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11331628 No.11331628 [Reply] [Original]

The age old question... booth, table, or bar?

>> No.11331647

always booth.
tables are for the people that got there too late.
bar is for creep fucks.

>> No.11331703

I'd have to agree with you but if the bar is empty and it's just you and a friend then it is superior

>> No.11331707

>if the bar is empty
then you're an asshole for going to the bar.

>> No.11333340

>it's rude to make someone do their paid job whilst on duty
where are you from anon?

>> No.11333345

outdoors so i can smoke

>> No.11333419

generally booth but it depends, I've been to some places with extremely uncomfortable booths
Too small for the tables, tables are way too high for seats, etc

>> No.11333425

absolute degenerate

>> No.11333434

>not eating in the bathroom

>> No.11333448

i'm too timid
most of the time
when I'm with someone else

>> No.11333473

>not smoking
absolutely soy

>> No.11333476

Booth, of course.
Accept no substitute.

>> No.11333584

booth is uncomfy

>> No.11333591

just for your info, booth seats are the dirtiest. Kids barf in them etc.

>> No.11333598

>casual dining/private convo
>lots of friendos
>the boys
Bar, table if not drinking

>> No.11333608

alone, the bar. with people, booth or what ever is available. also not all booths are comfortable.

>> No.11333634


>> No.11333639
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in front of my computer, alone.

>> No.11333687
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Jesus Christ boothfags are the worst - bar is objectively better in every way - especially if you’re eating alone. If you’re on a date you should sit across from someone, especially on the first few dates, but here’s why bars are better:

>bartender immediately notices when you’re finished with a drink and offers to get you another
>you don’t look “autistic” or “lonely” sitting by yourself, not that you should give a shit about that sort of thing anyway
>you can make bantz with the other patrons if you feel like it or you can bury your face in your phone and read something
>you can appreciate the bottle layout
>regular visits to the same bar (with proper tipping) will get you served promptly and you might even become fond of one another

>> No.11333691
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>you can appreciate the bottle layout

>> No.11333941

table so i can look my bf in the eyes and embarass him

>> No.11333951

>you can appreciate the bottle layout

im pretty sure 80+% of bartenders do not care to overthink about this.

>> No.11333966

They do. Having everything in a specific place is helpful and looks nice.

>> No.11334027
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Oh anon... This isn't supposed to be feels

>> No.11334044

Bar if solo
Table if with only adults
Booth if with children
Anything else and you fucked up.

>> No.11334057

If you're alone, at the bar.
With other people then booth.
Also fuck people who come in with a large group of people and sit at the bar taking up space for lonely fucks like me.

>> No.11334629

Never go to the bar... Stools are uncomfortable and hurt when you are sitting for more than an hour.

>> No.11335383

absolutely not true

>> No.11335387

>hey guys, i need to use the restroom, could all 5 of you slide out so i can get up?

>> No.11335390

Go to better bars then. Most of the places I go have stools that are basically taller versions of their table chairs.

>> No.11335402
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>women are the ones who always want booths
>women have to get up and piss way more often than men
>still somehow have the audacity to sit on the inside of the booth

>> No.11335417

The only bars I see using stools instead of the taller chairs are bars that target underage college kids. It's a guaranteed customer base if you accept their fake IDs. No need to waste money keeping them comfortable, they'll be back to spend $5 for 3oz of watered down beer the next night.

>> No.11335420

lmao they do it on purpose just to piss men off

>> No.11335436

>no, not moving, you better hold it
>"but anon i can't!"
>it was your choice to sit inside the booth, now deal with it
>"b-but anon please! i'm going to pee my pants!"
>well you better find a way to get out and get to the bathroom
>"a-anon! i-it's coming!"
>*she crunches her legs together as warm urine begins to trickle out of her, slowly at first but building up to a constant heavily flowing stream. it begins to pool at her feet as her face begins to glow red with embarrassment. she's ashamed, but there is nothing she can do as her now soaked panties create discomfort between her thighs*

I see no issue with this.

>> No.11335445

That's my fetish.

>> No.11335447

stop watching anime

>> No.11335456

How am I supposed to eat at a bar with the bartender staring at me?

>you don’t look “autistic” or “lonely” sitting by yourself
I don't care

>you can make bantz with the other patrons
>talking to other people

>you can appreciate the bottle layout
I guess

>regular visits to the same bar (with proper tipping) will get you served promptly and you might even become fond of one another
I don't care either

>> No.11335483

the bartender isn't staring at you
you're not special

>> No.11335488

People that go to bars are lonely by default.

>> No.11335497

Booth every time. I like feeling surrounded by walls so I'm not exposed to everyone like I would be at a table.

>> No.11335501

How does going to the bar with my friends every weekend equal me being lonely.

>> No.11335504
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Booth so I can snuggle with my bf as he feeds me

>> No.11335526

I don't think I'm special, It doesn't matter anyways, I am sitting mere feet from him at most times and maybe mere inches when he walks past me
I have a hard enough time eating in public in general because I feel like everyone is watching me and this would be unbearable

>> No.11335531

Butch up Sally.

>> No.11335539

unless you look like rocky dennis no one is staring. the world does not revolve around around you.

>> No.11335565

Because alcoholic beverages are not your "friends".

>> No.11335568

no, because bartenders like tips.

>> No.11335640

this 100%. The bartender is a cool guy or a cute girl most of the time, and you can pretend they genuinely like you.

>> No.11335641

Yeah, read it again, I know I'm not special and that it is unlikely anyone is looking at me
Doesn't matter though because I still feel like that's the case no matter what you tell me

>> No.11335701

stop being so sensitive and irrational. you're acting like a fucking woman

>> No.11335711


>> No.11335715

>I'm too young to drink so alcohol is dumb and for stupid heads!

>> No.11335869

Booth. Only because it's also my last name and I do a dad joke and say 'a booth for the Booth's.'

>> No.11335992

Now replace piss with shit and we're getting somewhere

>> No.11336001

>no, not moving, you better hold it
>"but anon i can't!"
>it was your choice to sit inside the booth, now deal with it
>"b-but anon please! i'm going to poop my pants!"
>well you better find a way to get out and get to the bathroom
>"a-anon! i-it's coming!"
>*she crunches her legs together as a warm log of shit begins to squeeze out of her tight asshole, slowly at first but building up speed. The smell is revolting and it begins to leech out of the top of her pants as her face begins to glow red with embarrassment. she's ashamed, but there is nothing she can do as her now shit covered panties create discomfort between her thighs*
I see no issue with this.

>> No.11336137


Upscale bartenders pay a lot of attention to the bar layout.

>> No.11336949

Okay? The people I walk into the bar with are.

>> No.11337240

Tables are objectively the best choice.
Far too often the booths are either uncomfortable, or the table is literally mid-chest height which makes for an uncomfortable eating experience, also you cannot personalize the distance between your seat and the table itself. All in all, booths can be comfy, but I would never choose a booth unless I knew the restaurant had booths that meet my criteria.
The bar is fine if you're just having drinks, but max of three people in the group, otherwise there's too much talking over eachother

>> No.11337471

>eating alone
Reported to the FBI for violating the NSP

>> No.11337479

>the table is literally mid-chest height
>being a manlet

>> No.11337483

Booth for small groups and tables for large groups.

>> No.11337488

Booth if with other people, bar if alone.