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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 530 KB, 2500x1667, salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11303795 No.11303795 [Reply] [Original]

Salmon is the only good fish other than lake perch I dare you to try and dispel this notion

>> No.11303815
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Go down to Palmetto Seafood on Assembly St in Downtown Columbia SC and pick you out a fresh Mullet... They'll dress it and fry it up HOT in about 20 minutes... Don'git no better'n dat, whiboi.

>> No.11303820

Trout is delicious so no.

>> No.11303826

salmon is the most basic bitch fish there is.
whats next? going to tell us how good pumpkin spice is?

>> No.11303835


>> No.11303836

oven cooked hake you degenerate fucking retard

>> No.11303859

Walleye, you simpleton.

>> No.11303883

this honestly does not look good, that breading is trash

>> No.11303902

fried ling is pretty tasty desu

>> No.11303911

I like halibut with a nice lemon or grapefruit beure blanc or a fat snook.

>> No.11303918

most fish tastes pretty similar apart from tuna and sardines and stuff

>> No.11303957

Australian flathead is beautiful

>> No.11303965

The only correct answer is ruby red snapper

>> No.11303966

Halibut is overrated. Catfish can me made better.
Salmon is good- versatile more than anything else. I can't think of another fish that's top-tier smoked, grilled, or raw.
I've cooked in several Alaskan restaurants and fish is.. more similar than people think.

>> No.11304022


>> No.11304139

>lake perch
You mean thumpers? Several species of panfish put up a better fight, have better flavor, and have less parasites.

You should really enjoy the variety of flavors you can pull in from clean waters though. We should all agree there are many great freshwater fish and a few good ocean fish.

>> No.11304180

Swipe you a can of DEENZ, bitch

>> No.11304235

>willingly going to south niggerlina

lol no

>> No.11304240

Never heard of a Pike before? Guess you're just dumb.

>> No.11304360

red snapper is the fuckin b0mb
especially fried

>> No.11304576

grouper, cobia, snook are the three best eating fish on the planet and you're a fucking retard if you think otherwise

>> No.11304586

Mahi Mahi is the perfect mix of oily and flakey

>> No.11304593
File: 48 KB, 636x424, Pendley-Recipe-Old-Fashioned-Fried-Bluegill-10-15-dontbeafraidtotrythecrispytailsandfintips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11304596

Howdy son, let's go noodling together with your uncle that sexually abused you last Thanksgiving.

>> No.11304601

>Urbanite fag (most likely jewish) projects his own childhood sexual trauma onto mentally balanced, based and redpilled suburban and rural poster

>> No.11304602

hello, 2016 cancer.
All of your assumptions are wrong.

>> No.11304607


>> No.11304608


>> No.11304609


>> No.11304630

>this post

that's a "yikes" from me, dawg

>> No.11305636
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>> No.11305647

Care to make an actual argument?

>> No.11305665


>no swordfish

guys, seriously?

>> No.11305682

Not everybody likes fish at all. How do you like it cooked? I really don’t care for fall off the bone salmon or trout. It’s just a vehicle for lemon, butter and tarragon

>> No.11305768

>what is fluke

>> No.11305799

>What is crappie?
>What is walleye?
>What are sunnies?
>What is trout?"

>> No.11305919

I'll give you walley and trout, but crappie is an overrated meme and "sunnies" I've never even heard of, is it retarded inbred minnesotan speech?

>> No.11305976

branzino is pretty damn tasty

>> No.11305986
File: 482 KB, 932x2303, What are sunfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never heard of sunfish?

>> No.11305992
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>> No.11305999

Nothing beats kippers and butter.

>> No.11306004

I don't disagree with you but that looks like a pain in the ass to eat.
I can see the bones sticking out through the breading. I have to pick it clean like I'm a damn animal.

>> No.11306008
File: 49 KB, 468x317, 252BCE04-4091-4E6A-B518-641E00AB9F85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11306020

>fish is.. more similar than people think.
I agree. Part of the reason I like fish is that I don't need to worry if something isn't on the menu. If a place only has salmon, that's great. If they only have halibut? That's fine too. Weird shrimp dishes? I hope they know how to cook them properly!

>> No.11306040

with brown bread and butter...
.... and a cup of tea.... and some black pepper and lemon to squeeze over the kippers.
it shouldn't be microwaved. end of

>> No.11306072
File: 249 KB, 900x600, cod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*teleports behind salmon*
>Heh, nothin personell, pinkshit

>> No.11306075

White fish

>> No.11306087

Shark, tuna, sardine, swordfish, tilapia, mackerel, anchovt, and catfish are all pretty good

>> No.11306103

Pike isn't that great anon

>> No.11306108

Shark is a meme, you idiot

>> No.11306237
File: 552 KB, 1284x856, mithc thomas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crappie is an overrated meme
You are very clearly retarded. Please do not reproduce.
>"sunnies" I've never even heard of
This is why we need eugenics.

>> No.11306261

I've only eaten sea perch and I'm not too crazy about it, it's kinda tough. Favourite fish is roasted gilthead bream and pangasius for soups

>> No.11306271


>> No.11306275

Honestly, salmon isn't even that good either. Fish is meat for people that can't afford better meat.

>> No.11306276

Indeed I have, caught my share of them too! Just never heard them referred to in 2 yo nursery babble speech as "sunnies."

>> No.11306277

I almost bought some equador shark steaks. I have no idea how to cook that

>> No.11306289
File: 95 KB, 600x600, V01091_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11306318

Oh man, I love a smoked (or is it corned? I forget ) mackerel in my legume soup. So good

>> No.11306323

People like to complain that catfish is too fatty but that's exactly why I love it.

>> No.11306325

Don't forget them 'chovies. I would eat whole jars of 'chovies by themselves as a kid.

>> No.11306561
File: 128 KB, 1600x1024, IMG_5747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halibut is always over $20/lb at my local stores (and i'm on a coast). i like halibut, but not for $20+/lb.

>> No.11306590

Only proper wild salmon is great. Farmed salmon is a grey lice ridden varmint died pink.

Otherwise, what is:
Dover Sole
Red Mullet
John Dory

>> No.11306599


>> No.11306607
File: 122 KB, 750x554, Walleye-Websitejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's fish and chips made with walleye fillets. Even better if I caught and cooked the fish.

>> No.11306676
File: 96 KB, 720x960, Catfish sammitch, and tots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catfish is delicious

>> No.11306718

Who the fuck keeps saying shark? It tastes like piss soaked leather.

>> No.11306749

Rainbow trout is the fish for me.

>> No.11307204

And you probably fillet it like an okie drooliing over a channel cat instead of cooking it whole. You flyovers should be rounded up and confined within walls built around Mississippi and your vacated lands opened up for fresh blood immigration.l

>> No.11307219

Why does every motherfucking fish shop refuse to salt the fish BEFORE it's fucking battered and only sprinkle on a few flakes at the end?

>> No.11307233

I used to hate white fish, but now I really like it. People say that your taste buds become less sensitive when you get older, but I like a lot of more subtle flavours now. Just a simple steamed cod can taste great.
Also raw tuna, or just seared on the outside.

>> No.11307718

>leaves the fin on

>> No.11307719

>he's never had grilled catfish

>> No.11307722

haha ok mister big boy

>> No.11307737

mahi mahi and tuna are good but ya that's about it

>> No.11307741

according to this thread only deep fried makes fish delicious. yikes.

>> No.11307742

Yeah the topic was what other fish is good, not what fish is best for its pricepoint

>not catching it yourself

>> No.11307756

Are you high? Swordfish, mahi mahi, tuna, cod, and catfish are all excellent. Go home and be a family man OP

>> No.11307949

Trout absorbs so much mercury and so much other toxic substances (at least here in PA) that the state recommends you don't eat them regardless, but if you really want too, they recommend like a trout a month or something like that

>> No.11308435

Everything in PA is loaded with mercury. Between Three Mile Island, 100 years of steel making, and the dumbfuckery that is the yinzer life, it's a miracle you're able to operate a car.

>> No.11308513


>the year of our Lord 2018
>still being worried about mercury content in fish

Grow up, guys

>> No.11308636

first you tell us why pumpkin spice is bad

>> No.11308644
File: 21 KB, 500x500, atlantic-mackerel-fish-500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you people say, mackerel is the best fish.

>> No.11308680

>I think nuclear radiation is delicious.
Grow up, dipshit.

>> No.11308696

This. I can eat this shit all day. Fuck it, I'm having broiled mackerel tomorrow.

>> No.11308953
File: 983 KB, 1920x1254, Pla_thapthim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the name but it's delicious

>> No.11309369

I'm struggling to think of a regular eating fish I don't enjoy more than salmon. Hence why it's cooked like your pic where you have zero chance of actually tasting it.

>> No.11309371

>and I'm on a coast
You see that picture you posted?
You see the part where it says ALASKAN?
Fucking retard. Buy LOCAL fish you fucking dipshit.

>> No.11309434
File: 100 KB, 640x420, animals-barramundi-slide2-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barramundi masterrace here

>> No.11309454

I love mackerel, I like them from a can I fish them in the fall and I like them cooked any way they are done.

>> No.11309477


>> No.11309501


>> No.11309605
File: 594 KB, 1536x2048, E0E9CE6D-FE1E-4587-A8D0-A0B4A03CF48A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path* behold the altantic bonito. Sorry, gotta catch one yourself if you intend to eat god’s greatest creation

>> No.11309608
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Swordfish_Species_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly bitch

>> No.11309831

Try not living in PA; the water quality where I live is incredibly high.

>> No.11309930

Depends on the water on the water you're pulling them from, I wouldn't follow those blanket guidelines

>> No.11310012

Sole meunière is pretty good, so are grilled fresh deenz and grilled red goatfish. Tuna with a caper/onion/tomato sauce is also not bad.
t. Southern Frenchfag

>> No.11310215
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>> No.11310223

Winners as long as it’s wild caught

>> No.11310226

Tuna, sea bass, cod and catfish are fucking good too along with the occasional halibut.

>> No.11310561

I'm in Seattle, so Alaska is pretty local. We get a lot of fish from Alaska here that isn't $25/lb. I'm just curious who is actually paying $25/lb for fucking halibut. They wouldn't stock it consistently at the grocery store if no one was buying it.

>> No.11311677

A little salmon goes a long way. Chilean Sea Bass is good. Cod is good. Raw or seared tuna is good.

>> No.11311694


>> No.11311723

For me it is the haddock, but it has to be fikkun. The best fish.

>> No.11311797
File: 17 KB, 640x640, 1520738977341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuna is best fish

>> No.11312107

No-one's salmon comes out looking like that in the OP. It's fucking overrated.

>> No.11312121

>>bluegill master race reporting in

>> No.11312252

Rainbow Trout is the best fish.

>> No.11312285

hake is literally no taste. very little "fishy taste" little fat, all protein. it's a good cook's wet dream though - you can do anything with it and how good it is is a direct reflection of how good your technique is.

sockeye or king salmon on the other hand - you literally can't fuck it up for a quick meal unless you intend to. if it comes flash frozen eat it raw. if it's fresh pop it in the oven.

i want to try arctic char

>> No.11313902

Grilled turbot is godly

>> No.11313916
File: 1.05 MB, 3264x1836, 20170128_130443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salted hake master race

>> No.11314082

Pretentious garbage

>> No.11314290

I unironically like salted cod more than fresh fish

>> No.11314304


>> No.11314366

To be honest I have no idea what fish I'm eating half the time but I'd say there's a lot of tasty fish. Catfish can be pretty good and I had some good redfish at one of those chain restaurants that most of us flyovers consider "fancy".

>> No.11314510


>no napkin under thecutlery
>savages everywhere

>> No.11315156

Salmon also display very high amounts of heavy metals because they are apex predators, congrats on being illiterate.

Just lol

>> No.11315304

came here to say this