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11340475 No.11340475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is she right?

>> No.11340483

tipping threads aren't really about food or cooking.
mostly they attract shitposts.

>> No.11340525

In the Spanish civil war, the republic banned tipping because it was degrading to the wait staff. Threadly reminder that waiters and waitresses who support tipping as an institution are willingly degrading themselves for cash.

>> No.11340531

Get a better job dumb roastie

>> No.11340533

She is neither right nor wrong, since we do not know why she was barely tipped. The customs of a nation do not dictate the actions of that nation perfectly.

>> No.11340541

>restaurant pays you like shit
>get mad at customers for it
stop working there?

>> No.11340555


>> No.11340563


I tip bitchy serving staff a few dollars too. It's a bigger insult than tipping nothing.

>> No.11340570

Why the fuck is the "tip" correlated to the fucking tab?

Wouldnt waiting a plate of 200 bucks steak be the same as serving a plate with an omelet worth 5 bucks

>> No.11340577

I once left the loose change in my pocket as a tip on a $115 bill because the waitress was frumpy and homely. The look of defeat and internal questioning of a potential wrongdoing in her pitiful little droopy eyes was hilarious. I'll never forget that night.

>> No.11340582

I can understand the anger with American waitresses since some of them make like $4 an hour, but up here in Canada I have no idea why servers are so cunty about tips. They make $12 an hour like any other minimum wager PLUS tips yet they still bitch. I only ever see women servers bitch too, never men.

>> No.11340591

>tfw left a 1 cent tip on a bill cuz the server was honestly awful
>tfw pennies aren't even legal currency anymore


>> No.11340596

Nah. Find a new job

>> No.11340599

no. She’s wrong. Tipping is a courtesy, not a requirement.

>> No.11340605

Those people were dicks to be sure, but she has no right to be mad about it. That’s part of the nature of a tip based wage system, which is the same system that enables her to earn well over minimum wage when averaged out.

>> No.11340607


>> No.11340614

Friendly reminder that if a waiter/waitress does not make less than minimum wage in America. If her tips + her hourly pay does not meet minimum wage, the restaurant is legally required to make up the difference, so even the shittiest wait staff in the world will make at least minimum wage.

>> No.11340618

She was probably a bad waitress

>> No.11340619

Waiting pretty much stays the same regardless of food quality in terms of what you should be doing (do note that while more expensive restaurants do tend to have better waiters, it's not like Applebee's expressly forbids a waiter from coming by every 2 minutes to top off beverages and bus your table clean when needed.

I'll tip waitstaff if their personal interaction makes the service more enjoyable than barebones (if they give an actually solid recommendation, I never hit the bottom of a beverage glass, etc). But otherwise I don't tip. People that wait as a lifelong career need to move over to bartending or get a better job,

>> No.11340624

>He thinks people report their tips for tax purposes

>> No.11340632

That has nothing to do with what I said. One excuse people give to shame poor tippers is that waitstaff gets paid below minimum wage. This is never true unless the employee or employer is a criminal.

>> No.11340634

Yeah I know that from working as a waiter, but most waitstaff will lie their asses off about that fact.

When I was a waiter they would fire us if they knew we were getting tips and didn't report enough of them to not require compensation from the restaurant, but otherwise they'd tell us only report about $8 an hour and keep the rest.

>> No.11340642

They are paid below minimum. In Texas, it's about 2.15-2.50 an hour an the bottom.

>> No.11340645

Again, wrong. If their tips + that 2.15-2.50 does not equal the state's minimum wage, the employer must pay the waiter enough to equal minimum wage.

>> No.11340648

There's a difference between what they "must" do and what they actually do.

>> No.11340651

Don't work for someone that breaks the fucking law, then.

>> No.11340671 [DELETED] 

Finding a new job isn't always easy

>> No.11340683

That's not the point. The point is that it is not my responsibility to make sure you know your rights and your employer isn't breaking the law. In my state, retail employees must be paid time and a half on Sundays. If I go to a store on sunday, is it my responsibility to ask every employee I interact with if he's actually getting paid time and a half before I do business with them? Should I tip them just in case their employer is breaking the law and they aren't? No, because that's fucking retarded. In the same vein, it is your responsibility to know your rights and make sure your employer isn't fucking you over. Beg for tips all you want, but you're a liar if you say that they need tips because you don't even get minimum wage.

>> No.11340684

If there was a better job available to them, they'd probably be working there.
My experience in customer service is that managers will often try and get away with little shit, like getting you to work during your breaks or forcing you to do overtime even if it isn't in your contract. They know none of their wageslaves have the wherewithal to sue them or complain to OSHA about little shit. Otherwise they'll find a way to make your life shittier and if other employers find out, they'll always second guess hiring you in case you're just a nitpicker.

>> No.11340690

see >>11340683
I've worked retail too, anon. It is not the customer's responsibility to make sure your employer isn't eating into your breaks.

>> No.11340693

I'm so glad I'm not from the US so I don't have to deal with that bullshit

>> No.11340695

I aint your fucking employer.
I paid the price, as listed on the menu, for my meal. I don't owe anything beyond that.

>> No.11340696

Well you shouldn't tip them just so they earn minimum wage; their salary is set according to supply and demand just like every other industry. You should tip them the 17 to 18 % for standard service because that's the assumption made when salaries are set. It's better than a system where servers just depend upon wages because it gives you, the consumer, more control over the level of service. But that comes with a responsibility.
That 18% gratuity is as much a part of your bill as your food. The only difference is that as a show of good will to customers, nobody is going to hold a gun to your head to make you tip appropriate ly; it's on your honor.

>> No.11340698

>I live off tips

Not the customers fault she entered that agreement with her employer. Tips are customary, not mandatory. Get a proper job so you won't have to bitch about tips

>> No.11340701

You do owe it. It's not being enforced. Just because nobody is going to call the police doesn't mean you're not responsible for being a decent human and doing your part in a tipping culture.

>> No.11340707

Okay. None of that matters one bit to my one and only point that waitstaff never earns below minimum wage unless one of the parties involved is a literal criminal, and your attempt to shame people doesn't change that.

>> No.11340713

>Tips are customary, not mandatory.
Again, they're not enforced, but they are mandatory. When you're taking an exam and the teacher leaves the room for a bathroom break, exchanging solutions doesn't become kosher because nobody's there to enforce against cheating.

>> No.11340717
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>> No.11340718

I never agreed to your "culture".
If you want money from me you'll have to do it the old fashioned way and get a law passed through the democratic process of government that obligates me to tip. Otherwise you'll never get a penny.

>> No.11340720

That not even close to the same thing

>> No.11340722

And again, you're not supposed to be the one deciding whether they earn minimum wage; you're just supposed to pay what is agreed upon for the transaction, which in most of the US is the cost of food and a 17% tip for standard service.

>> No.11340723

You're equating cheating with a system that the customer never agreed upon. When you eat a meal, you're paying for food. Service shouldn't be dictated by how much extra the customer is willing to pay. Are you going to get arrested for not tipping? No. Are you going to get arrested for not paying? Probably. There's a reason for that.

>> No.11340725

Why do you keep bringing up points I never argued or even mentioned? My post was entirely directed towards waitstaff that say "I don't make minimum wage" as a way to shame people into tipping more. People that say that are liars, and that's that.

>> No.11340727

Paying a tip is never agreed upon. In what world do you live in where tipping is a required action? It's up to the discretion of the customer, but never should they feel pressured or mandated to do so.

>> No.11340728

alluding to the fact that you have a point to make to the contrary, without actually making it.

Having seen the service in restaurants in France, I have a new appreciation of tipping culture. It's not like the meals tended to be any less expensive either. I just had more control over how much to comensate the folks who served me.

>> No.11340730

>I just had more control over how much to comensate the folks who served me.

You don't though. Tipping comes at the end of service, not before. You're getting the same service whether you tip 100% or 0%

>> No.11340733


Fascinating! I'm not a faggot sociopath so I just tip poorly for poor service.

>> No.11340735

What type of human tips nowadays. If you already paid for your food then why pay the person that delivers it. Fucking cash hungry waiters get mad greedy. Grits fucking ice cold and expects a heart warming tip.

>> No.11340741

her problem should be with her employer not paying her enough to live

>> No.11340744

It's especially arrogant how they expect upwards of $10 sometimes for what was literally under 5 minutes of their work.

Do the fucking math on how much a 15-20% tip is vs. how long they actually spend serving you. It's ridiculous.

>> No.11340747

>You're equating cheating with a system that the customer never agreed upon.
You agree to pay the cost of food and service, per the proprietor's expectation, when you go to the restaurant and tell them what you want to eat.

>When you eat a meal, you're paying for food.
You should be paying for food and service.

>Service shouldn't be dictated by how much extra the customer is willing to pay.
We can argue about whether the full cost of service shouldn't be built into the menu items. Regardless, that's not how it's done, when you order a menu item the cost is the listed price plus 17% for standard service.

>Are you going to get arrested for not tipping? No. Are you going to get arrested for not paying? Probably. There's a reason for that.
Yes, because it's not feasible to police tipping. The entire point is the customer is given benefit of doubt to adjust the tip according to the level of service. It's meant to show a degree of deference to a restaurant's patrons. They're on the honor system.

>> No.11340748

You have it backwards. You're compensating them accordingly after they served you. That makes sense.

>> No.11340750

Tipping is encouraged by women since they can get a fuck ton of extra cash with it because human inherent bias towards women. She basically wants a high wage for a shitty job.

>> No.11340754

Sometimes they get a little more, sometimes a little less. Again, salaries are set according to supply and demand, with a presumption that most people will tip appropriately, not according to what a random anon thinks is appropriate for the work done.

>> No.11340760
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Seething soyboy

>> No.11340766

What's appropriate is for Mr. Toilberg to pay you himself instead of forcing his employees to guilt-trip customers into paying their wages for him.

>> No.11340791

I think tipping is ass backwards, but I also know a lot of people who work in restaurants or bars for their job. If you don't tip, they don't eat. No one has the standing legal power to challenge their boss for not compensating at the end of the month if you're job is serving food to retard boomers.

It sucks, but common decency requires tipping about 15% on average.

>> No.11340799

>If you don't tip, they don't eat.
Wrong. They still make minimum wage. Eat a dick and stop lying through your teeth.

>> No.11340820

>You should be paying for food and service
I expect the cost of service to be included in the cost of the meal.
Thank fucking god tipping isn't a thing in Australia

>> No.11340837

So if you go to a doctor's office, are you expected to tip the receptionist because of his/her service? Just because someone smiled and asked how my food is doesn't mean I should supplement the wage the employer should be paying with my own cash. Tipping is an agreement between the person paying the wage and the person recieving it. The customer only agrees to pay the price of food.

>> No.11340849

fuck you faggot
t. waitress

>> No.11340855
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Imagine being living in a place that doesn't pay an actual wage for a job so you need to hope someone gives you pity.

>> No.11340865

> first job ever was 10.22/hr make your own hours
>year of downtime between employment post college
>decide to stop being a NEET after 2 months
>land a 20/hr + federal benefits job within like 3 weeks, two of which just waiting for an interview/paperwork
Why do people wagecuck again? In no reality ever would i settle for being paid less than like 10-12 bucks per hour while working in something as shitty as food service. Feels great knowing these people take their work home when you don't leave pocket change on the table for the peasants.

>> No.11340866

Depends: does she live in some sort of third world country where workers have to live off of handouts from strangers?

>> No.11340871


>> No.11340874

>We can argue about whether the full cost of service shouldn't be built into the menu items. Regardless, that's not how it's done

That's clearly fucking retarded. What sort of retarded morons would think that's right? You'd really have to be in some sort of shithole full of nigers and morons if that's the system that you think is normal and appropriate.

>> No.11340976

Why can you understand? They are servants. They deserve barely enough not to starve to death or become homeless and nothing more. Tips are nothing but alms for the undeserving.

>> No.11340981

If you don't get enough in tips, your employer won't make up the difference. They'll just fire you instead.

>> No.11340982

Isn't cost of living in Canada like 5x that of the US tho?

>> No.11340983

>If there was a better job available to them
It's not a matter of availability, but ability. People who wait tables are either college students or subhuman trash.

>> No.11340987

>Want a tipping system where customer determines how much money you make
>Upset when they decide not to give you much money
Can't have it both ways. If you believe you deserve a set amount of money then the problem isn't your customers, it's the tipping system itself. Get rid of tipping, charge how much you really want, and just like magic everyone will start paying you the amount you want. If it's not on the bill you shouldn't expect it. That's exactly what "gratuity" means: something extra.

>> No.11340995

I never tip when I'm in the US because all your waiters seem to expect it no matter what the service is like and I'm foreign so I can just feign ignorance. I'll tip back home sometimes though because great service here will be genuine and not just faked for tips..

>> No.11340997

She is correct.
They only gave her a $2 tip.

>> No.11341002

>and I'm foreign so I can just feign ignorance
>implying they won't spit in your food anyway

>> No.11341006

There are better jobs available but noone wants to do them. Pick up a fucking trade, get a forklift license, do something with your fucking hands, yeah you'll probably get dirty, that's why showers were invented. These are honest EASY jobs that actually pay well, and many "developed" countries are facing shortages in many of these careers because people think these jobs are beneath them.

>> No.11341024

Tips come after the meal.

>> No.11341027

>all your waiters seem to expect it no matter what the service is like
Yes, that's part of why it's so retarded. It might almost make sense to have a tipping culture if it were used as an extra reward for exceptional service. But instead it's the opposite and service staff now consider a *lack* of tip as the exceptional situation instead of the default. At that point you might as well just put the charge you want on the bill and eliminate any ambiguity on what should or shouldn't be paid.
Also it's retarded for another reason which is that customers themselves don't really tip based on any of the things waitresses imagine they get tipped for.
>The percent tipped in these studies was related to group size, the customer's gender, the method of payment (cash or credit), and in some cases, the size of the bill. Tipping was not related to service quality, waitperson's gender, restaurant atmosphere, or restaurant's food.

>> No.11341033

>lmao just get rich idiot
The absolute state of trustfund babies

>> No.11341040 [DELETED] 


It's 'cause you're a thirty-something roastie who looks like you fuck black guys.

>> No.11341045

Must feel good to FINALLY show these girls who’s really in charge or what whiteboy?

>> No.11341257
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Is typing for cuckolds? I think it has some correlation with the fact americans do it while europeans don't, and pic related.

>giving money away for free for no reason
It's the epitome of cuckoldry.

>> No.11341260

wagie ragie makie happy

>> No.11341261

I feel like either she's retarded and lacks self awareness of how shitty she is or she works at Applebees and the table was black people
It's always one of the two

>> No.11341263

>You do owe it. It's not being enforced.

make me then, oh wait you can't

>> No.11341271
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>Learn a skill and not a waste of breathe=lol just get rich

>> No.11341272


>> No.11341274

>Wouldnt waiting a plate of 200 bucks steak be the same as serving a plate with an omelet worth 5 bucks
Exactly why the finer restaurants have finer service and competition for those jobs. If you can go home each day with double the tips, that's the restaurant you want to work. And, when there is a line of people wanting your job, you perform in a way that pleases management or you're out. Conversely, the cheaper quicker or eaiser the food, omelet or burger or whatever, the more tables a waiter can handle, somewhat should give them enough money to take home, until they can get that better job elsewhere, or they like the weird hours of the current job because it fits their lifestyle when they have babies at home sleeping while Grandma watches them, or they do their other job.

>> No.11341281

it's an entire culture around tipping, they, through tips, make much more than the actual cook, the owner, it shouldn't even be an "issue", yet they make it one.
back of the house doesn't see SHIT from tips but they're the ones doing all the work, front of the house gets the tips (and sometimes splits them) and it's bullshit