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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11354129 No.11354129[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You should throw that (perfectly good food) out, Anon. It clearly says EXPIRED.

>> No.11354151

Any tips for getting free (((((expired))))) goods from grocers before they throw them away?

>> No.11354153
File: 85 KB, 938x974, 1536492154097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you eat that? dont you know that charred meat gives you cancer???

>> No.11354156

it's illegal for them to give it to you and the person giving it to you could lose their job. i worked as a grocer before and a coworker of mine got fired over taking produce home for himself.

>> No.11354158

I use to work at a grocery store
The sheer volumes of perfectly good food we threw out was unreal. They don't give a shit about how much food they actually sell, they only care that the shelves are constantly full.

Like I don't fucking get it, the shelves being full took priority over everything else. We were pretty badly understaffed, so The Deli, cutroom, and meat department had to cut corners when it came to hygiene because they didnt have the manpower to both keep everything loaded up and clean.

Then health inspectors almost got the whole place shut down.
Don't buy pre-cut fruit at grocery stores. My department manager never wore gloves.

>> No.11354162

>it's illegal for them to give it to you
it's adorable how many anons speak as though the laws in whatever place they live are global, universal rules

it's the consistency of little things like this here that remind us that half the population has a sub-100 IQ

>> No.11354167

my mom does this and it drives me mad

she'd throw bread or milk out that is like one day expired, shes convinced eating anything expired will give you cancer. I have to remove or scrape off the 'best by' date so she doesn't throw out my cheese or hot sauce.

Fucking reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.11354168
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>g-guys why wont you acknowledge the law in my third world kangaroo island

>> No.11354171

I've been using 4cham since probably early 2005, but I've only been on /ck/ for a couple of weeks. I don't know what it is about this board in particular but I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that this is the dumbest board on the whole site. But why? I have no hypothesis to account for this.

>> No.11354173

Eat the moldy avocado

>> No.11354176

You've been on 4chan for over a decade but have never been to /pol/ or /tv/?

>> No.11354178

If you're American than you'd understand this kind of shit is state law. If you were European then you'd know you can ride your bike for half an hour and be somewhere with completely different laws, and in fact I think it's been illegal for supermarkets to throw out edible food in France for a few months now.

I'm left to conclude that you must be some kind of landfill inhabitant with an ulterior motive.

>> No.11354181

>Replying to an opinion post saying your board is dumb by listing boards you don't like and saying "but these are dumber"
Comedy gold.
Well, at least you aren't acting out of character.

>> No.11354183

Who the fuck do you think are posting these NPC memes on /ck/, dum dum?

>oh, it's you

>> No.11354186
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"my favourite celebrity chef?"
"Gordan Ramsay, of course!"

>> No.11354187

delete this

>> No.11354188

But like, how many celebrity chefs are even noteworthy?
Theres Gordon and who else? Alton Brown? is he even a chef?
Whatshisfuck from Chopped?

>> No.11354189

>i don't like fennel. i just don't

>> No.11354190
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I hate Secret Aardvark

>> No.11354192

Why don't you tell me who you think is posting this incredibly mainstream wojack derivative on this board, anon?

>> No.11354198

it's because you don't know how to boil water, faggot

>> No.11354202

you're supposed to namedrop some obscure up and coming ethnic chef so all your hipster friends can nod and pretend to know him as well

>> No.11354204
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>it's illegal for them to give it to you and the person giving it to you could lose their job
Not if they donate it to a nonprofit organization. Then they're protected by the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.
The Sprouts near my church gives a ton of their excess food to us to give to the needy. Sometimes I take some for myself.

>> No.11354207
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Every land is America land dumbass

>> No.11354214
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>"how would you like your steak, Sir?"

"uhh...medium rare"

>> No.11354239

I hate this "don't waste food" meme. Throwing out some food isn't going to cause a worldwide hunger crisis. If you have food even remotely suspect in quality for any reason then you might as well throw it out and eat something else since the vast majority of grocery items are dirt cheap as it is. Caring about "wasting" food is as inane as being worried about "wasting" printer paper or "wasting" toothpaste. If at any point in the future we're no longer able to produce new household goods, then the solution *still* won't be to obsessively make sure every last bit of existing household goods are used. The solution would be to find a new way to produce new goods. Scarcity behavior is retarded and individual instances of goods are irrelevant when you have a working system for creating more of them.

>> No.11354240
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"I'll take mine well done, enjoy your parasites!"

>> No.11354249

Expired goods are never thrown away, they always find ways to sell them otherwise they'll keep losing money.
In my experience, your best bet is looking for low traffic shops or restaurants that belong to big chains and making a deal with the employees, being part of a franchise guarantees they are always under strict supervision from higher-ups, and having low traffic guarantees they can't afford to lose their investment, they'll sell you damaged or expired goods extremely cheap because the quality no longer fits the company's "standards".
Try to avoid canned food though.

>> No.11354253

Food's not expired but this meme is

>> No.11354257
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>Try to avoid canned food though.
why though
this guy eats canned meat that are like 50 years old and he still looks fine

>> No.11354270

only poor fags think best before/expired food is edible. It's objectively past its prime. i won't even eat a bag of chips that is opened and not finished in one sitting (even when rolled up)

>> No.11354272
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Damn right he does

>> No.11354276

NPCs say medium well or medium because they are scare of red meat but know about the stigma of ordering well done. What they get cooked is a well done steak.

>> No.11354278

>past its prime.

if you're not eating it right off the factory line it is already 'past its prime'

>> No.11354281

He kind of looks like a slightly modded skyrim character, not in a bad way.

>> No.11354283


>> No.11354284

I think he's trying to say you should avoid damaged cans, because the anaerobic environment is good for growing botulism.

Expired cans should be perfectly fine because the whole point of cans is they don't really expire, but a lot of localities force manufacturers to put conservative expiry dates on them anyway.

That's not really how he looks or the natural way he talks. Dude is part of a big long-running "conspiracy" ARG thing where certain youtubers have multiple channels under multiple names and pretend to be different people.

>> No.11354286

I've seen every instance of poor quality food (not fully cooked meat, sliced food from damaged cans) being served to costumers and luckily no one was vomiting blood after eating it, possibly because processes keep changing and mass produced food loses any organic danger during packaging, but the possibility of that happening is still there.

>> No.11354302
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NPCs know nothing of cheese.

>> No.11354324

I almost got fired as a teenager because I threw out most of a Taco Bell's lettuce. The new dipshit assist manager had no idea how to rotate stock and it was all past the expiry date.

Dumpster dive. They'll never give anything to you, and they'll make excuses like this fucker:
>it's illegal
Fuck you. You're either uninformed or outright lying, or both.
>b-b-but muh liability!

>> No.11354326

the expiry date on canned food is typically LONG before the food will actually go bad. avoid bulging cans and you'll be fine

>> No.11354336

A couple of dollars here and there quickly add up even if you are well off. It's especially pointless if it passes the smell and taste tests.

>> No.11354341

I second this.

>> No.11354343

>big long running conspiracy
fill me in on these looney tunes brother

>> No.11354355

I used to work at a public health lab where we would test food for bacteria, pesticides etc. and sometimes we would get to take samples home. Sometimes we would munch on the samples we were testing. Ice cream day was the best.

>> No.11354356

It's part of some video game ARG or something. I think the idea is they have "infiltrated" popular culture with a bunch of shit which seems like unrelated stuff people have filmed in their living room but it's actually a lot more sophisticated. I guess the punchline is going to be that big media conspiracies are possible after all and you didn't even realise half the shit you're watching was fake.

It's probably most obvious with ASMR channels since there's one person running at least 30 different channels under different names, wearing different wigs (after proving she's a world-class multilingual voice actor and revealing that she constructed a giant underground studio bunker than inexplicably disappearing for a year), and apart from that there's a lot of Korean chicks pretending to be white girls.

>> No.11354362
File: 49 KB, 966x319, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty sure edward snowden is a semi-popular twitch streamer
that nerd voice he does is obviously fake and he can sound normal when he wants to

i mean what else is he doing in that hotel?

>> No.11354372
File: 111 KB, 383x309, 1537939357929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who dont share my retarded beliefs are mindless automatons! Questioning my beliefs is like anuda pearl harbor.

>> No.11354387
File: 2.81 MB, 704x396, 1490017138868.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thing you've spent too much time on the internet, sweetie. You should go outside.

>> No.11354408

I wonder how many times this guy has jacked off outside.

>> No.11354421

>come back after 5 hours
>all my witty bantz and shitposting have zero (you)s
I hate this board

>> No.11354433

But that's not the joke. It's loosely based on some study about people in the workplace acting like empty-headed zombies with no internal thought process*, juxtaposed with the willingness of many to repeat talking points supplied by the media verbatim, which is a legitimate problem and those people deserve what they get.

*(This is actually a complex subject though since arguably it's a form of mindfulness and a desirable state in order to get through a day of wage slavery, but it's still a funny meme.)

So no, it's not "people who don't share my beliefs", there's more nuance than that. And it's funny because you can't just turn around and repeat it back to "the other side" like most of these jokes, so people who would normally do that are melting the fuck down.

>Questioning my beliefs is like anuda pearl harbor.
Oh, you're retarded.

>> No.11354441
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>Don't eat off the floor

>> No.11354446

Legitimately the worst board unless you want to discuss which brand of mayonnaise to put on your hot dogs.

It's even worse if you care about cooking because the only conversation you get is halfwits who miss any nuance in your method and talk down to you about being "overly complicated" because you aren't using whatever dumbass boilerplate food network dot com version of the recipe that they're able to uncross their eyes long enough to follow.

>> No.11354448

To be fair the study was on 30 people, but yeah if you're wage slaving or you hate your job you can easily go into auto-pilot mode.