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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11335099 No.11335099 [Reply] [Original]

Rate and hate: Bacon wrapped stuffed chicken thigh (mushroom, pimento, cream cheese, spinach)

>> No.11335100
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>> No.11335137
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That... that actually sounds (and looks) oishi as fugg.

>> No.11335140

Why the thigh? Don't get me wrong, I prefer a plain chicken thigh over a plain breast. But to wrap it in bacon and stuff it seems like a breast is the better choice.

Looks good, though.

>> No.11335150

In flyover land, I get chicken thigh for .49 cents a pound....I live off of chicken thigh

>> No.11335173 [DELETED] 
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For me, it's Arby's® roast beef gyros

>> No.11335188
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Exactly. The thigh is already the fattiest part of the chicken, and then adding fucking cheese and bacon is just going to make this a disgusting grease bomb. Also the amerilard obsession to wrap everything in bacon is hilarious as always.

>> No.11335191
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Ill post pic recipe since I'm board

>> No.11335201
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>> No.11335204
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Oh yeah, I forgot you guys can't get things which aren't halal over there.

>> No.11335211
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>> No.11335218
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>> No.11335230
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>> No.11335232
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>> No.11335236
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>> No.11335246

I fucking hate weebs

>> No.11335247
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This was supposed to be above the above one

>> No.11335252
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Yeah, I'm not a big fan of bacon wrapped things. It works with lean meats like chicken breast and filet mignon. I might actually try this recipe with chicken breast.

Oh, bacon wrapped jalapeno with cream cheese is breddy gud too.

>> No.11335254
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>> No.11335256
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>> No.11335257

Original pics are final result obviously

>> No.11335473

Why do you faggot post OC, no one cares about it

>> No.11335702

Thank you for your insightful and thought provoking contribution to this thread! So profound. I guess I'll just go stare at a wall for a few hours now until I pass out from boredom.

>> No.11335733

Impressive, going hard mode with such a large amount of heat capacity in a toaster oven. The surface quality on the bacon is great.
How I would change it to a more optimal form is switch to a butterflied and pounded chicken breast, and adding a step before any cheese and spinach additions for the filling where the mushrooms are passed through a food processor with the bacon. The end result will be more like a chicken pancetta.

>> No.11335737

In fact, keep the mushroom and bacon independent of cheese and spinach. Do each separately: one will be a more classic rolled roast filling, the other will end up very much like a spinach dip. Put the bacon and mushroom spread on first, then spread the spinach and cheese. Roll it up, truss it with strings, and enjoy once finished.

>> No.11337313

Look at Mr Fancy Pants

>> No.11337347

looks excessive and disgusting desu

>> No.11338800

Is mayo salty to you?

>> No.11338804

dunno, might be good. I'd try it

>> No.11338850

The bacon looks like it turned out really well, it wasn't soggy on the bottom was it? This is also the first time I've seen someone use a toaster oven to cook a proper meal, weird.

>> No.11338854

In the future as American cuisine continues to solidify as being distinctly "other" from European continental dishes "bacon wrapped" will become a beloved and haute food class. You can hate it now for being simple and plebby but it hits all the spots for being a perfect component to make its way up the dining ladder. Its got gobs of versatility in textures and flavor and adds instant smokey umami to any dish. You can already peep its ascent with trends like pork belly and chicharrones/crackling.

>> No.11338899

This would make good pasta

>> No.11338934

>You can hate it now for being simple and plebby
No I don't give a shit if it's high class or low class because I don't hate foods on principal like a self conscious faggot. I hate it because it makes whatever dish you do it to it just makes it taste like bacon. Like when some asshat takes a $20 steak wraps it in fucking bacon, completely masking the flavor. It's pointless. If you want everything to taste like bacon then just eat bacon for christ sake.

>> No.11338949

That's what people used to say about tomatoes

>> No.11338960

No it isn't.

>> No.11338965

You don't know that. You weren't there.

>> No.11338973

You can't just eat bacon anon it's unhealthy, that's why I cook brussels sprouts and bacon bits in rendered bacon fat to have on the side.

>> No.11339021

Bacon wrapped aspargus is goat. Difficult to work with but it has to be a few spears together, no salt needed then.

>> No.11339712


you do realize that there are classic dishes from everywhere that there were pigs that use the pork belly as a wrap. that is not distinctly american. also chicharrones are not fucking american either, but i suspect this is bait

>> No.11341357

You've taken the words out of my mouth. We should kick it.

>> No.11341359

Reddit loves to wrap things in bacon

>> No.11342837

Fuck off, ck is faggier than reddit
According to you cucks, bacon can no longer be used in a dish like it had been for 100s and 1000s of years solely because a bunch o f numales were obsessed with it from 2012 to 2015

>> No.11342875

I'm not big on bacon wrapped stuff. But that looks damn good. Good job op.

>> No.11342887

I've also always found this stupid. Why stop eating something you like just because some other faggots also like it. That's pretty childish.

>> No.11343014

no thanks

Chicken is only really worth eating fried, bacon wrapped is a meme. Stuffed meat is stupid.

>> No.11343093


Anyone who uses this word shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.11343098


>> No.11343302
