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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.14 MB, 3024x3533, 6BEFBA69-F860-44F6-9528-F378F0E4A25C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11332901 No.11332901 [Reply] [Original]

i was at a cookout and there was a bee just chilling out on a donut

>> No.11332906

That is a wasp

>> No.11332907

I’ve post my fellow rediteer

>> No.11332909

Bees are cute
I was stung by one a week ago and it hurt worse than I remember and for a long time
But they're still some of the best bugs

>> No.11332915

You know what? That's probably why my sting in >>11332909 hurt more. The bug looked like that.
Wasps are way way worse than bees.

>> No.11332920

It is not hard to differentiate between a bee and a wasp but some still stupidly do

>> No.11332921

oh that was my mistake i thought it was a bee

sorry i have autism

>> No.11332930

haha no way

>> No.11332932

That' s not a bee, it' s a hornet you dingus.

Bees don' t go for human food.

>> No.11332937

I kill all of them except the bumblebee

>> No.11332951
File: 9 KB, 220x165, 5F3549F0-1B49-4A4F-81D8-B2C4B202EA8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like wasp. hornet looks bigger

>> No.11333028

Wasps and hornets are niggers. Bees are frens.

>> No.11333036

realistically why would anyone who doesn't study bugs for a living give a shit about the difference? they both sting and they need to fuck off away from me.

>> No.11333276

I thought wasps and hornets were the same bug?

>> No.11333291


It’s a yellowjacket you fucking heathens. Yes, it’s a type of wasp.

>> No.11333293

One time when I was eating a banana a bug flew onto it and started eating it, so I sliced off a piece for him and ate the rest of mine

>> No.11333300

You're supposed to eat the bug

>> No.11333307

People do this with frogs/toads and turtle/tortoise too. Maybe I'm just an autist but it's always irked me. Idk always thought it was basic information for people to know. I spent a lot of time outside as a kid though so maybe it's a me thing.

>> No.11333315

Even honey bees?

>> No.11333329

Wasps are in the order hymenoptera (includes ants and bees) and suborder apocrita. Hornets are suborder aprocrita, family vespidae (which contains all eusocial colony forming wasps), sub-family vespinae with yellowjackets, and finally genus vespa. Hornets are similar in appearance to yellow jacket wasps because they are closely related taxonomically

Pic related is european hornet

>> No.11333331

kek the state of this board

>> No.11333333
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>> No.11333336 [DELETED] 


>> No.11333341

Im sorry I'll never post again outside of /an/

>> No.11333342
File: 27 KB, 399x385, laughing-pepe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
>forgets pic
this thread is fail gold

>> No.11333348

Imagine being so fucking stupid you can't tell the difference between a bee and a wasp.

>> No.11333354 [DELETED] 

imagine being so fucking rude you belittle people on an anime forum

>> No.11333356


>> No.11333362

to not be an ignorant piece of shit sounds like good reason

>> No.11333396

>get that wasp off my sandwich
Kino food lyrics

>> No.11333404

I know the difference between a turtle and a tortoise but a frog and a toad? nah

>> No.11333411

It's roughly as retarded as mixing up dogs and wolves. Or sheep and goats. Or whales and dolphins.

>> No.11333435

Toads are a type of frog which is ugly

>> No.11333438

Actually dolphins are considered to be toothed whales. I say this mostly to point out how retarded you are for caring about this shit. Nobody should fucking care whether dolphins are whales. But you do, and because I could tell that you cared, I looked it up and found out that you are wrong. How does it feel to be wrong about something you think is so important?

>> No.11333446


>> No.11333453

This nigga eatin bees LMAO

>> No.11333454

it’s not that bad. you get used to it and most of the time I’m too stupid to even realize I’m being stupid

>> No.11333475


>> No.11333484

That’s what my cat is for

>> No.11335030

i dont think cats can eat wasps wont they die

>> No.11335067

they can eat 8 wasps, 9 would kill them

>> No.11335070

did /an/ just cuck us out of a get?

>> No.11335359


>> No.11335375
File: 16 KB, 337x256, bee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even is this thread
this is what a fucking bee looks like you faggots
the fuzzy little dudes not the bullshit dumb wasps posted here

>> No.11335380


kill u r self

>> No.11335381

Fuck yellow jackets in particular. They hide underground and trick you into walking on their nest, then they strike.

>> No.11335476

>being so new you don't know how to respond properly

>> No.11335498
File: 35 KB, 433x432, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucked out of a get by /an/
>in a non-food thread

>> No.11337327
File: 113 KB, 351x398, 1538247651666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11337335

it might have malaria

>> No.11337340

you should let him out, he's just collecting sugar to make honey

>> No.11337425

Bee stings hurt more than wasp stings. Bees have barbed stingers stay in your skin along with most of the bee's abdomen and venom glands. The bee dies after stinging you. It's a weapon of last resort for them.
OTOH wasps can sting you as often as they want, but their individual stings aren't that bad.

>> No.11337440

This thread really bugs me.

>> No.11337441

There is a pain scale for insect sings called the Schmit index. It ranges from 0 (painless) to 4 (unbearable pain).

A honeybee is a 1.
There are wasps, as well as the infamous bullet ant, which score a 4.

There are videos on YT of some asshat being stung by various insects demonstrating this.

>> No.11337484

>le haha pun xDDD im gonna get so many updoots and maybe other people will start a chain hha xdddd
please kill yourself

>> No.11337494

are you the middle-aged black McDonalds woman?

>> No.11337499

wow he hit a nerve huh

>> No.11337541

Is that like the dragna?

>> No.11337558

I think I've seen that, but he pussed out on arachnids like venomous scorpions and black widows which are supposed to be the most painful of all.