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11342570 No.11342570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Severe /Alk/oholism Thread
I moved into my new house on the first of September and have kept all the boxes of beer that I've bought in one of my closets.
>46 days since moving
>480 beers
>daily average beer consumption sitting at 10.4
>short on rent by hundreds of dollars because of beer
And the best part? I couldn't care less, drinking beer is my favorite thing to do. 18 beers is my level cap so far, even one more beer after 18 I black out and piss my bed or couch. It's ruining my relationship but I'm enjoying the life of a beer addict.
How advanced is YOUR alcoholism?

>> No.11342577

Goddamn it I miss these threads and they have never successfully relocated anywhere on the site. I wish they were just allowed to come back.

>> No.11342585

Do the mods ban these posts? Or /ck/ purists just hate them?

>> No.11342589

Agreed. Not even an Al/ck/ but they were fun to post in while having a few myself. Also knocked some sense into me and scared me away from getting fully addicted. I miss the kinship.

>> No.11342594

Life is better without or at least cutting back by a lot trust me...
DUI, had fatty liver disease, was averaging 9 or so tall cans of beer a night more on weekends, constantly worried about my money situation. Hangovers turned into long bouts of nausea that was debilitating.

>> No.11342611

I got my first dui at 17 thank God that scared me into staying home and drinking, I haven't noticed and liver issues yet but then again I'm only 20. When I see hardcore veterans post in these threads it makes me worry about 10-15 years down the road. I haven't gotten any hangovers in a few years mainly because I immediately wake up and vomit as part of my morning piss routine and then drink a few beers or a bottle of wine to get the buzz that stops the shakes and stomach pains. Money is probably my biggest problem that's why I mainly drink natty ice now.

>> No.11342612

have you thought of stop drinking beers and start drinking vodka?

>> No.11342613

This one isn't going very far, OP
Hehe. Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.11342624

I started actually with liquor but one night I drank a fifth of vodka by myself and slapped my gf around a little bit and ended up punching a hole in my wall, good on her for putting her foot down and telling me if I ever drink liquor again we were through, haven't touched liquor in maybe 2 years.

>> No.11342638
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This bad boy stays fully stocked almost 24/7

>> No.11342643

>Natty ice
Also my go-to, good taste

>> No.11342665

In 10/15 years you will be perfect Al/ck material. Try to experience the outside a little and come back with good stories then.

>> No.11342670
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feels good living in a countrey that has a great number of fancy heavy beers and where alcohol is part in every part of everyday life

>> No.11342691

Why are the drunk driving penalties so high there if you're expected to drink all the time?

>> No.11342694

Ah I see, you're a man of culture as well.
For the uninitiated, natty ice is the best price to ABV beer on the market in most places. An 18 pack will usually run you about 13$ (after tax) and they have a much stronger 5.9% ABV. Doing some quick calculations reveals that an 18 pack is 1.68 gallons of beer which at 5.9%ABV is 12.74 fluid ounces of pure ethanol. Well just call it 12 fluid ounces or 1 can out of every 18 is pure ethanol. So cost per unit after tax is 1.3$. So basically for one dollar and three pennies you're getting 12floz of 100% ethanol. For you liquor drinkers I'll compare the cheapest vodka in my area to natty ice. A 1L bottle of skol in my area is 10$ after tax which is at 40%ABV so the actual amount of ethanol is only 13.52floz 10$ divided by the FL Oz in 1L leaves you with 29¢ per unit. 13.52 * 29¢ leaves you with 3.92$ per 13.52fl Oz. So if you look at the prices technically it's cheaper to buy beer. Skol only has about two fluid ounces of ethanol more than natty ice.

>> No.11342723

dui penalties are plebfilter
true Al/ck/ies almost never get caught

>> No.11342742
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>he gets caught

>> No.11342755

There's two reasons
>they make the punishment so crippling and intensive that the majority of people with DUIs don't make a second offense, the people who have two are some crazy percentage more likely to keep getting DUIs until they're in prison or can never drive a car again. They do this to prevent DUI related deaths but the majority of people with DUIs are just pulled over, no crash, no dents in the car, no injuries. It's just kinda stupid, what they ought to do is scale the punishments based on violations and incidents. You go through a DUI check point and fail but didn't break any other laws you should just spend the night in the tank and be given a small fine and a few points on your license. Now if you hit another car or injured someone that's when you get the permanent dui and much larger fines and or jail time.

>reason number two is your first DUI will cost anywhere from 2,000$ up to 15,000$ and all of that money goes directly to the state. You think DUI checkpoints are set up to keep the roads safe? No their DUI arrests were looking a little below quota that month so they set up a trap.

>> No.11342784
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I'm feeling dizzy already reading this math with your funny thumbs and knuckles measuring system, no need to drink anymore
anyway you fucked up, it's 13$ for 12,74 flounces from beer vs 10$ for 13,52 fluncies from vodka, which is 0,98 fartsies per dollar buying beer and 1,35 ounfucles per dollar buying vodka, giving the latter an advantage of 33%.

>> No.11342791

Who cares which is slightly cheaper when one you can sip like water while with the other you have to choke down a shit ton of natty fucking ice.

>> No.11342811
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My beer drinking is so advanced is can correctly guess the temperature of canned beer within 2-5 degrees Fahrenheit just by holding one in my hand. This is how I buy beer in beer caves, grab the case that has a beer around 38°

>> No.11342819

You're right I should've compared natty ice to other popular light beers

>> No.11342828

i got home and ate a slice of pizza. i was already full. i drank a beer yesterday at the skatepark and then bought a cigarette off someone who gave me that beer. then i went home and ate another slive of pizza and split a beer with my alcoholic roommate. i drank most of it so she just grabbed another one and drank another after that i think. i woke up and did a bongrip and drank coffee. i wanted to put a little whisky in it, i didnt
i then rolled a spliff and smoked a little.
i then decided not to go to work. i finished the spliff and drank more coffee
i have not eaten yet, i shouldnt eat another slice of pizza
i have masterbated 3 times since i woke up about 6 hours ago

>> No.11342834

What is this middle school shit?

>> No.11342838

you should compare it to binge drinking in other countries. i.e. 0,78€ for 0,22 gallons of regional beer @ 5,4% or 0,015 gallons of eth / € which should in fluid ounces be something like 2,4 / € or 2,09 / $

If you're planning to drink yourself to death you might as well think big and consider the economic benefits of migrating to a more welcoming location

>> No.11342842

also i drink simplertimes lager, 6.2% at 54c/can

also nattydaddy lager 15packs for $8.99 when i can find them, i believe theyre 8.8% or 9.9%

its harvest time and i have unlimited weed. and i work with concentrates so i have unlimited weed concentrates. kinda makes me not care about it. i definitly do care about my constantly stocked with beer fridgrator

>> No.11342843

>middle school

I was thinking the exact same thing.

>> No.11342845

>What is this middle school shit?
depressed 30y.o trying not to fall into addiction.

oh yeah and along with free weed, i have an endless supply of quality pizza

>> No.11342846

I've always heard that drinking culture in European countries is much more welcoming and accepted. I've heard anecdotal stories about drinking wine coolers on public busses and enjoying cocktails on lunch breaks at work being perfectly acceptable and encouraged.

>> No.11342850

So why are you posting in what's clearly a sever alcoholism thread?

>> No.11342852

How do employers take seeing a DUI on your record? Has it ever come up?

>> No.11342854

>So why are you posting in what's clearly a sever alcoholism thread?
becuase i have been drinking for 15 years, and when i try and stop i cannot

>> No.11342861

What's funny is they tried to paint having a DUI as being an awful person and a criminal but they've given DUIs to everyone in every demographic. If you live in the south you probably know 5-6 people with DUIs. Grandmother's get them, lawyers get them, everyone does. So in my experience the only places that wouldn't hire someone with a dui are places that have to deal with a lot of insurance and regulations like medical places, drivers, and anything that has to do with the government. Most places will glance over your DUI like it's a D on your 4th grade report card especially if you've only had one and it's been years.

>> No.11342903


Wow it's like Bukowski never left us

>> No.11342906

Shut up faggot this isn't your personal blog.

>> No.11342913

>they tried to paint having a DUI as being an awful person and a criminal
Are you implying that this is wrong, somehow?

Grandmas, lawyers, whatever, can be awful people too. I drank my ass off in previous years (fifth of cheap vodka a day) but I wasn't dumb enough to get behind the wheel when drunk.

>> No.11342927

>but I wasn't dumb enough to get behind the wheel
that is where you fucked up

>> No.11342933

How fat are you?

>> No.11342944

Was drinking through college pretty heavily, about 5-8 drinks a day for the last semester and a half. Just got busted for drinking on campus and they're making me see a counselor about it. It's been fun, only not been drinking at work.
>Monkey Shoulder is good for enjoying, Jack and Johnnie Walker are fun mixers. Capt Morgans is ok in coffee and Jameson is nice straight.
>1st month of alcoholism was with excessive amounts of vodka, so Seagrams is meh, Popov is smoother, Taaka is like Popov. All of them are decent mixed into soda for meals

>> No.11342969

>fifth of cheap vodka a day
I almost always have to look up what a fifth is when people say that. I drink basically at least that much every day (also cheap vodka) and don't understand why you would buy anything other than handles at that point?

>> No.11343024

You're fine... most people just grow out of it by time they're 35 to be honest. I drank like that from 21 to 33. And then I just had to stop and it was pretty easy. I drink moderately now.

Haven't had an issue. I'm a welder, most employers in that industry dont give a damn. Although when I got promoted to a lead hand they needed a criminal record check, but they only were looking for felony convictions like most places.

>> No.11343085

functioning alc here, would say there is still a severe difference between drinking at work and only drinking at night.
The mornings sure are hell though.

>> No.11343112

>The mornings sure are hell though.
Can relate

>> No.11343478

I feel sick until I get about 3 beers in.
Unless I drink straight liquor I don't get really drunk anymore, sadly the hangovers stay the same. I am also getting holes is my memory.
I don't want to start drinking before and during work, but I am fucking twitchy and stutter when sober.
I am a bartender, cook and waiter at small bar. At least it's a really simple job, but there is no way for me to move up when I keep drinking this heavily. Also I'm about 1k in debt, excluding the 40k student loan. Never actually finished college, mostly because I was out getting drunk and fucking exchange students.