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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11334010 No.11334010 [Reply] [Original]

>drink a beer to fit in
>feel like shit for the rest of the day

How do you normalfags live like this?

>> No.11334030 [DELETED] 

those aren't normalfags, those are NPCs and they don't have a mind to dull

>> No.11334031

By being confident and not giving in to social pressure.

>> No.11334037
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>Dring a small glass of champagne
>Existential crisis arises
Alcohol is shit

>> No.11334039

Are you literally a 4' 70lbs girl?

>> No.11334043


>> No.11334045
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>peer pressure

>> No.11334048

>feeling like shit after a beer
I didn't use to have that problem.

>> No.11334052
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>my ability to drink neurotoxins makes me a man

>> No.11334058

OP is asian or woman confirmed

>> No.11334061


you can see where the conciousness used to be

>> No.11334062 [DELETED] 

post feet

>> No.11334067

being drunk alone is generally no fun
this is why you should drink in the evenings and just go to sleep once the social event is over

>> No.11334068

true because right now you are acting like a literal woman

>> No.11334070



>> No.11334161

>being drunk alone is generally no fun

>> No.11334269

>drink two beers with pap at lunch
>go home and fap to straight tranny porn

oh wait I would've done that anyway wtf?

>> No.11334288

Filled a thermos with some citrus IPA last Thursday at lunch, I think my colleagues enjoyed me being more outgoing. Might be a sign that I'm turning into an alcohol

>> No.11334297

how do you turn into an alcohol, hitler

>> No.11334313

>I think my colleagues enjoyed me being more outgoing

Red flag anon. Never use that as reasoning to drink. Using alcohol to "function normally" will build a dependency very quickly l
Please stop while you can.

>> No.11334326
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>drink to fit in
>hate the conversation and distract myself with booze
>get too drunk to drive
>have to stay in the conversation

>> No.11334363
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>> No.11334407

The OP is far more pathetic and NPC-like for giving into peer pressure rather than just telling his cohorts he doesn't drink.

>> No.11334609

nothing wrong with this, expect ravioli isn't a defective noun and the singular as one piece of is raviolo

>> No.11334621

based phD candidate

>> No.11334661

Are you young? You'll get used to it.

>> No.11334693

now THIS is a man

>> No.11334697

Idealistically, you'd have a job that's labor-intensive enough that alcohol is burned off for calories before it even hits your system. You'd know this if you've ever worked a day in your life, which we all know now that you haven't.

>> No.11334706

wow that's such useful information anon, i'm glad you get paid so much and you're leading us into the future and pushing the boundaries of... ooh wait... no... you're just a bitch

>> No.11334719
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why do anons here shit on drinking so much?
why do anons here think they're superior to other anons that do drink?

>> No.11334732

We're all alcoholics here

>> No.11334738

its just one angry muslim doing it

>> No.11334769


>> No.11334788

Unsuccessful sober people shit on non sober people because they have absolutely nothing better to do

>> No.11334801
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hahahahaha if you guys weren't the result of alcoholic pregnancies, I'd actually take you serious

>> No.11334885

dude your salt levels seem pretty high, you should get them checked ASAP

>> No.11334915



>> No.11334999

Nobody trusts someone who doesn't drink, especially coworkers.
If you don't like drinking it you have to drive, fine. Just have one beer, I don't care if you don't even finish it.
But nobody trusts a non-drinker

>> No.11335034

yo mate, this is actually informative as shit. I feel enlightened, my pasta chakras are fucking blitzed.
All new possibilities i'd never even considered before are revealing themselves to me. Learn to appreciate life's miracles.

>> No.11335046
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>doing things to fit in

>> No.11335047

Stop being so sensitive, what are you, a new?

>> No.11335071
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>so new that he doesn't know that the ellipsis has been a staple of Internet discourse since the dawn of fucking time

>> No.11335077

imagine only drinking a beer or two. imagine just casually drinking in social situations on weekends and not drinking excessively every day by yourself. hahaha like how

>> No.11335174

>anime reaction image
yep, checks out

>> No.11335195

step off my boy frost, if you don't like anime you don't belong here
go back

>> No.11335203

>dislikes anime
>has a retarded zoomer reddit opinion on an anime website

yep, checks out

>> No.11335205

>defending a namefag


>> No.11335215

upvote from me, good sir!

>> No.11335219

while anon is retarded for hating anime on a site named 4CHAN and that should not be taken away from the post you are quoting is a samefag

>> No.11335226 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11335233

>drink exactly one beer
>feel sick and somehow mildly drunk

>drink six shots of liquor
>feel perfectly fine with zero hints of drunkenness

>drink seven shots
>spend half the night puking and can't see straight
Alcohol is fucking bizarre to me.

>> No.11335238

That is because you're a pussy.

>> No.11335240

>think they're superior
They usually are.

>> No.11335249
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One comma, Anon. That's all it would have taken for me to avoid having to re-read your post like four times, bro. Oh well, let's post some animu.

>> No.11335261

>being underage
One amerilard shot is 44 ml. If it's 120 proof, it's abnormal to be able to drink nearly half the fucking bottle with no discernible effect.

>> No.11335266
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>Never trust a man who doesn't drink
t. Winston Churchill

Oops, you just got btfo, kid. And no, your orange julius doesn't count as a drink, lol!

>> No.11335280

It's just like Europeans and Americans, if that's you're shitposting speed.

>> No.11335289

boomer detected

>> No.11335782

So it's more about alkies insecurity more than anything?

>> No.11335802

More proof there's nothing in this latest iteration of wojak
OP had a PC pass a charisma check on him and make him do something against his will, but because you are a teetotalling literal sperg with a misguided sense of self-superiority that shares OP's values somehow the coworkers are the NPCs

>> No.11336362

More like beer bressure amirite

>> No.11336370

Some people with overly active minds may seek to dull them

>> No.11336408

Nope. Fact of the matter is it's like this.
Boss invites his workers to get a drink after work on a Friday to wind down. Let their hair down, hang out and not talk boring shop talk and hang out as people for once.
You're the awkward sober guy because "alcohol is for degenerates".
Coworkers are put off by you because you wont drink and show your true colours.
Boss thinks you're hiding something about yourself or your personality because you wont drink to show your true colours.
Everyone gradually thinks you have some hidden agenda because you wont drink/smoke/relax to bring your walls down.
Short of having an excuse like you're a health nut, allergic to alcohol or are muslim it just makes you look suspect.
If you're one of those 3 things people'll stop inviting you out anyway leaving you out of the group.

Either way, if you dont drink at least one drink to prove you're willing to fucking let go then everyone's going to basically leave you out of everything because they cant trust you. When someone gets drunk and does or says something stupid at least it shows you're willing to show your true self and possibly embarrass yourself in front of strangers/coworkers/friends, plus it makes for some good stories to tell later.

tl;dr If you dont drink nobody trusts you because of it.

I mean look at the Irish Stew Autist greentext stories.

>> No.11336411
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>things alcoholics tell themselves

>> No.11336434

>Player's automatically win every roll

>> No.11336511

Yeah sure, I suppose you and OP are PCs, you just both decided to run as a Sperglord with Cha as your dump stat in a solo social driven campaign? What a fucking joke.

>> No.11336550

Are you having a laugh, mate?

>> No.11336680

>implying I need alcohol to talk to people
Yeah, I still think that you require everyone to drink so you wouldn't feel as bad about your alcoholism.

>> No.11336702

Who fucking cares if your co workers like you, just do a good enough job so that you are too valuable to fire.

>> No.11336782

He's right.
I have never met anyone who does not drink that is not either a lunatic or recovering addict.

What are you shits doing in /ck/ anyhow. If you can't enjoy beer/wine you don't enjoy good food in general.

>> No.11336799

You might have kidney problems and you're not processing the beer correctly

t. recovered from kidney disease

>> No.11336824

Feeling like shit is their default state.

>> No.11336844

>Trying to fit in with people who drink during the day

>> No.11336912

>drinking beer early enough that there is a 'rest of the day'
This is subtle bait, I'm not sure anyone even noticed.

>> No.11336945

m-maybe you could be my big guy tonight

>> No.11336947

Lads, how do I stop wanking to trannies with 9" cocks, it's really becoming a problem and now I don't even feel like I have a big cock at 7".

>> No.11336950

cute,based,robust, and very possibly redpilled post

>> No.11336952

I'd normally call this low-effort bait, but there are unironically 30 year old women here. Which does explain the trend of complete ignorance of the rudimentary principles of chemistry and physics involved in basic cooking, and why retards will tell you that you can caramelize onions in 10 minutes.

>> No.11336954

imagine the smell ...

>> No.11336956

Anime shitters belong on reddit

>> No.11336962

You're a retard, I've been sober for my entire life and none of my mates give a shit. We still have good times. Same thing with co-workers. Maybe the people you surround yourself with are just insecure fags. Leave your bubble.

>> No.11336971

just fucking stop you dumb animal

>> No.11336972
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>Drink a couple beers
>Take a couple shots
>Actually talk to girls
>Actually feels like chad
>Actually make out with a roastie

>> No.11336997

>Boss thinks you're hiding something about yourself or your personality because you wont drink to show your true colours.

This is wrong. You have an addict mentality. You confuse alcohol, a toxic solvent that has CNS effects - a drug, with some sort of magical potion that reveals ones true self to the others around them.

Truth is, alcohol is just a dirty volatile solvent that stupefies and intoxicates the person poisoning themselves with it. Nothing more.

All these ideas you have about alcohol are just drug user memes/culture. Alcohol reveals nothing about one's true self. The behaviour shown under the influence of alcohol is just that - action taken when stupefied by the effect of a volatile solvent.

>> No.11337189

Look anon I'm sorry your dad got drunk and hit you but that's something you have to deal with.

>> No.11337297

By drinking liquor.

>> No.11337302

To piggyback on this, ordering see gay shit like a loaded margarita doesn't count.

>> No.11337306

Welcome to 4chan bitchboi.

>> No.11337382

Just start wanking to old homo Danny D porn.

>> No.11337395


>> No.11337396

>wanting to be friends with your boss and co-workers

t. brown-nosing, asskissing cuck

>> No.11337439

i know some guys who never drank alcohol, nobody ever cared after the age of 15.
you probably need to work on your social skills instead of blaming it on the lack of alcohol.
and if your assessment is correct, if you are good to be around but your coworkers are really this stupid, then youll just have to deal with it

>> No.11337591

All these alcoholics on damage control.
It's always good for a laugh.

>> No.11337598

I don't understand the logic (if there is any) behind this sentiment.
>not trusting someone because they don't drink a beverage.

>> No.11337610

I feel like shit without a beer

>> No.11337612

He's just an alcoholic that is so far down the hole that he thinks everyone else outside it is not to be trusted.

>> No.11337614

You'll get used to the taste. And if you dont, drink something else. Nothing more pathetic than someone clearly not enjoying their drink.

>> No.11337626

I like beer to the point of brewing my own.OP, if beer makes you feel like shit just don't drink beer, it's okay. Everybody likes a good G&T and there's nothing girly about it, of you're worried about it (you shouldn't be anyways). If people are actually giving you shit over it then I wouldn't care about trying to fit in with assholes desu.

>> No.11337629

I actually enjoy drinking, otherwise I wouldn't fucking do it, dumbass

>> No.11337642

Ck has always been an alcoholics board, Muhammed.

>> No.11337650

Not any more.

>> No.11337724

It's the carbonation
Drink a non-carbonated alcoholic beverage instead. Booze + bubbles makes me feel bad too

>> No.11337755

I drink, and I don't trust you.

>> No.11337829

Liking a drink =/= alcoholic. Shouldn’t you be praying to allah, or flying planes into buildings?

>> No.11337856

just because you sit there stinking up some government basement suite shitposting, pretending to be multiple people doesn't change a goddamn thing, you absolute fucking walnut.

>> No.11337861
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Don't worry anon, that will change.
Unless you leave this place. Which you wont.

>> No.11337869

Alcohol can cause headaches anon. I'm an alchy myself and lately, I've been getting headaches when I drink every so often, even after just one beer. Is it a sinus headache that you just get on one side?

>> No.11338093

if something isn't bbroken don't try to fix it.

alcohol is a tool. an adult beverage,

it only seems to work wonders for certain individuals. same hold try for any medication or skin care product. can work wonders for some individuals and cause harm for others.

It's really disgusting when you see someone start drinking and behaving like a degenerate.

my father was a drinker so I figure I had a genetic predisposition for it.

can't quite describe what it does to me. I imagine there's some 'magic' in me and the alcohol brings it out. when sober I'm in auto pilot

hope this helps

feel same way about marijuana

>> No.11338250

How're those DTs treating you addicts?

>> No.11338254


>> No.11338285

>it's another al/ck/y can't google a basic medical term thread due to the grey matter loss and lesions in his frontal lobe

>> No.11338301
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>socially and physically weakening yourself around people you don't know to fit in

>> No.11338310

tldr: I am a worthless paranoid alcoholic and I define myself by how much I make my life worse

>> No.11338327

a) People who don't join an unspoken consensus are instinctively regarded as outsiders
b) People who can't trust themselves to lose inhibitions are hiding something

>> No.11338340

He didn't say he got drunk off one beer, he said it made him feel like shit. Same thing started happening to me after college which is why I don't drink anymore. You can develop a mild allergic reaction to small amounts of it where you get itchy, your skin gets red, and you feel generally uncomfortable and can't get to sleep. Shit is awful, I tried going back several times over the years but it always gives me trouble now, and I especially refuse to do anything to my body that'll fuck with my sleep. When you get in your 30s and 40s you'll start to realize missing sleep when you're older feels like absolute death and nothing, not even saving your career or saving your wife and kids from terrorists, is worth shorting yourself even one hour of precious life affirming sleep.

>> No.11338356

Delirium tremens. Alcoholics get rebound seizures when they try to quit because the brain gets used to being inhibited by alcohol and compensates with greater intensity of activity which then fires off unchecked in the absence of alcohol and makes you start spasming out, choking, and crapping your pants in public.

>> No.11338765

>watching movies while drunk is generally not an improvement
I guess you haven't tried it, I'll never watch lord of the rings sober again.

>> No.11338840

What a pussy.

>> No.11338845

Not drinking when everyone else is drinking is basically you declaring that you're too good for everyone else.

>> No.11338852

>a based guy I'd like to hang out with

>> No.11338860

My other option is being an extremely boring and permanently uncomfortable person, which I have given a fair chance for the last 2 and a half decades.

>> No.11338876

>crapping your pants in public
Isn’t that just a sign that you’re American?

>> No.11338903


>> No.11338967
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>coworker finds out I don't drink
>WOW really anon?!?!
>tell him im not into it
>he goes on drinking and doens't care that I'm just drinking walter.

>> No.11338976

>Not drinking when everyone else is drinking is basically you declaring that you're too good for everyone else
imagine being this insecure.

>> No.11340454

He's right though. It's like being vegan and going to a friend's bbq just to push your agenda only to wonder why your friend is mad that you ruined his bbq.

>> No.11340459

That's the point, dumbass.

>> No.11340466


>> No.11340472

>Not being friends and getting drunk with the people you spend most of your time with

>> No.11340476

>and none of my mates give a shit.
Haha sure. They keep you around because you're their designated driver.

>> No.11340482

It hints you may have had an addiction problem in the past if you don't drink at all.

>> No.11340485

I feel you op
>wonder what this drinking is about
>don't have too much cash
>get keystone
>tastes like piss

alcohol is shit

>> No.11340497
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I agree with you, you reasoning makes sense. unfortunately it doesn't resonate with autists.

>> No.11340499

Not really. You can go to a bar and not drink alcohol, just like you can go to bbq and not eat. I thought that the point was to go socialise, not to get hammered.
Not everyone is hungry or feels like drinking alcohol constantly. I'm not an absolutist, but I don't feel like drinking any kind of alcohol always, so I might get something else, like coffee.
You're making this a bigger deal than it is, it's not like you're pushing vegan agenda by not wanting to eat at a bbq, since you're not forcing your friend to cook soy wieners or quorn mcnuggets.

>> No.11340613

>I've been sober for my entire life

>> No.11340762


>> No.11340794

>this is what alkies believe

>> No.11340796

>Hitler didn't drink
>Churchill hated non-drinkers
now i see, also, drinking is degenerate.

>> No.11340804

My urge to fap to traps/trannies surges when I drink. Why is this?

>> No.11340809

Hitler was into hard drugs. He experimented with uppers extensively.

>> No.11340844

>this is what amerikek believe

>> No.11340872

>Like the taste of good Pilsener
>Can't drink more than one without getting a hangover
Why does my body hate me so much? I'm not even a skelly.

>> No.11341031

>i like the taste of literal poison
>can't eat poison without getting sick
why does my body hate me, /ck/?

>> No.11341364

I went to czech for a month and had pilsner errday. But the pilsner I get in the state just taste a bit off. Have you tried pilsner in czech?

>> No.11341369

I don't live in the US of A.

>> No.11341391
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I cant genuinely understand why you wouldnt drink. I know its poison, but why wouldn't you drink poison? Poison everyone drinks. And im not trying to stage this from a herd mentality im saying if this stuff is so bad why have we as a species been drinking it since the begging of recorded history and it not be a problem?

What is the benefit to not drinking? Im not saying drink all the time or even everyday but is there actually any reason to not drink on weekends? At the end of your life what will have been better because you never drank? I dont get the sense that anything will have been better.

>> No.11341491

Mostly, I just don't find any appeal in the idea of becoming intoxicated. Incidentally, I also avoid the risk, however risky it may actually be, of forming another expensive bad habit.

>> No.11341552

Thanks for proving me right numbnuts.

>> No.11341567

>drink a lot
>get hit with a wall
>have fun being loud
>throw up
>go to sleep
>wake up fine
rinse and repeat

>> No.11341595

>drink one beer
>can't stop drinking until I pass out
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.11341614
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Its the only way to drink man.

>> No.11341627

Yeah. It get's better with time anon. I used to get blackout 99% of the time I had that first drink now it's only like half the time.

>> No.11341629

i fucking hate it. i wish i could fucking stop like a normal person. ill go drink a beer or two at a bar with a friend then when they have to go ill go buy an 18 pack for myself and drink alone in my room til 4 am. its fucking pathetic.

>> No.11341633

i never get black out anymore unless its hard alc only. i dont even get drunk with beer i just cant fucking stop drinking i hate it so fucking much

>> No.11341644
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Whats pathetic about drinking alone till 4am and passing out? I do it almost every night unironically.

>> No.11341649

because i wanna be somebody good.

>> No.11341658
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>> No.11341662

Are you even working? Drinking is necessary in work. I drink a lot, and I've made many connections that way. You dont need to get yourself drunk or heavily drink, just drink 3 beers or a few shots, literally nothing wrong with that.

I don't smoke since you get nothing from that shit, but drinking is a good pastime which gets you friends, and connections in life.

>> No.11341667
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Youre good enough for me man, but I know its about how you feel. And if you feel like you cant be a good man drinking yourself to death everynight then I wish you the best in trying to find a different use for your time.

>> No.11341688

thanks friend. im trying