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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 639x621, DpL5F1XWsAEJTmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11316395 No.11316395 [Reply] [Original]

Would you still eat meat if you saw this?

>> No.11316401


>> No.11316412

chloe got her wish to live
without a market for meat she wouldn't even have been born

>> No.11316413

Nigga when i was a kid i lived in a farm and every 2-3 weeks i had to decapitate and clean a chicken to eat

>> No.11316421

>CAFO grocery store crap
>the cow had a name
Pick one, I only go for the meat where the animal has a bio, and it certainly doesn't come with a bar code on it.

Having said all that, vegans are alright, and carnism is a disease of the human brain.

>> No.11316426

I would explain to Chloe what it means to be at the top of the food chain and then eat that bitch

>> No.11316434

carnism is a disease of the human brain.

Cougars have a human brain disease?

>> No.11316438

I'd make a point of buying that one. The cashier wouldn't sell it to me if they saw it though.

>> No.11316446

Cougars subsist entirely on Rombauer chardonnay and the semen of young men. I'm not really sure what you're getting at here.

>> No.11316451

How do they know Chloe ended up in that specific package of meat? How did they know she wanted to live? "Your personal choice killed me" no it didn't. Some farmer killed you. Also you're already dead so I might as well eat you.

>> No.11316454

I'd buy the entire inventory of them just because of that.

>> No.11316481

Probably, yes.

>> No.11316488

33dollars a kilo? what the actual fuck.

>> No.11316499

Fuck no. That beef is way overpriced.

>> No.11316508

Imagine paying that much for beef in the people’s republic of Canada.

>> No.11316517

there's a literal kangaroo on the packaging

>> No.11316519

Canadians and Australians are the same thing.

>> No.11316535

Tell that to the animals who died for the blood meal that raised YOUR food Chloe, you sanctimonious hypocritical cunt. I’m going to buy you and throw you in the garbage out of spite. Bitch.

>> No.11316537

underrated as fuck

>> No.11316539

You need to be 18 to post here

>> No.11316541

Your choice two years ago to buy a different steak convinced the grocery store it was a good investment to buy more steaks from the farm that supplies the beef on the shelf, and you buying this one will reignite the same cycle.

>> No.11316548

There are cows that speak the human language and can even read and write? Now I enjoy meat, but that would go too far.

>> No.11316551


How do they know her name if she's dead?

>> No.11316558

If they actually posted shit like this on meat, I'd be very irresponsible in the amount of animal matter that I'd buy and eat. Every meal would be steak, or steak tacos, or some variant. It would satisfy the bit of villain in me.

>> No.11316561

did you forgot your mother's name just because she died?

>> No.11316565

They have a justified true belief that she was named Chloe. Is that sufficient for you or are you one of those Gettier types?

>> No.11316566

I'd buy more.

>> No.11316625

Scotch fillet. What is that? Under the skirt? Badum tishhh

>> No.11316638

If I don't eat it then Chloe died in vain.

>> No.11316646

>naming a cow Chloe

>> No.11316655

it's highlander beef

>> No.11316656

No they don't. Whoever put that sticker on knows damn well factory farmed beef doesn't get names, but if they make one up, they might evoke an emotional reaction.

>> No.11316683

Oh man I'd have difficulty concealing my erection in the grocery store if they put that on meat. The only level beyond is letting me pick which cow in particular I'm going to eat.
>Hans, I pick this one, ya? It seems to have a, how you say, "unusual vitality".

>> No.11316687

Absolutely. I fucking hate being guilt tripped.

>> No.11316706

Fuck that would be awesome...kinda like the book 'Restaurant at the end of the Universe'...

>> No.11316711

You're changing the subject. Can we get back to your conditions, please? Is there a fourth?

>> No.11316718

Yes. Its a fucking cow mate.

>> No.11316720

You are, and forever will be, my nigga.
>tfw my gif of that high five with the bicep is too big to post on this almost-board

>> No.11316728

Her name is not important

>> No.11316731

Sounds more delicious actually

>> No.11316911

I was vegan/then vegetarian a long time ago. 13 yrs without meat. Now I’d take that off and put it on a garden burger box

>> No.11316925
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>> No.11316927

If I don't buy it, then chloe's death was in vain.

I gotta fucking eat it bro.

>> No.11316973

Not being born is objectively better than being born though.

>> No.11316979

i would buy more

>> No.11316983

I would frame it up and eat her while staring at her photo at the dinner table

>> No.11317022

I'd buy two and use the second one to feed a cow for a day

>> No.11317145

In death, a member of Project Vegan has a name.

>> No.11317266

Absolutely.. these people think its better to let her sacrifice go to waste and have her flesh rot rather than assimilate into my being and I'll take Chloe places she could never have imagined

>> No.11317280

someone vandalized the stop sign near my house by putting a sticker that says EATING ANIMALS under the stop

this is what vegans do, they vandalize public property
I tried to scrape it off but its on their really good
any ideas?

>> No.11317286

no fucking way, my mind would be changed instantly upon seeing this key crucial info

>> No.11317296

>vandalizing = bad
And yet eating murder is ok? This is why I can't take carnists seriously.

>> No.11317303

your ists don't work on me

>> No.11317312
File: 4 KB, 250x250, SE razor blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solvent? Don't know what you have access to. Fucking grease cutters from a commercial kitchen will eat anything though.

Or you could shave it off with a single edge razor blade. For some reason office supply stores carry packs of them for under 2 USD. You can use these fuckers to clean anything off glass.

>> No.11317342

It doesnt matter if it works of psychopaths. I appeal to normal people who care about animals.

>> No.11317349

you can care about some and eat others, this isn't a zero sum game

>> No.11317354

I will always be surprised on how vegans try to humanize animals but think that a baby inside a whore's womb is not a person

>> No.11317356

Normal people only care about those immediately close to them, animals meaning their own pets. Anybody pretending to care about something beyond their personal scope is either lying or delusional. Then they go on to say "well fuck, humans are total faggots, that's why i don't care about all of them dying but i do care about all the animals dying". For fucks sake

>> No.11317397

If the cow had a name, that indicates that it was treated better and had a pretty good life for the most part. I'd buy it over some nameless hunk of meat. Thanks for letting me know vegans.

>> No.11317405

basted and redpilled

>> No.11317407

They should give the cows foreign names. I wouldn’t eat a Jose or Muhammad. Certainly not a panjit.

>> No.11317663
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>> No.11317729
File: 106 KB, 554x554, 1530056389001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya, circle of life. Eat the whole animal, respect the meat. I hope I'm eaten after I die.

>> No.11317752
File: 11 KB, 247x204, orc head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would still eat meat even if they stuck the decapitated head of each cow killed that day on a bloody pike and set them on display in front of the meat section. I can't change my nature.

>> No.11317758

Did you ever scream out some autistic anime speech before dropping the axe? I would

>> No.11317771

>pathological altruism
>slave morality
>virtue signalling

>> No.11317792


>> No.11317795

>Process from the farm to the supermarket is so thoroughly documented, a fanatical vegan can track where the body parts are sold and labelled accordingly
Definitely, that's some solid supply chain.

>> No.11317798

Shit nigga that sounds cool. Carnist and proud!

>> No.11317802

The timely reminder that all beef comes from a female would make me so hard that I'd eat three times as much.

>> No.11317805

>vegans/vegetarians require Organic food that requires farmers to go out of their way to kill whatever tries fucking with the crops because they're not allowed to use pesticides
>Less meat consumption = more live cattle which hurts the ecosystem more than killing them does
>Drives up prices for shit
Vegans/vegetarians/organichipsters are doing more harm than good by trying to push this bullshit

I'm gonna eat my meat whether they like it or not. I'm also going to make them eat my meat whether they like it or not. Whenever I read "vegan makes cat/dog eat vegan diet" and they act surprised that the fucking thing is malnutritioned and dying it only makes my will to eat meat stronger

I also cook it well done just to make meat enthusists upset

>> No.11317864

Go on

>> No.11317888

This kind of shit pisses me off actually. It would actually tempt me to buy two packages and especially the ones with pictures of Chloe on it. I always had that same problem when i smoked of wanting a cigarette whenever someone told me i should quit.

>> No.11317891

But cigarettes really are very bad for your health, you know.

>> No.11317900

Murder only applies to humans

>> No.11317904

Her name was Robert Paulson

>> No.11317907


>> No.11317908

Yes just to spite the faggot vegan activist who put that sticker there

>> No.11317913

it would show that they cared so much about the cow and it was humanely killed, this creates trust in the meat therefore i would be more likely to buy it than a meat without a sticker.

>> No.11317914


>> No.11317918

share your story of your conversion back to sanity.

>> No.11317926

take your faggy sob story somewhere else. not a single pragmatic adult cares about some meat getting made.
the weak should fear the strong.
only concern here is environmental.
these animals fart and fume up the atmosphere, thus need to be discouraged from eating them.

>> No.11317934

If Chloe didn't want to get eaten, she shouldn't have been born a cow.

>> No.11317947

I got bored of not eating meat so I started eating it again.

>> No.11317979

I’d buy it, cook it up and post a picture of the sicker with a speech bubble saying “now I’m delicious!” In front of my food to Twitter tagging whatever PETA/etc group I can

>> No.11318001
File: 84 KB, 636x607, Comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must admit that this is a compelling argument.

>> No.11318006

>How do they know Chloe ended up in that specific package of meat?
Obviously there's a reason why Chloe's name is on that pack and not the other one, that cow's name must have been Maybell or something.

>33dollars a kilo?
Australian pricing.

>> No.11318026


>> No.11318033

Vegans are so silly!
Peter “trawler” Mathews

>> No.11318036
File: 546 KB, 2048x1618, aussieramsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bollocks, cunt.

>> No.11318043


>> No.11318051

>dude depression lmao
Kys underage

>> No.11318052
File: 86 KB, 439x346, 1534914686497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a "watching porn" sticker over it so it looks like based varg has visited your neighbourhood

>> No.11318079

Yes. Major beef producers don't generally name their cows. Dumbfuck vegans.

>> No.11318087

Maybe not worry about it? Stickers aren't vandalism, you soft cunt.

>> No.11318094
File: 50 KB, 399x411, you downie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stickers aren't vandalism
Here's your (You).

>> No.11318097

Yes. Naming meat cattle is just a silly appeal to emotion. Vegetarians should actually try leaving big cities and partaking in rural life. If they still insist on being vegetarian then they should either go full Zen Buddhist or go home.

>> No.11318109

So inspirational

>> No.11318111

Absolutely not.

>> No.11318119

Yes. Propaganda doesnt bother me, i will do what i want and not be dictated to by a sticker placed by some unwashed smelly vegan hippy

>> No.11318125

>The tragedy is not to die, Gideon, but to be wasted.

>> No.11318183

I hunt, fish and dress what I kill, so yes.

>> No.11318193

Cows don't have names so the sticker is a lie.
Also, I've seen cows get slaughtered so I already know where my food comes from.

>> No.11318195


>> No.11318199

100% true

>> No.11318202

Which city is this? I'd guess it's Melbourne what with all the hippies.

>> No.11318205


>> No.11318206

Honestly? Yes.

>> No.11318231
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems pretty disrespectful to the animal, already dead, to just let its meat rot

factory farming is fucked up, but modern consumers are practically farm animals themselves, and we need protein

we should do something about corporations, not shift blame to individuals when our "democratic" power under corporatism is mostly a smokescreen. it's what they want, because if we're blaming one another we aren't doing anything productive

>> No.11318242

>some pretentious fuck put a vagina-weeping peta message sticker on food

Wouldn't stop me and would in fact encourage me to buy and eat more out of spite. So called animal rights activists kill more animals and do more harm than I ever could so they can take their hypocrisy and get bent while I season my new steaks and down payment on a third chin with their tears.

>that same pretentious fuck probably messed with the food and/or poked it with a needle infected with their own supermegaultra gay herpes hiv or whatever

Would absolutely stop me. Would also bring it to the nearest manager's attention and hopefully prompt an investigation to prevent a public health crisis.

>best before 09/11/2017
>time of my post: 10/11/2018

On third thought I wouldn't eat these regardless as they would probably be fatal if ingested to say nothing of the taste.

For the record plants and fungi are every bit as alive as animals, so vegans are still murderers according to your own retarded logic. Spontaneously develop and subsist entirely on photosynthesis or kill yourself, faggot.

>all these fucking broken ass captchas

And kill Hiroshimoot on your way out, too.

>> No.11318244

It would've died either way, turning vegan/vegetarian doesn't magically stop people from slaughtering cattle.

>> No.11318247

Is that some rural town in South Australia?

>> No.11318263

>Giving human name to animals thinking it'll make care
Good joke

>> No.11318287

Good to see meatcucks are still responding with their usual edgyness rather than any kind of display of rationality or sense behind their decisions. Inb4 "buh buh buh I'm on dah tap a da food chain! Me da fittest uv dem all!" as if they wrestled the animal with their bare hands rather than relying on the technology built up by others over thousands of years that they don't understand and simply use to more fat and gluttonous

>> No.11318292

Choosing not to do *anything* you find amoral won't prevent that thing from happening, I'm not saying that that means eating meat is amoral, but "it'll happen anyway" just isn't a good argument against someone who has already decided it is.

>> No.11318295

Sorry that there is no universal morality and only stories that individuals make up in their heads. Maybe God will make a better world next time.

>> No.11318304

>silly appeal to emotion
What else do you think people appeal to for moral decisions you subhuman mongrel?

>> No.11318319

How does "Chloe" know she wanted to live? Did she tell this?

I swear to god, leftis and vegfucks are the most degenerate fucksticks on this planet.

>> No.11318346

Nah, its was more like "just finish this fast and i can come back to wathever shit i was doing"
It was like your parents asking you to cut the grass

>> No.11318350

T. Relies on agriculture

>> No.11318353

>veganposters confirmed as depressed and cannot be trusted

>> No.11318362
File: 207 KB, 903x702, FD313CA2-A6D9-4F96-8346-AF96943C0288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the cow was named before being killed it means the love soaked into the meat and is therefore a superior product. I’d pay double for love meat

>> No.11318376

Vegans are so diluted to how woke they are they thing meat eaters don't even know meat used to be alive.
rational argument that can be backed by more than muh feelings. There are valid reasons for not eating meat that I have no objections with, I just don't make the same choice.

>> No.11318381

Religious reasons. Believe it or not. Some of us have moral compasses and do not watch porn and enjoy cooking.
Some pajeet on a volleyball vegetarian meetup invited me back to his house.
Found out he’s extremely gay. Invited me in this brokeback mountain camping trip with 2 other possibly gayer people.
Absolute disgust. Back to Jesus I ran.
True story. Had kfc the next day

>> No.11318382

Not even close I was vegan 6 yrs vegetarian 15 yrs. wouldn’t even let them cut my pizza. I was a good tipper though 10-15$

>> No.11318384

Nice non-argument you bonehead

>> No.11318387

"muh postmodernism" does not address my post>>11318350
I never said I didn't, I just don't try to justify cruelty with it

>> No.11318393

Yes it does, brainless. You just lack empathy. I understand you but you can't even begin to understand me. Too bad, so sad.

>> No.11318408

That sounds like you're just avoiding the issue to me. "My cruelty is fine because its incidental."

>> No.11318420

>but then she died for nothing

>> No.11318434

You are alright based namefag

>> No.11318447

I'm not into beef as much as other people or willing to spend all that money.
I would buy it if Chloe was cheaper.

>> No.11318554

How exactly can cruelty be incidental? Cruelty is not just bad things happening to a person, it is deliberate. Accidentally hitting a cat with your car is not "cruel" if you meant to avoid it, grabbing the cat off the street and snapping its neck is. My problem also isn't just the very fact of animal death, it's the exponential increase in it that comes from A.) industry with the express purpose of killing and B.) the insistence of people to no longer feel bad for inflicting cruelty. >>11318393
>i'm 2 deep 4 u
Your post added nothing, people have known since Socrates that things can't be objectively "proven" and that morality is subjective, it just doesn't matter and is only brought as a tool to induce inaction in your opposition by making them afraid to think anything, while you yourself think and act willy nilly without a care of the consequences.

>> No.11318562

I’m at the point where the tv ad for starving Pierre for the save the kids comes on, and o continue eating my meal.

>> No.11318566

It's a fucking animal, not a person.

>> No.11318567


>> No.11318573
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>way overpriced when fresh
no wonder vegans hate meat so much

>> No.11318574


>> No.11318581
File: 996 KB, 4032x3024, 6ba62aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced every antivegan is too stupid to cook and too uneducated thus they resort to eating garbage. Literal plebbit-tier retards.

>> No.11318592

animals are people too you murdering carnist

>> No.11318604

I have processed cattle before so I still would. None of those cows have names.

>> No.11318618
File: 140 KB, 742x960, c003038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your wife is fat, you're recently diagnosed with cancer at 42, your children are slow and weak, and you're questioning what mistakes you made in life you will think back and remember this post. You are being mocked meatcucks. You're a joke. Mountains of evidence. Massive cruelty that you wilfully ignore. The meatjews' constant commercials, advertising, "free range cruelty free farmer Bubba's artisan meat" stroking your wallet, and the destruction environment all attributed to stupid, lazy, ugly faggots like yourselves.
You will think back to this post and remember that you were being mocked years ago. You are retarded and we laugh at your shitty attempt at retorts every day.

>> No.11318644

yes so Chloe did not die in vain

>> No.11318649

I’m sorry, I am slow. Are you having a go at vegans or omnivoirs?
Because I can see arguments for worker scenario.
But, stop coming on vegans, they’re peel,s tlo.

>> No.11318650

>ah hyuk

>> No.11318664
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>> No.11318676

We have to work and take care of our houses and gardens.

We do not have time to sit down and "cook" a 20 ingredient vegfag meal, that immitates a simple burger.

>> No.11318691
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1536960087608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't have time to cook for twenty minutes

>> No.11318698

By Buddhist doctrine, this is actually untrue. The cow was killed whether I chose to eat it or not. The only time it's my ethical decision is if the cow is killed specifically for me.

Just some butthurt faggot, probably with pink hair.

>> No.11318706

Why does white people do 'dis?

>> No.11318711

That pic makes the beef taste that much better.

>> No.11318738

>doesn't spend hours making food look like the other food you wont eat
>they must not know how to cook

>> No.11318746


>> No.11318828

It should read "my name was Chloe, I didn't want to die, but everyone dies. I am already dead, at least do let that go to waste"

>> No.11318837

I'll probably stop eating meat by the time I'm 50.
I'm already getting tired of it, to be honest.
I still love goat and lamb though.

>> No.11318872

Yes, and I also get hungry when I watch some Japanese guy cut up random fish and eat it. It's fascinating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQEaFT7Q0nk

>> No.11318900


>> No.11318910

That looks disgusting

>> No.11318915

>your personal choice killed me
Not really the fucking cow was already dead. Also:
>denying that it is natural and beneficial for humans to eat meat

>> No.11318928


>> No.11318941

Remembering the dead is for overly sentimental pussys. If you weren't important enough to end up in the history books or atleast have a building named after you then who cares.

>> No.11318952

put another sticker above the "STOP" that says "Don't"

>> No.11318966

Of course I would.
Only effective way to actually damage the meat industry is terrorism.
What's pretty effective is announcing that you have injected random pieces of products you want to get rid of with whatever chemical you think sounds the scariest / deadliest.
Manufacturer has to get rid of batches of product, reputation is damaged without the manufacturer being at fault, the public is too scared to eat meat.

>> No.11318976
File: 78 KB, 720x1280, 4574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? I literally went to the fair this summer and bought a friend's pig called Gracie after meeting her. 2/3s of her are in my deep freeze right now. I didn't eat pork for 17 years before that so get fucked vegtards.

.|. man who fucked up his body eating vegan for five years and only didn't die of some fucked up illness because I went pescitarian for ten years after. no meat eaters have no brain and aren't fit to speak or think and should exist only to clean my toilet like a slave.

>> No.11318996

I still buy a pack of smokes once in a while despite them having fucking disgusting pics of cancers and shit on them so yeah.

>> No.11319000

The only people that are bothered by reality are people who are vegan anyway. Plus, if it had a name its a higher quality cut of meat anyway.


>> No.11319006
File: 234 KB, 526x538, 1534879502743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically yes.
I'd appreciate if I not only knew the cow's name, but where they lived too. It'd encourage the meat industry to have higher standards for cattle treatment.
I want some Chloeburgers with a side of Wilburdogs.

>> No.11319046

Canadians are shit posters, Australians are shitposters. Know the difference.

>> No.11319139
File: 17 KB, 590x473, Vegetarian NCDS men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your body creates all the cholesterol it needs. You're obviously in middle school or you've failed learning about one of the most common topics in life: diet and health. This would make you a low IQ moron. Keep flipping my soy burgers meatcuck.

>> No.11319187

Eating murder lmao

>> No.11319245

I'd eat more meat.

>> No.11319253

Weak attempt at manufactured outrage.

>> No.11319284

Is semen vegan?

>> No.11319290

The personal touch would make her taste better.

>> No.11319445

If they put the slaughter house ot came from on there Id pay extra. I like knowing where my meat comes from

>> No.11319480

For survival, not for sur-thrival you dumb faggot retard who doesn't even know that vitamin C DV is incorrect and according to FDA you need less than you need

Learn to read and comprehend basic scientific studies on brain mass nincompoop faggot

>> No.11319488
File: 41 KB, 800x793, 1523423131700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck chloe

>> No.11319497


Stop trying to make me have feelings for stupid fucking animals.

>> No.11319499

Are vegans becoming the new /pol/-tards?
I see them on every board now making threads about this shit.

>> No.11319515

>For survival, not for sur-thrival

Holy shit, kill yourself

>> No.11319519

Based and redpilled

>> No.11319587

No, I would alert the manager that some retarded vegan is vandalizing their products.
Then I would buy it and eat it for dinner.

>> No.11319666

t. bootlicker
I'll bet you were the best hall monitor your middle school ever had.

>> No.11319678

I didn't know satan was a vegan. You learn something new every day.

>> No.11319680

>our great leftist movement will be achieved through passive aggressive stickers!
>surely this will stop those trump nazis!!!

>> No.11319682
File: 33 KB, 500x564, ......jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting stickers on products like some petulant child is going to make a difference

What's next, crayon graffiti at the butcher counter? Gonna' T.P. the seafood aisle? Those idiots need to grow the hell up.

>> No.11319701

>vegan faggots vandalize packaged beef
>beef gets tossed in the trash
>vegan faggots ensure animals are killed for absolutely no reason
>vegan faggots ensure more animals are killed to replace the wasted animals
This is your brain on veganisms.......

>> No.11319725

Its already fucking dead just put it to good use and eat the fucker

>> No.11319759

truth is he probably wouldn't have been born at all if we didn't love meat.

>> No.11319804

>Eating meat is unhealthy
>Most athletes eat meat

>> No.11319826

their tastiness is their evolutionary survival skill. cow population:record numbers

>> No.11320060

put a RAW sticker.

>> No.11320307

And this shows that most athletes are unhealthy,

>> No.11320350

Yeah. If no one ate her, then she died in vain.

>> No.11320351

Chloe is already dead
It would more honorable to consume her flesh so that she did not die in vain
These vegans would have her remains go to an undignified end into a trashcan

>> No.11320444

15 a pound is not the worst price ive seen for good ribeye

>> No.11320466

I don't think so. That price is a little steep. I can almost always get fillets cheaper than that at my local butcher.

>> No.11320499

Live exists in spite of other life.

>> No.11320553

>having names

>> No.11320576

dat middle school nostalgia, ty

>> No.11320603

My name is not important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here.

>> No.11320612

No, the "best by" date was over a year ago. Also I'm gay if that matters.

>> No.11320613

>eating murder


>> No.11320687
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>>11316395 (OP)
When you buy the meat, make sure you take extra care preparing it properly, if you don't know how - Learn. Never let it go to waste. Never abuse or play with it. Always be thankful for the animal's meat in your household. This is how you treat another being that gave it's life to feed you, because that's how it works, it doesn't matter if it has intelligence or feelings, it has a life and you choose to take it, regardless who wields the knife, you are 100% responsible for taking this life into your stomach, take responsibility and show some respect.

>> No.11320786

Yeah because that cow would have never lived if there was no intention to eat it.

>> No.11320816
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So vegans: you believe all animals should be treated as people, yeah? You would never use an animal product or byproduct, yeah?

>> No.11320906

Says the vegan who's so exhausted he forgot to use punctuation, like an adult.
Sounds like you're short on protein bud. Maybe go suck off your boyfriend so you can get today's dose of stale jizz and see if that helps.

>> No.11320917

t. Not an actual Buddhist.

>> No.11320921

>Not wanting to get a discount because the product was vandalised, which ruined your shopping experience
>Not wanting to get some soyboy or feminist arrested
Git gud

>> No.11321889

fuck yeah
veganism is just >muh feels

>> No.11321902

So if you don't behead the cow it just regenerates?
Holy shit we have the vegans fucked now.

>> No.11321992
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But the ribeye I cut is better than that and costs less.

>> No.11322058
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>> No.11322067

Vegans don;t get it, I *WANT* to know the name of my food. I want to know how it lived, what it was fed, if it had offspring, how it died, I want to know my food was well treated and allowed to live a rich, full life.

>> No.11322076

It didn't live a full life by virtue of being slaughtered for meat, anon. JK, I know what you mean.

>> No.11322132

What real food are you trying to imitate with that unappealing slop?

>> No.11322141

life feeds on life. In the wild that cow would eventually have been eaten by wolves or starved to death and been eaten by vultures, coyotes and vermin.

But yeah...

>> No.11322142

yes? why would i care about a food animal, even if it was capable of human emotions.

>> No.11322208

I wouldn't.

>> No.11322225

You'd be dead regardless if I "chose to eat you" or not.
Stop blaming the consumer. Blame the farmers raising the killing the fuckers. If nobody ate you your meat would be gone to waste in some dumpster.

>> No.11322228

Lawyerfag here.
It’s not murdering when it’s non-humans.

>> No.11322231

When it's already dead i won't waste it. I won't make the cow die for no reason

>> No.11322239

Good point.

>> No.11322529

the label looks fake as fuck. fuck off vegan fag. lmao retards.
t. sheeple

>> No.11322644

please don't shit on vegans while also being retarded yourself; it undermines the whole exercise

>> No.11322792

Worst part is that this would now have been taken of show and thrown away.Good one.Fucken spastics making it worse by going the wrong way about getting their point of view across

>> No.11322794

>What's pretty effective is announcing that you have injected random pieces of products you want to get rid of with whatever chemical you think sounds the scariest / deadliest.
It worked well for the strawberry industry in Australia. I somehow doubt that was strawberry-protection activists that did that but it did the job anyway.

You could try injecting food-dye into the steak, that would get that steak thrown away but it's the fear effect you need so you want something that will be discovered later and be obvious but only when you go to cook it and obviously, dangerous.

Maybe injecting bleach into the centre of the steak? You could cultivate some bacteria in a solution and inject that too but it would need to be something that is super obvious as someone goes to cook it.
Ideally you also aren't going to actually kill people with this, just put them in fear of injury.

>Is semen vegan?
Most vegans I've met would say that since the animal is capable of consenting to the 'exploitation', it's not actually exploited and this is fine. It's usually in the same general conversation as cannibalism, it would be ethical if the victim/donor consented (freely and informed, all that stuff).

>> No.11322797

veganism causes depression confirmation right here

>> No.11322798

Do you think that I don't know where my food comes from?

>> No.11322869

Then vegan athletes should be on top, since they're supposedly more healthy. But they're not.

>> No.11322870

Why can't they respect Native American culture? They use every piece of the animal and to not do so would be to disrespect the animal and warrant punishment from it's spirit.

>> No.11322946

Yes. The only animals that are more than wet robots aren't commonly eaten. Dolphins, chimps, ravens and such.

>> No.11322980

I'd buy the ones with stickers on to show my friends, they'd probably find it funny

>> No.11322984
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>mfw imagining a literal mountain lion sucking someone's dick

>> No.11322997
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>display of rationality
Altruism towards farm animals is a mental illness and a violation of Hamilton's rule.

>> No.11323002

You can pay me double for my love meat.

>> No.11323050

What this graph actually says: most people eat meat and people with higher education more often are exposed to leftist ideology that praises things like vegetarianism/veganism. My IQ is 138 and I eat meat. The data displayed in this graph has absolutely zero impact on my life.
>mfw technically a vegan should answer "no" when asked if they were a vegetarian

>> No.11323056

lmao these retards
It is simple logic.
If you are never born you never suffer. You don't remember the time before birth sadly. Because it was a complete absence of suffering. It is literally impossible to live a life with more joy than pain and therefore life is bad

>> No.11323061


>> No.11323083


$33 a kg for shitty coles beef... nope

>> No.11323125

I'll buy it and track down the person who put that on there and shove it down their gullet

>> No.11323161

About $23 in yank dollars.

>> No.11323199

Yeah id find it weird and hateful and id buy from a brand that didnt shame humans for eating a fucking cow

>> No.11323203

Sounds like something a depraved vegan would say

>> No.11323222
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>haha Yeah bro I'd TOTALLY it that meat I am a FUCKING BADASS

Lmao. Meatcucks are really just the biggest bunch of fucking cowards I have ever seen. Compared to Vegans meatcucks are nothing more than scared little girls. Vegans are brave. Vegans are warriors. Not as brave as the poor animals being sent to slaughterhouses. But braver than anyone who eats animal products.

A meatcuck wouldn't DARE do the things I have done.

I have broken into world class slaughterhouses, past fucking armed guards, electric fences, securidroids and more, hiding inside the entrails of a freshly gutted cattle mother, named Eileen, just to film the conditions inside. Meatcucks are afraid to even watch the fucking videos.

I have personally shouted in the face of armed farmers, with machetes, shotguns and Kalashnikovs because I saw them about to murder a pig, called Cara. And by the end of it they were Vegan too. Meatcucks won't even leave the city because there isn't enough supermarket meat there.

I have personally snuck into a chicken barn, and spent the entire night sleeping there, amongst the corpses of chickens, named Barbara, Charlotte, and other names. I experienced their lives, and even gave myself bird flu. Meatcucks won't even eat meat that isn't cleanly packaged in plastic.

Meat eaters are babies. Children. They are scared of anything that challenges their false and incorrect views.

>> No.11323269
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Your only arguments are fallacies of false equivalence

>> No.11323522

Luckily not everything in the world follows the rules of natural selection.

>> No.11323545

The same laws governing genetic evolution can be adapted to memetic evolution. Veganism will, barring unforseen events leading to global food shortages, return to being a tiny cult.
>but muh growing vegan population
A fad is not an indication of a lasting trend.

>> No.11323548

But it's not, ensuring a farm animal lives well ensures more and better meat for you and your family.

>> No.11323554

Reminds me of how the vegan girl at my high school would go around putting "meat is murder" stickers on peoples' cars.

One day someone covered her entire windshield in stickers that said "I Seals".

>> No.11323561

>hehe do you eat babies, that's what I though conservishit
>is okay with killing human babies

>> No.11323566
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checked, but bait nonetheless
nice waste of a trip

>> No.11323605

Historical Buddha died from eating tainted pork. Sorry, fag, read a book.

>> No.11323633

>vegans resorting to dumb childish antics to make themselves feel superior to people
Imagine that.
I wish those idiots would grow the fuck up, but that's not going to happen, so maybe we should just cull the ones advocating this insanity.

>> No.11323743

I would absolutely still eat meat.

>> No.11323767

>killing human babies
Vegans don't support that. They support the right of womyn to remove a cancerous tissue that will likely metastisize into a carnist, or at the very least a force contributing to the destruction of the only known habitable planet in the universe, a human being.

>> No.11323779


>> No.11323796

It doesn't matter who she was. What matters is her meat.

>> No.11323801


I might be a little taken back by it at first. I would definitely still end up getting it though.

I did spend 2 weeks not eating beef after visiting my then gf's family farm. Those things are bretty cute and comfy up close ;-;

>> No.11323847

Enthusiastically, YES! Cooking and eating Chloe is just a celebration of ME being at the top of the food chain. It was Chloes only purpose in life, to exist solely to provide for my nourishment and sustenance. She fulfilled her role in the universe by allowing me to fulfill mine. We are all part of a great cosmic machine, all with out place and function. She did hers, and I am better off for it. Besides, capitalism.

>> No.11323852

ah cool
so genociding all cows will prevent generations of future suffering
plenty of beef for everyone :^D

>> No.11323887

>Oh looky here at this cute widdle cow, don't you wish she was skipping on a field somewhere instead of being seared in butter on a hot pan?
No, pass the herbs or get out.

>> No.11323909

Id like to kill my own food but thats such a hassle

>> No.11323919

based and redpilled

>> No.11323927

Anybody that actually grows anything knows plants are sentient, just like us, but they simply use different methods to express themselves.

>> No.11323942

I WISH I knew the name of the pig that produced the last pork butt I slow roasted in the oven because it was fucking SPECTACULAR. One of the best I ever made.

That pig is a g'damn hero for giving his life to nourish mine....a delicious hero at that.

>> No.11323960


>> No.11323985

Not a vegan but I agree.

>> No.11324006

No, it expired

>> No.11324012

Am I supposed to feel bad for something that can't talk? If it could talk before being slaughtered, everything would be different. But I am going to buy some steaks and grill those up bitches and sip some whiskey. Its fucking friday after all

>> No.11324042

>19 dollorydoos for just over a pound
I'd choose another cut. Sorry Chloe, you died in vein.

>> No.11324738

This is a sample of 65 versus 3209 right? Not really big enough to draw a conclusion on chief

>> No.11324748

I guess it's better "Chloe" is dead then. She has returned to the state she was before being born. Nonliving.

>> No.11324767

That's not altruism, that's good business practices.

>> No.11324781

Even at larger sample size, correlation does not imply causation.

>> No.11324800

You just confirmed that you lack the necessary empathy to understand to me. I didn't mean I'm too deep. I meant you're too entrenched in your silo and the propaganda you've been fed. You can only see me as a stereotype.

>> No.11325382
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Oh god. It's been too long sense I've been by a proper butcher shop.

>> No.11325392

Yes. Why do we have these threads every fucking day?

>> No.11325562


Not buying and consuming it just makes it go to waste. Then it's life was really for nothing.

>> No.11325593

Split it, trim the fat, and tie it into a perfect circle you fucking savage. The fat content of a ribeye should rely on its marbling.

>> No.11325613

Do you actually views things this simplistically like a child-brained idiot, or are you just doing it for the sake of being disruptive and obnoxious so you get more attention?

>> No.11325614

Looks pretty low tier to be honest.

>> No.11325637
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>tfw no based nigress gf

>> No.11325641

No, the meat from coles is of terrible quality
I'd get some from a butcher instead.

>> No.11325649

Laura has the right idea.

I doubt they have any cows named kyle.

>> No.11325966

Absolutely not. That price is shit.

>> No.11325995

Absolutely, I love knowing where my meat came from. If anything this only encourages better farming practices

>> No.11326210

look into non-acetone nail polish remover, it might clean the adhesive off without damaging the sheen of the sign

>> No.11326359

Kyle is a great name for a cow.
When it's all ladies like in a cattle farm I'm pretty sure women's prison rules apply.

>> No.11326406

>omae wa mou shindeiru...
psh nothin personnel kid

>> No.11326422

The Halal butchers are good quality and cheap, the ethnic market they serve ensures they have high volume of sales keeping them in business, unlike the traditional western butchers who are dying out because we all go to the supermarket and only a handful of hipsters and old ladies still go there for traditional cuts and bones and things so they have to charge more.

>Ya, circle of life. Eat the whole animal, respect the meat. I hope I'm eaten after I die.


Science guy said it pretty well.

>And this shows that most athletes are unhealthy,
No, the logic would be that you should only eat lots of meat if you're an athlete (or have similar caloric requirements).
The rest of us should be vegan because we're not working out for four hours a day.

>Yes. Why do we have these threads every fucking day?
Veganism is a guaranteed troll thread in /ck/. And most other boards desu, it's because it directly confronts and threatens the self-image of meat-eaters by demonstrating an alternative philosophy that is fairly clearly ethically superior but which lots of people don't want to do out of selfish preference. There are people in this thread that acknowledge that but it's relatively rare overall and so it works great as a troll topic. Combined with 'hate people with different choices' and the militant-vegan meme and it's pure win if all you want to do is clutter up the board with shit-posting.
If you categorised the regular threads in /ck/, you'd see that over half of them are variations on the same half-dozen topics every time. This one of course, a couple of Ramsey threads, four 'this is a real burger' thread and a half-dozen "I sure hope you guys don't do this completely normal thing". Throw in an amerifat gimmick-restaurant/dish thread to round it off and you're about there.

>> No.11326434

>trimming the fat

lol fag

>> No.11326495

I wonder if vegans mourn the ants they stepped on or the bugs splatted on their windshield as they cruise down the highway? Do they mourn the cockroaches, termites, or sugar ants that try to infest their house? It is the same shit

>> No.11326524

Everyone on /ck/ isn't vegan and it's all just bait to stir shit up. Dare you to convince me otherwise.

>> No.11326789

>ethically superior

>> No.11327118

i eat meat and this just sounds retarded dude. nothing you can think can make it up to the animal. it's over, it's dead it's your fault lol.

>> No.11327163

i would buy it and cum on them now that i feel a personal connection to that cute cow

>> No.11327192

Do you actually views things this simplistically like a child-brained idiot, or are you just doing it for the sake of being disruptive and obnoxious so you get more attention?

>> No.11327236

Came to post this. Vegans are the greatest animal-killers there is because they make production of meat and animal products unprofitable.

>> No.11327267

>clearly ethically
you just sums up defining point of a religion, aka something you force to yourself for no reason. Life doesn't give a shit about being eaten

>> No.11327697

This post is an incredible example of Poe's law, judging from the idiotic pissed off replies. >>11323269 >>11323561

>> No.11327701

yep. doesn't disturb me at all. in fact I think we should all know and understand where our food comes from

>> No.11327719
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Would you?

>> No.11327745
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>> No.11328000

It would taste extra good.

>> No.11328229

>This post is an incredible example of Poe's law
It's a quality troll, I'm actually rather impressed.

>> No.11328239

Cows don't have names, unless they're pets I guess. So I would assume some vegan was trying to emotionally manipulate me by humanizing my meat.

>> No.11328616
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Tetsuwan Birdy OVA was pretty great

Only 90s kids will remember this

>> No.11328708

i'd buy double

>> No.11328841

did he died

>> No.11328976

I'm vegan

>> No.11328987
