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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11329544 No.11329544 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best ramen?
Shio, Shoyu, Miso, or Tonkotsu?

>> No.11329553

>Whats the best ramen?

>> No.11329556

tonkotsu is undisputed goat, if there's any misofags in here kys

>> No.11329565

tonkotsu ramen is fucking delicious

>> No.11329570

I had a really good tempura ramen when I was in Japan last time. Not sure what sort of broth it had. It was really light and delightful I remember.

>> No.11329576
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my favorite ramen is miso and butter

>> No.11329580

tonkotsu is god tier.

>> No.11329585

>miso and butter
based an hokkaidopilled

>> No.11329588

Hey buddy, fuck you. Tonkotsu is good and miso is good. Shoyu is fine. Its Shio that is garbage pretty much everywhere unless the restaurant is famous for it. Theres a reason most places out of Japan don't offer it

>> No.11329616
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Ive never seen tempula ramen.
Isn't it tempula-udon?
pic related

>> No.11329645

>>Isn't it tempula-udon?
Nah, it was ramen. Had it at this li'l joint in Matsumoto (Nagano). Hostess was a real qt 3.14 highschooler.

>> No.11329690

I'm a fan of Tonkotsu, Shoyu, and Miso. Shio is too "light" for me

>> No.11329695

If their shio is garbage, that means their broth is garbage. Shio is the most transparent soup type and only a good quality broth tastes good.

>> No.11329701

What about tsukemen ramen?

Shit's generally too thicc for my taste. But I can see its appeal.

>> No.11329711
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Any good pages on making great ramen? I've made tonkotsu broth in my pressure cooker before, but wanted to improve it.

>> No.11329716

ramen is disgusting. it just tastes like bland oily water that has bland (usually just boiled to fuck) meat in it with basically no flavor

>> No.11329720

Broth is ez. The tare is the real challenge.

>> No.11330056
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wow I didn't know about it.
any way Matsumoto is nice city.

>> No.11330119
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Is the name of the ramen shop 'しず本(shizumoto)'?
The shop already go out of business.( T_T)
I wanted to eat the ramen.

>> No.11330566

Tonkotsu or red miso tantan

>> No.11330573

Tonkotsu but only if you know a good place.

>> No.11330583

Salt is best if I want something lighter, but most shitty ramen places around here suck at it. Soy sauce and tonkotsu are much richer. Never actually had miso ramen.

>> No.11330589

Dojo Ramen in Melbourne has GOAT shio for any kangaroofags here

>> No.11330596

maruchan my nigga

>> No.11330796


Shio is good shit, Tonkatsu is good shit
Miso in ramen is for godless heathens though

>> No.11330865

I got shrimp tempura added to my ramen the other day, I was amazed at how long it was able to soak and still remain crispy

>> No.11331013
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>> No.11331041

Whatever kind makes me not look like a pretentious jap-glorifying weeb

>> No.11331043


>> No.11331064

I love tonkotsu but shoyu when made by people who know what they're doing is insane

>> No.11331351

Shoyu for breakfast tonkatsu for dinner.

>> No.11331357

I think you're eating the kind that makes you a faggot that doesn't properly contribute to threads.

>> No.11331373

Tonkotsu is the best.

>> No.11331374

What's with all the chink food.

>> No.11331376


Its good food.

>> No.11331385


>shio, miso, shoyu

>> No.11331810

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.11331819

fucking wwwwwweeeebbsss
lol you faggots will never experience japanese high school , ... oh shit, let that sink in
now ur on suicide watch, huh?

>> No.11331858

Tsukemen is tsukemen, its not ramen

>> No.11331998

Not experiencing Japanese high school is a blessing

>> No.11332080

? わざわざ不味い店の味を出して比べるのはおかしいでしょ。それ言い出したら比較自体成り立たない

>> No.11332238
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Just got back from a trip to Japan. I had tonkotsu, miso, shoyu, tantan (a sip), and tsukemen. My favorite was definitely the tonkotsu, followed very closely by the tsukemen.

This was the tonkotsu at Ichiran.

>> No.11332240
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Miso ramen, which was honestly the least impressive. The restaurant might not have been the best.

>> No.11332243
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Shoyu ramen at Hakkodate, hence the butter and corn. It was very decent.

>> No.11332247

generally tonkatsu. Other styles require so much more work to be satisfying.

>> No.11332250
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Tsukemen at some some restaurant in Asakusa. It was very good. A little messier then the rest though.

>> No.11332254
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This was the dipping broth.

>> No.11332255
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The answer is, and always will be Shin.

Oh, and that's "ramyun," not 'rammin' or whatever the fuck.

>> No.11332336

We have not talked about instant noodles here.

>> No.11332354
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not sure what you mean by that. really snide and nasty, if you ask me. its clearly and literally not 'instant.' goes to show you weebs really do put on airs just for consuming china's harder-to-eat offshoot of noodle.

Huuh.. makes you think. *slurp*

>> No.11332442

>Country with a cultural history going back 1000s of years
>Country famous worldwide because of that culture
>Being afraid to like anything Japanese because some loser on the internet might call you a weeaboo

What a little bitch

>> No.11332446

>That feel when did home stay in high school
It was fun but its a lot more fun when you can speak the language and meet girls at bars

>> No.11332704
File: 55 KB, 753x724, 2R2yZSt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this thread is clearly about RAMEN, the proper stuff

>> No.11332712

Why are you saying it like it's a bad thing
I like japanese food but I'd rather die than being a nip.

>> No.11333665

Tonkotsu hands down. After that, shio is the best.
Then, following a HUGE gap, comes Miso, and then Shoyu way down at the shit-tier bottom.

>> No.11333728

>After that, shio is the best
Opinions discarded

>> No.11333774

Then you’re eating at the wrong place.

>> No.11333784

Tonkotsu, hands down

>> No.11333866

At the place I normally go, I’ve pretty much only ever tried miso ramen - not because it was all there is but because I like it so much and it tastes addictively good. However, when I’ve tried miso ramen at other places it’s definitely not the same, not anywhere as good, and generally bland.

I like the thick noodles they use in their miso ramen and I like all the ingredients they use in it (corn, egg, chashu, green onion, bean sprouts) more than the ingredients they use in the others (nori, red ginger, etc). I always want to try the others but I am always worried I won’t like it as much and will feel like I’ve wasted my money.

>> No.11333895

> and then Shoyu way down at the shit-tier bottom.
you are a cock sucking faggots. you probably also have aids too.

>> No.11334147

All of them!

There's something tasty about each and every one.
There's a small ramen shop near me that serves a very tasty shio ramen; it's got a certain sort of sweetness to it, almost. Of course the rest is delicious too.

>> No.11334230

the only correct answer

>> No.11334251

and not get laid, because you're home-schooled and awkward. So pretty much just buying bitches drinks so they can fuck the next Chad that comes along and he doesn't have to spend as much money on drinks. What a total bro.

>> No.11334265

>ctrl f "curry"
>no results found
The fuck is wrong with all of you?
Curry ramen is better than Tokutso ramen.

But all ramen is great.
Never had salt ramen though, sounds plain. But would anyone recommend it?

>> No.11334278

Tonkotsu > Shoyu >>> Miso > Shio

>> No.11334802

Haha fucking #rekt

>> No.11334863

tonkotsu is the pleb choice because it's dead easy to make a tonkotsu that the average person will like so if you only have mediocre versions of the ramen types tonkotsu will always be the most popular. it's the bacon of ramen.

>> No.11334902

I'm fucking jealous, I want to try Ichiran's ramen so bad.

>> No.11335016

Miso is comfier in winter.
Tonkotsu is the most popular but not good when you're on a date because of the smell.
Shoyu is good.
Shio is the least popular but goes well with beer.

>> No.11335462

For me it's miso.

>> No.11335510

for me its shoyu, miso 2nd, not really a fan of shio

>> No.11335522


>> No.11335645

The cheapest one because they're all the same
Including the instant ones

>> No.11335688

Udon fucking sucks. Slimy shit.

>> No.11335692 [DELETED] 


>> No.11335794

tonkotosu taste best but is the worst for you so otherwise miso > shoyu = shio
or just get pho

>> No.11335809

>comparing pho to ramen

look i like pho but cmon

>> No.11335822

The ones I get taste like rich, delicious bone broth and roasted meat with plenty of flavor. Get better ramen, pleb

>> No.11336313

All are mediocre and blown out of proportions by weebs

>> No.11336326

confirmed for never having a proper bowl of ramen

>> No.11336327


>> No.11336332

>I only ever ate Mr Noodles cups so all ramen are shit

>> No.11336354

>if you don't like it you haven't had the real stuff
/ck/'s no true scotman. Sure weebs, it's the best soup in the universe

>> No.11336358

>calls out logical fallacy only to use one in the next sentence
wew lad

>> No.11336364
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>this pleb will never know one of lifes culinary pleasures


>> No.11336375

It's a figure of speech, while you virgins probably do think it's the best soup ever made

>> No.11336377

No I don't. I like it is all.
Get off your high horse.

>> No.11336384

>some pork soup with an egg thrown in
>one of lifes culinary pleasures

You shouldn't post outside of /jp/ at this point

>> No.11336829
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Shio > Shoyu > Tonkotsu >>> Miso.

>> No.11336837
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>> No.11336841

tori paitan

>> No.11336879

Tonkatsu with butter lads. Thought miso would be nice but was kinda let down

>> No.11337372

How can I make good shio and shoyu?

>> No.11337736

What is beef broth ramen called? I couldn't find a term for it, but surely it and chicken variants exist?

>> No.11337810

Spicy tonkotsu

>> No.11337818

I'm not eating soup for the technical skill that went into it you stupid faggot I want whatever tastes the best and tonkotsu has the highest highs and the highest lows

>> No.11339145


>> No.11339599

>I can describe it simply so it's bad

You shouldn't post at all.

>> No.11339750
File: 253 KB, 1080x719, itsPHObitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souperior noodle soup blocks your path.

>> No.11339790

Pho is good but is completely different from ramen, dumb chink

>> No.11339820

>considered exotic because of its stupid name
>yet bland tasting enough that even Stacy and Jake from Idaho can safely like it while feeling unique for ""#looooving"" a non-Chinese Asian dish
Nice try Duc Bin Phat

>> No.11339901
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yeah man i love drinking heaps of literal soy

>> No.11339941


>> No.11341221

It's generic ramen. Had it before.

Don't get me wrong generic ramen tastes fucking great, but there are plenty of better bowls nearby.

>> No.11341223

Udon isn't ramen. It's good but fuck off.

>> No.11341226
File: 22 KB, 374x427, EAB11906-963A-40D3-A8D8-5B428EC7327E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soy is bad
Classic unthinking NPC behaviour

>> No.11341246


>> No.11341346

Also Kek'd

>> No.11341448

Ichiramen is good but at that price point it's not worth it going more than once or regularly imo.

>> No.11342059
File: 935 KB, 2976x1680, shoyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I prefer shoyu

>> No.11343536

Fuck I'm so hungry whenever I see threads like this

>> No.11343591

Top Ramen Maruchan thats 6 for $1

>> No.11343605

How do I into whole wheat noodles?

>> No.11344826

The first really good bowl of ramen I had was from a tiny Japanese expat run shop in Maryland who made a Hokkaido-style ramen with curly noodles and a thick as fuck miso broth, but it didn't have the corn in it. Also had a slight spiciness, I think that it's made me prefer miso over the others, even though I've had all kinds of good bowls now.

>> No.11345093


What is this, Tsukemen for ants??

>> No.11345105
File: 561 KB, 2320x1740, IMG_20180509_180452-2320x1740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a place I go to that serves jiro ramen. It has heaps of bean sprouts and fatty broth. It comes with this amazing braised pork cheek, so tender and flavourful.
The image makes it look small, but the drink is almost a litre.

>> No.11345258

>not having curry tonkotsu ramen
curry ramen is fucking delicious but throw some tonkotsu in there and let it marinate for a bit and it's a FUCKING DOPE ASS MEAL

>> No.11345443
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>> No.11345836

Pho is gutter trash with leaves.

>> No.11346100

fuck, all deep fried food tastes like death to me

>> No.11346117

looks like mall food court tier bullshit

>> No.11346357

You are broken. Never discuss food again.