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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11335606 No.11335606 [Reply] [Original]


Also thoughts on African cuisine?

>> No.11335611 [DELETED] 

yummy, so diverse

>> No.11335613

fuck off, racist

>> No.11335616


>> No.11335618


>> No.11335625

I've seen this a few times, and honestly I'd try it, interesting preparation desu.

>> No.11335632 [DELETED] 

>gets HIV or malaria on his first bite

>> No.11335724
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>> No.11335727

not how it works

>> No.11335728

Those aren't mosquitos.

>> No.11335730 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11335734 [DELETED] 

based faggot

>> No.11335738
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>has the entire internet at his disposal to do proper research on any subject fathomable
>still chooses to believe file names on anime websites because lmao epic memes xD

>> No.11335745 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11335750
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>thinks anything on the web is true

>> No.11335757
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>im willingly retarded because at least it makes me not get called a cuck on 4chan

>> No.11335760 [DELETED] 

checked and cringed

>> No.11335768
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>being this fragile on the internet

>> No.11335769 [DELETED] 

>watching louie c.uc.k

>> No.11335772
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>not knowing any nouns besides "cuck"

>> No.11335783

>saving these images and using them as an argument
that's gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.11335784 [DELETED] 


>> No.11335785


>> No.11335803

This is ancient, op, find some better bait

>> No.11335815

I heard it's really bitter, dry, and crunchy. Sounds worse than the worst burger patty ever made

>> No.11335831

Probably why they don't call it a burger patty and generally eat it more as if it was a biscuit.

>> No.11335988

mosquito shit burger

>> No.11336159

>too lazy to plant and grow crops
>too lazy to raise farm animals like cattle, sheep, goats and chickens
>guess we'll just swing a cooking pot around near the river for a few hours until it's filled with enough mosquitos for us to eat.
How fucking dumb are they?

>> No.11336168

it's really bad, with huge risk of disease
there's a reason why we don't eat insects regular already

>> No.11336176

im pretty sure the heat kills all the disease

>> No.11336238
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>this is what Americlaps and Europoors actually believe
speaking of dumb cunts, those are mayflies, and even if they were mosquitos, big whoop. Swedes eat rotten fish and chinks eat anything that moves, what's wrong with having a non western palate?

>> No.11336244

the tragedy is they dont even season it

says a lot about the depth of their culinary culture

>> No.11336316

Come on man. There's zero percent chance they taste even remotely edible. I bet these dumb niggers probably poison the rivers because the fish are eating all their precious mosquitos or something.

>> No.11336320

>Interesting preparation
They just pound them into shape and fry them how is that interesting?

>> No.11336433


>> No.11336773

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.11336811

>Mosquito hamburgers
There's not even any fucking ham in it. Fucking vegans

>> No.11336834

"Hamburger" actually derives from the name of a German city. And the fine folks in that video do look German to me.

>> No.11338229

>mosquitos fried in transformer oil

I'll pass.

>> No.11338231

such vibrant diversity!

>> No.11338269

>lmao why don't they just grow crops with on their barren lands with their plentiful water supply? Fuck I'm so much smarter than them

American education

Even better coming from people who haven't grown more than a chia pet

>> No.11338323

Its not that its a western palette its that its just laziness to even grow any native plant species for cultivation you fucking mong

>> No.11338345

true, but the first hamburger was invented in california.

on one hand it's not a bad idea to utilize a protein source like bugs, however it seems like it would be wiser to find a mammal that likes eating said bugs, and feeding them the mosquitos, and then eating that animal. sort of like how we eat animals that eat grass instead of eating the grass itself. you know, basic stuff?

>> No.11338366

If there’s no water, and the land isn’t arable, there should be be fucking people trying to live there.

>> No.11338383

bet you complain about illegal immigration in other threads too huh?
>this boiling Americunt hypocrisy

>> No.11338404
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> spoiled children laughing at mosquito burgers

Bet those are healthier than the shit you eat on a daily basis, you scum.

>> No.11338411

What's racist about nice looking burgers?

>> No.11338424

>they should just move somewhere else
>fucking immigrants. Why can't they stay in their own country?

>> No.11338473

On one hand it is /pol/ cherrypicking but on the other hand statistically a lot of these people are extremely fucking dumb and Africa is by and large a shithole.

>> No.11338479


This is just so wrong. Think about how many lives you are destroying just for one burger? At least with a cow, you only kill one animal.

>> No.11338496



>> No.11338542

>Surrounded by fertile earth
>Have one of the longest histories of civilization what with humans having originated from Africa
>Shitton of opportunities to grow in the form of foreign aid and modern tech to leverage the vast natural resources available
>Still an absolute shithole

You ever considered the possibility the people who never left Africa stayed in a perpetual standstil

>> No.11338556


Serious question. How do you vegans judge the lives of large animals vs tiny animals? Are they all equal or is it judged by the pound?

>> No.11338560

>surrounded by fertile earth
>Have one of the longest histories of civilization what with humans having originated from Africa
Even if that had any conceivable bearing on the ability of modern humans to thrive in an area, that would mean the resources have long since been gone if anything.
>Shitton of opportunities to grow in the form of foreign aid and modern tech to leverage the vast natural resources available
Again, there are no "vast" resources available. Modern aid doesn't even begin to cover all of the poor parts of Africa, and it's MREs and oats at best. Having a laptop from 2004 doesn't mean you have the resources to farm.

>> No.11338564

If that's actually mosquitos I have to wonder if it tastes a bit like blood sausage

>> No.11338593

They're not mosquitos, but related species or some shit.

>> No.11338603


Whatever. It's still mass murder.

>> No.11338616
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The niggies have to eat too you know.

>> No.11338629

>even if they were mosquitos, big whoop.
I'd prefer not to get west nile and a heaping mouthful of AIDS when one of those mosquitos pops in my mouth. I guess farm raised mosquitos would be different, but I'd be hesitant even then. There are plenty of far more nutritious bugs that don't have the baggage of feeding on human blood and being the single deadliest animal in all of human history.

>> No.11338639

> Being this racist towards mosquitos

Is there no end to your white men's hatred?

>> No.11338641

Quite the opposite actually. Every step up the food chain requires an exponential increase in resources used per kilo-calorie.

>> No.11339530

unironically get used to the taste of bugs. they're gonna become a huge part of our diet once climate change starts killing us off and we mass-kill standard animal farms.

>> No.11339659 [DELETED] 


How is it racist, ya daft cunt? Mudcakes from Haiti is a real thing too, that's got even less nutritinal value.

>> No.11339666

We do this in scotland with midges

>> No.11339737

fucking where, cunt?

>> No.11339761

I can't imagine it being all that different from eating soft shell crabs whole. There must be a way to make it decent.

>> No.11339775

Nobody reading this post will have to worry about that future.

>> No.11339802

I hate this "Africa isn't fertile and has no natural resources" meme. One of the most damaging things to Africa's future.

>> No.11339815

It's not a meme, not all dirt is fertile

>> No.11339830
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They suck human blood, but it's all fine. It's just like eating crabs.

>> No.11339844

Well golly gee. Not ALL dirt is fertile? Someone get this scholar a teaching position.
Not all dirt is fertile... imagine that. Woah.
I mean, it's not like Africa doesn't have 60% of the world's arable land going uncultivated. It's not like the land they are using is suffering from bad and outdated agriculture practices.
But you're right, of course. Not all dirt is fertile, which means Africa isn't fertile, because dirt or something.

>> No.11339845

It is if you use this recent invention called 'agriculture.'

Over half of the world's arable land is in sub-saharan Africa if the barest amount of effort to actually cultivate it was put in. This is something literally hundreds of non profit organizations and millions of dollars a year is put towards doing, yet absolutely no progress is seen thanks to Africans' unwillingness to learn or help themselves. Read that article yourself. Over 80 percent of Africa's cropwater comes from rain and not irrigation. That's something the rest of the world figured out before they built the pyramids.

>> No.11339860

I'd rather they self sufficiently eat mosquitos instead of relying on gibs from outside.

>> No.11339865
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>Africa's future


>> No.11339868

>haha Africa has been around for so long, all the natural resources must have just run out!
>Africa can't thrive because it's still not getting enough handouts
It must be a mystery to you how we still haven't run out of water after 4 billion years

>> No.11340665
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>> No.11340677

how feasible is it to turn this land into farmland
where does the water come from and how do we make sure that it's safe to use in crops
will the process of turning land into farmland disturb the biodiversity there? Will it harm the native animals and people?

There are a lot of concerns with this I feel the article doesn't address

>> No.11340686

I genuinely believe the future of farming does not include converting current land that is technically available into farmland

I truly believe that hydroponic farms are the way of the future
It's easier, has a higher yield, and has a much better rate of not succumbing to outside factors like weather and or disease

I think we should think about putting solar panel stations through out africa rather than turning it into farmland

>> No.11340712

Also, I feel like I should mention

Modern land farming practices aren't even that great
Yeah we can technically feed everyone, but basically everything around the farms suffer
The water, the animals, the people
The chemical run off, the pesticides, the water that doesn't re-enter the water cycle safely

>> No.11341025

>River blindness

Yeah, anon. That sounds super healthy.

>> No.11341775

>barren lands

>> No.11341792

>If there’s no water, and the land isn’t arable
that's 2 wrong statements though.

>> No.11341793

Those pathogens are killed as low as 105 degrees and die almost instantly beyond 120 (Fahrenheit). These temperatures are readily achieved. Unless they are consuming these raw, I doubt there is any disease risk.

>> No.11341824

I suppose I agree with you.

I think the real evil of colonization was that it allowed nomadic societies in Africa that were in equilibrium with their environment and non-agricultural lifestyles to balloon way out of balance.

Everyone seems to miss this, and the SJWs only want to talk about what was/is taken from Africa (inedible gold, diamonds, and cobalt that would have remained unused in the ground without colonialism), and not what is/was given to africa (food and medicine, which create fewer deaths and more births).

>> No.11341842

If it's not such a big deal then why don't you go eat mosquitos faggot?

>> No.11341886
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>> No.11341892

>I think we should think about putting solar panel stations through out africa rather than turning it into farmland
This is literally what china is doing at the moment

>> No.11341983

high possibility having AIDS

>> No.11342610

I mean more so the collection of that many bugs, you would think that they'd have to set out honey traps or something to get that many but nah, they have solid clumps of them.