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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11310549 No.11310549 [Reply] [Original]


>1. Indian
World famous for its spices. Everyone here (UK) loves a good curry, but there's loads of great street food type alternatives too.

>2. Japanese
One word: Umami. So flavoursome and rich.

>3. Greek
Loads of herbs and lemony flavours, very nice and light and feels healthy.

>4. Lebanese
Same reasoning as Greek. Light but just full of flavour. Plus, falafel.

>5. Thai
Pleasant and spicy. Eating a red curry always just feels really nice.

>6. Mexican
Lots of chilli, lots of cheese, lots of beans. What's not to like?

>7. Italian
We all love pizza, and we all love pasta, but the genuine, authentic Italian stuff is out of this world. Really hearty and a lot of love put into the dishes.

>8. Chinese
Varied types of flavour, from sweet, to spicy, to umami. Something for everyone.

>9. Vietnamese
More subtle in flavour compared to the sharpness of Japanese and Chinese, but all the flavours just work so well together.

>10. Polish
Nice, warm wintery food. God tier savoury stuff. Surprised the foodie hipsters are still sleeping on pierogi.

Note: 'Lebanese' is interchangeable with Middle Eastern food in general, and 'Polish' is interchangeable with Eastern European food in general.

But anyway. What are yours?

>> No.11310572

1. French
2. Romande (Swiss French)
3. Wallone (Belgian French)
4. Quebecois
5. Cajun/Louisianais
6. Senegalese
7. Tahitian
8. Guyanese French
9. Moroccan
10. Lebanese

>> No.11310575
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>polish in the top 10

>> No.11310577

You forgot Tunisian.

>> No.11310579

Better than your bland Krautnigger food.

>> No.11310581

Tunisian is just a shittier version of Moroccan. Plus, that's pasta.

>> No.11310583

As a Guyanese man it's nice for my country to finally get recognised. Some of the food over there is fucking delicious.

But I'm still upset no-one has said Korean. Korean food is fucking god tier

>> No.11310590
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>One word: Umami

>> No.11310628

kek, no

>> No.11310636

Yussef al-Phoenici pls Tunesian food is inferior to Moroccan food.

>> No.11310766

polish absolutely belongs in the top 10
italian is the clear number 1, followed by japanese. this is basically not even worth debate but here we are

>> No.11310852

2. Japanese
OKAY Anon, whatever you say. Sushi is great and all but saying it has "flavor" is where I cross the line. Japanese food is just under seasoned Authentic Chinese Food.

>> No.11310858

japanese is bland as fuck

>> No.11310880

1. French, absolutely no contest.
2. Japanese. Another culture that truly treats cooking as an art.
3. Italian. Hate to admit to put it on third place, but gotta admit its great variety makes it still interesting overall.
4. Cantonese and Shanghainese. A tie, great subtle cooking unlike dog shit Northern Chinese cooking (not all bad but mostly uninteresting).
5. Indian/Paki. A great use of spices in general.

Others are alright, some are dog shit.

>> No.11310893

Indian, Italian, Mexican, Thai, Southern Chinese, Lebanese. Japanese is bland as fuck

>> No.11310908

>Some of the food over there is fucking delicious.
What ? Roadkill ? French had to import Hmong from the other side of the world 40y ago (french vietnam war) to grow something there. Blacks didn't had any food, there's no guyanese cuisine.

>> No.11310913

1. Chinese (the americanized version that is)
2. everyone else

>> No.11310921

These threads are so pointless, other than to share your opinion. Might as well ask what everyone's favorite knife is.

If you're going by professionalism and history, you can't beat French, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Turkish.

Many other cuisines simply do not compare.

>> No.11310922

Japanese is legitimately bland and boring. There's no reason comparing it to those other countries because it just doesn't come close in terms of flavors.

>> No.11310923

Not my fault if you have burned your tongue. Japanese flavor is much more subtle and quite rich. Not the "in your face" type of rich.

>> No.11310933

It's pretty much just raw fish. I like strong flavors that pack a huge punch, they're objectively better

>> No.11310940


>> No.11310941

1. American
2. Tex-Mex
3. American Chinese
4. American Japanese
5. Cajun
6. Korean-American Fusion
7. Hawaiian
8. Italian-American
9. German-American
10. Quebecois

Oh, and I'm Canadian

>> No.11311038

North Indian (the southerners can go suck a rotten onion)

>> No.11311098

>If you're going by professionalism and history, you can't beat French, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Turkish.
cooking is not a competition? stop being autistic

>> No.11311108

Japs eat raw fish maybe once or twice a month.

>> No.11311117

>One word: Umami

>> No.11311121

Nope, it's bland and overly simplistic as compared to the majority of Asian cuisines. The only country that is worse of is the Philippines.

1. Greek
2. Lebanese
3. Thai
4. Mexican
5. Indian
6. French
7. Vietnamese
8. Italian
9. Spanish
10. When done well, American, especially Cajun and fusion cooking

>> No.11311463

1. French
2. Italian
3. Thai
4. Greek
5. Chinese
6. Vietnamese
7. Japanese
8. American
9. Spanish
10. South American

>> No.11311525

1. American mountain West fast food. Fucking origin of pastrami burgers.
2. American Tex Mex. Better than the original
3.American. San Diego. Better fish tacos and burritos then Mexico.
4. American Pacific Northwest seafood
5. American Creole. Better than French and black food
6. American southern food. Fucking gravy and carbs for days
7. American barbecue. More options than your shit country
8. American flyover shit. You're not going to be hungry
9. American new England. It's okay. Still better than other shit counties
10. New York pizza. Literal garbage but still better than your rice and beans

>> No.11311714
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Based. God bless the USA.

>> No.11311843
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>One word: Umami

>> No.11311906

>1. English
Scotch Eggs, Sausage Rolls and soggy fish fingers
>2. Scottish
Haggis is alright I guess
>3. Everything else
Any other food is a meme

>> No.11311943

t. wagecuck too poor to eat French food

>> No.11311987


>> No.11312026
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The only truth

>> No.11312030
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Literal Col. Blimp jingoism, lol! How's it feel to be on the wrong side of history?

>> No.11312039

Just wanted to post in this gay thread to say BASED.

>> No.11312051
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Yep, that's based.

>> No.11312086

Greek is a steady favourite, everything else gets rated on a case by case basis. Dislike Turkish food. They treat seasoning as the main component of their dishes.

>> No.11312111


>> No.11312113



>> No.11312139
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>> No.11312179

1) Taco Bell
2) McDonald's
3) Checker's
4) KFC
5) Pizza Hut
6) Burger King
7) Dairy Queen
8) Wendy's
9) Jack in the Box
10) Arby's

>> No.11312206

1. French
2. Every American restaurant
3. Everything else

>> No.11313210

The only thing shittier than indian food is the hand that makes it.

>> No.11313224
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>> No.11313242

1. Chipitole
2. Chik-fil-a
3. Burger King
4. Hardee's
5. Wendy's
6. Sonic
7. Arby's
8. Sheetz
9. McDonald's
10. Dairy Queen

>> No.11313259

You're from the UK, I don't think you have any right to rate other cuisines.

>> No.11313278

1. Chicken
2. Waffles
3. Chicken and waffles
4. Cooked Chicken
5. Cooked chicken and waffles
6. Kentucky fried chicken
7. Kentucky fried chicken and waffles
8. Kentucky fried chicken and waffles with the maple syrup replaced with vodka
9. Broiled chicken
10. Broiled chicken and waffles

>> No.11313313

msg is my religion

>> No.11313325
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B A S E D & R E D P I L L E D

>> No.11313432
File: 154 KB, 644x600, B4ACD515-B1D6-4C73-B33F-80CDF3CAF116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Jamaican
2. Tie between Italian and Japanese
3. Thai
4. Indian/Nepalese
5. Greek
6. Manchurian
7. Sichuan
8. ‘merican
9. Slav
10. M*xican

>> No.11313442

>not metioning morocco even once

>> No.11313443

1. Fusion
2. Unfused food

>> No.11313446

>Not even mentioning Korean

>> No.11313516

you're such a gaylord

>> No.11313662

Korean is dog shit tier.

>> No.11313671

1. Indonesian
2. French
3. Indian
4. American Barbecue
5. Russian(lol)
6. Mexican
7. Vietnamese
8. Japanese
9. Italian
10. Cantonese

>> No.11313691

1) American
All other cuisines are available in American food, often found in the form of a casserole or fast food.

>> No.11313693

>sheetz in 8th


>> No.11314338

>Mexican cuisine
>mentions norteño/texmex garbage
Like clockwork

>> No.11314656

Thank you based burger poster

>> No.11314660

Pakistani >>>> Indian

It's the exact same food, but with beef.

>> No.11315601

>1: italian
>3: "germanic" europe (from austria to west scandinavia)
>2: japanese
not a fan of raw fish but they do have some interesting things
>4: eastern europe in general
>5: licking dirt of the road
>6: american fast food
although if i'm hungry enough i might consider it over something else
>7: every other "exotic" cuisine
at least for what i've tried it consists in drawning your dishes in enough spices to turn it into some revolting steaming pile of indefinite flavor, i could put boiled meat in a blender with a gallon of ketchup, some pineapple, lemon and sugar and i wold probably get the same result as what chinese people are trying to sell me for food
>8: br*tish

however, i still have to legit try iberian and french and the hellenic sphere of influence