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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11339216 No.11339216 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me the worst restaraunt experience you've ever had.

>> No.11339221

I went to Olive Garden once

>> No.11339225

A waiter at a papasitos dropped a plate on my moms head and we had to go to the emergency room to get her stitches

>> No.11339241

I went to a bad restaurant with my oneitis and realized she wasn't into me

>> No.11339254

I literally lived 3 houses down, literally down, from a cabin themed restaurant. I waited for 45 minutes before they accidentally my order and I left.

First time I've skipped out on a bill. I hate no heat or ability to cook but I'd rather eat canned beans than deal with that.

>> No.11339307

When I was a kid, I took a shit at T.G.I Fridays that was long and bumpy. Looked like a giant chicken strip desu. Went back to the table where my family were. Waitress brings us our orders. I get my chicken strip basket. As we're eating, I grab the biggest strip and hold it up in front of me so everyone can see and nonchalantly exclaim "this is what my poop looked like" Dad was pissed

>> No.11339327

Went to a restaurant that had just opened up on campus with my roomie woomie, he ordered some personal pizza and I ordered lasagna. They bring his pizza out after like 10 minutes and I'm sat about jerking my dick for literally 50 minutes before they bring out my lasagna. I think they gave me a free drink or something and apologized but it was fairly retarded and I don't even know how that happens

>> No.11340834

Got food poisoning at a chinese place. Like not just a tummy ache then i threw up, but real food poisoning. I vomited so hard that i couldnt breathe, and had diareah so bad that I stopped pooping and was just pouring perfectly clear odorless water out my asshole. I had to be hospitalized.

>> No.11341123

a post died for this post

>> No.11341173

>Denny's sounds good
>completely forgot it was Saturday night
>giant table of shitskins of various colors directly behind us, at least a dozen of them, super loud, whooping, yelling
>they're shortstaffed and we never got refills at any point
>homeless people literally running in and trying to snarf down food on tables before staff can kick them out

>> No.11341185

>Eating at a chinese restaurant I used to go to all the time with a couple of friends.
>Our meals arrive, start eating
>Waiter steps up to the table after a few minutes
>"That's sixty dollars sir" In his best chinglish
>"I know" I say, confused
>"You have to pay now"
>"We just started eating"
>"You have to pay now."
>Don't really want to cause a scene, "Alright hold on a minute"
>Me and my friends get our cash together, the dude is literally standing there staring at us the whole time
>Takes the money, doesn't even acknowledge us, comes back and just drops the change on the table before walking off
I have no idea what the fuck was going on but I never went back there. This was after going there every two weeks for about a year.
Walked past there a few weeks ago and they've shut down. Good.

>> No.11341484


>going to Chinese places


>> No.11343586

>he doesn't have an authentic Chinese place nearby that serves good shit

>> No.11343592

Were one of you black? Because that's why.

>> No.11343602

Was at Red Lobster and only got served food, no "how was your meal" or anything. There was maybe 10 people there, max. We were waiting for an hour and a half to flag down our waitress while she would walk by and completely ignore us, so we tried to pay up front. We were told that only the waitress would take our card to pay, so we left without paying anything. The food was mediocre.

>> No.11343651

Authentic chinese = literally no hygiene. I'll eat it, but fuck, I'm not watching those people lack even basic cleanliness while I do it.

>> No.11343862

Went to Ruby Tuesday's

>> No.11343878
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>I literally lived 3 houses down, literally down, from a cabin

>> No.11343926 [DELETED] 
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>eating at Outback for my birthday
>waitress is lazy and rude, a stereotypical roastie
>cuck step dad and mom just go along with it
>ask her to refill my tea
>takes her sweet time
>tell her she better step up if she wants a tip
>she gives me a really dirty look
>comes back 20 min later with my food
>my prime rib is well done
>tell her to take it back and cook me a new one
>my mom tries to say it's not a big deal
>I was already mad but this pushed me over the limit
>order the waitress to get me another prime rib or I will lose it
>she scoffs and actively avoids our table for 30 min
>comes back with a fresh plate of prime rib
>it looks fantastic. Beautiful marbling, medium rare, well seasoned
>see bubbles in the puddle formed by steak juice and melted butter
>immediately stand up on my booth and scream at the top of my lungs accusing her of spitting in my food
>she is mortified and on the verge of tears
>my parents try to calm me down
>I'm screaming louder at this point calling her every curse word I know
>I jumped down off the booth and shoved my finger in her cunt face and just screamed "YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH!" over and over
>the whole restaurant is silent except for my screaming and her muffled crying
>eventually some male staff come over and try to pull me away
>try to kick them away, they get mad
>explain that she spit in my food and I want the manager
>the manager (another roastie, no wonder that place sucked) arrives and says I have to calm down or leave
>I'm irate at this point, I started screaming about our waitress spitting in my food
>starts giving me some bs about how i'm being too aggressive and shes going to call the cops if I lunge at her again
>use my whole arm to knock everything off our table and storm out
>my parents were apologizing and trying to make excuses while I was outside screaming at customers going in and out and how she spit in my food
>cuck step dad actually paid for our food
>screamed at them on the way home

>> No.11343934

Hipster pizza with my favorite brother. Being seated no where near anyone else because we look poor. F you guys.

>> No.11343945

This is a fun tale
>Be on campus
>Pizza place is open and worked by Negroid students who are all failing out
>Order the special pizza, peirogi pizza
>Takes 30 minutes+ in a small kitchen and it's a personal sized pizza. Maybe 6 inches across
>Negroid friends come in and gettheie food before me at least 6 times
>Ask him about my pizza
>"You ain't getting your food pussy bitch"
>Of course I call him an app nigger
>He pulls a knife on me from the counter and the place descends into chaos
>I jet and the police come. My friends cover for me and the entire issue is dropped
>He was never seen again after the end of that semester

Public University is a huge joke, and so are their eateries

>> No.11343950

Was she cute?

>> No.11343954

4/10. Ok copy and paste, won't read again.

>> No.11343962

>so are their eateries
And required meal plans. Fucking bullshit is no better than prison.

>> No.11343966

>Things that never happened.
None of you fags have the balls to do something this belligerent.

>> No.11344015 [DELETED] 

No she was a roastie.
Nice downvote nigger
You might not but I do. I used to leave bad reviews on google and yelp every few weeks with dozens of sock accounts until they finally closed a few years ago. I like to think I helped shut them down.

>> No.11345240

I hope you still tipped.

>> No.11345314 [DELETED] 

My mom had catastrophic brain damage and stroked from hemmorhagic blood loss. It's not funny. Papasitos almost bankrupted our family in legal fees by dragging the case out for two years.

>> No.11345323
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It's kind of funny

>> No.11345330 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself. I hope your mother slits her wrists.

>> No.11345331

Did you guys win the lawsuit?

>> No.11345357

>on a work trip, coworker tells me to bring my own food and I ignore him
>we stop at the only place to sleep and eat in 100 miles, going to be here again
>they do a kind of like a buffet but you only go once
>bad steaks, an industrial sized can of peaches and another of green beans, crackers, and "salad"
>room is falling apart and beds look so bad I just sleep on top of everything in my clothes
>showers look like stepping foot in them will result in fungus
>go out to do work all day
>return to this dump again, tonight its steak sandwiches, more peaches, and more green beans
>coworker ends up sharing some of his dehydrated food with me

Such is life in the far north.

>> No.11345358 [DELETED] 

We won a settlement of $2.5m.

>> No.11345396

Someone post the mrs doubtfire pasta

>> No.11345405

>be me
>be 5
>dragged to seafood restaurant
>smell makes me begin vomiting in doorway and dad rushes me to restroom to finish

>> No.11345408

Assuming you're American, did that even cover the hospital fees?

>> No.11345409 [DELETED] 

$750,000 covered both medical and legal fees.

>> No.11345421

Yes, actually.

>> No.11345442

I have once waited over 3 hours at an ihop while you can hear the Mexicans blasting music from the kitchen.

>> No.11345450 [DELETED] 

>actually waiting 3 hours for ihob
It's not like you paid beforehand, retard. Your fault for eating there at all.

>> No.11345453

Went to Buca di Beppo once with extended family several years ago. Need I say more?

>> No.11345580

I've posted about it here before, but
>go to umami burger
>dude at the front looks like a tim and eric character, really red, constantly looks like hes about to cry
>bookshelves loaded up with books around the place for some reason, like for decoration, most of them fake
>menu has an outdated tastebud chart on it, and a blurb describing 'umami' as a concept
>order their flagship 'umami burger'
>fries come to the table cold, have to send them back to be reheated
>burger is soggy and slimy, falling apart
>flavor is nondescript, like they were so fixated on 'umami' they forgo other flavors exist
>have to drown it in ketchup to make it passable

never again. Pretty mundane experience, but I usually pick out decent places to eat.

>> No.11345767

If this actually happened seek mental help

>> No.11345984


>> No.11346008

We had a reservation but still a long wait, mom's family is always very loud which is stressful for me because I have autism, everything was excessively oily and maybe I caught something so I threw up the salad the next morning.

>> No.11346027

I went to a date with my girlfriend. I had booked a cabinet for the two of us. Later, when I went to pay the bill, the manager told me that they charge extra for cabinet. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough money to pay the bill and also I had to tell them to not let my girlfriend know. Then I had to go drop my girlfriend to her house, and then go all the way to my home again and then bring the money and pay them. Worst date ever!

>> No.11346082 [DELETED] 

Seething roastie

>> No.11346112

If they don't tell you until you're leaving then you're not legally required to pay. You'd definitely win in court if it went that far. You might be blacklisted by the place, but a place that pulls that kind of shit doesn't deserve repeat business.

>> No.11346651

From a worker perspective probably this one white couple that came into our Chinese restaurant.

While I was studying they came in and were very demanding with my mother, who is very accommodating when she waits tables while my father cooks in the back room. They made her alter their order 3 times before they were satisfied and kept asking her for more fortune cookies. Every time they would change their order they would speak to her very condescendingly just because her English wasn't the best and made fun of her accent when she went of. I remember overhearing one of their orders and when she brought them what they asked for they said it was wrong and that she "fucked it up" when I know for a fact that's exactly what they asked for, and even though she was confused she's not confident enough in her English to realize she didn't actually make a mistake. When they were "done" their plates were barely touched. Didn't even finish the food and of course left her nothing.

My father spit and put flakes from his nose and ears in every white person's food for two weeks after we told him.

>> No.11346678

blame other black people for dine and dashing on them

>> No.11346691

>this guy did something bad
>i'll get my revenge by doing bad stuff to people that aren't even related to them
i will never understand this logic

>> No.11346730

>trying to understand shitskin logic

>> No.11346745

>t. White guy who thinks only white people are racist

>> No.11346763

>at a popular higher end mexican restaurant for friends birthday
>friday night
>place is busy
>waiter comes around 40 mins in to get us drinks
>takes another 40 to come get our order
>we were all taking and having fun so we didnt mind
>food takes 2-2:30 hrs to come out
>everyone hungry and irritated by then
>some have left
>finished eating 15-20 mins in
>40 mins later
>waiter doesnt check on us or give us the check
>flag him down for the check
>another 40 mins
>by then some of our buddies have already ditched the BS
>i pay for my meal, no tip, leave
must have been a really bad night for the restaurant but I never went back there, service was unacceptable esp for a higher end restaurant

>> No.11346768

i'm a yellow skinned slant eyed chink

>> No.11346780

Went to my local McD's and ordered a McChicken sandwich. After I inserted my debit card I asked for three extra packets of McChicken sauce. 'Sure sir, here you go'. Removed my card and then checked my receipt and noticed the tacked on $1.50 for the sauce packets. I started complaining that they made me pay for the extra sauce and the employee stared laughing and said "I'm gonna start calling you 'Pays for three!'" Now when ever I stop by there all the employees start laughing and say "Hey it's 'Pays for three!'"

What a lousy restaurant.

>> No.11346841


>> No.11346845


white ppl cant into reading comprehension

>> No.11346858

Went to the Steam Plant restaurant in Spokane during March Madness. Hear yelling coming from the corner of the restaurant. Decided to sight see while waiting for my meal and check out the commotion, it was some 600 pound woman making the salads, needless to say I didn’t eat my salad.

>> No.11346863

Went with friends to an all-you-can-eat running sushi place for 5,95€, in austria that's pretty much as garbage tier as it gets (its ranked one of the ten worst restaurants in Vienna and is most likely used as a laundering scheme). We also got tea and water (every drink, even softdrinks costed 50 cent but we didnt trust them enough to order them). I ordered the running sushi to test it, my friends after seeing how the food looked up close ordered just a bowl of rice.
In the tea was a bit of ash and there where weird tiny black specks in the rice.
But the buffet was much, much, much worse. Every dish was under these plastic covers and each and every one of them, even for the cold dishes, was covered in thick fog for some reason. After choosing cucumber maki (I assume) I got the rubberiest, driest maki Ive ever had and by that point I got that everything on this band is at least a day old. Ive proceeded to try salmonsushi (probably feeling suicidal at that point) and one single bite of some meat I couldnt identify for my life. The only things that were "palatable", were these frozen minispringrolls but thats probably because its reeeeeaally hard to fuck those up. Anyways after that we left, having paid less than 8 euros total and I felt like shit the next 3 hours.

>> No.11346877

this kinda shit makes me glad i worked for the local chinese restaurant for a year and they love me

>> No.11346985


>> No.11347038
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Outback staff deserve nothing less. Great job.

>> No.11347058

If I pull that off will you die?

>> No.11347098

>Denny's sounds good
Jesus Christ anon I'm so sorry.

>> No.11347218

Did you ever get your pizza

>> No.11347227

>app nigger
What's an 'app nigger' and can I get one from the google play store?

>> No.11347296

Eh, work on it a bit more and you might have something. The original pasta's way better. You're no weird al.

>> No.11347318

kek this is pretty accurate

>> No.11347346

The story isn't interesting, but why do parents insist on bringing their young children with them to dinner at high-end restaurants? Learn to control your brat kid or hire a fucking sitter.

>> No.11347378

Oh. took me a minute. ha.

>> No.11347431

>Seething postwall roastie

>> No.11347474

>I stopped pooping and was just pouring perfectly clear odorless water out my asshole
I've done that some times. It's kinda fun knowing you're so clean

>> No.11347492

>At golden corral
>See obese man with a pile of meat on his plate and arguing with the staff behind the chocolate factory
>"I paid for my entry now let me put some fucking chocolate on my food!"

>> No.11347656

I vomited on the tray in a KFC on the day my mother died.

>> No.11347691

>fancy restaurant w/ parents
>order food from a waiter who seemed overworked
>50 minutes go by
>no food or updates
>waiter comes over
>"will that be all, or can I interest you in any dessert?"
>get up and leave immediately

>> No.11347825

I went to Arby's and had the roast beef sandwich, curly fries, and large coke. 45 minutes later I had the worst case of food poisoning, symptoms were diarreah and vomiting (usually at the same time).

>> No.11347861
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>went to noodle place with gf during uni
>we order the same noodle
>they put two noodle portion and mix into one big plate.
>I ask the waiter why can't we have our separate plate because we prefer have our own portion
>waiter says "its the same thing! Good enough!"
>we left with 1 cent tips with a little note "its good enough"
>we never return

I still cringe thinking back. Its kind of a dick move

>> No.11347886

It's a commen thing in some Asian country. They don't mean to be rude. But it's way faster for them and they don't need to hire a cashier. Usually they ask you to pay once all the dish is served or even after you placed your order.

>> No.11347969

all-you-can-eat sushi for 5,95 €? How long ago?

>> No.11347997

That's hilarious.

>> No.11348187

kek at least you showed the bastard what fer

>> No.11348379

ah that feel when you look into her eyes filled with love and hope for the future and all you get back is a dismissive head turn and body posture that says "nope"

>> No.11348426

You can always leave no tip because minimum wage is good enough for waiters.

>> No.11348446

The one and only time I've walked out of a restaurant
>Go to a chain restaurant around 3 PM
>Ghost town
>Nobody else inside but myself and my family
>Wait 5 minutes before someone seats us (almost walked out at this point because I thought they were closed)
>Everyone sits down, waitress disappears for another solid 10 minutes
>Waitress comes out and takes our drink orders and hands us menus
>20 minutes pass and she hasn't even brought out the drinks
>Get up and leave

>> No.11348456

>Pizza place is open and worked by Negroid students who are all failing out

More likely it's run by some food service corporation that hires ex-cons and other dregs of society

>> No.11348459

You're retarded. Learn how to read and write before posting on this Malaysian foot binding board again.

>> No.11348464

this happened to me at an "authentic" hipster ramen bar. Only white people were working there I shit you not.

>> No.11348469

Dim sum in a legit asian district can be pretty comfy (California has tons)
It’s the asian restaurants in rural states that are sketchy and don’t have much variation than the deep fried sweet n sour tendies

>> No.11348480
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>waiting 40 minutes for a check

>> No.11348985
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Only time I never left a tip:
>(future)Wife(srs - spoiler, not everyone here are virgins) and I on one of our earlier dates
>Went to some uppity Italian place
>We decide to write down what we think the other wants
>"Aye, I'm your waiter. What do yous wantss?
>'Here - we're picking for each other'
>'Aye, oh! No Wuzz is this?!!'
Have to verbally clarify what we want to order for our date.
Ghosted for the rest of the meal
Zero regrets.

>> No.11349191


>> No.11349198

I’m sorry.. that day must be a terrible memory

>> No.11349784

they should have kicked you out for being this cringy

>> No.11349860

Not mine but my brother once found a cockroach inside his calzone in a restaurant

As far as service is concerned, had a waiter scream at us because he was doing his job poorly and we called him out on it. In the end we got the manager and he got fired.

>> No.11349864

yea I tipped my dick into your mom's asshole

>> No.11349872

i once got a pizza that was full of oil
like, there was no fucking tomato sauce, just fucking oil

>> No.11350043

>you were able to run out of room full of black people that heard you say nigger.

yeah i fucking bet you out-ran them i fucking bet.

>> No.11350054

>overhears customers talking shit to his mom
>doesnt do anything

ah yes i bet you know a few things on prostate massaging

>> No.11350124

>mommy and me walk into a Chili's in Philadelphia
>black waitress exclaims "DAMN THEM NIGGAS HONGRY AS FUCK"
>leave immediately, go home and eat nothing for dinner
>mom was seething
we were pretty fat back then, so...

>> No.11350150

>be me
>be bartender
>fuck everyone's shit up
>work service bar and make drinks the wrong way with one ingredient off
>servers get pissed
>I hate service bar
>call a black server a "dumb nigger"
>still not fired.

>> No.11350163

Where from, Anon? Canada?

>> No.11350178

Bro I live in Philly and both Chili's that I know of around here are just like that. Instead of serving you they all stand there texting and yelling hood speak at each other.
Saw a fight at the one in Bala Cynwyd, dinner and a show pretty much.

>> No.11350181

Could you recommend any good Viennese restaurants?

>> No.11350208

fucking this.
my family went to los cabos last year, and these beaners take fucking hour to takebyou to seat, another hour to get the menu, another hour to bring food, rhen another hour to get your check.
fuck mexican restaurants. there's a reason why beaners have lazy steretypes