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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11305966 No.11305966 [Reply] [Original]

>Americans devour trash filled with plastic softeners, corn syrup, pesticides, transfats etc. without a second thought
>deathly afraid of eating something that has been out of the fridge for a few hours

Care to explain?

>> No.11305983


>> No.11306024

I mean he's technically not wrong. People are way too sensitive and retarded these days.

>> No.11306061
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>> No.11306067

It's not fear, a lot or foods will taste terrible if they're left out at room temperature.

>> No.11306074

>Care to explain?
We were the first country to heavily industrialize food production. Most people here are multiple generations removed from actual cooking. We've had modern conveniences like fridges for a very long time. As a result, people are used to industrial slop and have lost cooking skills. Isn't that kind of obvious?

>> No.11306570


>> No.11306580
File: 12 KB, 259x194, Flyover Cities - Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis, etc, etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's not pretend that most of 'merica isn't a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.11306584


>> No.11306647

FDA Jewiness of the 50's was crammed down boomers throats and they believed it
I only recently managed convince my mother that you could eat a fucking a rare steak or pink pork by printing out the research

>> No.11306658

>niggers and spics
>real Americans
They make up a disproportionate enough population that they throw basically every statistic in their direction and make all of America look like shit
>be an Anglo-American
>live inna suburb
>come home from work to a nice home cooked roast
>meanwhile only a few miles away the beaners are having a fiesta with their seven kids chowing down on buckets of junk food because me food stamps

>> No.11307286

>american population isn't america 'cause they're americans b-but have a different skin tone
Were you really homeschooled by evangelicals? What are you studying at Fallwells Liberty University?

>> No.11307318

I don't even understand your logic there m8
I went to public school and come from a family of productive immigrants, thats why I consider these tribal fucks un-American

>> No.11307321

filthy living conditions

>> No.11307336

OP is a raging goatfucking faggot confirmed

>> No.11307364

more like
>be an Anglo-American
>live inna quiet, boring suburb
>come home from work to a home cooked roast that I had to prepare myself
>meanwhile only a few miles away the beaners are having a great time with their family chowing down on delicious food and spending quality time together with friends and family while I sit here alone in my house seething in anger because some minorities are in my vicinity

>> No.11307492


>> No.11307496


>> No.11307800

It's just the cities, like San Francisco where they literally shit on the streets. Cities are cancerous tumors that need to be destroyed.

>> No.11307835

Most Americans aren't really afraid of eating things that have been outside the fridge for a few hours

>> No.11307841


>> No.11307855

You mean the entire world?

>> No.11307923

I had bad chocolate milk that was a few days expired when i was 10. Ate nothing else that morning but not even an hour after drinking it I spent the next four hours keeled over in a bathroom stall with excruciating pain like someone set off a car bomb in my guts.

So yes I do avoid stuff out of the fridge a few days. Because the other shit hasn't tried to outright kill me in a day

>> No.11307933

>literally a childhood trauma is preventing from using your brain


>> No.11307944


why amerikan children have this shitty meme of "chocolate milk"? why dont you just fucking buy the COCOA powder and make some cocoa? does american cocoa powder, despite being the biggest fucking industrialised food country, NOT have cocoa powder that dissolves in cold milk or something?

you have to be fucking retarded to drink pre-flavoured-chocolate-milk holy shit fuck amerikkka

>> No.11307966

Marketing, duh.
Not that I defend it.

>> No.11307985

>Care to explain?
Easy. They're stupid.

>> No.11307996

We do have cocoa powder and I have had chocolate milk like that before. But when you're out and about you're not gonna go to the local store and buy a spoonful of powder, you buy choclate milk.

Aparently people dont think things through much across the pond

>> No.11308730

Based Europoster

>> No.11309011

It’s not all cities that are cancerous
Just American ones, mongoloid

>> No.11309035

I don't get this meme.

>Someone not from america brings up a genuinely concerning habit of americans


*eats another plastic frozen dinner*

>> No.11309392

I would love to nuke the city of St*ckholm to oblivion and in a minute wipe out most of Sweden's problems.

>> No.11309393


>> No.11309432

American hygienist obsession stemmed from the late 19th century, with the whole social hygiene movement. It wasn't only about social measures, since it also affected food and eating behavior. Combined with moral puritanism, it hasn't changed that much since then.
Thing is, back then, food weren't as additive-rich as today.

>> No.11309433

>He willingly doesn't follow proper food handling guidelines
Enjoy your Hershey squirts weakling

>> No.11309446
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>> No.11309451

>not buying a whole pack of cocao and a gallon of milk
>wasting money on single-serving products

>> No.11309473

>trying this hard to cover the fact that zhe's so obsessed

It's OK sweetie

>> No.11310806

Food is cheap as fuck here so why would eat spoiled stuff when we could literally just buy more? In Europe you can't eat bread after a day because it gets stale and nasty due to lack of "muh preservatives."

>> No.11310825

>Preservatives and sweeteners
>Clostridium Perfringens

>> No.11310834

my boomer mother is deathly convinced that anything past the expiry date has spoiled and needs to be thrown away immediately

i actually got very angry with her because she discards alot of my lesser used stuff like miso paste without telling me

>> No.11310867

it's about the same price either way. who cares?

>> No.11310871

that's funny, my boomer father will eat year old yogurt and other nasty shit like that...I mean a few months after the date is fine but a year plus is kind of foul

>> No.11310878

Why bother mixing it yourself? It's about the same either way.

>> No.11310885

>just American ones
He says, conveniently ignoring shitpits like London and Paris, among many others

>> No.11311042


>> No.11311089

FDA guidelines are for ensuring that even people with immune system issues aren't going to get sick from eating at restaurants. Most people assume that the guidelines are for average healthy people though, which isn't really their fault.

>> No.11311100

literally WW2 sparked the processed food move
USDA propaganda caused the "fon't eat food left out of the fridge" meme