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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11355517 No.11355517 [Reply] [Original]

Heads up Amerifats

>> No.11355524 [DELETED] 

ahhhh meat is great! yeah!

>> No.11355532

>Stop eating meat to avoid disease
Ever heard of "throwing the baby out with the bath water"?

>> No.11355534

Lol reminder that it's India and other shitskin countries leading the charge on overusing antibiotics. US does it too but we already have restrictions with more likely to be put in place. Over in Brown Town nobody gives a shit, they'll give birth to the new plague.

>> No.11355536 [DELETED] 
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You don't have to tell us twice, but once in the Stone Age

>> No.11355539

No what does murdering infants have to do with this?

>> No.11355541

Guess I will stop eating raw chicken any other tips college boy?

>> No.11355545

>raw chicken

Uh.. do Americans eat their meat raw or something?

>> No.11355550 [DELETED] 

you mad, carnitard?

>> No.11355555

>This is what the vegan religion does to your brain

>> No.11355560

y-you mean I can't eat my chicken medium rare anymore?

>> No.11355566

No. Especially not chicken.

>> No.11355567 [DELETED] 

much better than worshiping some jew

>> No.11355575
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Fucking retards. Our guy Ja/ck/ is warning people about salmonella. Low hanging fruit morons.

>> No.11355577 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 480x640, 1534111144566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much better than worshiping some jew

>> No.11355587

But I already eat amish chicken.

>> No.11355597

US does fuck-all to curtail it, find somewhere else to spout racist rhetoric, I'm sure you won't have to look far

>> No.11355603 [DELETED] 

good kike bootlicker

>> No.11355609

What does it matter that he said some "bad words" if he happens to be right?

Grow up and realize where you're posting.

>> No.11355610

I stand in staggered awe that Jack still breathes. Incredible. The resilience of the human body is simply astonishing.

>> No.11355613 [DELETED] 

Seething pooinloo

>> No.11355614 [DELETED] 

>he happens to be right

>> No.11355621

>man slowly killing himself warns others of things that may make them sick, urges action


>> No.11355623 [DELETED] 

If racism upsets you, you really shouldn’t be on 4chan you kike nigger shitskin.

>> No.11355625

Then you should argue that india and other brown countries DON'T overuse antibiotics rather than spurging out about a "bad word".

As an observer, I'm still assuming that the guy who's actually making an argument is correct, NOT the guy who's trying to be the language police on fucking 4chan (so fucking retarded).

>> No.11355634 [DELETED] 

>he is correct cuz his a racist just like me
I just like when someone posts proof. It's all I want.

>> No.11355638

>Thinking racism is IN ANY WAY related to this argument
Thank you for pushing the country further to the right.
Now I'll thank you to stop projecting your obsession onto everyone.

>> No.11355650

Meat consumption and factory farming are literally destroying the planet. That, combined with overuse of antibiotics in agriculture is going to eventually cause an extinction level event and destroy human civilization as we know it. Gluttonous, meat-eating conservatards are going to unwittingly destroy the western peoples and civilizations that they fetishize so much simply by the means of their own capitalist excess.

We're doomed.

>> No.11355652 [DELETED] 

>he still didn't post any proof
Looks like you lost

>> No.11355658

So is driving a car. Good thing we don't leave the house.

>> No.11355662

I'm not that anon, you fucking idiot. I'm the guy who's telling you that the OTHER anon is more credible than you because he made actual assertions rather than spurging out about "bad words".
Grow the fuck up.

Also lurk more of you're having this much trouble figuring out who you're talking o.

>> No.11355669 [DELETED] 

Ok, loser. Post proof when you are done crying, racist.

>> No.11355670

>We're doomed.
Go away manbearpig

>> No.11355678

And I'll say it again: Thank you for pushing the country further to the right by being a huge asshole.

>> No.11355681 [DELETED] 

>by being a huge asshole
Wow, someone is very delicate. And wrong.

>> No.11355689


>> No.11355695 [DELETED] 

still no proof, wew, racists as always useless bitches

>> No.11355696

>Calling anybody delicate
>After you just completely lost all reason from hearing the word "Shitskin"
Not much for introspection, huh?

>> No.11355699

All antibiotics in poultry are administered under veterinary care, this is regulated and tested by the USDA for any residual antibiotics. All poultry in the US has no residual antibiotics at the time for market.

>> No.11355705 [DELETED] 

I don't write dramatic posts that being mean to retards make other retards popular.

>> No.11355714 [DELETED] 

post proof about the amount of antibiotics in the US and India, it's all I'm asking about

>> No.11355716

Cars have uses, eating meat doesn’t

>> No.11355720

You're on 4chan complaining about "bad words". There's literally nobody who's acting like a retard other than yourself.
The guy talking about "shitskins" is absolutely the norm here.

I understand the you think your religion is a viable alternative to eating meat, but most people aren't that stupid.

>> No.11355722 [DELETED] 

"residual antibiotics" aren't the problem here, carnitard

>> No.11355727

But entirely unsarcastic.

>> No.11355729 [DELETED] 

you are on 4chan complaining that being mean to retards is somehow bad, being mean to someone because of their skincolor is just unnecesary

>> No.11355733

>he’s such a soulless husk that his core values are tied to how much meat he eats

A student of Jordan Peterson I see

>> No.11355734 [DELETED] 

what pushed the country towards the right wing is corporate donors and conspiracy types pushing their drivel. Good thing that people like Alex Jones are getting eliminated from the internet.

>> No.11355737

I was about to make a Ja/ck/ joke and then realized he's the one tweeting about it.

>> No.11355738

Eating meat makes me not hungry though

>> No.11355739

There is no problem with antibiotics.

>> No.11355745

i'm allergic to chicken
and so is my girlfriend's son

>> No.11355748 [DELETED] 

post proof

>> No.11355756
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how much time do you think he has left, /ck/?

>> No.11355762 [DELETED] 

This guy realy benefited from eating meat. Yes sir.

>> No.11355763

So you're implying that whining about corporate doners doesn't make you a "conspiracy type"?
Besides, from everything that I see, the corporations tend to push lefty stuff.

If you wanted to say that the country's been pushed to the right because democrats sold out, that would be a reasonable argument.

>> No.11355778 [DELETED] 

>whining about corporate doners doesn't make you a "conspiracy type"?
except theres a wide list of corporate donors, available with a google search
>corporations tend to push lefty stuff
good, they shill for guys like blumpf who gives them giant tax cuts so they can push more lefty stuff, clever aint it?

>> No.11355781

There is very limited overlap in the antibiotics given to poultry and humans. We are two very different organisms. We don't die from the same diseases.

>> No.11355785 [DELETED] 

post proof then

>> No.11355791

Ok, think of a disease that both humans and poultry get. I'll wait. then I'll post proof.

>> No.11355802 [DELETED] 

so no proof, stay defeated, carnitard

>> No.11355809

>corporations tend to be lefty
Imagine being this naive.

>> No.11355821

Wont proper cooking destroy the risk?

>> No.11355832

Not him but:
Is this a trick question?
Avian influenza

>> No.11355835

I'm just talking about what actual polices they push for publicly

Incidentally, stop getting so upset about every tiny little thing. You're fucking annoying.

>> No.11355836 [DELETED] 

why are you enabling him, he will sidestep those and pretend they are fake news

>> No.11355838

Well yeah, the issue is in handling raw chicken and then touching other foods or your skin without washing your hands first.

>> No.11355840 [DELETED] 

>You're fucking annoying
Fake news!

>> No.11355841

"In a decreasing order, China, United States, Brazil, India and Spain have the highest rate for antibiotic usage"


>> No.11355844

So basic hygiene

>> No.11355845

Even Exxon became anti science to appease the left and are shilling for global warming change

>> No.11355846 [DELETED] 

/pol/tards BTFO

>> No.11355862 [DELETED] 

>you are antiscience when you admit certain facts
ok, I guess I will go smoke some """clean coal""" then hahahahaha

>> No.11355865

>what actual policies they push
Lol what? You’ll find that pharmaceutical industries pushing pills is not a matter of left or right

>stop getting upset
Lol wtf are you talking about faggot? Were you unaware multiple people think you’re a retarded droning polshitter?

>> No.11355866

That's not anti science you dunce. Searching for better renewable sources of energy is called progress

>> No.11355868

Yeah im sure those oil corporations are just pouring MILLIONS into anti-oil legislation right?

>> No.11355893

That's an alt left blog, at least get a Fox news source which is only wrong half the time.

>> No.11355897

Like 3/4

>> No.11355904

They’re just reporting on a paper that confirms that exact thing. Try again next time

>> No.11355912

Do you understand how business or politics works, probably not as a college graduate, but it is often cheaper to buy off Congress to help you crush your competitors and craft legislation in your favor than to compete on price and quality.

>> No.11355913

That retard is in /pol/ 101, give him a break he still needs to learn how to justify the dichotomy between hating globalism and defending Israel

>> No.11355917

Oh look. You read on /pol/ how Elon Musk crashed his stock intentionally on Joe Rogan and think that’s a remotely applicable situation as corporations all passing legislation that limits their access to crude oil and taxes the shit out of them

It’s okay. Reading comprehension comes in Week 2

>> No.11355921

You think that's what they are doing? Really? You must be among the ten percent of the population that trusts the media

>> No.11355922

Why would anyone eat raw/rare chicken? You can get salmonella by just touching a reptile or its feces and not washing your hands, let alone taking a bite out of its raw flesh.

>> No.11355926


Woah. Made me think

>> No.11355932 [DELETED] 

Liar you are incapable of thought, typical npc libtard

>> No.11355939

Here’s the exact research institute saying the same thing that is said here >>11355841 you braindead kike

Anything else you want to cry about, litte boy?

>> No.11355998

>Lol wtf are you talking about faggot?
I'm talking about the way that you can't talk about anything without splitting people into your "With me or I hate you" politics.
So again, thank you for pushing the country to the right.

>> No.11356001 [DELETED] 

Try a unbiased source next time, retard.

>> No.11356005

There is no unbiased source on anything

>> No.11356027

>I'm talking about the way that you can't talk about anything without splitting people into your "With me or I hate you" politics.
Oh you’re still retarded enough to think only one person was talking to you. Its okay, just take the happy pills, smile and wave.

>talks about division while branching everyone who doesn’t suck the orange shrimp as some lefty
Lol. Truly a pitiful existence you have. Zero self-awareness, zero independence. A speck of dirt in the wind

Shhh shh, take the happy pill

>> No.11356030

>watch out for cross contamination
>heat chicken through
ey Wala~ even AB resistant germs die. It's only ever a problem because retards can't handle chicken safely or some wagecuck on minimum wage couldn't give a fuck.

>> No.11356040

That's paid research. You have no clue how 'science' works do you? fancy college check name with letters after it check me believe check

>> No.11356044
File: 49 KB, 411x457, total_ghg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agriculture makes up a small fraction of total carbon emissions, and meat is an even smaller part of that. Switching to a diet of neolithic slave food is not going to save muh environment from the ravages of industrial society.

>> No.11356045

>Putting drug resistant salmonella on chicken

Do Amerifats really do this?

>> No.11356053

What about methane and nitrous oxide which are about 50x more potent than carbon dioxide? Transportation, commercial, and electricity are vital and but can be tinkered with to reduce emissions. There is zero benefit in keeping emissions from animal agriculture

>> No.11356103

Reading comprehension?

>> No.11356862
File: 1.77 MB, 2088x1600, 4d63c64ad06fb2f7db78ec1249c73bf125c3da3f6a67325613e37c1e4e6be6ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder most of asia will be creating a superbug thanks to its retarded use of antibiotics


>> No.11356900

>Shop with the Amish
>Regularly eats raw meat due to not knowing how to cook
like pottery

>> No.11356934

>expecting rationality from omnivores who won't eat animal products
Careful or you'll end up as stupid as they are.

>> No.11357022

>mfw I actually think I know this guy
Glad I cut out meat last month. Was going to go back on Tuesday, but fuck that shit if its russian roulette.

>> No.11357070

half of illness is by produce you dunce

>> No.11357084

cant recall beans

>> No.11357093

Half my illness is from your mom, you heteronormative fuck.

>> No.11357118


>> No.11357245



How is that possibly an insult?

>> No.11357314
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>be american
>cook chicken properly
>no salmonella

wow that was so hard

>> No.11357328

based digits

>> No.11357922 [DELETED] 

The right wing delicate retards still didnt provide any proof of their claims. They just claim that discussion by using facts is worse than a gulag. Hahaha.

Bigly braindead morons.

>> No.11357926

meat doesn't come from babies

>> No.11357928

t rex lol

>> No.11357960

>Retards that don't cook chicken to 165
Deserved it

>> No.11357968 [DELETED] 

You also contaminate your kitchen with resistant bacteria. But I guess this is fake news, right?

>> No.11357993

Maybe you shouldn't rub raw chicken all over your kitchen?

>> No.11357998 [DELETED] 

Your cutting board, your knife. Do you wash them with chlorhexidine, I mean does your mom do it?

>> No.11358007 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1538106917844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope americans get infected with that shit. They wont die, but atleast a lot of them will go bankrupt haha.

>> No.11358011

wasnt it the UK that has MRSA in the pork right now?

>> No.11358016

I only buy organic so this shit never happens to me

>> No.11358017 [DELETED] 

Thats a global problem. Antibiotics cause a selection of resistant bacteria. At least UK has strict control of its meat. In the land of the free retards think any quality control is communism.

>> No.11358020 [DELETED] 

So you buy overpriced shit and enjoy farmers lying to you

>> No.11358021

No, it's the UK's problem right now, they can't do chicken much better, 70% is infected with Campylobacter, and now they will be letting shops "self police" food standards. Shocking state of affairs from the home of mad cow.

>> No.11358025

Yeah but I pretend to be better than other people so its worth it.

>> No.11358053

>he doesn't use a separate knife and cutting board for meats
lmfao, imagine being this unhygienic and smug about it too

>> No.11358057
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Those viruses are probably the size of a man's fist if even Jack fears them.
I'm never going near a chicken again.

>> No.11358205 [DELETED] 

you will get infected and you will go bankrupt. Thank god I push the country to the right, so you retards never get socialized healthcare.

so infected meat realy is a problem? how shocking, also post proof, retard

>> No.11358306

But is it heat resistant

>> No.11358548


>> No.11358673

You just wash the salmonella away or kill it with heat.
This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.11358682 [DELETED] 

It doesnt work that way. You still contaminate your kitchen. Pro salmonella posts are so Duning-Kruger it hurts.

>> No.11359069

A bit of Sam and Ella never hurt nobody

>> No.11359080
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LMAO, your food is 100% shit

>> No.11359198

2 hours a week of peace with your neighbors and family vs 21 hours a week of "carnitard" stuff......kek

>> No.11359231

>still falling for this bait in 2019 - 2.5 months

Fresh from T_D, huh boys? Let me tell you a lil something about 4chan

>> No.11359481

you know, since i stopped eating meat i've never had to worry about things like this.

>> No.11359525

There was a salmonella recall on fucking lettuce in the US not too long ago. Shut up.

>> No.11359561

>iceberg lettuce
The kind of flyover mouthbreathers that eat iceberg lettuce deserve it and worse.

>> No.11359568

In glorious old Europe there is no salmonella problems or recalls because they don't test for it

>> No.11359591

I've never in my life had a food-borne illness. Stop having the immune system of a 70 year old AIDS-patient.
>m-muh salmonella, oh noes the sky is falling
Cook your fucking chicken. wtf are you doing, eating chicken-sashimi?
Quint quints of truth, vegans are retarded faggots.

>> No.11359623

It's called medium rare you retard

>> No.11359631 [DELETED] 

empty rituals, usualy led by undercover homosexuals, boring

>> No.11359634 [DELETED] 

post proof, dickbreath

>> No.11359722

>Take chicken out
>Put in pan
>Clean surfaces and hands
It's not that hard also wtf does fake news have to do with cleaning a fucking cutting board.

>> No.11360980

RIP Jack

>> No.11361030

>I'm assuming
You're a moron. The US pioneered agricultural antibiotic abuse and did it for decades while 1st world countries were sounding the alarm. The US is the #1 meat producer in the world, we (and by "we" I mean "you" since I've been going out of my way to buy properly raised meat my whole life) bear the lion's share of the blame for super drug resistant bacteria

>> No.11361045
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>soy feed


>> No.11361050
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>> No.11361109

>this thread
interesting to see the vegan psyop happening on /ck/ these days, really makes you wonder (((who))) wants you to stop eating meat.

>> No.11361256
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The fuck do you mean?

>> No.11361881

good thing i cook my food

>> No.11363590

>these days
Newfag. Vegan psyops have been a staple of /ck/ since its inception.