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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 660x371, _87276043_loaf-ap-976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11335541 No.11335541 [Reply] [Original]

Id say Filipino food

>> No.11335544 [DELETED] 

I'm gay by the way, if it matters.

>> No.11335545

Japanes is the blandest shit on the planet. White people just like it because a lot of it is fried and it's the only cuisine blander than their own.

>> No.11335546

You've not tried Faroese food. Hope you like year-old rotten mutton.

>> No.11335547

i hate a lot of thai. half of it is trash.

>> No.11335548

I'm of Faroese heritage and I would agree after reading about it.

>> No.11335583

Is that nutraloaf?
Also literal trash is a staple food in the Philippines. So yeah I'd say it's the worst.

>> No.11335584

They are always making fishhead soup somewhere.

>> No.11335593






>> No.11335604

French then German. USA#1

>> No.11335605

Korean, probably. Good bbq meats but that's about it.

>> No.11335617

dude, can't be arsed to screencap it but right now there's a thread next to yours about africans making burgers out of dead mosquitoes. pretty sure that gives them the edge over the flips.

>> No.11335627



>> No.11335639


As a seasoned SE Asian traveller, I have to admit that while the LBFM's in the P.I. were first rate, the cuisine was, indeed, horrible. I think I ate bat once,although it could have been rat meat.

>> No.11335643 [DELETED] 

>not liking bratwurst


>> No.11335778
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>> No.11335801
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British. Vampires can't cook.

>> No.11335810

Soul Food. It's just southern food, but with two to three times the sodium, fat and sugar.

>> No.11335812
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Probably something out of central Africa (Northern Africa gets pretty bad the further East you go), or one of those countries in Eastern Europe who had all their culture wiped out by Communism.

>> No.11335836

Ayo nigga lemme get a lil mo o dat red sheeit, I ain't get none

>> No.11335862

Absolutely Based.

>> No.11335890


>> No.11335901

when you take economy into account, and consider what they actually have available to cook with, probably british. bong cuisine hasn't evolved since ww2 rationing

>> No.11335932

What the fuck is that?

>> No.11335947

Successful Filipino food is all western, look at Jollibee, it's all burgers, pasta, hot dogs and pastries. I've eaten many Filipino dishes, including more "authentic" foods. Although not exclusive to the Philippines, adobo is one of my favorite dishes. Ox tail soup is a close runner up

>> No.11335950

It is a pwan dan (that's how we pronounce it, no idea how to write it in english). It is a cake made out of vegetables and crab. OP is a faggot, they taste delicious.

>> No.11335957

On what province/region is that being sold? Seems interesting.

>> No.11335969


>> No.11335977

I fucked up, I wasn't aware that the filipines used our alphabet. I'm going to spread misinformation in another thread. Bye!

>> No.11335984


>> No.11335987

I'd say flips still win, they live in SEA, on islands, and were colonized by Spain (by way of Mexico), China, and the USA. They have all the factors necessary to make good food and yet their food is atrociously bad.

So again, the only good foods they have are foods stolen from others.

>> No.11336660

Facebook and pinterest food. I hate the things suburban moms make so, so much. Orange soda cake with gelatin filling, root beer cake with root beer candy icing, "french toast and pepper omelette" in a baking dish. Not one conventional food at any of their parties, not even at their weddings. It was embarassing (and quite disgusting). There wasn't even plain chocolate cake or brand soda. There was carbonated witchcraft, I don't know what it was except it gave me a stomach ache. But they had alcohol and plenty of it, even around kids. And their howling screams like they're trying so hard to be young again. Linda, please stop and act your age.

>> No.11336715

That looks good though

>> No.11336903

>adobo is one of my favorite dishes.

Very Spanish-influenced dish.

> Ox tail soup is a close runner up

Very southern Chinese dish.

>> No.11336929

that's because only nips and euros can in fact cook.
Ethnic foods are drenched in spice to mask low quality produce and streetshitting hand smell.

>> No.11336934

eastern euro foods are better tasting and hardier than western euro foods, by a longshot

>> No.11336975


That would make sense considering the Philippines were under Spain's rule for 333 years. Adobo and lumpia are amazing.

>> No.11336983

Is that why non-white food is eaten so much in Euroshit and Americunt countries? Meanwhile the reverse happens much less.

>> No.11337166

I'm not sure if shrimp paste is just a flip thing but my ex flip GF got me some and got'dam that shit is pure umami and delicious. Lot of salt though.

As far as good flip foods adobo chicken is really good. That's all I'd write home about.

>> No.11337380

>meme answers everywhere
>bland food at worst, nothing that'll actively try to kill you

y'all niggers

>> No.11337465

anything with garlic

>> No.11337474

Anything from the British isles.

>> No.11337514


>> No.11337528
File: 3.18 MB, 3162x2109, StargazyPie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have some delicious Stargazy Pie if you like British food so much.

>> No.11337545


>> No.11338171

>they have all these places where they can take influence from
>actually does incorporate it into their cuisine
>lol stealing is bad

>> No.11338242
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>fish heads hanging off the edge so their oils don't flavor the pie

>> No.11338490

>hot dog

all very loved and eaten frequently.

>> No.11338682

Being influenced by and straight up copying are not the same thing, that should be pretty obvious.

>> No.11339686


t. Haitian mudcake cook

>> No.11339692

the nigcooks never have a response for this one. too busy mixing poop and curry i guess

>> No.11339729

I see what yoh did there you fucking roach

>> No.11339743

Anything with coconut or coconut milk in it. Fucking gross.

>> No.11339765

>hating on curry

>> No.11339781

>and it's the only cuisine blander than their own.
Nah that's British "food"

>> No.11339783


>> No.11339805

You're not wrong. Their desserts in particular are bland, tasteless garbage which is a shame considering they have the aesthetics down. Might be due to their shit-tier milk and butter, or likely just incompetence.

>> No.11339807

Anglo boiled food

>> No.11339812

bad opinion

>> No.11339814

Bushman in Africa or Australia
Sandy rat meat with no seasoning

>> No.11339826

Turkish. Unimaginative, pedestrian, overspiced garbage.

>> No.11339859

I'm sure the gyuudon you got at yoshinoya was representative of all Japanese food, my dark skinned poster friend.

>> No.11339897

>>11339729 i actually mean it iunironically. it was invented in germany.

>> No.11339947

As a Pole, I'd say Polish cuisine is pretty damn awful.

The thing is, if you just eat perogies from time to time or eat a schnitzel, you'll think it's pretty damn tasty. In reality, if you were to eat it on a daily basis, it's just bland potatoes, unseasoned meat, and cabbage in one form or another. It's really boring food, few herbs, pretty much no spices used, very little variety in ingredients...

>> No.11339992

lumpias are delicious fuck you

>> No.11340069

Tastes like heaven smells like hell

>> No.11340410

Lmao parroting this same bullshit every time. Fucking low IQ NPCs don't know their shit grocery stores carry old ass glued together meat.

>> No.11340413

Enjoy ban

>> No.11340416

Ecks dee

>> No.11340426

Stop encouraging him faggot

>> No.11340629

Man both of my great grandparents on my father's side were from Poland (I'm an Amerilard) and I love Golumpkis, Kielbasa, and all that good stuff but I think I can totally see where you're coming from with that statement. Got any polish hidden gems of a meal I should look up?

>> No.11340636

Asian desserts are uniformly inferior because they don't use dairy products. What are you talking about?

>> No.11340697

Yeah of course there are plenty of hidden gems. Except I haven't eaten them in years cause no one other than grandmas make them, and my grandma is now too old to cook (she's 96).

A few favourites:
>Kartacze - potato dumplings with a meat filling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cepelinai
>Kluski Slaskie - Silesian potato dumplings gmade with mashed potatoes and potato starch. They're super soft and pillowy when cooked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silesian_dumplings
>Racuchy - crunchy pancakes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racuchy

If you go to Poland itself, there's a few things I can recommend, it will not be the same abroad. First the breads, they bake amazing breads in Poland, something you can't find here in North America, even in Polish delis. It's the flour as far as I know. Also amazing pastries and desserts. The sweets in Poland are just amazing, if you ever go, ask around for a recommended bakery and buy some eclairs or whatever pastry with cream that looks good. The waffles (gofry) are usually pretty good, as are the crapes. If you go in the fall there are a lot of dishes served with wild mushrooms, Poles have an obsession with mushroom picking. In the mountains they make a famous smoked cheese called oscypek, it's worth trying if you like cheese.

>> No.11340819

Dutch East Indies food

>> No.11340852

Filipino food is garbage
No vegetables no fruit no herbs no spices

>> No.11340859

Seconded. It's only praised/defended that much because so many people are closeted weebs.

>> No.11340862

god yeah i hate suburban mum food, when i'd go to friend's houses as a kid i was served things like cucumber on stale lukewarm pizza, unseasoned chicken and just straight up kale with some plain olive oil.

>> No.11340875

Have you ever been to japan and had the food there? Bc i have, and you seem retarded to me (and i am neither a weeb nor asian).

>> No.11341889

Indian, anything from Africa that doesn't speak arabic, UMA DELICIA and those faggits in the Americas that do not speak Spanish nor English.

Also Sweden with their autistic smelly sardines; I'm a sardine enthusiast and I wouldn't dare to eat their shit.

>> No.11341912
File: 1.09 MB, 2117x2823, EB09DF1E-F24D-4293-82C4-A53EDA980DA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milkfish. It was good, but there was so little actual meat on it and there was a lot of bones to boot. Plus I hate using my fingers. Don’t get me wrong- the fish was damn good, but I basically ordered fried rice and and eggs with a side of fish, which is a shame because it was amazing.

>> No.11341929


>> No.11342134

and another sheep falls for the "english food is bad" meme

>> No.11342148

Other than Katsu what is fried?
It’s literally simplistic food usually topped with some sugary sauce. Or they play around with textures a lot

>> No.11342214

>Kluski Slaskie
That is the most stereotypically Polish thing I have ever heard.
Like if the muppets had a Polish chef, that would be his catchphrase.

>> No.11342911


>> No.11342920

>4 posts in
>already Thai, Jap, and flilipono food have been put forth as the "worst food on planet earth"

Yall need some perspective baka

>> No.11343342
File: 47 KB, 640x533, Egyptian-Kushari-0822.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Northern Africa gets pretty bad the further East you go
Does this statement include Egypt

>> No.11343345

Kek. Egypt was the main thing I was thinking of when I made that statement.

>> No.11343367

Based look at all the weeb butthurt you provoked

>> No.11343371

probably norwegian or something
rotten fish and mutton stew

>> No.11343420

Japanese food is unironically british or german tier. The only difference is it's better presented which is more than enough to trick faggots, women and weebs into thinking it's good

>> No.11343462

>gets served gooey rice, raw fish and seaweed
It's like the brains of people here are wired like a female's, probably explain why they can't take criticism and are so passive-aggresive all the time

>> No.11343471

Anything served in a school/university canteen. Using leftover baguettes from breakfast as ‘French pizzas’ is not innovative, it is lazy.

>> No.11343589

My middle school served bread rolls with pizza toppings on as pizza

>> No.11343833

Not only that but in Polish it's spelled: KLUSKI ŚLĄSKIE.

The second word is quite a tongue twister for foreigners. You can hear the way it's pronounced at the beginning of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eOEont7h20

>> No.11343894

i agree with you op fucking peanut butter and chicken do not go together

>> No.11344151
File: 13 KB, 535x268, 21bca7b55bd470c73a28e8070f45e5e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single post in regards to American based food. I'm pretty fucking shocked honestly. We did it boys. We won.

>> No.11344223

For SEA, it's mostly that they've had access to fruits year-round.

>> No.11344228


>> No.11344294

jizzbiscuits, my favorite!

>> No.11344534

I'll make you a fresh batch if you ask nicely.

>> No.11344556

American food

>> No.11344557 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11344572

What's this shit?

>> No.11344626

Spam; what did you think it was?

>> No.11344637
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Too late. We won. Thread over.

>> No.11345077

Your bait needs more garlic.

>> No.11345095


>> No.11345103


Food administration rules

Due to being made from herring from the Baltic sea, surströmming today contains higher levels of dioxins and PCBs than permitted in the EU. Sweden was granted exceptions to these rules from 2002 to 2011, and a renewal of the exceptions was then applied for. Producers have said that if the application is denied they will only be allowed to use herring less than 17 centimeters long, which contain lower levels, which will affect the availability of herring.[15]
Airline bans

In April 2006, several major airlines (such as Air France and British Airways) banned the fish, claiming that the pressurised cans of fish are potentially explosive. The sale of the fish was subsequently discontinued in Stockholm's international airport. Those who produce the fish have called the airlines' decision "culturally illiterate", claiming that it is a "myth that the tinned fish can explode".[11]
German eviction
In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surströmming brine in the apartment building's stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified when the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate

>> No.11345166

Portuguese food. You can only eat so much bacalao and chorizo before it gets gross.

>> No.11345180

Thought that was a guy giving a massive browneye from the thumbnail.

>> No.11345810

i use to think that until i ate ginataang kalabasa

>> No.11345849
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Flip food ain't that bad, sure it's lackluster compared to it's neighbors but if you actually went there and found some good cooks then there are some interesting flavor profiles/dishes. Honestly i'd vote for nordic/slav/much of africa to be the worst cuisines.

>> No.11346409
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>> No.11346824

Speaking as a finn, definitely scandi food

>muh heritage

>> No.11346827

Have you ever eaten Indian food yeah bring a sandwich

>> No.11346844

Speaking as someone with no polish blood whatsoever, bigos is pretty fuckin good

>> No.11347176

They'd have to actually have food to be in the running here

>> No.11347505

Only correct answer iit.

Those top-down, quick edit Buzzfeed tier """cooking""" videos are always absolute trash. I'd rather have the most unseasoned Siberian peasant food than that shit.

>> No.11347657

The worst food on the planet is a hot dog from a New York street vendor

>> No.11347958


>> No.11347967


>> No.11347991

Unironically this. Halal carts are the epitome of human filth disguised as "welcoming urban diversity".

>> No.11348031

>not a single post about either Americas aside from over the top American food
feels good being on the winning continents