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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 442 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181008_174040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11307157 No.11307157 [Reply] [Original]

>order McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
>get the rudest and worst service each time
>my food is missing entire ingredients
Wtf? I thought McDonalds held themselves to a higher standard.
Pic related, my breakfast aka the sausage, egg and cheese McMuffin. Only cheese and a muffin! I saw the portly African-American employee behind the grill picking things off peoples' orders and munching away. Very disrespectful and unhygienic.

>> No.11307163

>getting shitty garbage and expecting anything but shitty garbage

>> No.11307165

That’s what you get white boi for voting 4 kavanaw

>> No.11307166

for some reason, i just don't believe you.

>> No.11307167
File: 97 KB, 960x720, IMG_20181008_174108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch time rolled around. My cheeseburger was dry and foul. The bacon was undercooked for cry it out loud!

>> No.11307174
File: 262 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181008_174004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like a full large fries to you? It doesn't to me...

>> No.11307180
File: 264 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181008_174006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very greasy and cold fries... didn't even fill the damn box! I sat in traffic for an hour and a half for THIS?

>> No.11307186


>> No.11307201

whjere is the subscription button

>> No.11307224
File: 299 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181008_180058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put my experiences behind me because it's my Monday ritual to eat McDonalds, so I went there for dinner like usual. Guess what? They messed up my order again!
I got the McChicken because people rave about it on here so I wanted to get one. Well it had way too much mayonnaise on it! Look at this sandwich, its gross. For a billion dollar restaurant McDonalds isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I'm going to Wendys instead tomorrow. It might be a bit more expensive, but the quality is worth it.

>> No.11307229

>too much mayonaise
You can git out

>> No.11307238

Where do you live that there are not multiple McDonald's around lol

>> No.11307242

I tried scooping it off with my straw, but it got all over my car seat and I forgot to wipe the straw off after I put it back into my diet coke. It tasted horrible.

>> No.11307245

Literally any mayonnaise on anything is too much you fucking fatass

>> No.11307268

Don't bully him he is just a round friend

>> No.11307275
File: 28 KB, 600x803, Img_071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you OP they got my Big Mac wrong last night lmaooo

>> No.11307281

>being a good cuck and not complaining


>> No.11307284

Mayo is nectar of the gods nigger

>> No.11307287

What are you talking about? What does that suppose to mean?

>> No.11307296

Are you implying something which is literally just eggs and oil makes you fat?

>> No.11307297

His whole post is complaining for fuck sake.

Learn to read.

>> No.11307307

I think he meant complaining to the manager or someone
But the better solution is just not eating shit

>> No.11307332
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20181008_174946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did drive back to complain about the fries.

>> No.11307343

why are your legs so small

>> No.11307345
File: 82 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20181008_174951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They apologized and topped me off with fresh fries.

>> No.11307347

apparently you have given consent for your wife to have sex with other men because your egg mcmuffin was missing some ingredients

>> No.11307348
File: 974 KB, 2025x2700, 1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have went to Wendy's instead, OP.

>> No.11307352

Don’t eat at any establishment staffed by niggers.

>> No.11307357

Why not?

>> No.11307427

>Eating at American Mcdonalds

Your first mistake.

>> No.11307436

>for cry it out loud

>> No.11307446
File: 68 KB, 600x1065, IMG_583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got sexually harassed in the parking lot the last time I complained at McDs.
>pic very related

>> No.11307452

Post feet

>> No.11307474


>> No.11307487
File: 101 KB, 768x1024, IMG_926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so weird lol

>> No.11307495

why do you eat at mcdonalds so often

>> No.11307502

I'd suck your toes

>> No.11307510

I don't?

>> No.11307516

i want to sniff

>> No.11307521

pls be in london

>> No.11307565

Haha thanks~
I'm from Michigan

>> No.11307566

thanks. i came!

>> No.11307591

Drastically increases your chances of getting bad food or a wrong order.

>> No.11307608
File: 450 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181008_193514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A side order of McDonald's new glazed chicken tenders. A picture speaks 1,000 words...
I'm sorry you had to deal with that... I wish I could have been there to protect you...

>> No.11307614

If thats true then why do they hire them, /pol/tard?

>> No.11307617

how were they

>> No.11307634

>order McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

This is the worst thing about your thread.

>> No.11307639

They were good. Very sweet and tangy, with a hint of spice and a colorful aftertaste.

>> No.11307665

Not everyone is a poorfag, bruh. Some of us can afford to eat out for every meal of the day.

>> No.11307859
File: 388 KB, 1536x2048, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the McDs on Bond Street in Bristol and this is what I found.

>> No.11308091
File: 248 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20181008_212012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found 2 black pubic hairs in my complimentary coffee after I went back again to complain. This is getting ridiculous. I'm on the verge of tears because I feel like I'm being singed out. This was my 5th trip to McDonalds today by the way!

>> No.11308257

>including yourself in the shot
Typical roastie behaviour

>> No.11308334

What would atypical roastie behavior* be then?

>> No.11308357

Because otherwise they're labeled racist and people tell others not to eat there.

>> No.11308388

not having a pathological need to show everybody what you look like.

>> No.11308406

Oh, you mean like your doing right now?

>> No.11308434

This looks exactly like a McDonalds in California, Oregon or Washington

>> No.11308476

What even is this thread
nevertheless, op pls sit on my face

>> No.11308509

Looks gr8 m8. Would devour 10/10

>> No.11308523


>"McDonald's is swill"
>still eats it for 3 meals a day.

>> No.11308542

Show me where I said, "McDonald is swill". Oh right, you can't because I never did.

>> No.11308566

Thank you for your kind words.

>> No.11308571

You Fake News fucking incel faggot

>> No.11308596

>t. Reuters shill

>> No.11308717

They never said the food was bad though, just that the orders were wrong.

>> No.11308733

>mcdonalds in North America has always been low quality and shitty
>go to mcdonalds in Asia
>fucking absolutely high quality service and food
what the fuck? They even have exclusive menu items that are delicious

>> No.11308756

Weird. I had McDonalds today and everything was fine

>> No.11308766

>Be 20 years old
>Going to college
>Have to drop out to take care of sick mom
>Good with computers get a job at state office
>Half the office gets laid off including me
>Get welfare
>Dad gets sick
>Need more money
>No more welfare
>Only place with flexible schedule is McDonalds
>Went from 47k/yr to 10$/hr
>No time for friends
>gf left me
>Customer comes in to complain about some dumb shit like usual
>Try my absolute hardest not to stick my head in the fryer

Yeah fuck off seriously, no one wants to do slave jobs so not sure why you expect good service for shit money.

>> No.11308770

she spent like, $7

>> No.11308773

Does not compute

>> No.11308779

There's two McD's in my area. One that's 2 minutes away and run like shit, and one that's 5 minutes away in the other direction and owned/ran by an indian dude that runs it like it's his last chance before deportation.

>> No.11308794
File: 284 KB, 466x510, 1536251309704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blogpost

>> No.11308798

I agree with >>11308766 anyone that has ever had to work fast food for the money knows that it's extremely shitty.

>> No.11308822

It's easy, it's so easy it's an entry level job they give to 16 year old girls. Quit fucking up.

>> No.11308868

>live in based north texas
>based hard working whites make my egg mcmuffin right every time
>based mcdonalds
Stop living in niggerland and join the based white based race based.

>> No.11309063

That has got to be the cleanest toilet bowl I have ever seen at a McDonalds

>> No.11309074

Tits or gtfo

>> No.11309076

go to a mcdonalds in the white side of my neighborhood everything's fine
go to mcdonalds in the black side of my neighborhood have to check the bag thoroughly every fucking time shits put together lazly or just plain wrong 1/4 times

man these fucks are why people are racists

also go to japanese mcdonalds everything's fucking perfect and to a T picture quality also taste better too like wtf


>> No.11309084

kill yourself

>> No.11309088

I won't visit my local McDonald's. Something unpleasant always happens

Angry customers arguing with the staff, or each other. Long wait times. Order wrong.

But the McDonald's on the East side are always nice. Probably 'cause staffed by white kids working through college. They seem to care a bit more than 30-something urban-types.

>> No.11309116

McDonald's doesn't have a food quality problem, it has a NIGGER problem

>> No.11309145

Horrible feet

>> No.11309179

>Go to McDonald's outside the US, food looks like it does in the picture

East Asian autism game too strong

>> No.11309311

Fuck off

>> No.11309322

>This was my 5th trip to McDonalds today by the way!

>> No.11309325

>my breakfast aka the sausage, egg and cheese McMuffin
why are you guys so fucking fat

>> No.11309342

>I thought McDonalds held themselves to a higher standard.
Said literally no one, ever.
Actually, McDonald's is in a really weird and unique state publicity-wise. They've earned a position wherein they are basically the only fast-food chain allowed to not even try, and everyone's A-OK with it because, hey, it's McDonald's. What did you expect?

>> No.11309343

So bitch at corporate and get apologies and free meal coupons, then take them to a McD's on the good/white side of town.
Fucking shit does nobody have half a brain anymore? No problem solving skills?

>> No.11309353

Basically McDonald's is too big, and too shitty, to fail. Other fast food places need to at least try pretend that they're trying to offer any semblance of quality at all. They don't need to actually deliver, because it's fast food, but they do need to pretend. McDonalds doesn't.
You could go to McDonald's right now and order some fries and only get back a red paper cup with a used napkin in it. If that happened anywhere else, you'd march right back in there and make a scene. But with McDonald's, you just go, "Yeah, that's about right."

>> No.11309955

Kill yourself incel

>> No.11309960

>guy has a single breakfast sandwich
>hurrp durrrp why you so fat

If you have anything more than a thimble of distilled water for breakfast lunch and dinner, you better kill yourself for being too much of a retarded fucking fatty

>> No.11310193

You ate them you fat fuck

>> No.11311654
File: 556 KB, 1440x1920, IMG_20181009_175132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked for a McChicken and came home with this instead. I'm DONE.

>> No.11311801

No I didn't. I can't drive and eat at the same time because it's illegal here.

>> No.11311863

>>11307157 5:40 PM
>>11307167 5:41 PM
>>11307174 5:40 PM
>>11307180 5:40 PM
>>11307224 6:00 PM
>>11307332 5:49 PM
>>11307345 5:49 PM
>>11307608 7:35 PM
>>11308091 9:20 PM
next day:
>>11311654 5:51PM

OP did you hang out at McDonalds all night after work posting on /ck/, then come back the next day?
You ordered breakfast at night too.

>> No.11311878

That's not a fucking McChicken you McCunt

>> No.11311884

>>guy has a single breakfast sandwich
Read OP again you drooling retard

>> No.11311913

I uploaded the pics to my laptop which gives them the filename, idiot.

>> No.11311921

no you didn't you fat loser, those are phone filenames
you probably ordered them wrong on purpose for the epic lulz about niggers touching my food and McDonalds are idiots
post receipts faggot

>> No.11312089

>b-but i don't have any receipts 'cause mom always pay's for muh pig slop and keeps the receipts for a tax deduction since I'm worthless

>> No.11312093

being such a loser you have to come on 4chan to make fun of another loser
i feel sorry for you anon

>> No.11312115
File: 51 KB, 800x800, zH3aII7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tubby on damage control!

>> No.11312128

>the ol don't have an argument so try to take some non-existent highroad like "and have a nice day" or "i feel sorry for you (:" post
just shut the fuck up you loser

>> No.11312175

look at this loser go oh and im talking about you not the other guy

>> No.11312374
File: 40 KB, 540x641, 1533620067094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11312388

>Poor Little White Girl

>> No.11312449

>sitting in traffic to eat at mcdonalds at all
>sitting in traffic for over an hour for mcdonalds
How far away from civilization do you even live?

>> No.11312450

You 56% amerilards really run loose and fast with that term don't you?

>> No.11312486
File: 841 KB, 333x250, 1306686135843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is cheese melt

>> No.11312942


>> No.11312968

McDs is worth the drive.

>> No.11312999

Oh shit, I'm from Michigan too, wanna go on a McChicken date and have sex in the parking lot?

>> No.11313056

>Sodium poisoning

>> No.11313065


>> No.11313074
File: 60 KB, 616x462, 1387299383780[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my McPot Roast was a bit bland and wasn't even hot when it was served to me.

>> No.11313083

Wtf I bit into my mcdouble and when I looked at it there was a bite in it. I called customer service but they didn't give me any thing!

>> No.11313085
File: 35 KB, 560x315, 1081318[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you call this McSoup? does that look like soup to you?

>> No.11313086

This is why I hate H junkies. Is it really so hard to put the cap back on and later throw your needle away?

>> No.11313088

Not him, but I think you might be retarded.

>> No.11313089

They have to target different markets, due to food prices and cost of living and all that. Poor people there can't afford McDonald's so they go for higher classes.

>> No.11313094

That heartless bitch. Condolences, niganon.

>> No.11313097
File: 42 KB, 640x640, Oven-French-Fries-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how bad my fries were burnt. I would have went back but I had already eaten some.

>> No.11313103

Can we get more pics op?

>> No.11313109
File: 366 KB, 1600x600, Cooking-Produce-Produce-Prep-Guide-1600x600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how this passes for a side salad.

>> No.11313211
File: 21 KB, 500x551, 1525575708893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11313225
File: 75 KB, 722x378, IMG_1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you be any more stereotypical?

>> No.11313257
File: 47 KB, 750x562, 1534810781934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once got only mayo instead of special sauce on the big mac. Horridly bland, made a call. Also had to walk in on a separate occasion after my order took 30 min in the drive thru. They basically forgot I was sitting in the parking lot and didn't make my order. I stood at the counter waiting while a tubby dindu woman complained and wanted to get new nuggets because I was "standing over them." I completely ignored her, got my food, and left to never return again.

>> No.11313822


>> No.11313858

Into the trash it goes

>> No.11314477

when you're high yeah

>> No.11314486

It's an interracial gay gangbang joke you faggot. Get with the times, dork.

>> No.11314558

stopped reading there

>> No.11314582

I always see these disaster McDonald's food items but around here they're mostly really high quality. Like we get burgers that look like the ones in ads.

>> No.11314596
File: 95 KB, 800x658, Muh Entitlement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god McDonalds is testing & moving their stores to automated kiosks.

1000% more polite & won't fuck up your order.

>> No.11314601

Until robots cook the food you will still get orders fucked up. But at least I won’t have to talk to niggers anymore.

>> No.11314624


Have these at our local McD's & love them. I can fuck around with my orders, change my mind, and don't have to deal with some eye rolling 18 year old entitled cunt. I have no idea why we even need human order taking monkeys anymore.

>> No.11315187
File: 396 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181010_140800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucked up my order for the third day in a row. Unbelievable! I said PLAIN! Worst of all the employees have a new hurtful nickname for me. They call me "doughboy" any time I walk in now. I feel like I'm being bullied by the employees because I tried to get my CORRECT order. This is unacceptable.

>> No.11315229

I've eaten on top of cleaner McDonald's toilets desu

>> No.11315242


I'm on my phone. Someone post a derisive image of a person laughing for me, please.

>> No.11315278
File: 32 KB, 650x452, 1518060074239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11315289

I have worked in Pizza places, it's easy to make an order correctly and put all of the ingredients in it. I have had people complain about dumb shit before, and I have also had co-workers get pissed off and bitch about someone complaining when it was totally reasonable.

>Lady calls and said she didn't have enough hot sauce on her wings
>Since I delivered it I have to go back and get it
>Get wings and they have two tiny light red lines where the hot sauce was put on light as hell
>take back to store and ASSISTANT MANAGER drowns the wings in a puddle of hot sauce because she thinks the customer is being unreasonable

and I've had managers tell me to take pizzas that were made wrong or missing toppings and said to just take it and wait to see if the customer calls back to complain.

>> No.11315399

Try serving. If you have no experience you might need to start with bussing instead, but if you've got at least average intelligence(which you clearly do) you can move up decently quickly.

>> No.11315419
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1532751098850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They call me "doughboy" any time I walk in now.

>> No.11315432

this, I smell some fuckery here. if they didn't include the egg or sausage patty how the hell is the cheese melted?

>> No.11315443

The bread is hot, Sherlock.

>> No.11315515

We've both suffered tremendously at the hands of McDonalds

>> No.11315554


stopped reading there

>> No.11315557

l was so close

>> No.11316404

Stopped reading there

>> No.11317205

That makes zero sense . You need to get your head examined

>> No.11317516

>That makes zero sense
Neither did the post he was mocking, which was the point.

>> No.11317889

>it's not supposed to make sense that's the point!

>> No.11317994

It went over your head, just go back and reread the chain of replies, see if you can understand what was being said. No need to reply, once you figure it out you'll feel a little embarrassed but it's ok, we've all been there.

>> No.11318000

How does a Mcmuffin missing ingredients mean you give your wife permission to sleep around? Fucking idiot. You should be embarrassed for having your mind in the sewer.

>> No.11318172

OP here surprised my threads still up. Against my better judgment I decided to go to McDs again for a late night snack and to try to smooth things over with the employees. Here's how that went..
>walk into McDs
>the employee on the grill shouted "hey look y'all, it's Doughboy!"
>they all start laughing
>I'm holding a bag of Snickers I bought for them as a peace offering
>I'm flustered because they keep laughing at me
>go up to the counter
>the girl behind the register rolls her eyes and says "what you want now?"
>I order a double quarter pounder with cheese
>she laughs and repeats my order out loud to the other staff
>they start laughing again
>the employee on the grill yells "you always hungry Doughboy"
>I try to play along and force myself to half heartedly laugh
>she tells me the total
>I try to hand her the bag of Snickers but before I can say anything she starts laughing very hard
>she yells "this dude's tryna pay with candy!"
>they're all laughing hysterically now
>my face goes red
>I stutter over and over trying to explain
>blurt out "It's for all of you..."
>she says "why? What did you put in it?
You tryna poison us?" and laughs
>I say no and apologize for complaining about my previous orders
>she doesn't believe me or acknowledge my apology and shoves the Snickers back at me
>she laughs and says "I don't trust that, Doughboy. You gonna pay for your food for real or are you gonna keep playing?"
>start fishing change out of my pocket to pay
>another male employee laughs while pointing at me
>he shouts "don't he look like he gon pull a gun? He looks like a school shooter!"
>all the employees and even a customer behind me are losing their shit at his mean spirited "joke"
>I'm on the verge of tears but I try to act like it doesn't bother me
>ask for a ranch sauce and a BBQ sauce
>she charges me $0.80 for both
>the employee on the burger station yells "Imma fix you up real good, Doughboy! I got you"
>I don't even understand that is supposed to mean

>> No.11318178
File: 274 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20181011_032636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the other male employee points at me again and says "Doughboy LOVES his McDonalds he eats it everyday!" while speaking to the other customer
>the customer laughs and shakes his head
>I'm so humiliated, I just wanted it to end
>stare at the floor until my order is ready
>employee from burger station hands me my food and says "I made it just for you Doughboy, don't let me catch you comin back to bitch bout my cooking" then guffaws
>female cashier says "see you tomorrow, Doughboy" while throwing the sauces on the counter
>struggle to say "my name's Shane"
>they ignore me
>the ranch sauce falls on the floor but I just cut my losses and accept it
>I break down and cry in my car for 15 minutes until I calm down
>break out into tears while driving so I stopped again to cry
>calm down again and manage to drive home
>finally open my burger container and take two big bites
>the burger is undercooked, cold and I suspect it was tampered with (pic related)
>start to feel queasy and end up throwing it up anyways
>not sure if it's my nerves or food posioning, maybe both
>open bag of Snickers and eat 2 before breaking down into tears again
>still upset but no more tears are coming out now
I don't think I deserved any of this. I just want to get what I pay for and enjoy my food in peace it's not fucking fair. I used to look forward to going to McDonalds. It was the highlight of my day, it gave me something to look forward to. Now I'm afraid to even go back or complain to McDonald's corporate about this. I already feel humiliated and powerless, I can't handle another person laughing at me again. It's just not fair. No one should have to deal with this kind of abuse.

>> No.11318200

>I don't think I deserved any of this.
Yes you do.

>> No.11318203

Why? Please explain to me why I deserve to be treated like I'm a piece of shit when I'm really not. If that happened to you the same way I wouldn't say you deserved it at all.

>> No.11318217

Because you eat at McDonalds 3 meals a day.

>> No.11318228

I only do that for one day of the week, usually Monday... it's a ritual I've done since I was a kid.
Even if I ate McDonalds every day I don't deserve to be bullied and intimidated by the employees, no one does...

>> No.11318288

McDonalds didn't become the number 1 fast food chain in the world by serving "shitty garbage". The food is amazing, it's the employees that make it bad.

>> No.11318437

I'm sorry this happened to you. I'd cook you a double burger at the speedway I work at

>> No.11318457

Buying them candy is very autistic. I'd also complain to corporate and just never go back there for that burger. Fuck them.

>> No.11318595

>everything popular is gud

>> No.11318614

No bad girl.
Never look at the camera, look away.
Face height? Really?
Put your phone down and angle it up towards you next time.

>> No.11318617

Calm down Recluse and stop eating so much McDonalds

>> No.11318632

Spend a year getting into shape, as fit as possible. Then go back in one day and just order something, try and get the girl to mire you, flirt with her a bit then when she wants you, just straight out reject her. Do excersises while imagining their faces, let the hate and shame make you a monster. MOG the bitch.
No, wait, better. Get her on a date with you. Tell her it’s a surprise and to dress nice. Then take her to the McDonald’s, call her grease girl and ask what she wants to eat.

>> No.11318634

Continue writing The Doughboy Chronicles. You'll land a major book deal and McDonald's will give you a gold card for free shit because of the negative publicity.

>> No.11318680


>> No.11319022
File: 1.33 MB, 220x217, 39B60D64-15E9-4846-A851-52F784D23A44.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am getting better service from an american company in Europe than burgers get in their homeland

>> No.11319088

Not him, but some people don't have the luxury of having multiple McDonald's stores around. If you only have one your basically forced to go there.
t. Anon from Minnesota

>> No.11319101

If its in Europe than its not a American company

>> No.11319107

or you know, don't go to McDicks

>> No.11319120

I went to McDonald's today and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of the McDonald's restaurant or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to McDonald's for dinner tonight and got a McChicken combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a fast food employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.11319156

I don't go to "McDicks", I go to McDonalds. You need to stop inserting your latent homosexuality into every conversation you have.

>> No.11319169
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>implying latent

>> No.11319176

The only person I ever knew that called McDonald "McDicks" was a broad.

>> No.11319194

She seems really sweet and you seem like a total cunt.

Getting bent out of shape about minimum wage fast food employees professionalism is a total gaywad thing to do.

And God forbid you make a little small talk so these employees feel a little less faceless and alienated as they go through their shitty daily canned routine.

If you are such a big important man that you can't be bothered by the peasants then at least eat somewhere upscale.

>> No.11319201

>Being this fresh out of reddit

>> No.11319289 [DELETED] 

>no one wants to do slave jobs so not sure why you expect good servixe for shit money.

Slave job? Is it just niggers or do a lot of people find working at McDonald's difficult? Typically when I rarely find a mostly white staff the servixe is great. Only when nigs run the show do you get shitty attitudes, fucked up orders and piss poor service. Are you really that fucking lazy?

I worked as a fucking stucco laborer in the hot South FL heat for years at $11 an hour. I didn't complain because I knew I didn't deserve a penny more for a job that required barely any skill and no mental capacity whatsoever. Stop bitching about flipping burgers and dealing with customers.

If you can't provide good service in a job a literal child can do then kill yourself now. You won't make it in the real world.

>> No.11319298
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I'm so fucking glad you entitled, uneducated cunts are being replaced by automation.

>> No.11319344

Tbh I haven't been to a McDonald since they started making this transition. Literally the only social good that comes out of that place is employing societies least qualified people and keeping them off welfare, but even that's disappearing

>> No.11319345

its october dude

>> No.11319476

I'm not the other guy, but fuck, you're dense as shit, please kys yourself

>> No.11320155

Hi newfriend.
Enjoying your first day on 4cham ?

>> No.11320183

Post lips

>> No.11320189
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>> No.11320194

I must have missed the part when the cooks were automated too

>> No.11320306

the only thing i like about them is that no one fucking uses them. if there is a line for normal registers at all, its guaranteed faster. its slower to take your order if theres no one though because its a retarded robot though

>> No.11321236

You are the worst person

>> No.11321302

You both sound ridiculously stupid. It literally makes no sense

>> No.11321322

Niggers are the mayo of the god's nectar.

>> No.11321456

You people are fucking retarded for thinking these stories are real

>> No.11321596

Why are you so angry?

>> No.11321633

See >>11317994

You've misinterpreted an anon mocking an idiot.

>> No.11321642

>I have no idea why we even need human order taking monkeys anymore
If you had a uv light and/or an e-coli testing kit, you'd have a very good idea why.

Even your own touchscreen tends to be filthy, let alone one in a McDonalds.

>> No.11321742

Thanks for the pic, I’m going to have a wank over it now.

>> No.11321745

I've licked several McDonalds touchscreens to spite other customers and the worst thing I got was TB

>> No.11322106

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11322751


Whenever I'm in McDonalds or any fast-food where they have hand-sanitizer, I put a squirt on my phone and wipe it down with one of the 20 napkins they always give you. Keeps my touchscreen nice and clean.

>> No.11322753

usually McDonalds has good service but last time I went was the worst experiences. It was being remodeled and they were still open but they shouldn't have been. Lady took like 20 minutes (srsly) to make 2 smoothies

>> No.11322834

Good day anon,

We understand your concern and aim to resolve this for you, please contact our customer service team.

- McDonalds Support

>> No.11323310

lol, they look mad. what did you do to them?

>> No.11323504

They remodeled a couple of McDs at the same time here. The new buildings look like shit.

>> No.11323534

Chill bro you're talking about his mom

>> No.11324102

i dont use them because you cant add mac sauce to the burgers

>> No.11324139



>> No.11324153

>I'm sorry you had to deal with that... I wish I could have been there to protect you.


>> No.11324418

Why dont you just go to a different mickey ds or just a different place in general? Also if you didnt go to a mcdonalds infested with niggers you wouldnt have this problem. Just go to chick fil a

>> No.11324884

Just because you hate women doesn't mean everyone else does...
Just sayin'.

>> No.11324898

>white knight doesn't realize he's being exactly as misogynist as all the people asking her to post tits by being a creepy overprotective faggot over the internet and implying she needs any help over actions she did herself

>> No.11325415

Why would I want to protect her if I was a misogynist. That makes no sense. I want to protect her and her smile because she is gorgeous, smart and has a great personality.

>> No.11325599
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>muh Dulcinea

>> No.11326460

There's only 1 McDonalds within 30 miles here and its staffed by African americans who bully and intimidate me.
We don't have a Chick Fil A just a wendys

>> No.11326463

show benis

>> No.11326474

It's not misogynist but it could be Male Chauvinist which is probably what anon meant. Male Chauvinism is treating woman like they're inferior, in this case by suggesting that she needs your protection and would be helpless without it. It's not an exact match but white-knighting can edge into that territory sometimes when you focus too much on the 'in distress' part of the damsel.

>> No.11326478

Women are inherently inferior to men.

>> No.11326602

yep, im sure jamal and mahmoud enjoy spitting on your food

>> No.11327208

Ooooh, so edgy and red-pilled.
gb2/r9k/ mr supreme

>> No.11327669

Nah those are niggers mate. Go to Wendys then dummy

>> No.11327672

>facts are edgy
Do you also get triggered when someone says fire is hot?

>> No.11328210

>misogyny is facts
So woke, much red-pill

>> No.11328249


Take your Jewish buzzwords back to /pol/ college boy

>> No.11328283

>words with more than 2 syllables are a jooish trick to make me feel dumb
Hey, Cletus!

>> No.11328285


>> No.11328915
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>Hey, Cletus!

>> No.11328924

Men can't bear children, their boypussies don't ovulate

>> No.11329198

That is why we keep women around. Women will go extinct when artificial wombs become as ubiquitous as a can opener.

>> No.11329457

Because gullible people ruin stuff.

>> No.11329492
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1535378892667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men can't do X
>actually that makes them superior because they can command women to do that for them

>> No.11329506

It's funny because my local mcdonalds just went to these things and I never see anyone using them. People just stare at them confused and proceed to the counter with the person taking their order.
People working there always are surprised when I actually order on the things and ask me if I need any help.
Then again I live in bumfuck flyover USA where people don't like them "scary 'puters takin over everything".

>> No.11329524

He made a good point desu. Roasties like us aren't long for this world, sister.

>> No.11329560

my experience at mcdonalds has been pretty great, all the people there are nice and smiles and greets me, some even know me by name
but then again, I live in an asian country

>> No.11329674

Popularity does not equate to quality. McDonalds is popular because it's readily available, properly marketed, and cheap. The quality is trash, and you even imply that McDonald's is shit in your post in the OP. don't go to a shitty chain and get mad when they throw shit at you. You should expect that, especially given how cheap it is.

>> No.11329982


>> No.11330247

You live in a homogeneous white area of America.

>> No.11330299

And you can fuck off fat piece of shit

>> No.11330442


>> No.11330465

>Sit in traffic for an hour and a half
>Finally get to eat your fries
>They're cold
Why would McDonalds do this?

>> No.11330558

Seriously. People want their fries warm and crispy. NOT cold and mushy.

>> No.11330576

This. When I order McDonalds i always get cold as fuck fries.

>> No.11330594

Why does this always happen? I've never got warm Ftench frys from McDonalds

>> No.11330954

This. McDs frys are always cold as fuck

>> No.11332315

I'm sorry this happened to you, Anon. I hope you will be able to enjoy a meal in a comfortable setting that meets your standards someday. That being said, please understand that there are extremely lonely people in this world who would have appreciated the kind gesture of acknowledgement. I understand that it may have thrown you off your daily routine, but it would have made my day.

>> No.11332342

I'm pretty sure OP is an actual psychopath

>> No.11332410

That's the price you pay for being hot though.

>> No.11332460

I hate seeing faces in everything because this made me lol

>> No.11332471

>golden crispy brown

>> No.11332487

Let me tell you the ONLY reason we still have actual people instead of automated kiosks is for boomers because they don't want to tell a computer their order. They want to have to repeatedly yell it a a very high teenager who is completely indifferent to you and your attitude who will fuck up your order at the first chance because there is a high chance you won't complain and they deal with hundreds of people a day.

>> No.11332499

Only a matter of time. Honestly it'd be nice to have a consistent mcdonalds burger. With being able to dial in pretty much everything, quality should go up.

>> No.11332503

I also live in a flyover state but people being that retarded would still be baffling. What state exactly?

>> No.11332513

Did daddy not buy you a pony you massive faggot

>> No.11332524

I'm not sure of your level of autism but just so you know, sounds like she was trying to build rapport with your oblivious ass.

>> No.11332530

Nah faggot, he gave me his absence.

>> No.11332539

Can you blame him? You are an embarrassment and no one wants a retard for a kid

>> No.11332569

the only embarrassment is trying to bait random faggots on a weaponese crafting forum

>> No.11332582

guys youre not giving OP the attention he so desperately craves for LARPing anymore

>> No.11332584
File: 328 KB, 1232x2200, 1AAA3516-55FF-47FF-A6E9-2791CCA0269A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast food workers are some of the most retarded motherfuckers I’ve ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Most to all of them deserve to be executed in the streets.

>> No.11332606

I'm glad you admit you are an embarrassment now maybe grow up and stop blaming your dad for your failures

>> No.11332609

you messed it up. you said the cashier said “see you tomorrow”

>> No.11332618
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>> No.11332622


>Fast food workers are some of the most retarded motherfuckers I’ve ever had the displeasure of interacting with.

Only thing scummier are the people who eat there

>> No.11332633

Only thing that can be worse are bartenders. They are so fucking entitled.

>> No.11332634


>> No.11332644

Where do people on /ck/ run into so many obnoxious bartenders? Is that just a coastal thing?

>> No.11332649

Hmm.....maybe. Its always pricks that make too much money bartending. The way they treat kitchen staff is worse than wait staff. Thinking theyre irreplacable until theyre not.

>> No.11332739

All jokes asside, if you're serious contact head office and tell them whats going on. Mention that the Manager on duty is not controlling their employees, and you are feeling extremely harassed and verbally assaulted. I work in head office and would LOVE to go over to stores run like this and set them straight. The franchisees always bend over and take whatever I give them. I can't just go and do it on a whim, though.

>> No.11333299

Why do you get trolled so easily

>> No.11333346


>The way they treat kitchen staff

The sense of entitlement of these college retards with no skills so they end up bussing tables and they get mad that a bartender with a 90 iq is better than them and makes them do their jobs

>> No.11333666

i live next to one of the best mcdonalds ever. u have full inlook into the kitchen. you just go into one of the automats and order the food you want, they cook it and place it on the counter, thjey dont even yell because u got a big screen with your ticket number on it. it is amazing.

>> No.11333762

That sounds incredible. The ultimate dining experience. You're so lucky, never take that McDonalds for granted.

>> No.11333809

well, that McDonalds was notoriuously shitty for 2 years, and then the machines came and just cleaned up the entire place pretty much.

>> No.11333833

Why's that?

>> No.11333864

Kill yourself. You don't deserve such a magnanimous McDonalds franchise you ungrateful piece of shit.

>> No.11333867

brb gonna go over there now and get my order exactly how i like it, without even having to talk to anyone!

>> No.11333870


take pictures and complain - they will literally give you a bunch of free shit and fire the retard doing it.

>> No.11333873

Fuck you, fuck you so much. You don't deserve such pleasantries. I hope they get your order wrong you fucking faggot.

>> No.11333905

>take pictures and complain
That's what the entire thread is about.
>they will literally give you a bunch of free shit and fire the retard doing it.
Nothing has happened yet. I went there for breakfast and just left when they started chanting "Doughboy".

>> No.11333923

>Thread is literally about how niggers are destroying mcDonalds in the US.
Not every european country is overrun by 56percenters like yours.

>> No.11333942

You are fucking retarded for not thinking we aren't all just playing along and enjoying the lulz.
KYS yourself brainless faggot.

>> No.11334159

I tried calling the McDonalds corporate line to tell them about my complaint, but the girl snickered at me when I told her that they keep calling me Doughboy so I got really mad about that and slammed my home phone down as hard as I could which cracked the screen on the reciever and my step dad got really mad at me even though I tried to explain the situation to him he took away my Switch controllers and banned me from using the home phone. I might try calling them back today since he's not home, but I can't be held responsible for what I do if they laugh at me again.

>> No.11334169 [DELETED] 

>280 replies


>> No.11334182

It's a good thread, reddit

>> No.11334203 [DELETED] 
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>thread about some indian roastie buying mcdonalds is a good thread

>> No.11334247

Yeah that's what I said, retard.

>> No.11334256 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11334274

The roast wasn't the one who made the thread.
It's a good thread with multiple convos here, we got the mcdonalds story, roastie posted her feet, redpill discussion, racism, doughboy and couple stories. Just screen cap this faggot shit and post it on the website you came from

>> No.11334280

Nice selfie

>> No.11334302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11334378

I'm the "roastie" from >>11307446 >>11307487 and I can't believe people thought I was the OP lol thank you for clarifying for these people. I'm not even Indian btw

>> No.11334385 [DELETED] 

post pussy

>> No.11334391

I was gay until I saw that foot pic

>> No.11334394 [DELETED] 

marry me

>> No.11334410

Hot bread produces steam in the wrapping melting the cheese mongo

>> No.11334597

Do you have a shread of evidance to back this up? Post proof

>> No.11334981
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>step-dad insists on getting McDonalds for dinner because "it's my favorite"
>try to explain why I hate McDonalds now
>he won't listen even though I'm pleading with him
>get to the drive thru
>sitting in the backseat trying to obscure my face by using my karate belt as a headband
>step-dad orders me a cheeseburger and a Big Mac combo for him
>get to the first window where I'm immediately recognized by the girl cashier
>all the employees start hooting and hollering "Doughboy" while laughing hysterically
>my step-dad leans back and says "are these your friends?"
>I try to say no but my face is buried in my arms out of embarassment
>get to the second window
>the African American grill cook leans out the window and starts talking to my step-dad
>he's asking personal questions like if I still live at home, have a gf or a job
>my step-dad literally says "Shane mostly stays in his room playing video games. I've never seen him really talk to a girl besides [my mom]"
>the employee starts laughing and walks back into the kitchen yelling out what my step-dad said
>another employee hands us our food while the grill cook leans over and says "ENJOY YOUR BURGER, DOUGHBOY. I MADE IT JUST THE WAY YOU LIKE IT"
>my step-dad says thanks and starts driving off
>the employees are all laughing extremely hard, loud enough we heard them while at the end of the parking lot
>my step-dad says "they seem nice. I can see why you like going there."
>I just want to die at this point
>I start bashing my head against the headrest as hard as I can
>my step-dad pulls over as I burst into tears
>he tries to talk to me but I'm hysterical and can barely talk
>he drives home while I'm bawling the entire time
>when we get home he implies to my mom that I'm mentally ill
>storm up to my room and slam my door
>unwrap my burger
>pic related, someone already took 2 bites out the fucking thing
I am never going back to a McDonalds ever again. Ever.

>> No.11335069

As unbelievable as that story sounds, I believe it's realistic for a fair percent of this board.

>> No.11335206

My life is a living hell and I wouldn't wish this on any one. Whats unbelievable is that the stores managers don't care and join in on berating me for no reason. I can't even cry tears anymore I just end up dry heaving.

>> No.11335234


>> No.11335241

Seconded. I need to know, even if it’s fake and gay.

>> No.11335244

lmao doughboy

>> No.11335270

fake or not, I enjoyed this thread. thanks, doughboy

>> No.11335495

Are your referencing that Goose meme or are you just retatted

>> No.11335516

What the fuck does the duckroll meme have to do with anything?

>> No.11335517

>I wouldn't wish this on any one
lmao nigga just go to a different mcdonalds. damn

>> No.11335997

That's easier said then done

>> No.11336080

My name is Shane and I wish my ordeal was fake. I can't sleep thinking about it

>> No.11336116
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You are a nice young fella Shane, I hope you get to go to a nice McDonalds one day

>> No.11336580

I live in Japan and I would never eat food that a black person touches that's super fucking gross.

>> No.11337016

I live in Japan and I think it's because we don't have niggers and I'm bieng like 100% serious

>> No.11337065

For now they're just there so you have a chance to get used to them before they replace the entire back of house with a robotic conveyor belt.

Eventually every mcdonalds will just be an ominous glowing food cube with your orders dispensed from a chute.

>> No.11338508
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I drove 45 minutes to another McDonalds that had GOOD reviews. I already missed breakfast AND lunch so I wanted to treat myself to some glazed chicken tenders. When I walked up to the counter this is what I saw! Wtf McDonalds? Can you do ANYTHING right?

>> No.11338519

I went to McDonald's earlier today and thought about this thread, glad to see it's still up. Lmao

>> No.11338591
File: 232 KB, 1152x2048, McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you eat, anon?
For me? It's the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.
It should be illegal to run out of the food you're advertising. It's false advertising, pure and simple.

>> No.11338615

>shit money.

ungrateful piece of shit... you just got lucky to get born as ancestors of slave in a first world country.

Try working for 4$/h in country where gasoline cost 2$ per liter.

>> No.11338623

Honestly that happens easily if you don't know how to fill the fries properly or are in a rush and don't realize. Basically the fries like to stand on each other but an jostle on the car ride home will make them settle on the bottom. It's why my place tends to over stuff them

>> No.11338624
File: 348 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20181015_153903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDonalds was out of chicken tenders so instead I ordered a crispy ranch snack wrap because they don't have them at the McDonalds near me
>cashier says they're out of chicken tenders
>tell her I know that, I can read and that's why I ordered the crispy ranch snack wrap
>she shrugs and finishes my order
>drive 45 minutes home
>only eat the fries on the drive back
>get home
>unwrap snack wrap
>there's no fucking chicken
Why do I even bother giving them a 7th chance when all they do is shit on me for no good reason?
That looks delicious. I'm so hungry I picked the lettuce off my wrap and ate the rest. I wish I would have just gotten a burger instead but we all know they would mess it up anyways.

>> No.11338648

I had a thing for a free mcflurry and redeemed it.
You do know that the chicken tenders are what they use for those wraps, right?

>> No.11338664

>You do know that the chicken tenders are what they use for those wraps, right?
Well now I do. I'm driving back to get a refund because this is bullshit.

>> No.11338697

Fucking hell Doughboy, this is exactly why you deserve to get bullied.

>> No.11339504
File: 84 KB, 972x1021, IMG_20181015_190102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't call me that. My name is Shane.
I went back and they gave me a burned burger in return for not giving me chicken on the crispy ranch snack wrap. I got home again and it turns out that the patty is raw. Raw! I don't want to have to drive back for the 3rd time today but at this point its a matter of integrity.