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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.68 MB, 720x720, black guy making fries.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11314425 No.11314425 [Reply] [Original]

me in the kitchen

>> No.11314746

my nibba
last week I had my first combustion in the kitchen, wanted to cook some pork drippings in the oven for 5 minutes so as to safely pour them on my rice but it turns out the temperature was too high and I used too high of a rack so flames came out as I opened the oven

>> No.11314760

the funniest thing is that he pretty much had it under control twice before he moved the pot and grabbed the water.

>> No.11314811
File: 18 KB, 250x256, 1534871888537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all act like you would be under control when shit happens. Tell me tough guy. What would you do if there are no extinguisher around before you pour the water.

Extra point. What would you do after your pour the water

>> No.11314813

I wouldn't put frozen chips into boiling hot oil.

>> No.11314817

Why would I ever be cooking in a kitchen without having an extinguisher near by?

>> No.11314828

I would not pour FUCKING WATER ON BOILING OIL ? What about that fucking retard ? There's fire blankets for that shit.

>> No.11314838

common sense would dictate you don't throw liquid on a fire fueled by liquid, i would smother it with large blankets soaked in water, or use some tongs grab a larger pot to put over fire and then kill the fuel source, fire doesn't survive without fuel and air

>> No.11314841

>Pour water
>oil fire
Please do this. Get your face right in there when you do it, too.

>> No.11314844

I'd turn off the flame and let the small fire burn while I dampened a sidetowel to smother it.

>> No.11314866

If this retard just moved the pot and turned off the stove the fire would have died down in thirty seconds

>> No.11314874

Lol that little dance he does before it combusts kills me

>> No.11314900

that's how you're suppose to cook them.

>> No.11314928

I always have a fire extinguisher in my kitchen. It's stupid not to have one

>> No.11314943

Let me tell you what I would do:
I would use baking soda or salt, like you're supposed to in case of an oil fire, you great fucking retard. How has no one ITT suggested baking soda or salt? That's THE quintessential kitchen grease fire solution.

>> No.11314952

>How has no one ITT suggested baking soda or salt?
it's stupid.

>> No.11314961
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having an extinguisher somewhere in your kitchen
>pouring water on an oil fire in the first place
>not knowing you can smother a fire with soaked thick material like hand towels or a wad of napkins, or in an event of extreme desperation salt/sand/dirt

This is like basic common sense to exist as a human being. How do you function day-to-day? Do you have written instructions on you in case you forget how to breathe?

>> No.11315218

Not if the oil is hot enough to splatter all over the stove and cause a grease fire

>> No.11315223

he over filled the pan with oil. Had nothing to do with the temp of the oil. Most fry at near 400F

>> No.11315233


>> No.11315248

In hot oil that isn't boiling

>> No.11315259

Oil doesn't boil dumbass.

>> No.11315293

The vast majority of the fries you've ever eaten were put frozen into oil almost twice the temperature of boiling water.

>> No.11316238

I love it how right after the thing bursts into flames for the first time he tries to shake the pan as if he was a professional chef

>> No.11316272

I've always wondered what the context of this video is.
Is it a sketch from some comedy show?
Is it some guy actually trying to cook?
Is it just a prank bro?

>> No.11316284

it actually exploded because of the condensation from the lid

>> No.11316310

I don't know what the source for this is, but it looks like he's purposefully trying to start the fire. Like it's for a JackAss type thing or something.

First you have the fact that it's filming to begin with. Second, you can see in his face he knows the shit is going to flare up. Third, he moves the pot like he's trying to get it to flare up again. Then forth, he throws what looks like water on it.

>> No.11316460

Ida know.

I felt like I was pretty under control when I had my flashover this year.

>Be using cast iron skillet for first time.
>Decide to sear a steak.
>Pour some olive oil into the rocket hot pan assuming that would be right at the smoke point but still a comfortable distance from the flash poi-
>"This is perfectly fine..." :|
>put cover over the skillet to snuff the fire.
>Fire still going.
>Take pan over to sink but at same time keep it the fuck away from water.
>Fire finally goes out.
>Realize I still have 'a seriously fucking hot pan'
>Move it back over to range (with burner off) and throw steak on it.
>Steak sears great!

Best sear I ever had but certainly not worth the risk of burning my house down.

Best way I can explain it is most people, even spazzes go into this damage control mode mentality. Everything slows down and you 'know what to do'. It's not even a big deal.

>> No.11317225

So is this from Mexico? 10/10 would go to the store bought one...ha ha.

>> No.11317340
File: 242 KB, 449x557, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.21_[2018.06.16_22.23.20].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before you pour the water
Did you just insinuate that people should pour water on oil fires? Are you actually this fucking stupid?

>> No.11317372


I always use club soda and salt

>> No.11317733
File: 65 KB, 300x250, 1536929927274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bait.

>> No.11317820

This is why you have to keep looking when cooking.

>> No.11318047

dont see what the big deal is.

i cooked chicken wings once. they were frozen and i forgot to dethaw them. i threw them right into the boiling oil

oil obviously overflowed and then lit the stove on fire just like OP.

while it was on fire, i had a big bowl, then filled it with water, threw it on the stove, and the flame went out.

end of story. if you have enough water, the oil will go out. just like mine did.

>> No.11318053

new here, huh?

>> No.11318360

Can't you read sir ?

>> No.11318366

You're lucky that was only the end of that story. There was a good chance it could have been the end of your story.

>> No.11318424

It's a Vine they put methalated spirit in the pan

>> No.11320084

If there's a fire turn off the flame and cover the sorce of oil with a lid . The spilled oil will burn off . Basics.