for coffee to sit in the hot plate creating that warm welcoming smell of fresh coffee ready in the kitchen for you and your company
Shit/10 will never buy

>> No.11374252

slip him a free gift card when you meat him next time at the gloryhole

>> No.11374259
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>Getting coffee from a coffee shop

>> No.11374279
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Where will the insanity end?

>> No.11375110
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>Buying food from a grocery store