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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 1100x619, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11350865 No.11350865[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vegetarianism and veganism are mental illnesses.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't.

>> No.11350869

this desu. Also, I'm gay, if that matters.

>> No.11350870

>Protip: you can't.
I guess there's nothing to discuss then

>> No.11350889
File: 164 KB, 600x600, eat bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping to lure some butthurt vegans into the thread so I can laugh at them.

>> No.11350890

letting anyone eat wtv the fuck they want... why is it so hard ?

>> No.11350899
File: 30 KB, 656x387, less_meat_less_emission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing that what you consume is destroying the planet and still do it is mental illness

Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't.

>> No.11350906

>is destroying the planet
How is that bad? We must end our collective suffering through destruction, amigo

>> No.11350909

I can't live forever so why should the Earth?

>> No.11350910

Vegetarians and vegans are mentally ill. Humans literally REQUIRE meat as part of our diet - it is the only natural way for us to get Vitamin B12, which is essential for our health.

>There are no naturally-occurring notable vegetable dietary sources of the vitamin [B12]
>Most omnivorous people in developed countries obtain enough vitamin B12 from consuming animal products including meat, milk, eggs, and fish
>Vitamin B12 deficiency can potentially cause severe and irreversible damage, especially to the brain and nervous system.[64] At levels only slightly lower than normal, a range of symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, depression, poor memory, breathlessness, headaches, and pale skin, among others, may be experienced, especially in elderly people (over age 60)[8][65] who produce less stomach acid as they age, thereby increasing their probability of B12 deficiencies.[11] Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause symptoms of mania and psychosis.[66]

>> No.11350916
File: 292 KB, 783x682, theCARNIST-B12-DELUSION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans get their b12 from the same place as you.

>> No.11350918

There are other ways to reduce our CO2 emissions, you mentally ill freak. Lab grown meat is promising. But also, just cutting emissions from cars and power plants by switching to sustainable energy is the main solution to this problem.

I hope you die from vitamin B12 deficiency you freak - you probably will anyway.

>> No.11350926
File: 108 KB, 1200x708, arnold eating steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B12 deficient moron detected.

Enjoy having PERMANENT neurological problems because you will never get enough B12. Oh, and enjoy being weak and having no muscle mass whatsoever, because you're not consuming any nutritionally complete protein.

Meanwhile I will be strong and healthy because I eat meat.

>> No.11350937

what is nutritional yeast

>> No.11350938

I know this is bait but you must not be aware we are in a mini ice age and the only way to stop it is with more emissions. Do your part and eat meat with every meal or at least leave your lawnmower running a few hours per day

>> No.11350940

you could've gone on a teensy bit longer before exposing your clear bait as such

don't you have anything better to do than to pick silly fights on the internet?

>> No.11350941

Nutritional yeast does not contain b12 naturally. it is often fortified with it though.

>> No.11350943
File: 40 KB, 600x593, 1526449903372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must not be aware we are in a mini ice age

>> No.11350951

Good post.

It's not bait. I just want to laugh in the face of vegans and their weak puny physiques from being protein deficient, and their neurological problems from being B12 deficient.

>> No.11350956
File: 64 KB, 697x470, LAMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can actually read how fat you are you glorious wizard.

>> No.11350985
File: 32 KB, 500x356, burger king rodeo burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm well within the healthy weight range actually.

>that picture
I already said that we can cut CO2 emissions in other ways like switching to renewable energy.

But honestly, I don't really care about global warming and shit that much. You know what I do care about? Staying strong and healthy by eating meat.

Mmm. Cheeseburgers.

>> No.11350992

god i wish that was me

>> No.11350996

Why are you obsessed with emissions? That's really bizarre to focus on something that doesn't matter to anyone. Like how did that idea get in your head and why do you think it's meaningful? The only thing that matters is taste, healthiness and cost. Anything else is manipulation by people with an agenda

>> No.11351002

There's a decent article about it in this week's Economist.

>> No.11351006

The economist is 100% fake news

>> No.11351007

More precisely, veganism and vegetarianism are

>> No.11351013

Do you people honestly don't believe in the greenhouse effect?
You don't believe in climate change because it's convinient?


>> No.11351022
File: 516 KB, 70x105, 1529638428027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism is a mental illness yes, but proper vegetarianism (incorporation of dairy and eggs) is perfectly adequate. It is still strictly disadvantageous when compared to a limitless diet, but you can thrive on it,

Veganism is also strictly, not debatably a diet for cleansing that should be used to rid the body of negatives like heavy metals and so forth. As a vegan diet strips all metals, you will always be deficient on them as a vegan.
>this is a retard check, certain comments about the above truth will not even be responded to

Veganism also leads to massive decline in mental health as you age. People under 25 going vegan will not fully develop their brain, either.

>> No.11351025

Ah look at the college retard who thinks science is determined by a phoney consensus. Thanks for proving you are a NPC puppet

>> No.11351031

The most patrician way of thought is being a meat eater that fervently supports animal rights.

>> No.11351082

This. Although I don't necessarily think that warnings about global warming are "manipulation". I just don't care about the issue, that's all.

Very true.

Even if it is happening, I don't give a fuck. Do you know what I do give a fuck about? Cheeseburgers.

>> No.11351088

>Veganism is a mental illness yes, but proper vegetarianism (incorporation of dairy and eggs) is perfectly adequate. It is still strictly disadvantageous when compared to a limitless diet, but you can thrive on it,
Dairy is good in moderate amounts because it has calcium. But to depend on it as a protein source is not a good idea because it has higher fat content, and more calories, than lean meat. So lean meat is the best source of nutritionally complete protein.

Eggs have a similar problem - they have much more cholesterol than meat does:
>An egg yolk can pack a whopping 215 to 275 mg of cholesterol. A Big Mac contains 75 mg of cholesterol.
>Eggs not only contain less protein, but also significantly more cholesterol. A large egg has about 3.6 grams of fat and 140 milligrams of cholesterol. A 3-ounce serving of pork, turkey, chicken or ground beef ranges between 1.5 to 5 grams of fat and 50 to 60 milligrams of cholesterol.

So again, meat is a better source of protein than eggs.

Personally I think the best diet, as recommended by most doctors, is a balanced diet. Incorporate meat, dairy, eggs, as well as grains, pulses, vegetables, and fruit.

>> No.11351093

Eggs are not only cited by me because of protein. They have a lot of stuff in them that meat doesn't. Also cholesterol from eggs is more and more as time goes by, looking to be a non-issue for people medically.

based an xeno pilled

>> No.11351102

>Hurrdihurr why should I care if the planet is dying.

>> No.11351107

>carnitard thinks human can absorb dietary cholesterol
LMAO, talking about mental ilness

>> No.11351116
File: 154 KB, 416x435, 1539500697962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science that goes against my belief is fake news haha.

>> No.11351137

t. Federation of Coal Digger/Burners and Petroleum Producers United

>> No.11351139

>Eggs are not only cited by me because of protein. They have a lot of stuff in them that meat doesn't.
You should definitely include eggs in your diet. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't replace meat with eggs. You should eat both, in sensible proportions.

> Also cholesterol from eggs is more and more as time goes by, looking to be a non-issue for people medically.
Er, no. Cholesterol is bad for your arteries and your heart, full stop.

>> No.11351151

You're right, why should I? I don't give a fuck about plants and wildlife. I give a fuck about me.

You think cholesterol doesn't end up in our arteries and ultimately clog them? Then you're a fucking moron - typical for a vegetarian, which I assume you are, since you seem to be defending the idea of replacing your meat intake with eggs.

Like I said in another post, eggs are good to have in your diet, but they shouldn't be your main source of protein. Meat should be your main source of protein.

What science are you talking about, faggot?

I don't deny global warming if that's what you're referring to. I just don't give a shit about it.

I'll keep enjoying my steaks and chicken breasts and I'll be healthy and strong. But by all means, stick to your rabbit food. If you wither away and die from B12 deficiency then it's your own fault.

>> No.11351183

If you only care about yourself and nothing else at all.. I'm sorry to break these news to you anon. but you are an awful, awful human being.

>> No.11351210

they give your fucking cattle b12 supplements you mong. And 40% of omnivores are deficient in b12

>> No.11351211

Why do you think you are so special because you hate yourself? You are literally a cuck if you put others before yourself.

>> No.11351216

>the ignoramus calls another person an NPC

>> No.11351220

if you are this self absorbed, you should really rethink your life decisions. It's obvious you're just willfully ignorant and proud of it too

>> No.11351235
File: 40 KB, 500x421, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks i care about what others think of me

>> No.11351244

You can never be a husband or a wife. You can never be a father or a mother. You couldn't have been a good sibling. You can never contribute anything. Please KYS

>> No.11351245
File: 77 KB, 1000x667, laugh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40% of omnivores are deficient in b12
Then they need to eat more meat, don't they?

>a veggie thinks I'M the one who is self-absorbed

Anyway. What am I "ignorant" of, my friend? I already said I don't deny global warming. I just don't give a shit about it. And I certainly don't think it's worth giving up meat for.

But eat rabbit food if you want, faggot. Be weak, and suffer from neurological problems caused by B12 deficiency. Meanwhile I will stay strong and healthy from eating meat. Feels good man.

>> No.11351248

Have fun being fat in your mothers basement.

>> No.11351268
File: 51 KB, 500x666, LiterallyYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't consider the end of the civilized world something to care about? Cool.

>> No.11351279
File: 175 KB, 1125x1688, MS_0118_healthy-weight-chart.2e16d0ba.fill-1125x1688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fat, I'm 5'10" and 65kg. I'm smack bang in the middle of the healthy weight range.

Sorry veggie, the facts are on my side, not yours.

>> No.11351293
File: 53 KB, 506x337, laugh3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that he, alone, deciding to eat rabbit food, will somehow magically save the entire planet from what would apparently be assured destruction otherwise

>> No.11351300

Im married with kids Mr brainlet permavirgin . You suffer from one dimensional thinking aka first order thinking. Buying a hamburger for your kid is not a submissive act letting Jamal bang your wife is. Capiche?

>> No.11351304

It's an imaginary problem chicken little

>> No.11351318

t. shlomo

>> No.11351320

According to all major scientific sources, no. It is not.

>> No.11351333


>According to all major scientific sources

All of them? You seem to be off script there buddy the numbers to shill are 98% and 6 gorillian

>> No.11351340

You’re 110% anally flustered

>> No.11351346

nice citation on your sources bro

>> No.11351347

Fucking kek.

A single individual choosing to not eat meat isn't going to do shit. Changing to renewable energy is what we should do.

But in any case, if global warming happens, we'll adapt. We always have. I rate my chances. In fact, I rate my chances much better if I eat meat. Because meat gives you nutritionally complete protein and vitamin B12, both of which are LITERALLY ESSENTIAL for good health.

Also here's a question - why should anybody stop eating meat "for the good of the planet" (or some such bullshit) when the entire rest of humanity is going to keep eating meat?

You may as well just kill yourself if that's your attitude. Go on. Relieve the Earth of the burden that your existence imposes on it.

>> No.11351351

Can anyone actually refute this?

>> No.11351367

>The sky is falling and you are mad that it isn't

>> No.11351373

what's to refute? the fact that vegfags want society to stagnate and tech to flounder? cause y'know that's what happens when you maintain the status quo which is what that sort of argument is all about. but with progress, what is fact today is not necessarily fact tomorrow.

>> No.11351383

>a single individual isn’t going to do shit
That’s what advocacy is for, any bit makes a difference in the long run

>we’ll adapt
Yeah, let’s just gamble and hope we adapt, after all it’s happened billons of times on this scale in human history right? Keep buying oil

>nutritionally complete protein
So does eating plants, why are you worried about protein? You jerk off to anime all day, you’re not starving in sub-Saharan Africa

Plentiful in fortified foods or supplements, just adapt bro!

>why should i do anything good! We all die! Kill everyone!
Start with yourself

>> No.11351387

Might want to rephrase that for the non-schizo types

>> No.11351402

Here's your refutation: I don't give a shit. We can lower emissions by switching to renewable energy. Eliminating meat from our diets is NOT WORTH IT. We would be endangering our health. Protein, iron, vitamin B12, etc. - there are lots of nutrients which meat is THE BEST source for.

Why would you endanger your health now, just because there will apparently be some small climate benefit in 100 years time? Are you fucking crazy?

>> No.11351412
File: 50 KB, 500x309, 24DE010C-7641-4911-B7A5-9E45AF03F30B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eliminating the far and away largest emitter of methane and nitrous oxide is irrelevant

>endangering our health
Non clogged arteries?!?!? The horror!!


The bioavailability of iron is plant and non plant foods isn’t remotely significant enough to warrant a concern

Why is it so hard for a fatty with no seld control like yourself to adapt? Supplements and fortified foods are every bit as efficient

Put down the fork

>> No.11351416

basically what >>11351402 said. vegfags are a minority and usually back to nature types who don't give a shit about technological advancement. so they're not gonna be the ones who save humanity. they're the ones who want to leave us marooned on this one particular mudball till the core goes cold, we lose our magnetic shield and solar winds strip the atmosphere. ironically there will be no sky left to fall

>> No.11351423

>protien lol
you don't seem to realize the importance of protein to mental stability and fortitude. there's a reason why every cult ever completely eliminates protein from the diet during the induction phase

>> No.11351425
File: 53 KB, 720x1100, goals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit. good cause...

Protein deficiency is not a thing in western countries.There are health hazards from over consuming protein people should be more afraid for.

B12 and iron people can get from supplements.

Just switching to renewable energy and keeping your ordinary living habits is not enough. we all need to do more.

>> No.11351429

>back to nature types
I never said anything about back to nature

>dont give a shit about technological advancement
The fuck are you even talking about? What technological advancements have even been discussed and are being held back by vegans? I only see people freaking out about the possibility of supplementing B12 which IS a technological advancement to synthesize it into that. Is destroying the environment and human health for the sake of your fat trap a technological advancement?

So why do you care either way?

>> No.11351441

I realize the importance, I also realize you’re brain damaged and can’t understand bountiful amounts of protein exist in plants and the only people who deal with protein deficiencies are people deliberately avoiding it or starving

>theres a reason why every cult
You seem very familiar. You must be in one other than the one that thinks rice and beans kills you

>> No.11351445

vegfags are holding back tech by not participating in it. if we all listen to you and become vegfags science, math, and tech will all stagnate.
>I haven't said anything about back to nature
no, but most of your compatriotes spout shit along those lines.

>> No.11351451

>by not participating it
Exactly what I thought. Nothing. I’m only going to respond to your slightly less brain damaged brother in arms from now on. Shoo shoo

>> No.11351459

so in other words you can't handle the truth. have fun spouting your lies and convincing the weak minded of your idiotic ideals

>> No.11351465

What’s that I hear? Some sort of loud whining noise?

>> No.11351466
File: 15 KB, 301x360, pythagora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking troglodyte.

>> No.11351468

oh noes, I've offended you because I'm not on hrt

>> No.11351469
File: 16 KB, 882x758, ECF179FD-1B5A-4280-B413-C93041E7E431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn vegans not participating in my tin foil amplification meetings!!!

>> No.11351496


Oh no i can't identify one of the greatest contributors to math because he did not eat meat!

>> No.11351503
File: 178 KB, 3400x2400, 1536697168116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing what you're creating is destroying the planet and still do it is mental illness

Nobody is innocent. Even incels would if they could.

>> No.11351540

>That’s what advocacy is for, any bit makes a difference in the long run
I don't care. I'm not eating rabbit food bro. By all means, be a weak pathetic little runt who survives on lettuce leaves. You'll be weak from a lack of protein, iron, and B12. But by all means, if you want to make yourself weak, go ahead.

>Yeah, let’s just gamble and hope we adapt
I agree.

>So does eating plants
Nope, plants don't offer nutritionally complete proteins.

>Plentiful in fortified foods or supplements
Admitting that you have to take fucking SUPPLEMENTS is admitting that your diet is unhealthy, bro. Eat some fucking meat you little chode.

>> No.11351562

Been vegan for six years. 6ft tall 190lbs 7%body fat. Fuck off

You can complement protein sources to make complete sources of it (obviously)
like the 4chan staple rice and beans.

You will NOT get enough b12 from meat if your source have not ingested supplements to begin with. not even from supposedly grass fed beef

>> No.11351570
File: 126 KB, 960x590, AF8F9850-2B62-4583-8B42-3C3E95D13912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont care
Then why did you ask why people bothered you retard?

>im not eating rabbit food
Obviously, youre a fat pig. Bro!!!

>weak from the lack of protein, iron, b12
Are you such a weak little runt you cant adapt from your pwecious meaties to plants? Or are you just weak from the lack of brain matter you have? I’ll choose both considering you wilfully ignore the fact we aren’t in sub-Saharan african deserts where this is an issue

>I agree
This is why you and your family are failures

Yes. Sorry. Anything else?

That’s technological advancement, your meat that you oh so naturally hunt for at walmart is supplemented. Gotta adapt bro!!!!

Im sorry you have such little self-worth your identity is intrinsically tied to your latent phallic desires to slurp on sausages


>> No.11351574

lmao I will never have kids. fuck off cuck.

>> No.11351582

Humans can benefit the planet

Meat doesn’t

>> No.11351586

You're obviously just trolling. Nobody is this stupid.

Good post.

>> No.11351591
File: 49 KB, 381x353, 83AAE44F-C57E-48C9-8185-B83644A95767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t-the b-big bully vegan c-cant be right mommy!!! Its not fair!!!

>> No.11351595

>Protein deficiency is not a thing in western countries.

>dude just take supplements bro
If you have to literally take ARTIFICIAL, LAB-PRODUCED SUPPLEMENTS then you are eating an unhealthy diet. Simple as that.

>dude global warming lmao
Do you HONESTLY think I give a single fuck?

>> No.11351601

>because 90% of the population eats

>artificial lab produced supplements
Ooh big scary science!!! What was that whole thing about technological advancements? The same cattle you hunt at Mcdonalds is supplemented with virtually the same thing. Simple as.

>dude im a worthless nihilist fag lmao
Kill yourself then

>> No.11351603

Why are vegans such control freaks? Is this the feelings on inferiority uncle Ted warned us of?

>> No.11351608

>s-stop yelling big strong vegan!!
Why are carniecucks such little bitchy wimps?

>> No.11351617

>Is destroying the environment and human health
Vegetarianism is destroying the environment? Didn't know that.

>Animal Proteins Are Complete, But Plant Proteins Are Not
>Some sources report soy protein as complete. However, two essential amino acids are only found in small amounts in soy, so it isn't comparable to animal protein (2).
>BOTTOM LINE: Animal foods are the highest quality protein sources. Plant sources lack one or more amino acids, which makes it more difficult to get all the amino acids that your body needs.

>> No.11351618
File: 82 KB, 500x413, 500x_no-such-thing-as-a-vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat eaters request fewer totalitarian demands.
That's how you sell this or any agenda.

>> No.11351621

>the rightwing politicians and mouthpieces for carbon dumpers say global warming is a jewish communist conspiracy so that trumps (pardon the pun) science, ok?

>> No.11351626

Oh how cute, misframing posts in a snarky manner to substitute argument, how will i recover?

>animal proteins are complete but plants are not
Wow, it’s almost like eating a combination of something like rice and beans could satisfy the amino profile requirements then? No way, thats mumbo vegan talk!

What’s it going through your day drooling and being in fear of a deficiency that afflicts only people who are in starvation?

>> No.11351629
File: 23 KB, 480x360, laugh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been vegan for six years.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

>> No.11351633

How ever will i make my paper without cow blood!!!

>> No.11351637

>he grieves over body fat he burns

>> No.11351647

>Then why did you ask why people bothered
I literally didn't? You must be getting my posts confused with somebody else's because I literally never asked why people bothered, you fucking moron.

>youre a fat pig
Nope, I'm a healthy weight, seen in the picture here: >>11351279
Sorry that facts are against your deluded little ideology again, bro.

>Are you such a weak little runt
No I'm not, because I eat meat. So I get all of the protein and amino acids that I need, and all the vitamin B12 I need, and all the iron I need, etc. Not everybody is a veggie runt like you, bro.

No, plants do not offer nutritionally complete protein. Sorry the facts are against you - AGAIN - bro.
>Animal Proteins Are Complete, But Plant Proteins Are Not
>Some sources report soy protein as complete. However, two essential amino acids are only found in small amounts in soy, so it isn't comparable to animal protein (2).
>BOTTOM LINE: Animal foods are the highest quality protein sources. Plant sources lack one or more amino acids, which makes it more difficult to get all the amino acids that your body needs.

>he tries to imply that eating meat is somehow gay
Says the weak, deficient little veggie. How very very sad.

>> No.11351648
File: 15 KB, 255x224, 1514817304590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implies he has a choice in the matter
>calls others cuck

>> No.11351668

>Why should anyone stop eating meat?
Tubby getting angry and cant remember his words

>nope im a healthy weight

>no im not

>plants do not
They do. Sorry. Your link says absolutely nothing about eating more than one plant, it says plants individually aren’t complete. Perhaps if you weren’t such a seething fat retard with a protein iron and B12 deficiency you’d realize this

>somehow gay
It is gay. Evidence enough is your blubbering gay ass fixated on deepthroating phallic greasy meats

>> No.11351682
File: 62 KB, 645x729, 164A59E7-3EBD-46E8-A1B9-FECF6F7D0401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn’t you know beef has more protein than grapes! King me vegans!!

>> No.11351686

You're not right. You're objectively wrong, about everything.

>Animal Proteins Are Complete, But Plant Proteins Are Not
>Some sources report soy protein as complete. However, two essential amino acids are only found in small amounts in soy, so it isn't comparable to animal protein
>BOTTOM LINE: Animal foods are the highest quality protein sources. Plant sources lack one or more amino acids, which makes it more difficult to get all the amino acids that your body needs.

>> No.11351687
File: 457 KB, 2229x2237, AFAD7D31-FD94-4638-940D-A6559E349B2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fat pathetic shit literally cant read

Tubby need a twinkie!!!

>> No.11351692
File: 43 KB, 750x1000, 135C48AA-7EE3-44EA-973D-8DD3A4D4E995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No I'm not, because I eat meat. So I get all of the protein and amino acids that I need, and all the vitamin B12 I need, and all the iron I need, etc. Not everybody is a veggie runt like you, bro.

>> No.11351694
File: 31 KB, 540x540, Kizuna Ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't even spell phony right

>> No.11351696 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 640x480, laugh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck did I say I'm a nihilist? I'm a person who cares about myself and my chances on this Earth. That's why I eat meat - to make sure I'm getting all the essential amino acids I need, and all the vitamin B12 I need, and all the iron I need.

Mmmm, tasty tasty meat. It's a shame you don't eat it. You're going to wither away bro!


>> No.11351706
File: 13 KB, 181x200, ADF13796-A332-4612-ACAD-CE133E6DE1E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where the fuck did I say im a nihilist
Where did I say you said you were? Does requiring calling you retarded reauire you to call yourself retarded first? Are these the mental gymnastics every obese person goes through?

>i care about myself
Why are you so fat and gross then?

>muh broteen!!

>> No.11351711
File: 54 KB, 633x640, 13CD5A2F-BFEE-4D52-B508-ADDD11EEAFA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im at a healthy weight

>> No.11351718

You were talking about destroying human health so you must be talking about vegetarianism and veganism? You're right, those things do destroy human health. Thank God I'm not stupid enough to fall for those nonsense fad diets!

>rice and beans
Yeah that's totally adequate bro. Never mind about lacking vitamin B12. You'll just get permanent neurological problems due to the deficiency! Enjoy that, you weak faggot.

>> No.11351720 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 590x421, laugh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a fucking vegan

>> No.11351724 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1600x1150, laugh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making false claims because you don't have an argument

>> No.11351728

Oh no you got me again :(

>yeah thats totally adequate
I know! It why i said it!

We’ve advanced and adapted to supplements bro :^)

Evolve or stay behind in the dirt, chubs

>> No.11351731 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 236x310, laugh8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a weak pathetic little söytard

>> No.11351736
File: 197 KB, 348x571, C48CCE9E-821A-48F9-BF3F-57B5A49694D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument



>> No.11351742
File: 11 KB, 117x125, C60B5990-70F0-4D1A-8F6D-1171D85E4338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obese incel newfag /pol/yp doesnt realize soy isnt filtered here

>> No.11351749 [DELETED] 

Millenial genderfluid vegan poster here... this board is the worst

>> No.11351751 [DELETED] 

>m-m-m-mommy wheres my /pol/ safe space!!!!!


>> No.11351755 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 625x415, vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting that your diet is SO POOR that you have to take ARTIFICIAL SUPPLEMENTS MADE IN A LAB

>making false claims about my weight because you literally don't have convincing arguments to justify your nutritionally incomplete fashion-motivated diet

>> No.11351763

You do know that your meat is getting supplements right?

>> No.11351774

Fuck you OP you stupid little carnie meat eating nigger cock loving sucking faggot, die with the rest of your obese family and gobble up those burgers little bitch!

>> No.11351778 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 387x387, 767EB6DD-767B-4CF9-8C3E-AF5B8AFA0F8D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-science is s-scary daddy drumpf

>he went from no argument to non convincing

>> No.11351781

Yeah he does but he's mentally retarded and can't accept the fact.

>> No.11351849

>climate change
Change in itself is not negative. Earth has been regularly too warm for ice masses to form. Life flourished under those conditions. There's no reason that people wouldn't flourish on a hot, humid world.

>> No.11351888

Yeah who cares about ecosystems collapsing and agricultural ruin?

>> No.11351920

Every ecosystem is constantly changing. Nothing will permanently collapse. If the planet gets hotter and the deserts grow, the line of permafrost will move north. All prophecies of the climate change apocalypse are just that, prophecies.
We know for a fact that life on earth was thriving in hotter climate before.

>> No.11351956

Who cares if you're missing amino acids if you're saving the planet in the process?

>> No.11351985

>every ecosystem is constantly changing
Right right right they become completely unsustainable all the time, plants dont get pollinated, all procedural

>in hotter climate before
But this isn’t like before in any circumstance, its okay though, rape is natural its happened before

What amino acids are you missing from eating plants? You guys are so smart!

>> No.11351997

Mental illness confirmed




>> No.11352004

Based Sv3rigeposter

>> No.11352018

"weak", i dare to bet you're a fat neckbeard, go eat more tendies you fatty.
Also, i have high b12 levels, i take a multi with b12 in it like 3x per week. Went to the doctors to get my bloodwork done, and my cholesterol is waaaay down, everything is pretty much perfect, including b12

>> No.11352023

some guy who has literally been in mental institutions is calling other people mentally ill.. cool

>> No.11352031

Honestly, posting sv3riges vids is awful. Vegan posters should edit footage from heart attack grill to show what the average omnivore looks like

>> No.11352037

Yeah the guy who made them is also severely autistic and/or mentally ill, but that doesn't make the vids any less fascinating, even if it is anecdotal

The people featured are certainly mentally ill

>> No.11352049

it's not a fucking argument. Go into a mental hospital and look what kind of diet 90% of the people in there have. they are omnivores, they just eat what they get. Is that a fair argument to say 'all meat eaters are mentally ill'?

>> No.11352061

>midwest and west become deserts
>the coast is now 60 miles inland wiping out every major US economic center
>the south is a tropical rainforest
>canada has built a wall to prevent the starving vermin from the US crashing their border since they become a thriving, temperate bread basket producing huge abundance of food
Oh the fucking irony will be delicious, I wish I'd live to see it, fucking morons.

>> No.11352062

t. vegan having a manic episode

I know it's not. But there are studies showing statistically significant correlation between vegetarianism and mental illness

Vegans are deprived of some quite important micronutrients you know?

>> No.11352068

correlation is not causation my friend. Maybe people who give a fuck about the world and get depressed by all the antipathy of people turn to ways to reduce their emmisions and impact on the environment?
Also which micronutrients are we deprived of exactly? I log everything i eat into cronometer and i get the recommended daily amount of literally everything without any effort whatsoever

>> No.11352098


Why don't I just get my amino acids by eating meat? Meat is a complete protein source. So it means I don't have to eat fucking beans and rice every day.

And beans and rice every day is hardly a varied diet, is it? I like rice, and I like beans in certain recipes. But I'm not gonna eat that shit every day.

Meat is the BEST source for complete protein. It's much harder to get all the necessary amino acids from plants. That's a load of fucking effort. And meat is INFINITELY TASTIER as well. Meat is LITERALLY DELICIOUS. Meat is SATISFYING in a way that vegetables will NEVER be. So why shouldn't I just eat meat?

>> No.11352113

>you're fat!
More nonsense claims because your fad diet has literally no redeeming qualities so you have to invent myths to attack me instead.

>he has to get bloodwork done because he eats such a deficient diet that checking his blood is necessary to ensure he's not dying
Lol. Or you could just eat a normal diet and then you wouldn't have to visit the doctor bro.

>> No.11352124

>I log everything i eat into cronometer
Or you could just eat meat like a normal person and then you wouldn't have to waste your valuable time counting nutrients and taking B12 supplements to make sure you're getting everything you need.

>> No.11352128

I did the bloodwork to show a friend that says the exact same nonsense as you. Guess what, my bloodwork was healthy while he had low B12 and shitty lipids

>> No.11352134

Why? Because it’s unethical, harmful, and destructive. But yeah ill poison myself and everything around me because im too fat and dumb to add rice + beans

>mmmm im such a fat woman im too emotionally immature to detach myself from delicious meaties!!!
I think the problem here is you

>> No.11352140

If vegans cared about the environment they would kill themselves but they don't. Just alot of hot air from hypocrites

>> No.11352146

>If you dont kill yourself, you're a hypocrite.
What a level of discourse, good job

>> No.11352152

That's not an argument. I suspect your brain is malfunctioning. Eat a burger

>> No.11352153

you're the lazy ass for not even bothering to check if you diet is nutritionally adequate, you just assume and assume and assume.

>> No.11352159
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 58407CA7-8C6B-4468-A1B3-ABEE938948B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotchu senpai

>> No.11352162

You're being unreasonable and self absorbed, you cant even begin to process a stance that doesnt fit into your own framework. Cognitive dissonance must really be a bitch

>> No.11352281
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, sushi-wallpaper-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they become completely unsustainable all the time
Earths ecosystems will never be completely unsustainable because of man made climate change. It'll all remain within reasonably adaptable limits. Did you know that CO2 heats up the atmosphere by absorbing a certain spectrum of wavelength? 98% of that spectrum is already being absorbed by modern day CO2 levels.

Unless we're talking about nuclear warfare or something equally drastic, the ecosystems will be fine.

That is not to say that pollution doesn't harm the environment. But climate change itself isn't what's causing the harm.

Earth is coming out of an ice age anyway. There's no way around it. Even having polar caps is not a given on this planet. Our frame of reference just doesn't include the hundreds of millions years without, because they were also without human meteriologists.

60 miles isn't all that much. Europe would be most hardest hit, with that pop density and coast lines. Anyway, coastal cities can be rebuilt somewhere else. Happened loads of times already. Having lots of shallow, warm waters is also great for fishing industries.
Growing deserts are also not a problem we can't handle. Check out Israel if you want to see a succesful desert country with strong agriculture. Similarly, tropical rainforests aren't bad either. In fact, rainforests are some of the most fertile regions on the planet. Why do you assume that wouldn't in fact increase food production massively?

It's not just that the planet becomes hotter, it will also get more rich in CO2 and H2O. If sea levels and temperatures rise, there'll be more rainfall. The more CO2 there is in the atmosphere, the easier for plants to grow.

There are lots of such arguments to be made that get conveniently forgotten in any discussion on climate change.

tl;dr: You're all fags. Fuck the planet! Give me my meat.

>> No.11352309


Brilliant discourse

>> No.11352317

Temperature is temperature, mate. What factors don't apply anymore?

>> No.11352318
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure, real believable. I bet you're running off to the doctors every five minutes having to check your blood. Combine this with having to memorise all the different amino acids found in every different type of legume to ensure you're getting all the amino acids you need... nigga fuck that. I want a goddamn STEAK bitch. Not no rabbit food shit. Fuck outta here.

HAHAHAHAHA nigga do you think I give a fuck about that? Animals kill each other for food every day. Food chain yo.

Harmful to pussy ass vegans like you LMAO.

Literally this. If you REALLY cared about stopping the suffering of other lifeforms, and about stopping damage to the environment, you'd kill yourself and end the burden of your existence on the planet. Something has to die every time you eat doesn't it? Whether it's a cow or a carrot. Vegans need to stop being whiny little bitches and eat a goddamn burger.


I don't need to check shit because I'm eating a varied diet including MEAT just like God intended.

Nigga get that rabbit food shit the fuck outta here.

>calls others self-absorbed

>> No.11352345

>like making toxic GMO strains that resist glyphosates and maintain them field to table
>like butchering thousands of animals via combine

>Not to me or my fellow man
>also not inherently prohibitive of an action, for example you are fine with destroying ecosystems to grow soy

>so is fucking growing crops retard

You can ethically raise and kill meat so that you have the best diet you can possibly have. Humans are ALWAYS > animals and animals should be exploited and used as the resources they are for the betterment of man.

If your argument is
>animals aren't needed for peak diet and health
You're wrong and should clean my toilet for a living, horse face.

>> No.11352346

More like which factors DIDNT apply before

Which i dont know, anthropogenic variables perhaps?

>> No.11352363
File: 28 KB, 307x270, 27042B10-E7D9-40D3-A403-DA8A6F852A6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this wall of text to virtue signal he’s a little triggered fatty because of his pwecious meaties


>> No.11352366

I'm all for reducing pollution. For example, instead of flying in fruits and exotic vegetables all year round to make vegan diets even possible, we should maintain animals to provide us with essentials.

But pollution is not the same as climate change. What factors about climate change are different now than when the climate changed before?

>> No.11352391

>like making toxic GMO strains
That’s not an inherent process to growing plants

>like butchering thousands of animals
No matter how you chalk this up, consuming animals, by an overwhelming amount, results in more animal deaths, do you think cows just get feed and land from a Sky Fairy?

>not to me or my fellow man
Stage 1: Denial

>m-muh environment
See two spaces above

>so is growing crops
So your entire argument is reducto ad absurdum. Brilliant job

>you can ethically horrifically slaughter a living being!
Okay. Let’s start with you!

Humans are animals, we should definitely exploit you for medical research

>y-youre wrong!!!
Got me there oof!

Why are carniecucks such emotional drooling retards?

>> No.11352396
File: 111 KB, 1280x550, onion bacon cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good post.

>doesn't have an argument
Lmao dumb bitch.

>> No.11352414

Like what?

And do you actually think completely ignoring the existence of greenhouse gas emissions is a substitute for disputing their effect? Because it isnt

>> No.11352418
File: 19 KB, 150x180, CF1072DF-B48F-4CC3-AC60-4013D3074777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-daddy drumpf hes not leaving me alone!!

>> No.11352425

Killing and eating animals or using their byproducts is not harmful to me. it makes me healthier and stronger. Does Jimmy Dean factory farming castrated, tail + toothless pigs cause more pollution and environmental problems? You bet it does. I buy meat that does not, so your environmental argument means nothing to me.

Humans are not equal to animals.

Current factory farming causes problems, I acknowledge that and have opposed it my whole life. I currently buy whole animals at fair and deep freeze them. All are raised happily and killed peacefully. I used to be vegan (for five years) and quit because I had lots of health problems because of it. This is the best way for me to live.I will personally raise and kill animals in the future because it affords me the best life I can have.

If you believe that humans are equal to animals in a capacity that awards them equal treatment to people, you are a fool.

>> No.11352442

>is not harmful to me
Yes it is. Its also harmful to others

>it makes me healthier and stronger
Diabetic and maxing out 100 on the bench? Impressive

>i buy meat that does not
Oh cool! Your magical cows don’t emit methane or nitrous oxide?!?!? No deforestation is required for their land? Awesomeo!!!

>Humans are not equal to animals
Agreed. Humans like yourself are far below than a mosquito

You’re a weak willed fat bitch. Also really fat and dumb

>> No.11352456

>don't ship in fresh produce all year long
In that case we need proteins,fats, vitamins from organs, fur and the crucial ability to make use of organic matter we humans can't consume directly. Like potato peels and stuff.
Nutrition in areas with winter is actually a logistical challenge. Supermarkets with their fresh produce year round are actually a cheat. One vegans rely on to live in these countries. But locally grown meat that's not been factory farmed,for example a chicken coop in a semi urban or rural area beats planes and transport ships in emissions and polution.

>disputing the effect of greenhouse gases
I'm agreeing with the theory of man-made climate change. You don't seem to be able to deal with somebody pointing out the potential benefits of climate change.

>> No.11352470

I couldn't imagine a more childish post

>> No.11352480

Raising chickens for eggs and meat is not harmful to me. It seems like the whole crux of your shitposting is centered on the fact that climate change exists, and there are far better outlets to curb that than worrying about animals. (Which can mate on their own in the wild, and routinely do so in amounts that harm the environment and dictate human intervention.)

You cannot get cholesterol as a vegan (brain health, one of the reasons for vegans having higher rates of early onset dementia).
You will get less of a large list of metals and minerals as a vegan.
Google vitamin D.

The animals I buy are controlled and bred at rates lower than wild life. By a lot.

You have no brain stem and should clean out gutters for a living.

How do you feel about mussels? They are not sentient (like plants) so you can morally eat them, just like eggs.

>> No.11352485
File: 96 KB, 601x597, ted kaczynski urbanite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless we're talking about nuclear warfare or something equally drastic, the ecosystems will be fine.
Actually, the nuclear threat is just a meme. "Nuclear Winter" is a myth, and at worst, during an all-out nuclear exchange we'll only be losing coastie urbanite shitholes.

Long story short, it either doesn't matter or we might actually be better off.

>> No.11352490
File: 30 KB, 850x554, crybaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah wah hurting dem animals is baad

>> No.11352502

>proteins fats and vitamins
Oh no, no plants have those after all!!!

>im agreeing
No you arent. Your proposed benefits have absolutely zero grounding in reality especially considering you’re not even looking from the point of how we are changing the climate not how the climate has changed itself naturally

Just look at the one it replied to

>waaaah waaah agree with all my retarded points!!!

>> No.11352519
File: 484 KB, 2000x1111, steak frites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me: eating some delicious steak
You: chewing on a fucking carrot


>> No.11352521


>> No.11352525

How is eating animals harmful to anyone but vegans? I eat about 40 chickens a pig and half a cow every year and it doesn't affect my neighbor at all he may not even be aware I eat chickens. I suppose you could say it causes global warming if you believe in that and that by giving a job to a migrant chicken plucker we increase his carbon footprint but none of that hurts people except when he gets drunk and drives down the interstate the wrong way and wipes out a family but no people are hurt by so called global warming maybe you should target the animal killers and not the consumers we are innocent third parties

>> No.11352526

>is not harmful to me
That’s because you’re a completely unaware retard roaming this planet as blissfully retarded as the chickens he raises

>far better outlets
Oh ones that dont make you stop gorginf like a fatass?

>you cannot get cholesterol as a vegan
Lol youre such a fucking moron. Our liver makes it, independent of whether your fat ass is glugging down a jar of lard, caloric surpluses, saturated fats and fats of any kind stimulate cholesterol genesis in the liver you fucking idiot.

>google Vitamin D
The shit no one gets enough of globally? How about you google it and check the most bioavailable source you half wit faggot

Too bad you’re a fat faggot that cant put down the fork!!!

God almight youre like a lobotomized stoner who just watched Joe Rogan for the first time

>> No.11352527

>Killing and eating animals or using their byproducts is not harmful to me. it makes me healthier and stronger.
Literally this.

>If you believe that humans are equal to animals in a capacity that awards them equal treatment to people, you are a fool.
This too.

>> No.11352537

>how is destroying your body and the environment harmful
Gee who knows?!?!

>none of that hurts people except when he gets drunk and drives down the interstate the wrong way and wipes out a family but no people are hurt by so called global warming maybe you should target the animal killers and not the consumers we are innocent third parties
The fuck are you even on about? Do you eat human brains too? You sound like you have Kuru

>> No.11352541

>well he started it
Truly you have proven your maturity. Why are all vegan threads like this?

>> No.11352550

I'd like to be a vegan but it seems immoral to kill off every cow, sheep, horse and chicken on the planet. That seems like genocide and thus bad. Hey chickens we are killing you off for your own good just go into that room for a shower. If they do kill off all the chickens can we at least eat them one last time or do you just throw them in a landfill?

>> No.11352553

A snarky remark! How impressive! You must be a big smart boy good with the computers! Lots of money for you!

>> No.11352554

>plants have those
Good luck finding those foods in Europe or northern US in winter if they aren't shipped in from somewhere else. If you want to cut greenhouse gas emissions, you'll have to axe mass transportation. Meaning your foodsources will be limited to locally grown produce.

>proposed benefits have absolutely zero grounding in reality
Mate, higher temperature and higher CO2 concentration make plants grow better. That's a fact. Whether the CO2 comes out of a cow or out of a car is irrelevant.
We also know for a fact that our planet supported giant lifeforms and very rich, lush jungles in the past, when temperatures were higher than currently. It's also a fact that this very planet has been commonly so warm that ice packs didn't form anywhere. We're at the end of an ice-age.

>not even looking from the point of how we are changing the climate not how the climate has changed itself naturally
Heat energy is heat energy. You need to demonstrate to me how the end result is any different.

>> No.11352570

>Animals destroy the environment

Are you arguing against animals being allowed to exist? Are you not aware you are an animal?

>> No.11352584

>if they aren’t shipped in from somewhere else
Do you think no meat gets mass transported? Do you think crops dont get mass transported regardless if youre eating meat or not? Do you think proteins and fats in plants are some rare breed that require delicate global planning to transport? The answer to all these is yes because you’re a fat retard

>mate higher temps etc
And ocean acidification destroys the ecosystem, the Earth being too hot creates massive droughts and destroys soils

But you’re a fat retard with a 3rd grade global warming denialist understandings straight from the Cato Institute. I shouldn’t even bother to tell you nitrous oxide and methane from cows has nothing to do with CO2. But hey co2 good for plants, spread co2 everywhere!!!!

>heat energy is heat energy
Water is water, who care if its got cholera? Variables dont matter son! Eat your meat like a good go- boy and shut it! You are such a fat retard. Try waddling your fat ass back a few posts and reading ANTHROPOGENIC

>> No.11352586

Reducto ad absurdum again. Good job buddy. You must be making the big bucks in the office!

>> No.11352594

>how is destroying your body and the harmful
But we've already established over and over again in this thread that meat contains VITAL NUTRIENTS that either IMPOSSIBLE to find in plant foods (vitamin B12) or SEVERELY LACKING in plant foods (protein, iron, etc.)

If you want to destroy your body then become a fucking vegan, faggot.

>> No.11352596

A behaviour has to be harmful to be considered a mental illness. There's nothing harmful about vegetarianism or veganism provided you're receiving the correct nutrition.

>> No.11352605

No. You established you were a fat retard that thinks plants are all pieces of celery that have absolutely zero nutritional content and are a retarded luddite afraid of progress

But thankfully we can clog our arteries with bacon and not worry about 5th world nutritional deficiencies!

>> No.11352633

I don't have to work because my country imported 50 million Mexicans for jobs white people won't do. It's kind if weird that libtards don't realize that Mexicans eat lots of animals and drive gas guzzlers. Do they get a pass because you consider them inferior?

>> No.11352636

No. All carnists get the soy chambers. This isn’t /pol/, tumor.

>> No.11352655

>Do you think no meat gets mass transported?
Damn, you actually are retarted.
>Instead of flying in fruits
>keep animals
>locally grown meat that's not been factory farmed
Take a wild guess at what I think.

>ocean acidification
That's got nothing to do with the climate change. Unless you think that CO2 = pollution. If the climate changes by other means, do the seas still acidify?
And concentrations of CO2 vary naturally by quite a lot. That causes change in the ecosystems, yes, but change itself is not bad. It's neutral. Ecosystems will adapt.

>Earth being too hot
Earth's been hotter and very fertile.

>massive droughts and destroys soils
In some parts of the world. Other parts, like northern Asia and northern America will see a fabulous rise in arable land.

>I shouldn’t even bother to tell you nitrous oxide and methane from cows has nothing to do with CO2.
Are you talking about this here? >Whether the CO2 comes out of a cow or out of a car is irrelevant.
You know that cows breathe out CO2, don't you?

You're a tard. From your posts I can tell that your IQ is likely in the 110 - 120 range. Smart enough to get constant reassurances but too dumb to see that you're barely above average. Since I take pity on those below me, let me help you.

The big factor that's different this time is the speed at which climate change happens. All signs point to us speeding up the natural end of the ice age by our actions. Therefore the change in climate might hit the ecosystems harder than average as the species don't have the same amount of generations to adapt to the new selective pressures.

Some counter arguments.
1. Every species has the same disadvantage, therefore it evens out.
2. Evolution can work incredibly quickly.
3. Human technology affords us far better adaptability than ever before.

>> No.11352657

>Unless you think that CO2 = pollution.
Unless you think that CO2 = climate change when in fact it is pollution.

>> No.11352665

Imagine caring about chickens you will never eat knowing that over 1 billion chickens are slaughtered everyday. Feeling that pain would tear a person apart. I'm starting to understand why they seem so crazy it's akin to a meat eater throwing away a perfectly cooked roast chicken. Can't we all just get along

>> No.11352669

>Your failure to conform to our stereotypes proves that you're a bunch of hypocrites!
Damn, you got us.

>> No.11352674

Vegans are one of the most delusional two-faced mentally ill people you could encounter.
Fighting till death against the horrible conditions of chickens while at the same time pretending like the horrible conditions of underage underfed preteen little kids who make their shirts and assemble their iphones don't exist at all. Pretending like mass market vegetable growing is "natural" and "organic", acting like Pedro gives a single fuck about veganism and isn't killing and spraying thousands of insects, rodents and birds that get near his crops. Or that your precious avocado wasn't the product of mexican cartels extorting hundreds of mexican families. Applying their arguments only for one side, for example all the fuckload of ex vegans who stopped being vegan their strong argument is that's because "they didn't do it properly", but they don't apply the same "eat properly" argument when talking about meat eaters and will frequently sell studies about obese amerilards eating nothing but pizza, ice cream and soda as standard meat eaters and yell CANCER HEART DISEASE YOU'LL DIE yeah no shit if you're shoving processed meats and sugar on the daily.

In short, champions of never ending confirmation bias mental gymnastics

>> No.11352686

Oh so you are dumb enough to think no meat gets exported. What a worthless sack of shit you are. Do you think meat just pops up from nowhere? Do you think every country can just start up industrial farming? Of course you do you fat fuck




Discussion over, you literally also refuse to acknowledge the existence of methane and nitrous oxide. You are dumbest fat worthless faggot I have EVER talked to on this website

Beat the shit out of your parents/aunts and uncles for being such failures in raising you


>> No.11352689

>m-mom!!! the vegans are bullying me!! get dada drumpf!!


>> No.11352697

If I don't care about a vegans feelings why should I care about a chickens?

>> No.11352698

>185 replies
>35 posters
sure is mentally ill in here

>> No.11352706

It actually doesn't matter what the average person does, you don't make enough of a dent to make a difference.

>> No.11352707

>no meat gets exported
>in a world in which no fresh produce is being shipped in
As I said...slightly above average in IQ but too stupid to troll proficiently.

>> No.11352711

vegans/vegetarians I know are either
>compensating for an eating disorder
>not actually vegan/vegetarian but know how to lie to get laid

>> No.11352714

But anon a non-inflammatory diet helps my epilepsy

>> No.11352716

>fat is bad for you

>> No.11352725
File: 86 KB, 630x630, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat is fucking delicious mate, you're really missing out.

>> No.11352726

It’s amazing how eating meat makes you into blabbering fat retard with completely selective reading comp

If not saving the animals then saving my intellect, good lord

>> No.11352733

Of course, the eating disorder of being healthy and in shape, can’t have that in Trump’s America...

>> No.11352742

I know you generate cholesterol, you benefit from eating more.

And that was the only point you made champ. Cheers, and happy trolling.

Vegan diet is good for detox and heavy metal leeching for short periods (A month or so). Otherwise its worse for your health. I'm not changing the world and am looking out for myself. For reasons stated throughout the thread, eating animals and exploiting their products is best for me and my longevity.

Meat doesn't inflame your body? What? I'm allergic to shellfish so that inflames my asshole, are you allergic to all meats? I don't get that post.

You're not saying anything still, and just bumping to get a rise? This is an actual topic that people discuss chump, and you're only making people who were vegan (like me) wake up by being in contact with someone who's drawn to your retarded thread. Go chug a soy shake and blow your wife.

>> No.11352754

>this fucking retard is still responding with walls of retarded broscience fagotry

What a FAT retard

>> No.11352789
File: 283 KB, 900x900, BIG-JOHN-MGTOW-IS-FREEDOM-900X900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

President Trump the greatest president of all time eats burgers. Thank you president Trump for not being a vegan

>> No.11352804

>he has to pretend that other people are fat to justify his objectively shitty diet
Enjoy those lettuce leaves lol

>> No.11352813


>> No.11352901
File: 387 KB, 2400x1600, delicious cheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating this because you're too much of a cuckold

>> No.11352929

>he makes himself even more of a fat retard as a virtue signal

>> No.11352962

lol fag

>> No.11352967
File: 101 KB, 460x708, vegans sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to pretend i'm fat because it's the only way he can justify his shitty rabbit food diet to himself

>> No.11352968 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 452x716, 1412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11353008


>> No.11353037

I've just found another reason to eat meat.

>The RDAs [of iron] for vegetarians are 1.8 times higher than for people who eat meat. This is because heme iron from meat is more bioavailable than nonheme iron from plant-based foods, and meat, poultry, and seafood increase the absorption of nonheme iron

So if you don't eat meat, you have to consume 1.8 times more iron, because plants are a shitty source of "nonheme" iron (which is not as good as "heme" iron), and also meat increases the absorption of nonheme iron, while plants have the opposite effect.

Honestly, why introduce all of this palaver into your life of having to make sure you eat extra amounts of vital nutrients (or take supplements), when you could literally save yourself all of the hassle and just eat a big fat juicy steak?

Is it because you're too much of a cuckold to take part in the food chain and eat the lesser animals than you? You know in the wild you'd probably die, because you're such a weak faggot bitch.

>> No.11353077

>m-muh meaties!!

>> No.11353103

I meant like using veganism as an excuse for anorexia/bulimia
Heck, met a couple of morbidly obese people who insisted they were vegan and healthy just so they could go home and shovel french fries and other simple carbs in their face all night

>> No.11353117

take it easy on the sips, grug

>> No.11353122
File: 338 KB, 1920x1236, ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veggies will die out of the gene pool because they are weak. Meat-eaters are red-blooded and virile - it is us who will inherit the Earth.

>> No.11353197

>hey sally sue, can you peel back the plastic from this masculine meat package I bought from walmart for me, I just can't do it.
You go Billy Bob, you're so virile, amirite?

>> No.11353437
File: 254 KB, 800x533, 1536306210501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their moral reasoning is a bit flawed. Humans are a part of the food chain; we are animals too (omnivorous ones at that). It is our duty as well to limit the populations of other species so that they don't overrun everything, just like it's the wolves' "duty" (not by a moral code, rather an instinctual and causal one) to cull deer that become abundant. Vegans naively think that nature cares about individuals, and not the process (natural selection) that the individuals facilitate.
The real problem is how the meat is made, not meat itself. Industrial meat is literal poison; ideally meat should only come from hunting.

>> No.11353461

Vegans are delusional about what's good for the environment.
t. Environmental science student

>> No.11353479
File: 80 KB, 930x720, 1525385488356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about the environment and the future of this god-forsaken rock

>> No.11354137

Tbf, many vegans also believe there are too many people on the planet. So they're quite likely to be childless. Oh and quite a lot of them are gay.

>> No.11354177

>slave morality

>> No.11354182

>5'10" 65kg

>> No.11354201

This graph doesn't apply to white people, who have declining birthrates. It's the brown subhumans that need a good purge after multiplying like rabbits thanks to farming practices developed by the white man.

>> No.11354208

We're keeping the planet livable for your kids by not eating delicious meat, have some fucking respect.

>> No.11354209

Humans eat meat. If you don't eat meat you're not human.

>> No.11354312

Do you need help? Should we call someone?

>> No.11354361

>no morality